Kai Romanoff

By waveylays

346K 10.7K 1K

When Clint Barton found Natasha Romanoff that special day in Budapest, he also found her with a little girl... More

Authors Note


3.3K 112 20
By waveylays

The students, teaches and families were all in the stands cheering as the champions walked out.
" Silence! Earlier today Professor Moody planted the Tri-Wizard Cup somewhere deep in the maze. Only he knows where it is. Whoever is the first to retrieve it will be the Tri-Wizard Champion. The first to enter the Maze will be Mister Diggory, Mister Potter and Miss Romanoff being in the lead. Then Mister Krum, followed by Miss Delacour. If any student wishes to be removed from the maze all they need do is shoot red sparks into the air." Dumbledore explained.

Cheering erupted again.
" Champions gather around. Inside the maze you will not face dragons or any magical creatures. Take care, because I'm the maze people change. Find the cup if you can but be ware you might lose yourself on the way." Dumbledore told them.
Kai stood there dumbfounded. Why was there always some kinda damn riddle.

Harry, Kai and Cedric stood by an entrance. The canon went off signaling that they could enter. Harry grabbed Kai's hand and interlocked their fingers.
" Together." Harry said.
" Together." Kai nodded.
They walked in the maze. They both turned to see the shrubbery closing behind them. They saw Moody point to the left.

They turned away and started walking around the maze.
" Ya know I like this task. It's simple. It's like a corn maze." Kai said.
" You're not even a little nervous?" Harry asked.
" No? It's just shrubbery and fog. This is nature Harry. It's a special kind of magic. The kind of magic I totally rock with." Kai told him.
" Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Harry chuckled.

" They have a corn maze in Iowa, where Clint lives. Laura always claims it's her favorite place to go on dates with Clint. We could go there, during the summer. I could send you a plane ticket and you could come visit." Kai suggested.
" That actually sounds very lovely." Harry told her.
Kai smiled at him but it soon dropped as they heard an scream. They both turned around towards the sound.

" That sounded like Fleur." Kai said before rushing off the direction they heard the scream.
Harry right behind her as they looked for her. Kai had her wand lit up as she searched the ground through the fog. Suddenly Harry pushed her back against the wall. Viktor appeared shining his wand at them. His eyes were grey and cloudy. He stayed like that for a second before walking off.

" What the fuck-" Kai started.
" He's enchanted." Harry told her.
They heard a whimper and Kai saw Fleur being pulled into the maze. She rushed over to her and pulled her dagger out. She grabbed Fleur's hand and started pulling her out while cutting her lose with her other hand. Harry sent up red sparks and helped Kai pull Fleur out of the maze wall and back into the small clearing.

" Should we wait with her?" Kai asked.
" No, we have to keep going. They'll be here in a minute. Come on." Harry told her as he helped her up.
They started walking through the maze again. A whirling sound caught their attention. A huge gust off wind started blowing at them. They started running but then the walls started closing in on them.

" Through here, jump." Harry told her jumping through a hole.
Kai followed after him, barely making it. They both landed on their asses and watched the shrubbery completely close up.
" Are you alright?" Harry asked as they stood.
" Yeah, I'm good. Are you okay?" Kai asked.
" Yeah." Harry nodded.

Kai dusted herself off and Harry looked down the path.
" Kai look." Harry said.
Kai turned and saw the cup glowing in the distance. Before they could go get it Krum appeared behind them shouting a spell.
" Get down!" Cedric shouted.
Kai pulled Harry down as they shout spells back and forth. Cedric ended up shooting Viktor back. He ran towards him and kicked his wand away and Harry and Kai stood.

Cedric went to hex Viktor but Harry stopped him.
" Cedric stop he's enchanted!" Harry told him turning to take away his wand.
" Get off me!" Cedric pushed him off.
They both saw the cup and started running off.
" Why the fuck y'all runnin'?" Kai asked still standing her place.

