My Time in Battle City [Tales...

By SDKang

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Luna is a girl from our world, fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!, collector of all things Kaiba. Growing up hasn't been the be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 16

510 16 12
By SDKang

Those same pillars of green lights appeared in several places at once, breaking through the heavy dark clouds that now completely covered the skies as far as the eye could see.

"Are we having a dance off party?" Seto asked in his usual straight face but with palpable sass.

"Ready yourselves for the dawn of a new age!" Noah continued to screech his piercing voice, seemingly ignoring Seto. "The age of the gods!"

"Shut your mouth, kid!" Marik yelled as he flung his cape to the side dramatically. "You haven't even seen the true power of the gods yet!"

"Well let me show you, Mr. Ishtar!" Noah said as he snapped his fingers. "Let the hosts of angels bring tidings of my new world!"

Even before he had finished speaking, several big angel-like figures started to come down from the skies through the pillars of light. And despite the dark skies, eerie green lights, and the promise of the end of the world, it was still a sight to behold to see such angelic beings descending from the heavens.

Wait, are those all-

­Luna looked at the angels more closely. Chills ran up her spine as she realized that each one of them was a Shinato, King of a Higher Plane.

So many.

Even as she thought it, more and more angels started to appear.

"They all have 3300 attack each, use monsters with stronger attack points!" Luna yelled as she unsummoned her three Neos monsters. There was no reason to keep weaker monsters that could be destroyed to drain her energy.

"Pharaoh! Keep Bakura safe for a bit!" Luna heard Marik yell.

She looked up and remembered that his god slime was currently at 3150 attack. Before she could think of much more, she saw the god slime simply pick Bakura up off of his shoulder and throw him to Pharaoh like one would a potato.

"What!" Pharaoh yelled, as he summoned Valkyrion the Magna Warrior just in time to catch the flung Bakura in mid air.

Okay, Pharaoh has Valkyrion with 3500 attack and Arcana Knight Joker with 3800 attack. He should be okay.

But as she watched, Marik unsummoned his god slime. She figured she would protect him while he did whatever he was trying to do, but her sudden movement seemed to have somehow activated all the angels, making them all start moving towards her friends.

"Marik!" she yelled as she willed her dragon to fly faster.

Marik, seeing an angel approach him, darted forward, slid on the ground and threw two cards into the air.

I'm not going to make it in time!

She thought as she saw one of the angels quickly close in on Marik and stab at him with one of its wings.


But just as quickly, she realized a metallic ball had formed around Marik, which then quickly grew into a giant Obelisk form and punched the angel so hard that it disintegrated right away.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Marik yelled, emerging from the back of his new god slime. "Will have to thank Kaiba boy for that!"

Luna quickly noticed the hologram numbering at the god slime's feet.

4050 attack point?

She looked at Seto's Ultimate Dragon and remembered that its current attack was a whopping 5400 at the moment.

Three fourths of 5400. Marik must has resummoned his slime, targeting Seto's dragon, he's smarter than he looks.

That meant Marik was fine too. Seto, of course, was one she would never have to worry about. And Mokuba at Seto's side, was riding his Black Meteor Dragon once again, with its 3500 attack.

Only Jaden and Bakura then.

She thought, but as she turned to look for Jaden, one of the angels charged at her. It was almost too fast for her to be able to react. She only saw the tip of the wing when another monster blocked it.

"That was a close one, Luna." Jaden said smilingly at her.

She realized that he was piggybacking on Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman. But how was it strong enough to block a Shinato?

"I unsummoned the other weaker monsters, and put a bunch of my weaker elemental heroes in the graveyard to strengthen this one." Jaden explained as if reading the question on her face. "This guy gets 300 attack for every Elemental Hero in the graveyard, and I put ten."

That makes it 5500 attack, it is now our strongest monster.

"What kind of monster is that?" Seto asked from somewhere to their side.

"Didn't you hear? They are apparently from another world!" Marik yelled as his god slime shredded through two different Shinatos.

"Does that mean you have such monsters too, Luna?" Mokuba asked, dodging an attack.

"Mokuba, pay attention!" Seto said as he blew through several Shinatos at once.

