The Girl From Last Night

By anounymoschild

7.9K 239 169

Asami was pretty fixed on not letting her dad set her up for an arranged marriage. They've been arguing on th... More

What. The. Fuck.
Jealosy, Jealousy
Uncovering Secrets
The Girl From Last Night... Again
Exchanging favors
Happy Birthday
Nutella Pancakes
Breaking Barriers
The War
The recovery
Old Friend
The day after
The Good Old Days
All In The Past
One Last Thing
The Rest Of Our Lives

Two oblivious fuckers

330 8 5
By anounymoschild

"What are you doing here this early?"

"What do you mean?" Asami looked at her, confused. "It's the day of the flight."

Korra rubbed sleep out of her eyes, looking at her clock. "Its six AM Sams, the flight is in twelfth hours... I havn't even packed!"

"Oh shoot, is it really the time?" Asami seemed surprised. "Dunno, I've been awake for hours."

"What a sad life you live," Korra said in a serious tone.

"Anyways, it's a good thing I'm here given how you didn't pack," Asami said, half scolding, "I mean, the flight is less then twenty four hours away... what were you thinking?"

"I was going to wake up at a normal time like a normal person and pack it, what's the big deal?" Korra shrugged as Asami walked in with her suitcase.

"What if you miscalculate the time you need to pack and we end up missing our flight?" Asami argued.

"Then we take the next one," Korra answered, closing her apartment's door , "but it won't happen, I only really require my bathroom utensils, my nice pantsuit and my switch. I have everyday clothes over there."

"That still fit you?" Asami asked, shocked.

"Most of them are too big honestly," Korra admitted, "I... lost some of weight after the war."

"Okay, so here's what we're gonna," Asami said in a more bossy tone, which Korra did not mind. "We're going to pack you some fine-ass outfits that are your actual size and fit you well, because otherwise compared to me you'll look like a handbag, understood?"

"Are you calling me ugly?" Korra asked, faking offense.

Asami chuckled. "No," she answered softly, "what I meant was that I really went all out picking my clothes. Seriously, I'm gonna look good as fuck."

Immediately, that brought a smile to Korra's face. "Yeah?" She found it easy to believe, Asami always looked really fucking sexy. "You brought nice things to wear for me?"

"Hold up," Asami raised her hands, slightly taken aback, "I didn't say I did this for you."

"It's in the subtext, honey," Korra said in a teasing manner, "you're taking this vacation because of me, hense everything you do in context to said vacation is because of me. You wanna look good for me, city girl?"

"Ew." Asami emphasized, but she wasn't fooling nobody. Korra saw the pink tint to her cheeks. "Don't flatter yourself."

"I won't the moment you stop lying to yourself," Korra shot back with a smirk.

Asami rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna roam through your closet, see if you have anything nice there," she informed rather than asked, "I'll catch you after that?"

"Can I go to sleep in the meantime?" Korra said hopefully.

"No." Asami answered, bemused.

"But whyyyy?" She whined.

"If I have to pack your bag, you gotta suffer too," Asami said, then raised her hands in a fake surrender, "sorry buddy, I don't make the rules."

"Well, that's just a plain lie," Korra mumbled, "I'll be here then."

"I assumed," Asami said, walking over to Korra's room, "have fun! Or suffer in silence!"

Korra rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. She stood there for a few seconds, contemplating her options of entertainment while Asami did her thing. She also considered helping Asami, since she was packing for her, but she had a gut feeling that her taste or rather lack of taste in fashion would only get in Asami's way.

Eventually she figured, if she had to be awake at six AM, then she was gonna be awake at six AM playing Zelda.

So, she sat down and turned on her switch, and not long after she was in deep. She was just barely aware of her surroundings, coherent enough to notice Asami approaching from time to time and even answer her questions, but too absorbed in her game to remeber what Asami asked and what her answer was after she left. She wasn't even aware of how much time had past, up until she noticed she was getting pretty hot, and realized it was the sun on her face.

She blinked, placing aside her controller and rubbing her eyes. If it was that hot in there, it must mean that it's around ten at the moment. So, it's been four hours already?

Those kind of moments really made Korra feel like a time traveler.

"Asami? You need any help?" She called towards her room, worrying that she's been a rude host.

However, the response sounded much closer then Korra had intimidated. Much closer.

"I'm done, actually. What are you playing?"

Korra jumped around at that, startling Asami who was literally sitting right next to her. She placed her hand on her heart, trying to calm down from the heart attack Asami just caused her.

"How long have you been here?" Korra asked, still heaving.

"Like, around an hour now," Asami answered, chuckling, "I even asked you if I can sit with you and you agreed."

"I have no memory of that." Korra deadpanned.

Asami giggled. "You get really into these games now do you?"

"Yeah well..." Korra tried to think of a comeback, unsuccessfuly. "...shut up."

"This game has really beautiful views," Asami suddenly changed subjects, turning around to face the television.

"Yeah, that's part of the point," Korra affirmed, unsure of where Asami was going with this.

"Can I try?" She asked, curious.