She let out an overdramatic groan and walked after them. When she found them Harry and grabbed onto Cedric's shirt and ripped it, trying to slow him down. Suddenly roots from the ground started coming out and grabbing onto their ankles. This time they all started running.

Harry was able to out run them but Cedric got caught and tripped. They wrapped around him. Kai being behind them ran towards Cedric. Again she pulled out her dagger and tried cutting the roots off Cedric.
" Help! Kai help!" Cedric shouted.
" I'm trying Ced-if only this damn roots would stop fucking moving so aggressively!" Kai cursed the roots.

" Reducto!" Harry shouted.
Most of the roots blasted off and Kai was able to pull Cedric up. The roots went away and Kai sighed in relief. Harry joined them.
" Are you alright?" Harry asked.
" Yeah. Thanks. Both of you." Cedric told them.
" Of course." Kai said.
" For a second there I-I thought you were going to let it get me." Cedric told Harry.
" For a second so did I." Harry admitted

" Some game huh." Cedric said.
" Some game." Harry agreed.
" What the hell happened to y'all. It was so dramatic for no reason." Kai said.
" How-how are you still ya know that same?" Cedric asked.
" I don't know, maybe cause I'm not a fucking nerd." Kai said.

The wind picked up again and started at them.
" Come on." Harry said.
They all started running towards the cup.
" Take it. You saved me, go on take it." Cedric urged them.
" Together." Harry said grabbing Kai's hand.
Harry grabbed one handle and Cedric grabbed the other.

Kai felt like she was spinning and when she opens her eyes she was sitting in the middle of a grave yard.
" Where are we?" Cedric asked looking around.
" Do you think it's another part of the maze?" Kai asked.
" Has to be." Cedric nodded.
" Ugh I fucking hate this stupid ass game. Let me go home. I'm never coming back to this damn school mark my words." Kai said as she followed Cedric.

" Yeah sure. I'll drag from New York myself." Cedric told her as he kneeled next to the cup.
" I'd like to see you try." Kai challenged.
Cedric chuckled.
" It's a portkey. Harry, the cup is a portkey." Cedric called to him.
" I've been here before. In a dream." Harry said.
" What do you mean-" Cedric started.

" Get back to the cup now!" Harry shouted before holding his scar in pain.
" Harry what's wrong?" Cedric asked rushing to him.
Kai looked and saw Wormtail walking into the grave yard with baby Voldemort in his arms. She pointed her wand at him threateningly.
" Round two eh?" Kai asked.
" Kill the spare." Voldemort told Peter.

Peter held up his wand and Kai started running towards Cedric.
" Avada Kedavra!" Peter shouted.
Kai jumped and tackled Cedric back. She felt him go limp underneath her. Had she been too late? Kai didn't have a chance to check his pulse because Wormtail lifted her of him and pushed her against a statue. It wrapped its arms around her and kept her trapped. She thrashed around as Wormtail dropped Voldemort into a cauldron and started adding ingredients.

She watched him chop his own hand off and gaged. Then she saw him cut Harry and take his blood and let it drip into the cauldron.
" The dark lord shall rise." Wormtail said.
He stepped away and the baby thing raised up from the cauldron. It began to grow and mature.

" Oh this is not normal. This is fucking weird. This shit is supernatural where's Dean and Sam?!" Kai shouted.
Then a full on-grown ass man developed wearing a long black robe. He walked to Wormtail. They spoke for a moment and then black smoke started appearing along with men in mask.
" Oo not the clan meeting." Kai said.

" My friends. It's been thirteen years and yet here you stand before me like it was only yesterday. I confess myself...disappointed. Not one of you tried looking for me." Voldemort said.
He began to rip the mask from their faces making them fall to their knees.
" Not even you Lucius." Voldemort said ripping of his mask.
" My lord if have had detected even the smallest sign- a whisper of you're return"Lucius started.

