Scooby Doo (Genderswap!Shaggy)

Galing kay Missfanfic16

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This is my first time doing a gender swap story and I hope you guys like it. Higit pa

GenderSwap! Shaggy Intro
Case of The Luna Ghost
The Team Break Up
First Day of Vacation? NOT!
The Gang's Back Together
New Friend? Hopefully or Maybe More Than It!
On Spooky Island
Making Friends/Investigating
Calming Down
Finding 2 Missing Team Members
Scooby Disappears and What's wrong Daphne
Sarah Saves The Team
Plan Reveals
Plan Goes Wrong
Saving The World
The Aftermath
All You Can Eat Deal

Spooky Castle Roller Coaster

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Galing kay Missfanfic16

In front of the spooky castle, Sarah wasn't so happy about it. "No way." Sarah said after seeing the spooky castle. 

"Sarah!" Daphne’s arms were crossed and stated. 

"Na ah, Scoob and I don’t do castles." Sarah explained. 

"Why not?" Daphne asked. 

"Because castles have paintings that watch you, suits of armor you think is a statue... ...but there’s a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around." Sarah said, as Scooby was acting everything out behind his best friend. 

"Definitely, how many times did that happen?" Daphne asked.

"Twelve. We’re not gonna do it." Sarah answered. 

"That’s right." Scooby said, as Sarah and himself were trying to walk away. Daphne was looking through her bag and found a Scooby Snack. "Scooby?" Daphne calls and Scooby limps over to the girl. "Did you hurt your paw? Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Daphne was holding a Scooby Snack towards the dog and immediately Scooby's Behavior change to extreme happiness. "Oh, boy!" 

"And you’ll be fearless?" Daphne said, fiercely. 

"Fearless?" Scooby said, as he did Karate moves but ended up kicking Sarah in the face.

"Oww! Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury." Sarah said. 

"Here you go." Daphne throw the Scooby snack and Scooby caught it in his mouth. 

"Thank you."

"There’s plenty more where that came from. Let’s go before someone sees." Daphne says, heading up the stairs and Daphne stood next to her and the girl looked at Sarah who’s not moving. 

"You’re not gonna stay out here alone, are you?" Daphne asked. 

"No, thank you." Sarah insisted and went inside the castle with Scooby and the girls.

They got into the castle and they looked around and the door closed behind them. 

"This place is, like, uber creepy." Sarah said and Scooby agrees. 

"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie." Daphne said. 

Suddenly the door opens revealing Fred scaring Scooby, Sarah and Daphne a bit it made Sarah jump in her dog's arms but then Sarah got out of his arms. 

"Fred, get back. I found this place. I call dibs on its clues." Daphne said. 

"I’ve already found some clues." Fred said, upsetting Daphne.

"What?" Daphne softly replies, definitely upset her.

"I followed some weird footprints here. It might be dangerous for you." Fred said, looking at Daphne.

"If anyone messes with me, I'll open a can of Chinese whoop-ass on them." Daphne said, as a creepy prop moves behind Daphne and puts a hand on her shoulder, scaring the shit out of Daphne and Sarah. It was Velma!! Who was laughing.

"Velma!!" Sarah exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" Fred asked. 

"This ride was closed for construction. It's the most likely place to hatch a plan. And I wanted to scare the petuttey out of Daphne." Velma said, chuckling. 

"Since we’re all together, let’s split up and look for more clues. Daphne, you and I..." Fred started.

"Typical." Velma mutters.


"Oh, nothing. I was always picked last for the teams." Velma complains. 
"Okay. Daphne, exit through the entrance. Velma and I will enter through the exit. And Sarah and Scooby..." Sarah was playing with the thing that scared her but stopped when Fred called her name. "...Do whatever you guys do." Fred finished, pounding a fist in the air. 

They all went their separate ways. 


Sarah opened a door where Scooby sticks his head in and followed her and saw a table of foods and Sarah and Scooby was in heaven. "Look at this, huh, Scoob? It's like a medieval Sizzler. Pinch me, I'm in heaven-" Sarah said in a trance. Scooby then pinched his behind. "Ow! It's an expression, Scooby." Sarah glared at him. 

"Sorry." Scooby apologized. 


Daphne came across a door that was shut and had a piece of wood stuck between the door. Daphne grips the wood and took it off but it was a bit heavy for her and laid it on the ground. "Ew." Daphne mumbled and cleaned off her hands. 


