A image can cover so much pai...

By littlebabyeverything

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NOTE - I sometimes go back and add more/update previous chapters so keep eye on that He came across as confi... More

At the start
Trying and pretending
Alcohol and lies, dont look at me
A bad day
Do i tell? Or Do i hide?
Here we go
Do i have to?
Not intrested, but try
The 1st appointment
Not sure where i'm going.. except maybe off a cliff
He's my Brother/2nd appointment
Touring and playing
Home Again
Maybe i've got a friend
I must have fucked it up
A high and a low
Missing in Action
Coming Home
Another Day, Another Job
Happy for now
Playing shows, missing you & depression
Are we doing the right thing?
Your not here time to see Dr again
Kelly's POV - holiday
Why am I falling apart when i have you?
What do i say to Noel?
Escape but maybe time for the truth
Brothers, Talk Tonight
Brothers, Talk Tonight. Part 2
Wake up, this is me
Home to Mum
Time To Talk
Where the fuck is he?
Time To Talk Part Two
Oh God What Do I Do?
Fucking Shit, I'm screwed
I Survived
Piss Off, I'm Not Fucking Going
Let's Roll With It
Pass Me Down The Wine
I'm Outta Time But Going Nowhere
Take Me Away
Go (on) Let It Out
(It's Good) To Be Free
The Shock Of Lightning
The Nature Of Reality
Where Did It All Go Wrong
Let's All Make Believe
Just Gotta Be Normal
The Talk Then I'm Alone
Counting The Days
Back To It, For Now.
It's Finally Here
Here We Go

