A New World (Seven Deadly Sin...

By DevilGirl5736

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It was a normal night, when you had a weird dream that transported you to a different world. A world where t... More

Chapter 1 - A not so normal night
Chapter 2 - The Next Morning
Chapter 4 - Multiple Fights
A/N birthday
Chapter 5 - Waiting to Happen
Chapter 6 - Meeting a Demon
Chapter 7 - Their Story
Chapter 8 - The Fifth Sin, Gowther
Chapter 9 - A New Day
Chapter 10 - The King Has Arrived!
Chapter 11 - The Fairy's Lost Friend
Chapter 12 - The Past
Chapter 13 - A Broken Curse
Chapter 14 - A Threat
Chapter 15 - Danger!
Chapter 16 - Awakened
Chapter 17 - The End and The Beginning
Chapter 18 - Headache
Chapter 19 - Their Fighting Festival
Chapter 20 - A Date?
Chapter 21 - A Bad Omen
Chapter 22 - Ban's Journey
Chapter 23 - Camelot
Chapter 24 - Spirit Chastiefol: True Form
Chapter 25 - Commandment of Truth
Chapter 26 - Lost Memories
Chapter 27 - Matrona
Chapter 28 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 29 - Training
Chapter 30 - Power
Chapter 31 - An Old Friend
Chapter 32 - Separation
Chapter 33 - Jealousy and Love

Chapter 3 - The Adventure

1K 17 5
By DevilGirl5736

"Great!" Meliodas says, ecstatic. "We were heading to Vaizel for Diane's sacred weapon."

"Sacred weapon? What's that?" I ask.

"A sacred treasure allows the user to draw out their true strength. Like how I use my Chastiefol to fight." King explains.

"Wow, that's so cool. Where are yours?" I ask the others.

"I lost mine." Diane says.

"Sold mine." Meliodas says, happily.

"Mine got stolen." Ban says, a little drunk after drinking a bottle of beer.

"You guys are so careless. How did yours get lost?" I asked Diane.

"I was taking a little nap and when I woke up, my weapon was gone." Diane says, a little sad.

"I guess I can't get mad at that, but you should've been more careful and aware of your surroundings." I say, patting Diane on her finger. "Why did you sell yours?"

"Needed money for the tavern." Meliodas says.

"You don't seem too freaked out about this. Don't you need your weapon to reach your full potential?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I'm already plenty strong." Meliodas says, smiling as happy as ever.

I grabbed his cheeks( not those cheeks, ya nastys) and stretched them, "You need to be more worried about this situation."

"Ok, ok, just stop stretching my cheeks. It hurts." Meliodas says.

I let go and he starts rubbing his cheeks. I didn't think I stretched them that hard.

"How did yours get stolen?" I ask Ban.

"Wasn't paying attention." He says, nonchalantly.

"OK, then. It's clear that you all need to be more careful with your weapons. At least we're getting Diane's first." I say, saying the last part to myself.

Then it hits me, how are we going to get to vaizel?

"Wait, how are we getting to vaizel?" I ask.

"Oh right, I guess we didn't tell you yet. Go outside and see for yourself." Meliodas says to me.

I walk outside and see that we're flying?!

'How?! That shouldn't....be......possible.' I say, paying in my thoughts when I see what we're flying on.

We're flying a giant pig! That's so cool! I head back inside and start rambling about how cool this all is, until I feel us heading down a bit roughly. I start to lose balance and fall, but I didn't fall, Meliodas caught me and his face was in my boobs! I immediately got off him and blushed.

"Don't do that." I say, feeling embarrassed.

Meliodas POV

As we were heading down, I saw Y/N start to fall. I quickly ran over and caught her, but my face was in her boobs. I blushed a bit. Her boobs were squishy and felt soft. She got off of me and said, "Don't do that."

I nodded, still embarrassed about what happened.

'Odd. I've never been embarrassed when my face is in Elizabeth's boobs. Why is this time different?' I think to myself, confused.

Normal POV

After we all landed, we all got out of the tavern and started heading out until Meliodas said that Diane couldn't come.

"Why can't I come too?!" Diane asked, sad and crying.

"Because, after a giant destroyed their town, they decided that giants aren't allowed in." Meliodas explains.

