
Від JuliaTeng555

69.5K 2.5K 1.3K

Dawn broke. The screams from the streets seemed like a story of yesterday. The days which could be conside... Більше

Unexpected of The Dead
Into The School of The Dead
Getting Out of Here
The Plan
Run Them Down!
Can We Stay For The Night?
The Next Day
Getting Items
Crossing The River!
Attack In The Mini Market
Unfriendly Attack
Sudden Outburst
Coach? Or Not!
Leader and Death?
He's Alive!
Heat Stroke
Sometimes Bravery Needs To Bow Down To Wisdom
Back to The Clinic
Cheering Up and Dreams
The Death of A Beloved
To The Airport
On The Plane
The Amazon Jungle
Valentines Day Special! Part 1
Endou vs Wild Animal Fresh from The Amazons!
Valentines Day Special! Part 2
Valentines Day Special!! Part 3
Story Telling
Nocturnal Attack
The Story Behind The Cool One
Pls Don't Misundertand thx :)
Incredible Luck
Every Cloud has A Silver Lining

Grouping Up & Something Wrong

1.1K 42 43
Від JuliaTeng555

Hey, guys!~ I am back with another chappie! \^o^/ Once again, thank you to all of my readers who have reached this far ;) Do enjoy!~~


With Hiroto, Gouenji and Yuuka

"Urgh... Where in the world is Endou?!" Hiroto groaned. He, Gouenji and Yuuka have been trudging, or in his case, limping for quite a while now. But they have yet to encounter their soccer freak captain...

"Be patient, Hiroto. I am sure that even if he is a hyperactive freak, he knows when he shouldn't move around and when he should," Gouenji said. Just then, Yuuka perked up.

"Onii-chan (Big brother)! Yuuka see Endou-san in front!" Yuuka exclaimed pointing in front. Gouenji was still carrying her, therefore, she is able to see things far away as she is higher.

"Hontou nano ka (Really)?!" Gouenji exclaimed. Yuuka replied with an enthusiastic nod.

"Tsui ni (Finally)!" Hiroto exclaimed with fake watery eyes. Goueji just chuckled at the scene. They then hurried their footsteps. Once they were out of the bushes, Endou whipped around and pointed his dagger at them in a fighting stance.

"Dare (Who's there)?!" Endou exclaimed. Gouenji and the other's froze.

"O-Oretachi dayo (I-It's us), Endou," Hiroto said holding his hands up nervously. What had cause their captain to be so on the edge? Just then, Hiroto and the others noticed the carcass of the panther and Endou's injured shoulder. They instantly knew what had happened. Endou fought a panther and killed it.

"Eh? Hiroto, Gouenji and Yuuka. Gomen gomen (Sorry sorry)!" Edou exclaimed putting the weapon away. "I thought it was another wild animal or something..."

"Are you alright, Endou? Your shoulder is still bleeding," Gouenji said sternly while putting Yuuka down.

"Oh! Ore wa zen zen heki dayo (I am completely fine)! Shinpai nai (Don't worry)!" Endou exclaimed with a smile. A fake smile. They could see he was depressed. It must've been because he was aware that he had just took the life of a panther...

"Nani ga kawata (What happened)?" Hiroto asked. "Tell us every detail of it,"

Endou sighed and told the what happened after they all settled down on the ground.

"Souka (I see)..." Hiroto said. "But you can't blame yourself on this one, Endou. It was wither you die or it dies... You didn't want to kill it but you had no choice as it was the one who attacked you. So there's no need for you to get depressed over it,"

"Hiroto no yuutori (Hiroto is right!)" Yuuka exclaimed. Gouenji smiled and put a hand on Yuuka's head and gave Endou a reassuring smile. Endou them smiled.

"Soudayo ne (That's right, isn't it?)" Endou said. "What we should do now is to wait patiently for the others to gather here as well!"

Gouenji and the other smiled. They were glad that Endou was back to his usual cheery self.

With Fubuki and Fuyuka

"Fubuki-kun, are we going the right way?" Fuyuka asked turning to face the silverette. Fubuki nodded.

"Hai (Yes)," Fubuki said. "I'm quite sure this is the direction where I saw Endou last parachute to,"

"That's good but... Why are we in front of a village..?" Fuyuka asked sweatdroping.

"Good point...?" Fubuki let out a nervous laugh before reverting back to his serious mode. "Right. This is great news. We can ask for help from the villagers. But..."

Fuyuka observed the village carefully. She then knew why Fubuki trailed off. This really was weird... Why does the village look so abandoned? There was absolutely no signs of life in the village! Not even a sound! What's more... There were some mist around, creating an even more eerier affect...