Fred and Velma were walking down a hallway with knights in armor all over the  hallway. "Hey Velma. You know I never meant to pick you last." 

"Don't worry about it, Fred. I know you." Velma says and Fred give her a thumbs up. "All you care about are swimsuit models." 

"No, look, I'm a man of substance. Dorky chicks like you turn me on too." Fred said and taps Velma's butt. She wasn't impressed at all and walks ahead of Fred. 

"That's a compliment." Fred says following Velma. Unannounced they was a mini man watching them and was mad that he got off the crate he was standing on. 


Daphne was pushing against the wall and grunted.

Daphne stopped and huffed until she close her eyes and put her hands together above her head.

The mini man run up to a control panel and pulled a switch.

It made the whole castle lit up and an animatronic cackles and then Daphne kick the door open but what she didn't know is that a riding seat was coming towards them. "Yes! Yes! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah." Daphne kept saying as Daphne turned to see the ride coming at her. "Oh no!" Daphne yelled as the ride took her out and through the door. 


A minutes later, after Sarah and Scooby was amazed by the foods, a machine started to laugh and the food started to move spooking them out. "And now for our dinner show." A voice announced and evilly laughed. 


The alarm went off and the knights in armor moved and the battle axes went down in between Fred and Velma. 

A riding cart went towards their way and Velma yells out, "Watch out!" They both took off running when a battle axe almost got them, Velma held Fred back and went off running again. 


"I got a bad feeling about this, Scoob." Sarah said. 

"Re roo." Scooby said. 

Some type of sausages wrapped around Sarah and Scooby and they were throw against the wall. "And now for the main course: You! Feast on this." A creepy type of a mouth came out of another food. 


Daphne was still on the ride and whimpered as the coaster speed up. 


Velma and Fred stopped running when they opened huge battle axes swung behind them. "Jinkies. They're moving toward us. Run!"

They ran but there was a bookcase which trapped them. "We're trapped." Fred said.

"Quick, try the bookcase." Velma started to throw books off the shelf.

"One of these has to open a passageway." Velma said, panicking.

"Velma, this is a ride." Fred pointed out. 

"You got a better plan Fred?" But Fred joined Velma and to throwing books off the shelf. 


"What do we do?!" Scooby cried out. 

"Do what we do best, Scoob: Eat!" Sarah said and then screams after the creepy mouth screamed. 

Scooby bit one of her restraints but spit it out. "It's plastic." He responds. 

"What do you care?! You drink out of a toilet!" Sarah said. 

"That was you!" Scooby said and tried to get out of the restrains. 


The ride went on as Daphne said. "I’m not helpless. I am helpless. I’m gonna die!" Shs yelled. 

She was getting close to a dead end where there were swords blades stick out facing forwards for the ride.


As they threw books off the bookcase, Fred turned as a battle axe was right in front of him and Velma throw a book towards him, making Fred put the book right in front of him and the bollocks hit the book but made Fred go flying and broke a glass window behind her. Where the mini man was and took off.

Apparently Fred’s lower back hit a switch that turned off the ride. 


All of the sudden, the ride stops and Daphne was almost hits on impact, but the coaster stopped and Daphne was shocked. 


 The ride then slowly came to a stop. "We made it, Scoob. We're alive!" The wall behind them fell and Scooby coughed out some dust. 

"That was weird." Sarah croaked out. 
"Fred? Freddy, are you alright?" Velma called out worried. 
Fred got up and looked at Velma who smiled and Fred smiled back at her. 
Velma notice the last book on the shelf and tilted it forward. "The last book." That revealed a secret passageway. 


"I don't feel so good." Sarah held her stomach and Scooby spits out some remains from earlier. "Reminds me of the time that we tried to eat that guy in the hot-dog costume." Sarah laughed. 


Fred and Velma went in the passageway and saw what looks like some type of classroom. 

"Looks like some kind of school." Fred says. 

"In a spooky castle ride? Fishy." Velma said. The mini man was hiding but watching the duo. 


Later on, after getting off the ride,  Daphne walked down a narrow hallway and saw a room and opened the door and entered a room with a big triangle in the middle of the room.


Fred approached an monitor and pressed  a button which turned on on Monitor and a short film. "Welcome to America. I am using the language English." A woman on the screen said.


