Learn The Lesson (BNHA x AC)

By VioletYbrehl

239K 6.8K 3.6K

Class 3-A had been in constant villain and succeed to survive. Dubbed as "Greatest Heroes" after the war, the... More

Table Of Content
1: Izuku Midoriya
2: Villain Team
3: The Past
4: Start of preparation
5: Discussion and Planning
6: Last Two days
7: Day 1: Quiet yet explosive
8: Day 1: Realization
9: Day 2: Two at the same time
10: Day 2: Tomorrow's plan
11: Day 2: walking to the trap
12: Day 2: unstoppable force of night
13: Day 2: Karma's background and Jirous burst
14: Day 3: Retreat to gain big
15: Day 3: Heroes side
16: Day 3: Villain's Facade
17: Day 3: Schemes
18: Day 3: Chillin like a villain
19: Day 4: Preparation for Big Show
20: Day 4: 2 vs 2
21: Day 4: Jail Break
22: Day 4: Going All Out?
23: Day 4: Kaede's lecture
24: Day 4: Alley Battle
25: Day 4: Momo's plan
26: Day 4: Conversation
27: Day 4: They fall again
28: Day 4: End of Day 4
29: Day 5: Villain's Trump Card
30: Day 5: Kimura's time
31: Day 5: start of killing Spree
32: Day 5: The Talk
33: Day 5: Overwhelming Kill and Betrayal.
34: Day 5: the "Traitor" Squad
35: Day 5: Force to Reckoned
36: Day 5: Bonding thru killing
38: Day 5: Izuku's regret
39: Day 6: Quiet Evacuation
40: Day 6: Opposite Situation
41: Day 7: Paranoid?
42: Day 7: Explosion Time
43: Day 7: Selfishness and Illusion
44: Day 7: Left Out
45: Day 7: Brothers
46: Day 7: Victory
47: Aftermath
48: Critism
49: Learned The Lesson
50: Their New Journey
Author's Note

37: Day 5: Assassination Classroom

2.7K 90 23
By VioletYbrehl

Izuku decided not to use the clone of his father for today. He feared that he might actually do something that he will regret. He was having an uncontrollable rage right now and to calm down.

But he can't, its like all his regret after seeing Iida run towards where Clone Stain is pull him down. He regret doing that after the war.


Hisashi Midoriya Aka All For One is beaten black in blue in the battle field. Most of the Class 3-E is with there, had some minor injuries. Isogai and Kataoka had the most injuries but it wasn't life threatening.

"Give up, Father... I know you did this for some reason but its time to stop..." Izuku said. Looking to the destruction they did, in the area, its a surprise no one found out about their battle. He could sense All Might's team and the whole Class 1-A with some Class 1-B going to their area.

"Karma-kun, lead the whole class in our Mountain, I'll heal them later, I just need to do something..." Izuku said.

"Will you be okay, Izuku?" Nagisa worriedly said.

"Yeah, everyone here is paralyze and can't move anymore. I just need to manipulate some threads who the credits will be given to others and not us. Its too dangerous if media found out it was us who defeat the leaders and generals of Paranormal Liberation Front!" Izuku said. Karma and Nagisa understand it.

They are the shadows of the society. Their good deeds will never be seen in light and they already promise to help the society without taking credits. Izuku opens the Similar Portal of Kurogiri, he open it exactly to their mountain as Izuku look to his father.

"I'm sorry, son..." Hisashi whisper.

"We will talk the moment you are jailed. You'll be fine, Dad. I promise..." Izuku give everyone smile. It reassured them that they will be fine even if they will be captured. Izuku being an informant, he knew the drive of the heroic students. They fought nobly to their beliefs. Although they all have a short comings, he trust them to take the credits in defeating the LOV.

He thought its a perfect plan, that the class A and B will stay humble even with the title. All Might stay humble even with his title the symbol of peace was with him for almost 3 decades. He thought it was right but he miscalculate how media's will move.

Izuku teleport the class A and B in the place where the PLF generals was in. He install the time of the media and other heroes being in the place. He let the media first see the young heroes who decided to act and mobilize the paralyze PLF Generals. Most of them look nervous but act how Izuku predicted.

He thought he saw the bright future in them. Seeing their shining determination in their eyes. He believe they will be fine. The moment heroes arrive, he talk to them and explain what happen.

All Might wanted to tell Izuku that they should take the credits but Izuku refuse and wanted to stay hidden. The heroes had no choice but to give the credits to the Heroic Class students of UA. PLF Generals are all arrested and the Imperial Family is the one that imprisoned them with the doctor underground.

Because of this, the Japan slowly regain it glory. Because of this, Class 1-A and 1-B who become the class 2-A and 2-B was praised by media. People started tl admire them, giving them small gifts, giving them simple thank you.

At first they tried to explain it wasn't them who defeat the PLF. But they are the one that had been seen in the area. Media on the other hand don't care to their opinion and just say what they see. Exaggerating them to the point people believe in them.

Heroes testament didn't help. It got worst that the two class started to change without them realizing. Katsuki and the bean squad is one of those that realize. But Katsuki also could see that the bean squad was force to do everything the others do. He knew their fear, the fear of being isolated.

He tried to help in simple way, but his help was also like how shadows work, he help them without taking credits. Katsuki distant himself to everyone other than the beansquad.

He told Izuku whats happening in the class 2-A and Izuku started to regret his decision that time.

"I shouldn't let them got those credits... Those vultures, they have a fault but not as big as mine. I can't give the credit to Endeavour because I'm sure Karma-kun will get mad. Not with other top heroes too, it will make ir worst... I..." Izuku cried in arms of Katsuki, holding his anger to himself.

Katsuki understand, Izuku hac no choice that time and the best choice was them. Its not entirely his fault, but Medias had big part why they change and forget what kind of hero they wanted to be.

