Saving the Sons of Durin

By hawkins_2000

9.6K 294 19

What happens when Ellia of Rivendell all but invites herself into the company of Thorin Oakenshield after ove... More

Thand Er
Thand Tád
Thand Neled
Thand Canad
Thand Leben
Thand Eneg
Thand Odo
Thand Toloth
Thand Neder
Thand Caen
Thand Minque
Thand Rasto
Thand Nelequë
Thand Canaquë
Thand Lepenquë
Thand Enenquë
Thand Otoquë
Thand Toloquë
Thand Neterquë
Thand Yuquain
Thand Yuquain-Er
Thand Yuquain-Tád
Thand Yuquain-Neled
Thand Yuquain-Canad
Thand Yuquain-Leben
Thand Yuquain-Eneg
Thand Yuquain-Toloth
Thand Yuquain-Neder
Thand Thirtui
Thand Thirtui-Er
Thand Thirtui-Tád
Thand Thirtui-Neled
Thand Thirtui-Canad
Thand Thirtui-Leben

Thand Yuquain-Odo

193 6 0
By hawkins_2000

It had been about two hours since breakfast and Ellía was helping Bofur with a few last minute things when the Mountain's horn was sounded. "That would be the caravan." Bofur announced and finished dusting off a wardrobe. The elf felt her hands shake a little as she waved a hand over a vase of wildflowers, making them look more lively. "I suppose we should go to the front gates." Ellía said quietly.

The two friends headed to the first level in silence. Bofur glanced at the unusually fidgety girl and took one of her hands. He wrapped her arm in his and patted her hand and said, "It'll be alright, El. Bombur, Bifur, and I will introduce you to our lot. I can guarantee they'll love you. My great-great-grandfather married an elf, ya see." This made her perk up a bit. "Really? Why didn't you tell me you have a bit of elvish in you!", she exclaimed.

Bofur chuckled and said, "It's barely any. Some of the others have plenty more than I do. Even a dash of human." Ellía stopped in her steps. "Who?", She gasped excitedly. Bofur must have realized what he had said and his eyes widened slightly. "I shouldn't have said anything. Very few people know. It's a bit of a sensitive subject in large crowds. Best to forget I said anything. Alright, lass?" He suggested with, sounding a tad desperate.

"I'll leave it... for now." She whispered as they walked outside to stand on the large, cracked steps with the rest of the company. Bofur gave her a nervous smile as they stopped next to his brothers. "Ellía. Come stand here." Thorin called, gesturing by him and his nephews. The elf walked over to stand next to Fili and returned Kili's goofy grin. "Are you sure it's alright for me to be standing with the king and his heirs?" She questioned, sounding unsure.

"We want them to see that you have our complete trust and respect.", Fili explained with a warm smile. Before she could respond, Dori shouted, "I see them!". Dain and his men marched down the steps and lined the wide stone pathway that led to the gates when the caravan came into view as they passed Dale. Kili snuck over to her side and rested his chin on her shoulder as he whispered, "Nice belt." This caught Fili's attention, who glanced down at the elf's waist, and his eyes bulged.

"Oh, yes. Thanks for letting be borrow it. Dori wasn't going to let me out of the room until I wore something crafted by dwarves." She said and looked back out at the approaching crowd. Kili snickered and hurried back to his Uncle's other side, narrowly dodging one of his brother's fists. The movement caught Ellía's attention and she looked at the older prince. "What was that about?". She asked him, glancing at Kili wiggling his eyebrows at them.

Fili hesitated before quietly saying, "That's uh-my belt... One that I made to gift to someone." Ellía felt her face go pink as she awkwardly stuttered, "My apologies. I had no idea this was a gift for someone! Kili told Dori that it was an extra one he had brought." The elf went to undo the belt, but Fili grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "It's alright, El. It's technically not a gift yet." He reassured her. "What do you mean?" She asked, not making a move to pull form Fili's touch.

"It's our tradition to craft things throughout our lives to gift them to our One." He explained as he slowly let his hand fall from the elf's wrist. Ellía was about to ask if it wasn't a gift yet because Fili hadn't found his One, but Thorin began to walk down the steps and directed the others to follow him. "Here goes nothing..." She breathed and walked a few paces behind the golden-haired prince. "Just stick with us, El.", Kili hummed over his shoulder and Fili sent her a wink.

As the company reached the bottom of the steps, Dain came to stand on the other side of Kili as the caravan was a few yards away from them. A strong dwarrow, with dark hair, broke from the group, wearing a dark blue traveling cloak and dress. She had a bow and quiver strapped to her back and a dagger at her hip. A delicate beard with small braids framed her smiling face. The all too familiar grin made Ellía almost certain of who she was.