"Well, I don't want to stay here all alone." Diane says.

"I'll stay with you, Diane." Elizabeth says.

Diane smiled at that comment. Diane then looked at me.

"I'm going with the boys to check the festival out." I say to Diane, who looks sad again. "But, I'll try and come back to hang out with you guys."

She smiles and nods, letting us go to the festival.

At the Festival

As we were walking, I noticed that some people were looking at me, men in particular. I was used to it, but for some reason, whenever I looked their way they ran or speed walked away in fear. I looked behind me and saw the boys just smiling at me, but as soon as I looked away, I felt something behind me. I just pushed it out of my mind. The only thing that bothered me was that I was super embarrassed when Ban decided to wear an apron to the Festival. I was blushing like crazy.

"Something wrong, shorty?" Ban asks, smugly.

I shook my head. "No." I say. "Everything's a-ok."

"Alright." Ban says.

We are still walking when I spot a book stall! I love reading! I told the boys that I would be looking at books and then heading back to Diane and Elizabeth. They nodded and kept walking to the entrance of the fighting tournament.

I walked toward the booth and started looking at books. After a little while of looking, someone else came over and started looking at books. I found a book that looked really interesting. It was called, 'The Tales of Dark Magic'.

"That book is really good." The boy next to me said.

"Is it? I haven't really read any of these books yet. This one just caught my attention." I say, sheepishly.

He nods and continues looking at books. I go up to the person in charge of the stall and ask if I could have this.

"Of course, for 5 gold."

That's when it hit me, I didn't have any money.

"Um, well, I don't...exactly...have any money." I say, sheepishly.

He swiped the book from my hands and shooed me away from his stall. I walked away, sadly.

Gowther POV

I watched as the stall owner swipes the book away from the girl and shooed her away. For some reason, I felt sad? for her.

" I would like to pay for these and the book that that girl had." I told the owner.

I pay him and walk away from the stall and toward the girl.

"Hey." I call from behind her.

I see her turn around and stop when she sees me.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She asks.

I didn't realize this till now, but her voice sounds like a gentle breeze blowing across a field of flowers. I didn't realize that I was staring till she said something.

"Um, hello?" She says, waving in my face.

"Sorry. Here." I handed her the book that she wanted.

"Oh, thank you, but you didn't have to get me this." She says.

"It's fine." I say, trying to reassure her.

"Well, thank you...." She says, trailing off.

"Go-" I say, almost saying my real name. "Alan, call me Alan.

"Thank you, Alan. I hope I see you again soon." She says, walking away.

I decided to take a peek into her thoughts, just to see what kind of person she is.

'Alan is a very kind person. They fooled me at first because I thought they were a girl, but I figured it out. I'll have to ask him what his pronouns are so then I don't offend him. Until next time, then.'

I blushed a bit, before walking off back into the forest.

Normal POV

After a few minutes of walking, I made it back to the tavern. I didn't see Diane or Elizabeth, so I decided to venture into the woods to find them. I found them together, looking at a weird mushroom, if you can even call it that.

"Hey!" I yell. "What's that?"

"Hello, Y/N. We think it's a mushroom." Elizabeth replies.

"That's a mushroom?" I ask, questioning it.

"Well whatever it is, one thing's for sure, it's food." Diane says and bonks the things head.

The mushroom shrinked back and expanded, while making a purple mist. The last thing I remember is everything going black.

Meliodas, Ban, and King POV

After Y/N left, we went to the sign-up sheet to sign our names, well, more like Ban signed our names for us. We waited a while, until a little gremlin came onto the stage.

"Welcome to the Vaizel Fighting Festival!" It yelled. "I am Love Helm, the referee of these fighting matches. We'll start off with all the fighters fighting each other. The last eight fighters left standing move on to the next matches. The rules for these matches are no weapons or magic can be used. This a fist to fist fighting match! Well then, let's get started!"

We started walking to where the match would start.

"Ready! GO!" Love Helm yells.

Everyone starts running toward each other and people are being thrown out of bounds left and right.

Meliodas POV

It wasn't that hard for me. The match was over in about 5 minutes. I looked around me. I saw a few men, an old man, a woman and Ban. Ban walks over to me.