Trying to carry on

43 0 0
By littlebabyeverything

The tour started tomorrow and Liam hadn't even started to pack, he couldn't be bothered to do it and knew if it came to it he could just buy stuff. He looked at his bags, he should at least pack something. He stood up looked around the room, he definitely needed too some washing he could always dry things with a hairdryer. He walked to his drawers and pulled out some underwear socks, then grabbed 5 pairs of jeans, 8 T-shirts, 4 shirts and 3 tracksuit bottles "well that should do" he thought plus they were all hanging up so they must be clean. He threw some toiletries on the top and zipped it up and decided to forget about it. He threw some stuff in the washing machine and. Decided too go back to bed. He woke up when the washer beeped getting up he hung up some stuff hopefully they would be dry or nearly dry by tomorrow, he went into the kitchen grabbed a bottle of vodka, a bottle of jack and a few boxes of cigarette's, dumped them in the bag and lay back down, he must have fell asleep cos the next thing he knew there was banging on the door he could hear a voice but couldn't make out what it was saying, maybe he was dreaming he put his pillow over his head. Then again 'bang bang' 'bang bang' and the voice.
Dave had been knocking for ten minutes he needed to make sure Liam had packed and got to the airport in time or they would have to get a different plane or even drive to Glasgow which Dave really didn't fancy doing but it would be better than the alternative of cancelling the one off show and just flying straight to France to meet up with the others Noel would go fucking mental if that happened. He knocked a few more times then decided to use his key, he had demanded one after everything that happened but he still didn't like using it. He walked in to see two bags kinda packed in the living room and bits of washing hung in random places well at least Liam had tried "Liam where are you? It's Dave I just come to help you get sorted and take you to the airport" no answer came, he hoped to god Liam was actually here and not sleeping the drink off some random place "Liam come on you need to get sorted" he was probably in the bedroom Dave didn't want to go in he didn't know what he'd find hopefully it would just be Liam still asleep but it could be Liam and some girl or at worst it could be him dead but what option did he have he couldn't just stand there shouting and he didn't have time. Liam heard the door open and someone came in really he should have got up but couldn't be bothered, then he heard Dave shouting at first he ignored him but eventually got up and walked into the living room "hey Dave, I've kinda packed I've probably gota dry some shit with the hairdryer an check some last minute shit" "ok well we've got four hours till we have to be at the airport so if we set an hour aside for getting there that leaves three to get you sorted meaning we can't be too slow but also don't need to be really fast" "good I don't think I can do fast right now" Dave walked over to Liam's bags and had a look to see what Liam had actually packed clothes, underwear, toiletries and alcohol so he'd done well it seemed he just needed to decide which of the clothes drying he wanted, shoes, socks and of course Dave needed to make sure he packed his pills dr Emilie had put him on a extra one so now he needed to remember two. Liam shut the bathroom door he needed to pull himself together so he jumped into the shower when he'd finished he walked into the living room to find Dave straightening his bags up "so which of these clothes do you want? We might have to dry them with the hairdryer but I'm sure it won't take long" Liam looked around "just those jeans, that shirt, those two T-shirts and that jacket" Dave got them down the T-shirts were dry so he folded them up, the shirt and jeans just needed a quick going over it was the jacket that would be a problem "Liam where's ya hairdryer?" "Under the sink in the bathroom" Dave walked into the bathroom and opened the cabinet doors the hairdryer was on the top shelf but Dave noticed about 6 boxes of razor blades on the bottom really he should take them and bin them but how would Liam react when he found out maybe it would set him off so Dave left them. They dried Liam's clothes and headed to the airport. "Wow you're only five minutes late what the hell happened" was Noel's greeting. Everyone else began chatting about what they had been up too, Liam made things up he was good at that so it was easy. They all headed to the bar to wait. Getting to the hotel they only had half hour to check in and get ready for a interview, arriving in the room set aside for the interview Liam noticed the girl interviewing them was young he wondered if this was one of her first interviews poor thing being asked to interview them. "Hi I'm Sarah" she put out her hand the whole band shuck her hand, introduced themselves and sat down she started with the usual questions like if they were looking forward to the gig, the overseas tour etc then came the questions on their rivalry with blur. Then "so you guys have a bit of a reputation for being bad boys especially Liam and the fights between you and Noel are legendary do you think that takes away focus on the music?" Noel jumped straight in "the music is what's important everything else is just bullshit it's not important" "but it's still something that you do if you want it to be just the music why do the other things?" "My idiot little brother just thinks it's cool he think's it makes him a hard man" Liam jumped in "what's wrong with having fun I can't help it when situations happen you just get pissed off cos you don't have fun" then as usual things descended into a argument the poor girl didn't know what to do. Eventually things calmed down and the interview rounded up. The band headed to sound check Liam was left in the dressing room alone as usual he was doing ok at being his usual self he was happy in a way and looking forward to the tour hopefully the fun of being away, playing shows, hanging out with his friends. Dave had promised to make sure he took his pills and was booked into a room next to Liam at each hotel, Liam had also took dr Emilie's number and had agreed to a couple of phone call appointments. Gigsey came in "come on time to check the mic" Liam followed him up to the stage they ran through a quick sound check and all headed back to the dressing room until show time, they had a drink and a laugh even Noel was in a good mood it was gonna be a good show. The next morning they boarded a plane for Paris. Getting to the hotel quite late they dumped their stuff in their rooms and headed to the bar to meet journalists, record company people, promoters and whoever the hell was there so that ment lots of free alcohol, drugs and probably sex. He'd been sat down for about two minutes and drinks appeared, then about five minutes later someone passed him a couple of bags of coke and slid a box of weed in his direction, he noticed similar things going on around the others. They had been there about three hours so were very drunk and high Liam looked over at the bar he noticed a girl sitting there alone she was wearing blue jeans, a pink tshirt and a adidas jacket her dark blonde hair brushed her shoulders she was so different to the sluts all around him with their breasts hanging out and skirts that barely covered their arse plus he swore the one on the right had no knickers on the main thing those girls want is to be able to say they'd shagged a rock star it was pathetic. Liam heard the girl at the bar speak, she was English. Liam watched her for the next hour, he wanted to speak to her but he knew how he looked. Eventually the crowd lessened leaving just a few hangers on, Noel had went to his room, a girl was still chatting to bonehead and a guy Liam didn't even know was talking at him. He got up went to the toilets to do a couple of lines when he came back he couldn't stop himself he walked to the bar where the girl was still sitting. "Hey love, I'm Liam wanna drink?" "I know who you are and I've got one" she didn't even look at him, Liam wasn't used to that "you've been on ya own all night, it's not right for a attractive girl like you" "have you been watching me? Bit creepy that" Liam smiled "why wouldn't I watch a pretty girl come on let me get you a drink" she looked at him still unimpressed Liam realised this was gonna take work "just one nothing dodgy I promise" she laughed "you're famous for dodgy, why should I trust you" he decided maybe joking would help "well I'm a bit too drunk to get it working so ya don't have to worry there" he laughed "who do you think I am? You just assume I'd be interested and be that type of girl, you really do think you can have anything you want don't you" she stood up and began to walk away, he panicked grabbed a napkin and a pen scribbled his hotel phone number & home number with the words please don't give these out, chased after her "here maybe you could call me and I say sorry" "what makes you think I care" she took the napkin and left. Liam walked back to his room he sat down and began to think, he began to worry was everything that was going on with him changing how people reacted to him, could the girl tell he was having issues, could other people tell. All he wanted to do was carry on like normal.

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