And though he didn't ridicule the notion of being from another world, he did look at Luna for a second as if not believing. Or was it in expectation? Whatever the case, this was an opportunity for her to ease him into being open about beings from another world.

Momentarily, she had wanted to summon her own Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but immediately wondered if she would be crossing a line. It could be seen as rude, seeing as it was his monster, right? With such thought, she quickly grabbed some cards from her second deck box. If they wanted to see monsters from another world, then she would show them.

First she changed dragons to a Black Meteor Dragon so as to not have her dragon killed while she flew. She then put ten Lunalight Effect Monster cards into her graveyard and pointed to the skies like Seto had done.

"Behold, my monsters!" She yelled as she brought her hand down and summoned three Lunalight Sabre Dancers. Their original 3000 attacks, were increased by 200 for each Beast-Warrior in her graveyard, making each of her Sabre Dancers have 5000 attack points. "Lunalight Sabre Dancers!"

"What are those? Luna lights?" Mokuba asked, with a childish wonder in his eyes. "Are they monsters that were made specifically for you, Luna?"

It wasn't, of course. But her name being Luna had been a main deciding factor for making her own Lunalight deck back in the days.

"Of course!" She said as she opened her palm towards some of the angels. "Go forth, my lights! Make me proud!"

The sabre dancers complied as they moved through the air as graceful as they were quick. Moving their swords with such beautiful movements, while slashing through the enemy angels. Luna was just as amazed watching her newly summoned monsters as her peers, after all, it was her first time seeing real life versions of these monsters.

"Wow, you really are from different world entirely, huh?" Jaden said with a smile. "I've never seen such monsters before. When this is all over, you have to let me duel you!"

"Such amazing monsters, Luna. I am glad you are on our side." The Pharaoh exclaimed as Valkyrion and Arcana Knight slashed through some angels of their own.

"As expected of my Luna!" Marik said, pulling Bakura back into a protective metal sphere. "You must be a big player in your world if you have such strong cards made specifically for you! I knew from the beginning that you were not a commo-"

"Everyone just shut up and focus on the fight!" Luna yelled as she saw more light pillars forming and even more angels starting to pour out of the skies. "We might have to find the source! Maybe if we find Noah-"

"Then what?" Noah's voice rang through the air. "What do you think you can do even if you find me? I am a god! You are nothing! We have taken into account and recorded data of all of your god cards! And yes, we were hoping you would summon all of them at once for us to be sure, but nevertheless, we have their individual data from when each of you summoned them for your tiny little egos, and let me assure you. You cannot defeat me."

"What makes you think we can't? Look around!" Seto yelled as his dragon shot three energy beams in different directions, taking down several of the angels.

Noah looked around in exaggerated panic before smiling.

"Ditto, little brother! Look around you!" Noah yelled as he gestured around, as if he weren't in a screen "What difference have your attacks made?"

"You can't keep this up." Seto stated, though he did look around more grimly.

"Wrong again! I'm a god, I have infinite power!" Noah grabbed his own head as he kept laughing before suddenly growing more serious. "The real question is whether you can keep this up, and for how long."

Luna tried to do a quick count of the angels. There were at least twenty, maybe a little more. It didn't seem like their numbers had diminished any.

"So what, you planning on just tiring us out?" Jaden asked.

"I wasn't talking to you, off-worlder. But you do bring up a good point. You know, sometimes I forget that you mortals don't have as much time as us gods." Noah laughed. "But never call me an unthoughtful god."

With that, he snapped his fingers. Five additional pillars came down side by side at the very center of the building top, out of which the Big Five appeared, seemingly in a trance. Unlike the angels, they were unmoving inside of their pillars.

"You all have proved resourceful this far." Noah gestured with his hand around him. "Let us see how far you can go."

Suddenly, all of the Big Five started to scream, seemingly in pain. A stream of red energy trickled out of each one into a single point.

"What, you thought we would care about a bit of torture?" Marik yelled as his slime, its arm now a giant blade, sliced through one of the angels. "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course we do. We are god!" Noah said as he massaged his forehead with his left hand.

Why does he keep saying we?