"Where did you find that?" I ask, seeing that he got a new jacket.

"Just found it." He says.

"Sure, you did." I say, not buying it.

"1,2, 3.....Well, this won't do. We don't have enough people." Love Helm says.

We then hear jeering in the back and see King floating, still in bounds.

"Well, he's technically not using magic so, I'll allow it!" Love Helm shouts.

Some people get mad and start yelling that that isn't fair, while others congratulate King and wish him luck.

"Now that we have eight fighters, everyone head to that shed to pick numbers for who you'll be fighting against. The person with the same number as you will be the person you're fighting against." Love Helm tells us.

Everyone heads to the shed and picks numbers. Diane gets the number 5.

"I will now announce the first round match ups!" Love Helm yells. "First up! Griamore vs. Matrona!"

The three boys POV

"Hey, look. It's that girl from earlier." King says.

"I've never heard of her, but it's a big world out there." Meliodas says.

Meliodas notices that she moves her head once he looks her way. He's kinda confused on why, but shrugs it off.

"The second pairing is.....Howzer vs. Taizoo!" Screams Love Helm.

"I know him." says King. " Now I remember. That man is a Holy Knight! I saw him with Gilthunder on several occasions."

"But, what's he doing at a festival like this?" Meliodas asks. "It would really suck if we got recognized."

Then King gets shocked and looks toward Ban.

"Ban! You signed us up for this, right? Tell me you didn't use our real names." King yells at Ban in a sort of whisper voice.

"Hey, relax! Don't get your panties in a wad. I totally got your back on this." Ban replies.

"Here's the third match-up!" Love Helm yells. "Cain vs. Old Fart!"

King starts laughing. "Old Fart? Who'd use an awful name like that?"

"Three guesses." Ban says, next to King's ear.


'Old Fart?!' I think to myself. I start laughing quietly to myself. It was such a ridiculous name, after all.

Elizabeth POV

I heard giggling. I looked and saw Y/N laughing quietly to herself.

'She has such a beautiful laugh. I want to hear it on repeat for days.' I think to myself, looking at Y/N laugh.

The three boys POV

"Three guesses." Ban says, next to King's ear.

King looks shocked before yelling at Ban. "What?! This better be some kind of joke!"

Meanwhile, Meliodas starts talking to Cain.

"Hey! Made it to the finals, too?"

Cain laughs. "Thanks to liquid courage."

"What's going on here?" Ban asks. "I don't think I heard the guy call my name yet."

Meliodas looks at him and says, "Me neither."

They have a look of shock on their faces before they realize.

" And the final matchup.......Meliodaf vs. Baaaan!" Love Helm yells the final pairing.

They both look at each other.


'Meliodaf? Baaan? Meliodas and Ban?! Won't their fight destroy the entire village?!'

"Diane!" I whisper-yell to her. "Won't their fight cause some damage to the village?"

"It'll be fine. They probably won't even use the full extent of their power for this fight. Don't worry, they'll be fine." She assures me.

"Ok. If you say so." I say.

The three boys POV

"Um..what's with those names you picked?" Meliodas asks.

"Yeah, they're so obvious!" King yells.

"I can't think of anything good on the spot!" Ban defends.

Howzer approaches them and starts talking to Ban, "Hey, you. That's a big scar on your cheek. Just like that guy on the wanted posters. And this rugrat with you..."


I listen in on what's going on. I hear someone talking about how Ban looks exactly like the wanted poster of him. I start to freak out, wondering if this guy would find out who they were. I start to take deep breaths and hope for the best.

Howzer POV

'I'm pretty sure Gil said the captain of the seven deadly sins was a kid. It couldn't be.'

There's a tension going between us that even a knife could cut through it.

"Nah. You two guys have got totally different names. Sorry, my mistake. What's the matter with me? They wouldn't be at a festival like this." I start walking away from them, going to a different space in the shed.


I was so relieved that he didn't realize who they really were. Guess I can relax for now.

The three boys POV

"Looks like we fooled him." Ban says.

"Cause he dumb." Meliodas adds.

King sighs.

Normal POV

What the three boys didn't realize was that Griamore was staring at them.