That day, when Katsuki talk to his boyfriend, Izuku let him see his fragile state, he cried and just telling his regret doing those mistake.

"Nerd... You might be a genius but it doesn't mean you are not human anymorem people make mistake, its normal..." Katsuki whisper. Letting Izuku understand it wasn't his fault.

Katsuki tried to help too by winning all the fight he had in the school. But it backfired since he had been considered as "Symbol of Victory" already. He thought that by letting them lose, they will realize that there are people who's far more stronger than them.

Bur it turns out, his win was twisted to become an evidence on how strong they are. In the end, he just give up.


Izuku could feel his rage reaching his limit when he saw Katsuki. Katsuku could feel his boyfriend was mad.

He shiver to the thought that Izuku might lashed out but Izuku just go to him, hugs him and cried. Izuku just release all the anger, frustration, and his guilt to what happen in the past.

Katsuki immediately connect what happen, he knew Izuku use Stain for Iida, Iida must done something to increase Izuku's anger.

"Do you want to talk about this shi--?" Katsuki ask. Izuku nodded so Katsuki guided Izuku to their room. Katsuki clench his fist, he will talk to that four eyes the next time they met.


"W-what?" Most of the "dead" students ask. Looking to how Villain Team goofing around really shock them. They been in that place since there "death" and all of the things they see is the serious side of them.

Mostly they discuss there plans and some normal conversation, they even saw them just casually enjoy the Amusement park. But they didn't see the goofy side of the villain team.

Whats more, their goof side is rather.... Unique.

"I see... I didn't know..." Yui said and sigh.

"Somethings wrong, Yui-chan?" Komori ask.

"The villain team... They are part of AC Project..." Yui said. Most of them are confused.

"What AC Project?" Ochako ask.

"For those who don't know, I am part of a hero family. AC Project is one of the Biggest but unspoken Project of the Government. I'm not surprise none of you knew it because I only accidentallu found out about that Project," Yui explain.

"Could you elaborate..." Surprisingly, Monoma ask.

"AC Project or what they call Assassination Classroom Project is an unspoken project of Government. There is only one goal and that was to kill the Rising Number One Villain before All For One took the title again," Yui explain.

"You mean, the one who explode the moon?" Kamakiri ask. Yui nodded.

"This..." Mina said in shock.

"From what I read, the villain will stay to a certain place and thats will be the ground where he could be killed. Inside the contract, the villain will stay in that place which is a classroom of Kunogigaoka Junior High in exchange of teaching a whole class. The students will have a year to kill the villain while they are studying under the villain itself. It also stated in the contract that he can't hurt any of the student... In short, this group was trained to kill the rising number One villain who was known to his speed and skills that could blown the moon!" Yui said. All of them was shock.

Monoma felt better now that he was defeated by them.

"Then, that means we really have no chance at all?" Shishida ask.

"I beg your pardon," Juzo said.

"We had a chance, I am here since Day 1. I saw most of there quirks. Yes they are skilled specially in knives, gun, stealth, infiltration and, attacking in shadow. but most of them had weak quirks which should be our advantage. Most of them might not be a good pair in face to face battle," Juzo explain.

"I'm not underestimating them because clearly, they are not a one trick person. They had multiple skills and had their own unique fighting stances. But if you pair, for example, Null (Isogai) to Todoroki in face to face battle. Todoroki will win. Null's (Isogai) quirk, I think its a mental emitter quirk with voice activation. Like a weak version of Shinsou's quirk. The reason why they are having a flood win is because we underestimate them," Juzo explain.

"I also could see they are experience in field. Like those underground heroes. They might win by default because of there experience but if we didn't underestimate them and really prepared for the fight, I'm sure we could make them run for their money!" Setsuna concluded as Juzo nodded.

"Thag might be the reason why they get rid you immediately!" Monoma said and laugh.

"Its not funny!" Sero said.

"The fu-- it ain't? They "kill" Juzo and Setsuna because they are threat. Don't you see? They consider us, class B more threatening than class A!" Monoma said and laugh.

Juzo just knock out Monoma and sigh. But he also thought the same since they didn't change that much after the war. The two mostly avoid the media as they are all annoying and they just want to continue on being a hero. The villain team indeed see them a big threat.

"We would learn more under them, thats for sure..." Shoda said. Everyone nodded while continue to watch how goofy they are while "killing" the clone of "the rising number one villain".


Karma and Nagisa decided to check Izuku. But they are surprise to see Katsuki in Izuku's room while Izuku is curling beside Katsuki. The two immediately get worried and went to them.

"What happen?" Nagisa worriedly ask.

"That fu--ing four eyes makes him remember his guilt to what happen in Heroic Class Student," Katsuki said clenching his fist because of it.

"Its not his fault as he had no choice... Either that or giving it to the pro heroes. Balancing the consequence, choosing the student is the safest. If he let the heroes have the credits, then all our hard work, will not be possible. Choosing the Pro Heroes means retrebution to them. People will surely forgive all their sins in hero society as they "saved" them. By choosing the hero hopefuls, we manipulate a bit of public opinion that there might be a chance that the new generation will change. And we did, we created a new society for those who had been shunned by them before..." Karma explain.

Indeed, letting the pro heroes take the credits will surely make them pay really impossible. Thats the last thing they want to know. Taking the credits themselves will not be an option as it will remove the sense of security they have so they can move freely. That will be the last resort they will have.

Karma also knew why Izuku accepted this request to Nezu. And now, he was sure that Izuku is slowly correcting his mistake.


Next chapter will be the last chapter for Day 5. Day 6 will be shorter, one to two chapter only then day 7 will be longer too.


Circle -Inactive
Diamond - Missing
Heart - Villain Team
Exis - Dead



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