"F-Fubuki-kun. Don't you think we should just walk around the village and go find Endou? I don't really want to go in there..." Fuyuka pointed to the village with shaky hands. She inched a little closer to Fubuki. She had a bad feeling about this. Somehow, being closer to him makes her feel more secure.

"Good point but... I still think we should check this place out. I have a feeling that we're going to regret if we don't check out this place... Like there's something we should know," Fubuki said with furrowed eyebrows. He just got a feeling that he has to get in there...

"B-But none of the villagers are in sight!" Fuyuka exclaimed. "I-I'm scared..."

"There's no need to be scared. I'll protect you, okay?" Fubuki said. Fubuki kind of thought his friends as siblings... When he saw Fuyuka scared, he couldn't help but feel like he should protect her. Fuyuka nodded.

"But I still think we should put our guard up... We don't know what exactly happened to this village... We should be prepared by what we're going to find in there," Fubuki said. Fuyuka nodded, taking out her dagger. They then advance into the village together.

"There really is no one around..." Fubuki muttered to himself, griping onto his katana tight. "Still, these village really does reek..."

Just then, Fuyuka tripped on something. She fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"Daijoubu (Are you alright), Fuyuka?" Fubuki asked, offering a hand. Fuyuka nodded and let Fubuki pull her up.

"What did I..? AAAAHHH!!!!" Fuyuka exclaimed as soon as her eyes laid sight on what she tripped over. It was an... An arm..! A freaking human arm! Plus, it still seemed fresh! The blood around it was crimson and fresh.

Fubuki gulped and did a rescanning of the area. He then notice lumps of things on the ground. The mist made it too hard to see. He approached the thing with Fuyuka behind him... He let out a silent gasp as he found himself starring at a corpse of a human! The head was a few centimeters away from the body, detached. Meanwhile, blood covered the body and maggots seemed to be feasting on its rotting flesh.

'This must've happened days ago!' Fubuki thought silently. 'But the arm... Oh no... That mean whatever that did this is still here...! In this village...! We have to get out!'

Fubuki grabbed Fuyuka's arm and turned. But instead, he found himself face to face with a crowd of figures lost in the mist, slowly liming towards them. The familiar putrid stench... The recognizable way of limping... The signs of death... Something in Fubuki's mind clicked into place as he realized what was going on...

They're here.

With Haruna, Kristian and Adam

Haruna's eart was giving her a break. At all. It kept on beating in the same fast beat. She is wondering if her heart had already beat a 1000 times in a minute... Plus, her face felt like it was burning! After all, she was walking with two of the hottest universal stars in the world! How could anyone not fall in love with them?!

Haruna kept sneaking a glance at them. Each time she does, her stomach makes a flip. They were just so perfect...! To her, at least. Haruna wondered how it would be like to do everything with them. Live with them, go through their lifestyle, be good friends with them... Anyways, the first step to being a good friend with them is to give them a good impression! Yeah! That's right!

Haruna wondered what kind of girls they like... NO! NO! Good first impressions come first! Okay... Haruna figured that she shouldn't act like a crazy-in-love fangirl. Plus she shouldn't act too weak. Maybe she should give them a 'strong woman' first impression? Or a 'intelligent young sister' type? Hmmm...

"Haruna-chan?~ Are you alright, my little kitten?~ What are you thinking about?~" Adam asked. "You seem to be deep in thought~"

Haruna blushed at the thought of Adam being concerned about her. About her. She quickly shook those thoughts away. She couldn't go making Adam and Kristian thinking she was a lovesick fangirl already! Get a grip yourself already!

"It's nothing, Adam-san," Haruna said putting on a smile. A lovely one, in fact. Adam's eyes widened sightly in shock. He also thought that she was one of those lovesick fangirls that would do anything for them. He kinda felt glad Haruna wasn't those squealing-non-stop-fangirl which would never shut their trap.

Adam gave a small smirk. 'Interesting,' Adam thought silently.

"I see~ Do tell us if something is bothering you~" Adam said giving a wink. Haruna's stomach fluttered. She could barely contain her happiness. But she managed to keep it down. Adam seemed to like how she acted. She wouldn't want to ruin it now, would she?

Haruna silently giggled to herself. With the direction things were going, she really might have a chance!

With Kazemaru and Eric

Kazemaru peeked behind to see Eric following behind him with his eyes closed. He seemed completely engulfed in the world of music to notice Kazemaru peeking at him. Yet... Kazemaru couldn't help but wonder how Eric can even walk without opening his eyes. Wouldn't he like trip over the roots?