Normal POV - outside with the crowd

"The finals of the Vaizel Fighting Festival shall begin!" Love Helm yells. "The rules are simple! Matches are won by commission or K.O.! Fall out of the ring and you lose the and there! Let's get to the first match! It's Griamore vs. Matrona!"

"We've got plenty of ale! Come get some!" Hawks yells in the crowd, while Griamore and Matrona step up onto the stage.

"Griamore." Howzer says, getting Griamore's attention. " I'm a little surprised to see you here. What about protecting Veronica?"

"That's Princess Veronica. Respect her title." Griamore responds.

Howzer sighs.

"Standing at 7 feet tall and weighing in at 400 pounds, Griamore!" Love Helm yells.

The crowd started cheering and someone yelled, "Look at those muscles!"

"Standing five feet, five inches tall and weighing none of your business, Matrona!"

Y/N laughs a bit from when Love Helm announced her weight.

'I guess she really doesn't like it when people know about her weight.' Y/N thinks to herself.

"What're her measurements?!" Someone in the crowd yells.

"They're 36, 23, and 35." Meliodas says.

"How'd you come up with that?!" King yells at Meliodas.

"Hold on there miss. The hat's fine, but you'll have to remove the cloak. Gotta make sure you don't have any weapons." Love Helm speaks.

Matrona takes off the cloak and people around her start whistling and making comments about her body. The boys looked shocked when they saw what she was wearing.

"Captain, that outfit!" King says. "Isn't it?"

"Yeah, no doubt about it!" Meliodas replies. "That's my tavern's uniform!"

"What the? That's Elizabeth?!" Hawks asks.

"Do you think she's really that strong?" King asks Meliodas.

"Hm.. If that's Elizabeth, then there's something very wrong going on here." Meliodas says.

"Weird? What do you mean by that?" Asks King.

"Her bust looks a little smaller than usual, and her butt is a little larger." Meliodas states.

King blushes from that statement.

"Ok! My eagle eyes will be glued to this first match! Here we go, folks! Let the fighting begin!" Love Helm yells.

After love Helm yells that, Matrona goes in and starts punching Griamore's gut continuously.

"Matron is too fast for Griamore! She rushes in and lets loose and hits him with a barrage of punches!" Love Helm yells for the crowd.

Matrona keeps hitting him, until a purple ball grows from Griamore's stomach.

"I can't allow myself to be defeated." Griamore says, as the purple orb keeps growing around him. " It isn't anything personal. This is my magical ability.....Wall!"

The orb grows around him fully, leaving him protected.

"Hey, judging by that guy's power...." Ban starts.

"He's another Holy Knight?" Meliodas finishes.

Matrona starts hitting the wall, continuously and much faster than before.

"You're too late, sweetheart." Howzer says to himself. "Half-ass magical abilities and physical attacks won't work against this guy at all. When he's like that, your only two options are to wait for him to stop or for him to run out of mana. You should've tried to end this before it completely covered him."

Matrona keeps hitting the wall, but the wall starts to grow, trying to push Matrona out of bounds.

"My wall is a symbol of my resolve to protect Princess Veronica! I insist that you leave the ring!" Griamore says.

Matrons is being pushed and is almost out of bounds.

"Woohoo! Thanks to Griamore's mysterious power, Matrona's in big trouble!" Love Helm yells to the crowd.

Matrona struggles with trying to keep inside the ring.

"I will advance to the final round. If Princess Veronica were to give word, I would bring anyone to their knees!" Griamore yells. " Even the Seven Deadly or even Meliodas himself!"

Matrona reacts to that and starts to get her arm into a punching form.

"Oh yeah." Matrons starts. "That's not gonna happen!"

She punches the wall with all her might and it starts to break. She keeps pushing and the wall breaks. Griamore looks shocked, while Matrona runs up toward Griamore and uppercuts him. She knocks him out of the ring and he flies somewhere away from the ring. When Matrona jumps down, her hat flies off revealing her face. Griamore's scream could be heard as he kept flying somewhere. Matrona lands and points her finger into the sky, posing.

"Griamore has left the ring! Therefore, the winner is Matrona!" Love Helm yells, announcing the winner.

"Good job, Diane!" Y/N yells to her.

