past and future (Modern AU :L...

By Alie-Heart

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A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... More

Short Flashback


350 7 0
By Alie-Heart

"oh no! Not my fort!"Norie said dramatically and the toddlers laughed out from their own fort.

They were currently playing knights and castles, the point of the game is one has to build two forts and have one knight or more in each "castle". Then you throw "cannonballs" which are just pillows to knock your opponents fort down and win.

"Pass me one more pillow Mikasa! We must defeat the knight!"Eren says as he wore a plastic knight helmet.

Mikasa passed him a pillow and he swung it towards Norie, it hit her and she yelled out, holding her heart.

"No! My heart!"Norie yells and fell to the ground.

The toddlers cheered and Eren says "Mikasa we won! We won!"

Norie sat up and then said "alright! Who's hungry for sandwiches or macaroni and cheese?"

"Mac and cheese!"the toddlers responded.

She smiled and picked them up into her arms walking towards the kitchen, they heard the door open and Levi walked in holding stuff he brought to clean the car.

"Hey, you okay?"Norie says as he places the bags down and walked towards them.

"Yeah, got everything, and I called the winery and we can get a tour next week and see what we're dealing with"Levi spoke and went to kiss her.

But he felt a small hand push his face away and Eren yelled "no!"

Norie laughed as Levi just stared and says "What? You don't want me to kiss Norie?"

"She's mine!"the boy argued.

"She's mine"Mikasa spoke after.

Levi just hummed and leaned towards Norie's lips again but Eren quickly screamed in anger and started to shove him away.

"What is your deal? You were with her the whole day, let me have her"

"No!"the 4 year old said as Mikasa played with Norie's earning.

His wife laughed and says "Levi it's okay, you can survive going on without a kiss"

She places the toddlers down but yelped when Levi grabbed her face in his hands quickly and smashed his lips on hers, Eren glared and clutches his fists as he saw him pull back with a slight smirk.

The toddler yelled out and ran to him, smacking his calf's and knees, but to Levi it felt like marshmallows, while Norie and Mikasa shook their head


"Okay let's watch a movie, I recommend one that I saw on the TV in the market that I bet you, you are gonna love it!"Norie says as she brought her and Levi to margaritas and sat down besides him on the couch.

"And I bet you that I'll fall asleep"

"No come on, please you're gonna love it-Norie!"her voice was cut off by Eren's tiny voice.

He ran to her and says "my tummy hurts!"

"Aw baby what did you eat?"Norie said and sat up.

"I don't know but it hurts"

"Let's go get you some ginger ale, and rest up okay?"she spoke and picked the boy up in her arms as she walked them to the kitchen.

Eren looked at Levi with a smirk and stuck his tongue out, the adult glared as he spoke "if you want to fight you gremlin...then we'll fight"



Eren ran to where she was but cut himself off when he saw Levi handing her a box of chocolate covered strawberries.

She smiled and says "what's this for?"

"Just wanted to see you smile"he responded.

Norie hugged Levi and placed a kiss on his cheek, he looked over at Eren who glared back.

"Meanie..."he mumbled as Levi smirked at him while holding Norie closer then before.

Later that day Eren was layering sweaters and shirt while also layering his beanies with a helmet. Mikasa stared at him as she sat on her stool holding a bear.

"What are you doing?"she asked.

"Levi is taking Norie away, she's mine"the 4 year old responded while zipping up another sweater.

"Eren you shouldn't fight, we can all love Norie equally-How would you like it if we never saw her again?"Eren cut the 4 year old girl off.

She stopped as he continued "all because of Levi...that...that..."

"Poopiehead!"Eren yelled and kicked a bucket of building blocks next to him down.

"We will never see her, all she would want is Levi. We will be forgotten... Mikasa, we will be nothing but broccoli"

Mikasa sat their with wide eyes, a look of terror. The bear she had in her hands fell to the ground as she lowly said "what?"

"Mhm! Levi will take her from us-she's our mommy..."she cut him off.

"I will trample crowds...burn flowers...flood towns..."

"Okay Mikasa I get it-Norie will not forget us...but she will forget him..."she cut Eren off.

Her death glare staring into his eyes making him shiver as she says "Eren..."


"I get it! Please!"he cried and hid his face.

"What? I was looking at you normally"Mikasa spoke.


The toddlers were set on a plan, Eren was going to climb onto the play house roof and Mikasa was going to act like she didn't notice. Then he'll throw himself off and land on her, but it wouldn't hurt her since he layered himself in clothing.

Then they would both act hurt and Norie would notice, shoving Levi away (or better yet, kicking him out of the house forever) and they live happily ever after.