But when Kazemaru watched properly, Eric was walking carefully and in a way where he wouldn't trip himself easily. Kazemaru shrugged and turned back forward. He then remembered that this was the guy who went up to him and openly asked him his gender. Even if it was Adam and Kristian who want to know the answer... Kazemaru seemed shocked that someone would just come up to him and ask him that question... I mean, did he really seem so feminine?!

Kazemaru sighed. Why did this even happen anyways? Just when he thought he and his friends were going to be safe, going to be in a city free of infecteds, this happen. Their plane just had to run out of fuel... What's more, it had to be when they were flying over the Amazons...

Kazemaru sighed. All he could now is to hope that he would be able to meet up with his friends quickly and-

Kazemaru's train of thought were cut off with Eric's firm hand pulling Kazemaru backwards, before he could take another step forward. Kazemaru was confused. Kazemaru then looked down and gulped He knew why Eric stopped him from taking another step forward now... He was just about to step on a patch of orchids... Orchids are also one of the endangered plants in the Amazon Jungle...

Luckily, Eric managed to pull him back in time. But how did he even see what's going on when he was closing his eyes just now...? Anyways, he should thank him first.

"Thank you, Eric," Kazemaru said in Korean. But the only thing he received was a murderous, cold glare from Eric.

"Did you know what you were about to do?" Eric said deadly calm. "You were about to kill a precious, innocent plant which had just did nothing to hurt you..."

Kazemaru gulped. He had a feeling that he had just angered the Cold Killer of the Killer Boy Zone... Damn... Kazemaru gulped and continue to apologize over and over again.

Eric gave him one last glare before giving in. "One last chance. If you lose this chance, I'll skin you alive and then throw you into salt water before rolling you over cactus plants and electrocuting you 5 times before burning you alive and make sure your ashes are all gone," Eric said coldly. He had a deadly tone in his voice that made Kazemaru feel like Eric isn't joking and that he'll really do that to him if he loses this chance.

Still, Kazemaru never thought that Eric would get so mad over him nearly stomping over a plant. I mean, sure, it is a very valuable plant and it would be a total waste to kill innocent life like that but... The way Eric was acting, it was kinda like Kazemaru had tried to make a move on his girlfriend or something. But Eric didn't have any girlfriends. At least now that Kazemaru knew of. If Eric really did have a girlfriend, his fans would be utterly heartbroken. Maybe that's why he didn't get a girlfriend. Or maybe he hasn't found the one. Wait... Why is he suddenly thinking about Eric's girlfriend?! Get a grip of yourself, Kazemaru Ichirouta! Get a grip!

Kazemaru sighed and they continued to walk.

With Kidou

Kidou couldn't take it anymore...! Is Haruna safe or not?! He was already debating with himself whether Haruna was safe or not! Is Haruna with Endou and the others or is she all alone by herself?! Did she hear the announcement Fubuki made?

Urgh... Soon, he was going to go bonkers. Kidou continue to walk, ignoring the swarm of insects which seemed to be everywhere. Just then, he heard familiar voices talking to each other. But what worried hi was that he couldn't hear his sister's voice...

Kidou rushed out of the bushes to confirm his suspicions. He was right. Sitting on the ground were Hiroto, Gouenji, Yuuka and Endou. But Otonashi Haruna was nowhere to be found!

"Yo! Kidou! Nice to see you!" Endou exclaimed, waving enthusiastically. Kidou gave him a worried smile.

"Endou, did you see Haruna?" Kidou asked. He then noticed how foolish the question sounded. Of course they haven't seen Haruna! If they really has seen Haruna, where was she now? She would certainly be with them. There was no way Endou would leave her to be alone all by herself in the Amazons! He would make sure she was safe with the even if she didn't want to be with them!

"We haven't seen her yet. But I'm sure she's coming soon. We just have to be patient!" Endou exclaimed, trying his best to calm the brunette down. Kidou gulped and nodded. There was no point in worrying about it now... Endou wouldn't let him leave on his own. But Endou can't go with him as he was everyone's landmark... Kidou just need to be patient and wait. He has to have faith that Haruna is fine and that she'll be here with them soon...


So what do you guys think of this chappie? XD At first, I wanted it to be a Rafflesia flower. But after I was finish typing quite a lot of the whole Kazemaru-nearly-stepped-on-an-endangered-plant part, I realized that the Amazon Jungle doesn't have the Rafflesia flower! ahahha XD Anyways... Please comment and vote! Thanks :)

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