Korra was struck by the question, leaving her at a loss of words. She had gotten into gaming years ago, back when she couldn't exactly get out and experience stuff on her own. Back then, when she couldn't walk, it gave her new worlds where none of her problems existed.

And no one she dated since then had ever shown any type of interest in that hobby (other than Mario Kart, for some reason people really fucking love Mario Kart). She herself was kinda embarrassed of it, she always considered it too niche.

No significant other had ever shown any interest in playing video games, other than Asami.

...Not that Asami was her significant other or anything, she was just being stupid.

"Of course you can," Korra finally found it in her to answer, smiling warmly at Asami and handing her the controller.

Asami stared at the controller, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Why are there two joysticks? What do you need two for?"

"The left one is to move," Korra explained, chuckling at Asami's lack of knowledge in this area, "and the right one is for adjusting the camera angle."

Asami stared at her as if she was speaking absolute gibberish. "Camera? But she isn't holding a camera." Asami pointed at the character on screen.

Korra snorted. "That's a whole ass man Sam's, and that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" She asked, confused.

"Here," Korra reached over Asami to grab the controller from both sides, placing her hands on top of Asami's.

"See? You move with this one to move hom," Korra demonstrated by moving the left joystick, "and this one adjusts your view point." She repeated the same thing with the other one. "Better?"

Asami looked at her, completly red. "Much better," she answered with a weak smile.

Korra was a little confused at her reaction, then what she did had finally dawned on her; she was quite literally held Asami's waist with her forearm, leaving little to no space between the two. Now, Korra couldn't even tease her for blushing, because she herself had transformed onto a fricking tomato upon realizing the position they were in. She contemplated pulling away, but she didn't have the will power to do so. Plus, Asami wasn't pulling away, so why should she?

They spent a couple of minutes like that, with Korra trying to explain the game's mechanics and what all the different buttons do, and Asami getting confused every time a new button is pressed.

"Okay," Korra said decisively after a few moments, "I think this game is a little too complicated to you at the moment, how about we go with something a little more simple?"

"Yeah, okay," Asami breathed put in disappointment, "what are we playing?"

Korra, unfortunately had to detach herself from Asami and stand up. "Mario Kart," she told her, setting up the game, "ever played?"

"I had that on my wii but I don't remember anything," Asami answered, "isn't it just a racing game though?"

"The best racing game, yes." Korra corrected witha grin, handing Asami her spare controller.

"You do know my dad has a race track at his home?" Asami chuckled.

Korra snorted in response. "Can you throw bombs at people at your race track though?" She asked her teasingly.

Asami shrugged. "I mean I could," she joked. "So, how do you play?"

Korra smirked at her. "Get ready Sami," she said, "to have one of the best experiences of your life."



Korra rubbed her eyes, that were already burning, and chuckled. "It's been like, three hours, I really need to start packing."

"I packed you a bag already," Asami waved her off, "I need a win.".

"I at least need to look at whatever you packed," Korra said, standing up, "you can play against the computer if you want."

"Nooo I need a win against you!" Asami complained. "I don't understand how you keep beating me over and over again!"

Korra laughed. "I've been playing for years! You didn't seriously think that you could beat me, right?"

"I'm a racer!" Asami pouted. "I should be able to beat you!"

"Tell you what city girl, I'm taking the switch with us to the south so that you can attempt to beat my ass there as much as you'd like, deal?"

"I don't get how you plan to pack a whole ass gaming console," Asami said, placing her controller on the table, "but sure."

"Check this out," Korra smirked, "it's completely portable, you just pull it out of the charging station." She explained, demonstrating. "See?"

While Korra always thought it was pretty cool, she certainly did not expect Asami to look so happy about that gimmick. Maybe a little impressed, but the way Asami's whole face lit up... she was soooo adorable.

"Ohhhh what a patent!" Asami said with a huge smile. "Oh I love useless gimmicks like that. You probably guessed it by now though."

"How was I supposed to guess it?" Korra asked, and though she was confused she genuinely couldn't help but smile back. "You never told me that."

"But you've been to my garage," Asami answered, confused, "the night your car wouldn't start, remember?"

"Yeah, and?" Korra asked.

"The whole ass floor was covered with my silly projects," Asami answered as if it was obvious, "I keep making gadgets and I have absoultly nowhere to place them so they just... stay there."

At the description, Korra had a faint memory of Asami's messy workshop, filled with... electronic... thingies. She really didn't know much about technology, but imagening Asami building little robots was pretty adorable.

"I did wonder why your garage was so messy while your apartment was so... clean." Korra thought out loud.

Asami shrugged. "I'm barely there, I'm either working or at my workshop." She explained. "So it just stays clean. But make no mistake, I am a very messy person."

Korra snorted. "Somehow I doubt that."

"You'll see," Asami stood up, streching, "what time is it?"

Korra looked at the clock. "We have five hours until the flight, meaning we have to get ready and leave."

Asami sighed. "I guess I don't have time to go home and shower, right?" She said, disappointed. "I feel fucking gross."

"No, you don't have time, but you can shower here," Korra suggested.

"Really? Isn't it weird?" Asami hesitated.

"Werided then sleeping with someone and getting engaged the day later?" Korra teased.