"Okay Mikasa I'm going!"the boy said and climbed up.

They stood in the backyard as Mikasa stood next to the playhouse, Eren sang the theme song of a cartoon they watch, signaling her to say her lines.

"I wonder what would happen if I stand here, hopefully nothing will fall on me."She spoke in a monetoned voice.

Mikasa then backed up so she would be closer to Eren's falling point, he smiled and clapped his hands and yelled "here I go!"

Back with Norie and Levi, they were in their room, they thought the toddlers were in their room since they put them down for Naptime. So he took her to their room so they would have a little moment to themselves.

Warning ⚠️ : slight and short Mature scene

Skip to where it says END if you wish not to read.

Norie breathed out in satisfaction as Levi kissed her neck, lightly biting at the skin while he leaned her on the vanity. He felt her run her fingers through his hair and tug on it softly.

Levi trailed the kisses down her chest that was exposed by her low v neck shirt and ran his hands up her shirt, feeling her skin before reaching for her shorts and pulled them down and ran his fingers along the the rim of her underwear.

She gasped softly as his fingers went to her center, causing her to grab his wrist and throw her head back, but as she did her eyes gazed at the window across the room. She heard the small voices outside causing her to furrow her eyebrows.


Norie sat up more and her eyes widened.

"Oh my god!"

"You like it?-No! Levi the kids!"she cut her off.

He looked over and they went to the window to see Eren standing on top of the play house roof getting ready to jump off and land on Mikasa.

Norie quickly grabbed her shorts and put them on before the two adults unlocked the door and ran out of their bedroom, they sprinted down the hall and fastly descended the stairs.

They ran out to the backyard and saw Eren jump off.

"No!"they yelled.

Levi quickly launched himself forward and grabbed Mikasa in his arms before Eren could land on her and Norie immediately grabbed the boy before he fell onto them.

"Honeys what are you doing?!"Norie spoke.

"Norie!"the toddlers busted out crying and hugged her.

She frowned and hugged them back as Levi stood up from the grass.

"Levi is gonna take you away from us! We were just trying to win the game of who gets to have you!"the 4 year old boy sobbed and they went back to hugging her.

Norie froze and she slowly turned to Levi who was also turning away at the same time as her.

"You were fighting with the kids about me? Are you serious?"

"No I wasn't, we were maturely disagreeing."

She dropped her face as the toddlers were still crying.


The day came where they were going to go to the winery for the tour, Eren and Mikasa sat in their twin double stroller as Norie held the handles while Levi walked next to her.

"Hange is meeting with us too"she says as they walk through the big wooden doors.

"For what?"he said as they stood in line at the counter.

"She just wanted to be their just in case "they rob our money", which I guess could be true"Norie explained.

Levi stared and says "I wish I could disagree, but that's a good reason"

She laughed and shook her head as they walked to the counter.

"Hello welcome to Sina Winery, how many I help you today?"the woman spoke.

"I called in last week so we would have a tour of the wedding chapel in the winery, I put my name under Ackerman"Levi says.

"I'll check up on the roster sir, give me one moment-I'm here!"her voice was cut off when they heard Hanges voice bust through the area.

"Sorry I'm late! Almost ran over a squirrel. It wouldn't move, I'm here now though!"she says and smiled.

Levi stared at her and said "shut up"

Norie shook her head at him and turned to he me friend with a smile.

"I'm really glad you're here Hange"

"Yeah don't worry, I'll serve as your helper! I know when people are trying to add more things in and make you pay more, I won't let that happen..."Her voice slowly turned low.

Norie smiled nervously and says "great"

"Come on, they say a man will help us. We have to go down that hall"Levi said and grabbed the stroller.

Eren and Mikasa ate their grapes as Hange gushed at their cuteness and squished their cheeks in her hands.

"Think we can try a bit of wine while we're here? Theirs food too and the kids can have some lunch"Norie explained towards Levi as she had her arm hooked with his.

"Yeah we can do that, Hange, get away from the kids you clingy freak"he said.

"I'm not being clingy! Besides, nothing will happen to me-"

Levi gripped the handles of the stroller tighter and slammed it towards Hanges body making her fall back, he continued driving the stroller as Norie's eyes widened.


"I told her"he says and fixed the sun shade cover.


"Hello! Ackerman I suppose?"a man spoke as he walked towards them.


"Great, I'll be giving you the tour of the chapel and dinning area. Then we'll discuss payment and prices"

"Sounds great"Norie responded with a smile.

"Wait for me!"Hange yelled and ran up to them.

"Don't think you're about to start without me baldy!"she spoke to the man with a stern face.

"Who's this-Ignore her"Levi cut the man off.

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