Diane smiles and blushes a bit, while the crowd cheers for her.

"She broke his wall with her bare hands? How?" Howzer asks himself.

Howzer notices a purple haired woman walking away, through the crowd.

"A single blow from this girl brought low that hunk of a man!" Love Helm yells.

Diane twirls her hair cutely, enjoying the praise.

"This year's fighting festival is shaping up to be a wild ride!" Love Helm yells.

"There's no way that's her." Ban says, analyzing Matrona.

"Hey captain, am I dreaming or something?" King asks, while wiping his eyes.

"Oh well." Starts Matrona, while walking toward the three boys. "I was hoping to stay a little longer!"

She jumps off the platform and lands in front of Meliodas.

"Yup, it's me." Matrona says.

"Do I know you?" Meliodas asks.

Matrona hits him in the stomach as hard as she can.

"Forget it! You can be such a jerk, captain!" Matrona yells, walking away angrily toward the shed.

"What did I do?" Meliodas asks, trembling from the blow.

"You're really an idiot, captain." King states, walking toward the shed. "Wait, hey! Hold on, Diane!"

Diane stops, surprised.

"Is it really you?" King asks.

Diane turns around and says, "Yeah."

"What happened to you? How did you get this size?" King asks. "Where's the princess and Y/N? Weren't they with you?"

"We're here!" Elizabeth yells.

King looks surprised before looking back at Diane.

"We're right here!" Elizabeth yells again.

King still looks confused and surprised, as Diane walks up to him. She leans toward him and uncovers her boobs from the bow. In between her boobs are Elizabeth and Y/N, a bit squished together and naked.

"Shoc-King!" King yells, wide-eyed and blushing.

"Is that really you, Y/N? Elizabeth?" King asks, starting to reach for them, mainly Y/N.

'She looks so cute when she's small and she's......naked! Again!' King thinks to himself.

"Pervert!" Diane says to King.

King has a full-on nosebleed that seems a bit drastic. King starts giggling a bit before saying, "N-No, I didn't mean to stare! Anyway, we should tell the captain."

In the shed

"A giant Mushroom?" Asks Meliodas.

"Yeah." Diane replies. "It happened after you left for town, Elizabeth and I were going to gather ingredients for dinner in the forest. As we were looking for ingredients, we found a mushroom and that's when Y/N came back. Elizabeth screamed when she found the mushroom. I bonked its head and it spit out a pink mist that shrunk us. I had to borrow Elizabeth's clothes for the time being."

"But then we didn't have any clothes that would fit me and Elizabeth." Y/N says.

"Gotcha. So that's why you're both jammed into Diane's cleavage." Meliodas says.

"Don't say it like that!" King yells. "It was likely an Eringi mushroom variant of the Chicken Matango. They're monsters with cowardly dispositions that rarely show themselves. But when they feel threatened, they release spores that shrink living things."

"Why didn't you speak up sooner?" Meliodas asks.

"It's just..." Diane starts. "I really wanted to surprise you, Captain!"

Diane jumps into Meliodas's arms. Diane hugs him.

"Being held by you is a dream come true!" Diane states. "I've been jealous of Elizabeth for so long now!"

"You're the one who threw themselves at me." Meliodas says.

"Hey! Get off him, Diane!" King says.

"Oh, right! Put me down! Hurry, Hurry!" Diane says.

"Make up your mind." Meliodas says.

King sighs.

"Have a look, captain. You can be naughty with me." Diane says, while King has a nosebleed and faints. "All the stuff you do to Elizabeth everyday, you can do to me!"

"Sorry, but it's not the same when you're told to do it." Meliodas says.

Diane gets sad and asks, "Come on! Why does it only have to be Elizabeth?! What am I to you, Captain?"

Y/N feels sorry Diane and she can see that Elizabeth does as well. They hear Meliodas start to answer.

"What are you to me?" Meliodas asks.

"Diane." Y/N starts to say.

"I'm finally small, but that doesn't even matter to you." Diane says sadly. "I always thought that my size was the problem and that's why you never treated me like Elizabeth."

Meliodas approaches Diane and pats her head.

"There, there." Meliodas says, while patting her like a dog. "No way I can do that to a precious comrade, right? Make do with this."