"Dis..." Thorin breathed out, confirming the elf's thoughts. "Nadad. Maukk!", she replied and ran forward. The king met her half way and wrapped Dis in a tight hug. Kili strode towards them and threw his arms around his mother's neck when she released her brother. Fili seemed as if his feet were frozen in place as he watched his kin embrace each other. "Go to your mother, Fee." Ellía whispered, with a nudge to his arm.

Just then, Dis looked up at her oldest son as her eyes glistened with tears. "Amrâl.", she breathed out and headed towards them. This seemed to knock Fili out his trance as he moved forward and allowed his mother to bring him into a crushing embrace. Dis whispered a few quiet words to her son before they pulled away from one another.

The royal family's reunion seemed to be a catalyst. A moment later, the rest of the company was rushing forward and greeting their friends and relatives. Ellía remained at the steps as she watched the scene with a soft smile. Seeing her friends laughing and smiling as they reunited with their loved ones, some even crying, made everything seem worth it.

The elf was snapped from her thoughts when Thorin appeared in front of her, and gently pulled her forward. "Dis. This is Lady Ellía of Rivendell." He announced as they came to stop in front of the dwarrow, still clutching her sons. Dis looked away from the princes and looked at the elf. Ellía's breath hitched as Dis's steely blue eyes studied her in silence. 

"It's an honor to meet you, Lady Dis." Ellía managed to say and dipped her head in respect. Without warning, Dis threw her arms around the girl, hugging her tightly. The elf was stunned for a moment before returning the gesture. Dis pulled away enough to look into Ellía's eyes and said, "You saved my kin and my homeland, yet you ask for nothing in return. I will spend the rest of my days being grateful to you, dear one."

Ellía was speechless as she stared back at Dis, who was now smiling with her eyes glistening once more. Kili and Fili shared grins as Thorin looked at the two women fondly. "Thank you, Lady Dis." The elf finally stuttered out quietly as a light blush covered her cheeks. Dis let out a laugh and said, "Please, call me Dis! Anyone who put up with my idiots for as long as you have, is considered family." This made Ellía laugh and Dis pulled her in for another hug, as Fili and Kili voiced their disapproval of being called idiots


At the end of the day, Ellía's cheeks wore sore from all the smiling and her shoulders were sore from the bone crushing embraces she had been receiving. But, she couldn't be more pleased by the kindness she had been receiving from the company's families and friends. She had been dragged around the feasting hall from table to table. 

Bofur had kept his word and introduced her to he and his brothers' family. They had accepted the elf with open arms and harsh pats to the back. The resemblance  between Bofur and his father was startling, while Bombur and their mother shared their round cheeks and cheery glow. Bifur seemed to be the center of attention in their group, showing off the axe head that had successfully been removed from his head during the battle, allowing him to speak the common tongue once more. 

Next, Gloin and Oin stole her away to meet their family. Oin's wife held Ellía tightly as she sobbed her thanks for watching over the dwarves. The dwarrow beamed with pride as the elf told of how well Oin had kept he ran one piece on their journey. Loin's wife repeatedly apologized about their son Gimli, who continued to waddle up to Ellía and ask if he could see her pointed ears. Just as Ellía had bent down and let Gimli look at her pointed tips, that she had spelled to cover her scarred ears, Dori had hurried over and stole her away. 

She was guided over to a large table where Nori and Ori were sitting beside a plump woman, whom she assumed was their mother. On the journey, Nori had explained to Ellía that they all shared a mother but had different fathers. Their Ori looked the most similar to their mother, while Dori seemed to have inherited her taste for finer things, but Nori definitely shared the woman's cheeky personality. The woman even requested for Ellía to escort her to Rivendell one day.

Th least group she had been taken to was Balin and Dwalin's family. Dwalin had come to rescue Ellía when the trio's mother had started to ask what she thought of Ori and how handsome he was, making her youngest son blush madly. "You gotta be careful with the dame. She'll talk your ear off, if ya' let 'er." Dwalin mumbled as he led the elf through the rowdy crowd and to Balin and a few other people gathered near the front of the room. 

This family line was considerably smaller than the other ones she had met, but it was a nice change. The older dwarves and dwarrows bowed slightly and introduced themselves and Ellía smiled and did the same. Balin and Dwalin's parents had passed many years ago, but they had a few other siblings and extended family. The elf stayed with the group, answering all the questions she could and helping the two brothers retell storied from their quest.

~ Dwarvish translations ~

Nadad - brother

Maukk - sons

amrâl - love

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