" There were signs my slippery friend. And more than whispers." Voldemort told him.
" My lord I have never renounced our old ways. The face I've been obliged to present each day since you're absence. That is my true mask." Lucius told him.
" I returned." Wormtail raised his non chopped off hand.
" Out of fear not loyalty." Voldemort said.

" Yeah you kiss ass." Kai shouted, ya know just to stir the pot a little.
" But you have proven to be useful these last these last few months Wormtail." Voldemort said giving him a new metal hand.
" Fucking stole that from Star Wars." Kai said.
Voldemort turned his attention to her.

" Ah Kai Romanoff. Or shall I say Kai Black." Voldemort walked towards her.
" No you shall not say. Cause that's not my name, you piece of dandruff." Kai told him.
" You have quit the tongue on you. It will satisfactory to cut it out. Before I do, is there anything you'd like to say to the greatest dark lord?" Voldemort asked.
" Yes actually. Why don't you have nose? Is it like a fashion choice or something? Did you use to have a nose or were you born with out one? Is the reason you don't have a nose is you don't have to smell the absolute stank coming off of you're feet?" Kai asked.

" You disrespectful girl." Voldemort slapped her.
Kai chuckled and turned her head back to look at him.
" You wanna see how disrespectful I can be? Let me go, we'll go right now." Kai told him.
" Maybe later. Oh look at his-poor boy. Such a handsome face." Voldemort looked at Cedric.
" Don't touch him!" Harry shouted.

" Oh Harry, I had almost forgot about you. Standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The boy who lived. How lies have made you're story Harry. Shall I reveal what actually happened that night? It was love. When sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she offered the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic I should have foreseen." Voldemort explained.

" Wait, wait, wait. You got beaten by love? You claim to be the greatest dark lord in the world and love took your down? Please someone tell me he's not being for real." Kai said.
" No matter, no matter. I can touch him now." Voldemort said.
" That doesn't sound right." Kai said.
Voldemort placed his finger on Harry's scar and Harry started screaming. Kai started thrashing again trying to get free.

Voldemort pulled away.
" Miss Romanoff I've heard you aren't the best with magic. So be good and stay out of the way while I duel Harry." Voldemort said as he freed them from their confinements.
The death eaters grabbed Kai and Voldemort started shouting at Harry to duel him. Harry picked up his wand.

Before he could even do anything Voldemort threw him back and started torturing him.
" Coward! You are a coward! Battling a fucking fourteen year old kid!" Kai shouted.
" What did you say?" Voldemort turned her as Harry still laid on the ground.
" You think your all big and bad for being a grown ass man beating a fourth year? Good fucking job shithead." Kai shouted.

" I will kill Harry Potter but you-you my dead will suffer for the rest of you're life begging for death but it will never come, till I decide." Voldemort told her.
" Yeah well I don't see Harry Potter. So." Kai shrugged.
Voldemort turned around and didn't see Harry.
" Come back out and duel me Harry!" Voldemort shouted.

After a second Harry walked out ready to duel.
" Explerimus!" Harry shouted.
" Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted.
The spells clashed and stayed in between them. Kai watched with wide eyes until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw a ghost of a young woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at her. All of the deatheaters were too busy watching the duel to focus on her.

" Who are you?" Kai asked.
" I'm Noah McKinnion." She told her.
" My mom." Kai realized.
" Yes sweetheart. I'm sorry this is happening to you. But you can still get away. Get to Cedric and the portkey." Noah told her.
" How?" Kai asked.
Noah handed Kai her dagger that she had dropped when she got captured by the statue.
" Thank you." Kai said.
" I love you my darling." Noah told her before disappearing.

Kai stabbed the dagger into the Deatheater that had a hold of her hair. He screamed and let go of her hair. She pulled it out and ran to Cedric.
" Accio!" Harry shouted.
Kai held onto Cedric as Harry grabbed the portkey and transported them back to Hogwarts.

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