"What don't you people understand about that simple statement? I am god, I know everything! Why do you think we didn't choose you, Mr. Ishtar? You simply weren't good enough."

"What is that supposed to mean, pleb!" Marik demanded.

What did he mean by that?

Suddenly, the red energy coming out of the Big Five grew in form and shattered into a Five-Headed Dragon.

"This again?" Seto asked what everyone was thinking. "For someone claiming to be a Kaiba, you seem to be a little slow!"

"Oh no! I forgot you guys already beat these! Man, if only I had remembered that!" Noah exaggerated with the biggest smile.

Luna quickly looked around. What weren't they seeing?

"Neutron Blast!" Seto yelled as that fearsome attack burst forth from the jaws of his ultimate dragon.

But even before his attack made it Luna noticed the little number below the Five-Headed Dragon.

29000? Is that for real?

Seto's attack landed, but, as she expected, did nothing.

"Seto!" Luna yelled, but not fast enough as the giant claws of the giant dragon were already going towards him.

Luna's dancers flew towards Seto as if reacting to her emotions, but were stopped by a metallic barrier. Her heart fell as she watched the gigantic claws ripping through- a hat?

Suddenly another giant top hat appeared beside Luna and burst open, revealing Seto and his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. He looked lost for a second but soon looked at Joey.

"Did you take all of Yugi's cards, Wheeler?" Seto asked as he sat up straighter on his dragon. "Though I guess Magical Hats is not that rare of a card."

"Hey!" Marik called from the other side of Luna. "Do not try to defend others against that thing with your own monsters, Luna. Do you see the attack-"

"I do see it, Marik!" Luna interrupted him.

"Well then you realize that it's a 24000 damage to your life points even after cutting through your monster, yeah?" Marik said, not unkindly. "That's an instant death for the user, Luna."

He was right, but what was she going to do? Let Seto die? She was just glad that the Pharaoh was good at last minute saves like in the anime.

"Look at you. Still resourceful." Noah noted, not seeming surprised at all. "But you won't survive for long if you can't get rid of my little pet. Your chances are slim at best, but not impossible. So let me help you with that."

The Big Five started screaming again as a new stream of energy started to drain from them.

"Get rid of them!" Marik yelled as his slime lunged towards the closest light pillar.

All of their monsters attacked the five pillars of light that encased the Big Five, but none of their attacks seemed to have any effects.

"Shoot the energy stream!" Seto yelled, making his dragon shoot a powerful blast, but being blocked by the giant Five-Headed Dragon. "We need to get rid of that thing as well!"

Luna's three dancers quickly spun in a tornado of blades, the green lights from the pillars reflecting off of their swords as they closed in on the red stream of energy. But before they could get there, several of the angels came down to block and intercept.

Even as she watched, the stream started to grow just as her frustration did. They couldn't let yet another abomination of 29000 attack points appear. How would they even defeat the first one? Desperation took a hold of her heart, making her dancers attack more frantically. Despite her more aggressive attacks, more and more angels were coming down to sacrifice themselves in order to keep the Big Five and the energy stream safe.

We have to-

It was too late. The screams from the Big Five intensified as the red energy stream started to glow and expand in form once again.


"Are you guys even trying?" Noah laughed as the red energy grew to the size of the giant dragon once again, the Big Five now spasming with their eyes gone completely white. "How will you defeat my dragons with such- performance?"

Luna's heart seemed to hammer inside of her chest as the second dragon fully formed and stepped out. Despite the panic, she looked down at its feet.


The number quickly changed to 29800, however.

Where did that extra 800 come from?

She looked back towards the first dragon.

29800 as well. The only thing that had changed was the appearance of the second dragon. 800 per monster, perhaps?

"How exciting!" Noah sounded giddy. "Come on now, Seto. Weren't you about to stop me? Show me what you got! "

United We Stand. That was the only card she could think of that gave 800 attack points per monsters on the field to one monster. She looked around though and saw the speed with which the angels came down from the other pillars of lights to replace the ones that were destroyed. It was almost immediate, which is why the attack points of those dragons were not going down.