Diane smiles and says, "Sure. I'll try my best."

Y/N smiles for Diane and looks toward Elizabeth. Y/N sees that she's sad and pats her shoulder, trying to make her feel better. Elizabeth smiles, but Y/N can see that she is still sad.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot the most important thing." Diane says.

"What's that?" Meliodas asks.

Diane grabs the back of his head and pulls his head into her boobs.

"You and I can make babies now!" Diane yells.

"Were you listening to me at all?" Meliodas asks.

Y/N and Elizabeth see Meliodas's eyes widen when he saw you two. Y/N and E;lizabeth both push themselves further into Diane's cleavage. Ban soon bursts into the room.

"Hey king, you in here?" Ban asks, when he then looks at the floor to see a fainted king surrounded by blood. "What're dead or something?"

"So, how's the match been going?" Meliodas asks, completely ignoring King's body.

"Well, there's not much to talk about. That middle aged baldy is way too weak." Ban says.

During the fight

Taizoo is struggling and is breathing heavily.

"Come on. Stop being stubborn and just throw in the towel." Howzer says.

"No! It's not over!" Taizoo shouts, not giving up.

"Oh, that's a problem." Hozwer explains. "You see, I'm not like Griamore. I didn't really want to use this on a civilian."

A small tornado starts forming around his arms and on the ground.

"But it'd be cruel to you if I didn't end this quickly." Howzer says.

"Say good night!" Taizoo says, running toward Howzer.

"You put up a good fight, buddy." Howzer says.

Howzer hit Taizoo with his tornado arm and it sent Taizoo flying, spirling to who-knows-where.

"Howzer wins!" Love Helm yells.

The crowd cheers for Howzer, while he poses.

"He's pretty good." Meliodas says.

"Sure is." Ban agrees.

"Next up is our third match! Cain vs. Old Fart!" Love Helm yells.

Y/N giggles a bit when she hears the name, 'Old Fart.'

'It's just so funny.' Y/N thinks to herself.

"My turn, huh?" King asks himself.

"Who in their right mind would choose such a distasteful name?" Diane asks.

"It was me!" Ban says, happily.

"Why am I not surprised?" Diane asks, definitely not surprised.

"Hey, come one. You gave yourself a pretty weird name, too." Ban says. "Where did Matrona come from?"

"It's the name of someone I used to know." Diane replies.

While they were talking, Meliodas said to King, "I'll hold onto Chastiefol for you."

"Thanks." King thanks him, while handing him his Chastiefol.

"K-Old Fart, go!" Diane yelled to King.

King looked back at Diane with his normal face. Y/N looked taken aback and questioned if that was his real form. She knew that fairies could transform, but she never really saw it in person. Elizabeth nods and explains that that is his true form. Y/N nods, still kind of shocked that that is his true form.

"If that's his game face, guess it makes sense." Ban says.

"This is the perfect pillow." Meliodas says, completely focusing on the pillow.

King walks up onto the platform.

"Standing 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing 5 pounds, Old Fart!" Love Helm yells to the crowd.

"He's a kid!" Someone in the crowd yells.

'That stupid Ban, writing whatever he wants.....' King thinks to himself, angrily.

"Standing 5 feet, 1 inch tall and weighing in at 108 pounds, Cain!" Love Helm yells to the crowd.

Cain wobbles a bit and hiccups.

"You sure you're not drunk there, grandpa?!" Someone from the crowd yells.

Cain wobbles a bit and Love Helm yells, "Can we even call this a fight?!"

Y/N sees the matchup and hopes that King goes easy on Cain. He is an old man, afterall.

With Griamore and Veronica

"Griamore! Wake up, Griamore!" Veronica yells.

Griamore groans and then realizes what had happened.

"Princess Veronica!" Griamore starts. "My apologies!"

"Honestly, you got sloppy."Veronica says, disappointed. "If I had known this would happen, I would've brought Gilthunder."

Griamore groans and feels disappointed in himself.

"Yo! You okay there, Griamore?" Howzer asks, walking toward them.

Griamore and Veronica look surprised to see Howzer.

"Yo to you too, Princess Veronica!" Howzer greets Veronica.

"Howzer..." Griamore starts, looking away from him. "Wouldn't you rather be watching the fights?"