"Ugh you are such a uhaul lesbian!" Asami rolled her eyes, smirking.

"Just go take a shower, I'll get you a towel." Korra chuckled.

Asami punched her shoulder playfully, bypassing her and heading to the shower. Korra used that time to organize her bag a little more, pack up some more warm clothing (Asami apparently didn't have thr slightest clue as to how cold the south could get) and clean up her apartment a little bit. That, until she heard The water turning on, and her brain just stopped working.

Because it dawned on her, that on the other side of the door was a very naked Asami taking a very steamy shower. So close, yet just out of reach. And that just caused Korra to stop functioning altogether.

And then she heard it.


She jumped. Was that Asami? Shower Asami? Calling her?

If she was fast she could undress in like, ten seconds.

Wait, she was getting ahead of herself again was she?

"Yeah?" She answered, her voice breaking halfway.

The door cracked open- the door cracked open! Korra immediately dropped whatever she was holding- maybe her phone? And all the blood in her body rushed to her face. She saw Asami's head peeking through the crack, she was smiling awkwardly at Korra, hiding behind the door.

"Towel?" She said after a few moments of silence with a toothy grin.

Korra mentally slapped her forhead. Duh! She forgot the towel! Ugh why was she not functioning like a normal person around Asami?

"I'll go fetch it," she assured walking away.

This was going to be a long ass vacation...


The flight felt shorter then it actually was.

Maybe it was the Mario Kart at the beginning of the flight, maybe it was the short nap she took, or maybe it was Korra's head resting on her shoulder for the most of the flight...

Probable the latter, there was something really warm and comfortable about the touch they shared.

Soon, the flight came to an end, and Korra helped them out of the airport, pretty oblivious to how she turned Asami into a pillow. Asami wasn't really focused, she was mostly distracted by how freaking cold it was there. She was absolutely not prepared for it, she figured it would be cold and packed up a few things but she literally packed one coat for the whole three weeks she was gonna be there! But she wasn't complaining, Korra's coat was really fluffy and comfortable, and it smelled like her. Also, Korra was currently wrapped around her to help her warm up while wearing a tank top, so...

She was absolutely not gonna tell Korra she's not cold anymore.

"How are you not freezing to death?" Asami asked, because again, Korra was literally wearing nothing but a tank top in the south pole.

Korra chuckled. "I grew up here, I'm used to it."

"Used to walking around half naked when it's snowing?" Asami teased.

"Duh, what did you think, that I never had sex in the south?" Korra replied with a smirk.

"I assumed you have heating in the south," Asami said, confused and a little freaked out, "you do have heating, right?"

Korra laughed. "Yes, we're not caveman."

"That's not what I said," Asami mumbled.

"Sure city girl, sure," Korra laughed.

The two finally managed to get our of the airport with their luggage (whi ch Korra gracefully carried), and all of that just to be immediately met with flashing lights and some calls. Asami was really caught by surprise at first, but not Korra, Korra just groaned.

"Great," she rolled her eyes, "come on, let's go," she told Asami, walking away quickly.

"Miss Sato, are you currently seeing miss Korra?"

"No comment," Asami said automatically, following Korra.

"Miss Korra, have you permanently moved to Republic City? How does your family feel about it?"

"Miss Sato, how long will you stay here at the southern water tribe?"

"Miss Korra, how is your back?"

Huh, odd question...

As soon as they slipped away from the press, Korra finally spoke.

"I was really hoping that they wouldn't find me this time around," she sighed, "I even ordered the tickets under your name so that they wouldn't be tipped off."

Asami had to actively stop herself from slapping her forhead. "You ordered thr tickets under my name?" She said as monotonically as she could bring herself to.

"Yeah," Korra simply answered.

"Under the name Sato?" Asami continued.

"Uh... yeah," Korra blinked, confused.

"So let me get this straight," Asami then said, seeing that Korra's really not getting it, "you ordered two tickets under the name Asami Sato, the daughter of a tycoon, who in infamously known for being single?" She finished off, raising an eyebrow.

Korra slapped her forhead. "I'm really fucking stupid."

"Just a little bit stupid," Asami chuckled, "so, how do we get to your place?"

"A cab, duh," Korra chuckled.

"I thought you said nobody has a license here in the south," Asami asked, confused.

"Except for cab drivers," she explained, "getting a license and a snow vehicle is expensive as fuck since it's not really mass produced, and nobody wants to go through that except cab drivers, then they charge you like crazy..." she trailed off, "I'm pretty sure that's where future industries comes in."

"Oh, gotcha," Asami did recall her father attending some meetings regarding snow vehicles, "so, if you can't afford a taxi, how do you get places?" She asked curiously.

Korra laughed. "It's easy enough for people who live uphill to ski to where ever they need to get to, and on their way back they take the funicular-"

"There's a what?" Asami interjected, with an excited spark in her eyes. "Fuck the cab, we're taking that."

"Really?" Korra blinked. "It's a public transport, it's way less convenient."

"I don't give a shit, I'm taking that." She said decisively with a big, goofy smile. "Are you joining me, lame-o?"

Korra couldn't stop herself from smiling, hard. "As you wish, city girl."

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