"He is using a spell card that increases the attack of his dragons by 800 for each monster that is out in the field!" Luna explained to her peers. "There's a roof of how many angels he has out at any given time, but the ones we destroy are immediately replaced by another."

"Very astute!" Noah clapped seeming genuinely happy. "But seeing the problem, is not the same as solving the problem. Do you have what it takes, Ms. Luna?"

The beams shot by the two giant dragons were strong enough to shake the building below them.

"My Obelisk could take out all of their monsters at once, but if they are instantly replaced, my Obelisk would still be at an attack disadvantage." Seto stated, coming to the right side of Luna. "Maybe if Noah was here for us to attack him directly, but given the situation, I don't think it will make a difference."

Her mind scoured through all of her cards as her other friends did their best to dodge the attacks of the dragons and the angels.

"My Ra gains attack points of the monsters and life points that I sacrifice." Marik also chimed in, coming to stand by her other side. "But I don't think I can get it to over 29800 with the cards that I have. If only we had a bit more time."

She went through all the combos she had ever used, in every Yu-Gi-Oh! game she had ever played, but with the cards she had at the moment, she kept only coming back to the Egyptian god cards.

"Whatever you guys are doing, you need to do it now!" Jaden yelled as his hero punched through an angel that was coming towards Luna.

She could think of two ways, but only one of them she could pull off on her own.

"Do not summon your god cards!" She yelled, determined to not bring any more destruction to this world than needed. "Just buy me a few minutes, but stay alive, you two."

Seto looked from Luna to Marik and nodded and flew towards Mokuba, shooting down more angels as he went.

"Marik, please tell me you still got Infinite Cards." She said, praying he did.

Marik smiled as he pulled the card from inside of his robe.

"That might just work, Luna." He said as he threw the card towards her.

Luna panicked for a second, but to her surprise, she was able to catch the card. She gave one last look at Marik and nodded. She grabbed what was left of her Lunalight deck from her second deck box and placed them on top of what was left of her Red-Eyes deck on her duel disk, hoping her duel disk would somehow register the amount of cards she would have in her hands. Then, she activated Infinite Cards by placing it in the Spell/Trap Zone face up, and grabbed most of the cards from her deck zone, making sure to leave around ten cards, not sure what would happen if someone made her draw cards without there being any cards in there.

With about a deck and a half in her hand, she took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

The god cards were what got them in this crazy mess to begin with. But they were the only thing left that could get them out.

"I'm counting on you, Slifer." Luna whispered before looking forward and yelling. "Prepare yourself, Noah!"

"I already told you, we have all of your data and ran countless simulations, there is no way you can beat me with any of your god cards!" Noah yelled just as she put Slifer down onto her duel disk.

A bright flash of lightning circled around them, gone as quick as it had appeared, as a low rumbling shook the heavens. Unlike previous times, no fissures or portals opened, or perhaps it was obscured by all that heavy dark clouds that covered the entire sky. But when the second lightning flashed, she could already see the silhouette of a fraction of the giant serpentine body as it slid around in the darkness.

As she tried hard to find the little number of attack and defense points, she realized that her heart was beating a little too hard for her comfort. She also noticed that Noah had grown quiet, perhaps this was the first time he had actually seen Slifer being summoned.

Roar for me, baby.

A big glowing orange eye opened in the darkness before the soul shaking roar dispersed the clouds immediately around the gargantuan dragon's red face with two mandibles. Despite having heard Slifer before, it didn't stop Luna from flinching. Still, she was excited to see it on her side now. And that's when she caught sight of it.

62000. This is it, we got this!

"This is where things end for you, Noah!" Luna yelled after taking a deep breath and focusing all of that desperation she had felt minutes ago into Slifer's next attack. "Thunder Force!"

Almost instantly, a blinding bolt of lightning shot force from the larger mouth of Slifer, towards one of the Five-Headed Dragons, seemingly ripping through empty air and reality. A giant explosion occurred upon contact, making Luna and her friend shield their eyes and faces.

But even before the dust and smoke dissipated, Noah's sudden laughter let them all know that something was wrong.

"Is that really all you could come up with, Miss Luna?"

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