Scooby looked at his owner and Sarah followed him. "Rarah, look." 

Sarah followed behind her. "Let's check it out." The lights came on and it was like a movie or tv set.  "Oh, boy. Lights, camera, action, huh, Scoob?" Sarah asked and he agreed. 


"Now that you're a young adult...'ll need to learn societal dos... ...and don'ts. Interaction between young people is polite and casual." The woman added as a few teens were gathering around keyboard and two boys bumped into each other but one was drinking.  "Hey, sorry, bro." One guy said.

But the second guy seemed a little bit aggressive. "I will crush your bones into dust!" The the teens are the piano turn around and gasped at the guy's Behavior and the woman with a business suit and bun appeared on the screen again."Let's see how the situation should be handled. Remember, today's young people have a language all their own."

The scene repeated again."Sorry, bro." 
But the second guy attitude changed a bit which seemed a bit odd to Fred and Velma. "No big whoop, dog. Catch that new vid on the box?"

"True dat. I'm up to sniznuff on all popular trends." The first guy said. 

"Word." The screen zoomed in on skin guy and he winked towards the camera.

"It seems to be a brainwashing facility of some type. Wherever there's a brainwashing cult, there's always a power-hungry leader. The Papa Smurf figure." Velma said.

"That means Mondevarious." Fred answered.

"Then why would he have invited us here?" Velma asked. 


On the triangle, a podium held a pyramid shaped thing on it. Daphne walked up until they step up to the thing. 

As Daphne eached to touch it the pyramid shape opened, making her jump and looked at the weird signs or designs whatever they were. "Wow." Daphne muttered and she picked up the pyramid shape and suddenly the sides then started to close in on Daphne. She jumped out with a small squeal as the triangle finally closed and she rushed out the room. 


"Jellybeans." Sarah mutters and unexpected Scooby burped which made Sarah chuckle. "I'll have whatever he's having." Sarah then burped but Scooby burped on purpose. "Are you challenging me?" 

"Maybe..." Scooby said and burped again, Sarah and Scooby went back and forth Scooby then started farting as well.

"Pull my finger. Too late!"  Sarah says, bumping then making some movements and even pretended to swallow a burp. "You’re in trouble." then she let out a loud fart and Scooby giggled. 

Soon Daphne found Sarah and Scooby but they were both burping and farting which made Daphne groan in disgust. 

Scooby saw the girl come in but Sarah didn't noticed yet. "I'm not stopping till your fur is singed off." Sarah said, still farting while Scooby try to get him to stop.

But when Sarah turned around and saw the strawberry blond girl and she insteady stop but her last fart ran out when she stood up. 

"We're here to solve a mystery." Daphne said pretty sternly.

"Yeah, Scoob." Sarah blamed Scooby and he frowned. 


The mini man from under a desk leaned up and pressed a button which set off another alarm. Fred and Velma looked around before Fred said. "Let's get out of here." They ran out. 


Then suddenly, an alarm ran out, making are Daphne, Sarah and Scooby to run out. "Zoinks! Skedaddle!" Sarah shrieked.

They all reunited with Fred and Velma which startled them. 

"Hey, I found a neat and scary clue." Daphne said, holding up the pyramid shape.

"Us too. This is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult." Velma said to Daphne.

"Maybe this is the secret relic thingy they worship." Daphne said, referring to the pyramid in her hands.

The game stopped and saw that people were coming their way. "We'll all be relics if we don't get out of here." Sarah said, freaking out.

"I got a plan." Fred said, this is going to be priceless. 

The five of them were in the costumes, Daphne a princess, Velma a wizard, Sarah a knight (which she doesn’t mind), Scooby hiding ina random suit and Fred in another Knight suit as they watched the scene in front of them. 

"What's that smell?" Zarkos said as he and a few guys in biege clothing and  weird things on their head.

"Sir, they found the Daemon Ritus." One guy said.

Zarkos lifted up  a small guy  and got really close up to his face. "For your sake, they better not have gone far." Zarkos dropped him making a loud clank noise. "It is time to summon the big muchachos." 

They walked away as the Scooby gang calmed down. "Like, oh, no!" Sarah whispered. Sarah farted, which let an explosion spark in front of Velma and Scooby giggled.

The five of them including Scooby got out of the castle and were taking off the costumes.

Words: 2, 366

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