"This one's a throwaway bout, not even worth watching." Howzer explains. "The real question is, what are you doing here with Veronica?"

Griamore looks at him, not speaking.

"Looking for Elizabeth." Veronica replies, plainly.

"Elizabeth? Are you kidding?" Howzer asks. "She's here?!"

"Most likely." Veronica answers.

Howzer looks back to the village.

"As well as the Seven Deadly Sins." Veronica adds.

Back at the match

"Alright, let the fight begin!" Love Helm yells, commencing the fight.

"I can't believe King is going to fight without a weapon!" Diane exclaims.

"Guess it's twice for me now. His unarmed combat is a sight to behold." Meliodas says.

Y/N worries a bit, hoping that King doesn't hurt the old man.

King gets ready.

"Is it that mind-blowing?" Diane asks.

"Can he hurt him?" Y/N asks, a bit worried.

"Yeah, without his weapons, King...." Meliodas pauses.

King runs toward Cain, full speed and gets ready to punch, but trips on a rock from the uneven flooring on the platform. He wobbled past Cain and fell.

"......King's super weak." Meliodas says, finishing his sentence.

That relieves Y/N a bit, glad that he wouldn't harm the old man, while Ban and Diane fall forward in anime style. Cain raises his fist and starts making a noise, while having an ominous aura surround his fist. King gets ready, but Cain hits him in the head with little effort. The crowd starts laughing a bit from this terrible fight.

King steps back and says to himself, "Man! He's tough!"

Diane and King hear this and fall in anime style again, while Meliodas pays attention to the pillow.

"What a let-down! This battle is the opposite of good!" Love Helm yells, disappointed.

"What a wimp." Hawk says to himself.

"I once saw him fight a cat that stole his food and he lost." Meliodas says.

This causes Y/N to laugh from Meliodas's comment. She laughed so hard that she snorted. Meliodas, Ban and Diane heard this and thought it was cute, but Y/N thought otherwise. She puts her hand over her mouth and says sorry to Elizabeth. " I don't like my laugh, especially when I snort. It sounds weird and ugly."

"I think it sounds beautiful." Elizabeth says.

Y/N blushes a bit before saying, "T-thank you."

Meliodas, Ban and Diane glare at Elizabeth, even though they can't see her, they heard every word and they knew that Elizabeth made her blush because of Y/N's stutter.

Back into the fight, King backs up from Cain while he laughs.

"Well do you yield?" Asks Cain.

'This is bad! I can't lose this early! Not in front of Y/N!' King thinks to himself.

King holds his hand out.

'This might not be playing fair, but I will use my power!' King thinks to himself.

Cain gasps and pushes King, who tumbles out of bounds really hard.

"Old Fart's out of the ring! Cain wins!" Love Helm yells toward the crowd.

"Sorry." Cain says, putting a hand on the back of his head. "The whippersnapper startled me.

Meliodas caught him with King's pillow, while King was teary-eyed with a bruise on his cheek.

"That was so mean!" King exclaims. (What did you expect? It's a fighting festival.)

"I was only trying to use my disaster power to make his rheumatism worse!" King says, still startled.

Ban smirks while Diane looks a bit concerned.

"Next up! The final Match in the finals! Meliodaf vs. Baaan!" Love Helm yells.

Meliodas smirks, ready for the fight.

Back with Veronica, Howzer, Griamore

"They're what?!" Asks Howzer. "That pipsqueak was Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins?! Then those guys were..."

"That's right." Griamore says. "Ban and King."

"Are you serious?" Howzer asks and looks back at the village. "I can't stay down here!"

Howzer runs back toward the village while Veronica yells at him. "Hold on! Causing any commotion until we find Elizabeth is forbidden!"

"Right back at ya!" Howzer yells back at them. "If all hell breaks loose and ruins the festival, you're gonna be sorry!"

Howzer runs full speed back to the village, laughing to himself. "I'll finally get to see the sins legendary power up close!"

(Well this got interesting. Hi, I am trying to follow the story from the anime so the updates might be a bit slower and this story will be longer than I thought. I'll try to put in some fun chapters like calm music or pictures or game links. See you next time, little weebs.)

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