Mari (Soul Eater)

By Writer-Chann

10.5K 737 323

Mari was five when her mom died, after, her dad becoming an alcoholic and locking her in their house after th... More

Part two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Ninteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three
Part Fifty-Four
Part Fifty-Five

Part Forty-Nine

72 8 9
By Writer-Chann

I'm so sorry this took the longest time to write! I was super lazy and busy! But i hope you enjoy it, but I'm sorry for the cliffhanger!

But I broke 80,0000 words! I am in desperate need of a life!


The month after the wedding, Mari and Kidd came back from their honeymoon. They had gone to the coast in California and rented a house on the beach. They spent their time idly drawing circles in the sand on the beach, or at night, they sat by a fire, wrapped in a blanket, Mari in Kidd's arms. When it was time for them to go back to Death City, Kidd's eyes were happier than they had ever been, and Mari's skin had become less pale.

Mari stepped out of the car, the loose tank top light and perfect for the Arizona heat. Kidd got out of the driver's seat and went to the back to get their bags. Mari smiled and ran up the steps. She flung open the door and took a step inside.

"We're home!" she said.

There were welcome home banners hanging from the walls, and her friends jumped out from behind a couch. "Welcome home!" Patty shouted, throwing her arms around Mari. They stumbled and hit the wall.

Kidd ran into the room, looking worried. "Are you okay-" then he saw Patty smothering Mari and he sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. "Please don't kill her, Patty."

Patty got off of Mari and looked at Kidd. "I'm a Death Scythe. I know how to kill things and not kill people." She said, putting her hands on her hips.

Kidd waved a hand and helped Mari up. "Okay Patty." He looked at the rest of their friends. "Will you guys help me get things from the car?" he asked. The boys followed Kidd while Ray, Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki all crowded around Mari.

"Well!" Ray said. "How was it?"

Mari blushed. "It was fun..."

Maka had an odd look on her face that Mari didn't understand for a second. Maka looked at Mari suspiciously. "Did you guys do anything?" she asked.

Mari nodded. "We went to the beach, and had dinner at this one place-"

"No. No." Maka said, blushing as she moved her hands.

Mari's face exploded with a blush. "Maka!" she said, covering her face. The other girls started giggling and Mari looked at them through her fingers.

Maka pointed at Mari's stomach. "Mari... your stomach." She said.

Mari looked down. "What about it?" She asked. "Is there something wrong with it?!" she said.

Maka shook her head, biting her lip. "Just... there's..." Maka stopped.

"What is it?!" Mari said, not seeing anything wrong with her stomach.

Maka opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. "There's... how do I say this..."

"Spit it out already, Bookworm!" Ray said, grabbing Maka's arm.

Maka looked at Mari. "There's another soul... it's really faint... but there's a small soul in your stomach."

Mari's eyes widened and everyone got quiet. "Wh-what?!" Mari said, her face heating up.

Just then, Kidd walked in, carrying a few bags. He saw Mari's face and stopped, dropping the bags. "Mari? What's wrong?" He ran to her. "Did something happen to you?!"

Ray smiled, joy rushing over her face. "You got her pregnant, you idiot!" she said, shaking Maka's arm.

Kidd's eyes widened and he looked at Mari. "M-Mari...?" Kidd asked, his cheeks heating up. He looked down at her stomach, his eyes wide.

Mari smiled, happiness filling up her chest. "W-well?" she asked. "Is it t-true-" she was cut off by Kidd sweeping her off of her feet and spinning her around in circles. She held onto him, her laughter bright.

He set her down on ground, his smile so big. "We should go to Stein." He said, grabbing her hand. He pulled her out of the door, picking her up as his clear laughter rang through the garden of the mansion.

He lifted her onto his back, carrying her as if she weighed less than a feather. He started running to the school where the students would be finishing their day. Kidd started running up the stairs, not even breathing heavily.

When they made it to the top, Mari had been jostled around so much that she didn't know up from down. "Let's go!" Kidd said, his voice so happy and bright with joy.

They reached the infirmary where Stein probably would be, and opened the door. The older man was reading a student file and grading test papers at the same time, and barely looked up as Mari and Kidd walked in.

"Mari," he said. He set down the file and his pen, and stood as Kidd set Mari down. He looked at Mari under his glasses and his eyebrow raised. "Why does it appear you are-"

"Well?" she asked impatiently. "Were Maka and Kidd right?!" she said, her big smile taking over her face.

Stein took a second, clicked his screw, then turned back to his papers. "Yes." He said. Mari laughed and hugged Stein tightly. He calmly kept grading papers, a tiny smile crossing his face. "Don't strangle me." he said.

Mari let go of him and ran back to Kidd, almost nocking him down with a hug. He picked her up and pulled her out of the room. "Let's go tell the others!" Kidd said, him smile saying he was unbelievably happy.

"Don't hurt her." Stein said as Kidd spun Mari in a circle. "Like, don't drop her." He said.

Kidd ran out of the Academy and began to rush down the steps, careful not to trip like Stein said. Kidd jumped off the last step, his laughter echoing through the streets. This was the happiest Mari had seen Kidd a very long time. And it made her happy.

"Kidd!" Mari said.

He slowed down on his way back to the house. He turned and looked up at her on his back. "What?"

"We should get ice cream!" she said.

Kidd smiled. "You have an obsession with ice cream these days." he said.

Mari blushed. "Well, I never got to eat it as a kid, so... Get me some!" she said.

He nodded and started walking to the one that Cassandra, the woman that knew Kidd, worked. They walked in and the older woman smiled as she saw them.

"So you're back from your trip?" she asked, already scooping out their ice cream.

"Yes." Mari said, smiling as she saw that the woman knew what they liked. "Guess what!" Mari said, unable to contain herself.

Cassandra looked up. "Yes?" she said, setting the ice cream up on the counter.

"I'm pregnant!" Mari said.

The woman smiled and clasped her hands. "Congratulations!" she said, smiling at Kidd as he pulled out his wallet. "No, no." she said, pushing away his money. "I got this one." She said, winking.

They left the shop a moment later and started back to the house. "I'm so happy." Kidd said, eating his ice cream.

Mari leaned down, wiping off a stray drop of cream. "Me too." She said, kissing his cheek.

He smiled. "You have to kiss the other cheek now." He said.

Mari smiled and laughed a little. "Okay, okay." She said. She leaned around and kissed his other cheek. "You and your OCD. I love it." She said.

He smiled. "No." he said, eating a little more of his ice cream. "I just wanted another kiss." He said.

Mari laughed. "Kidd!" she said. She bit her lip and slid off his back.

"Mari-" he began, but was cut off my her kissing his lips, softly. Her eyes were closed, and he closed his slowly as he fell into the kiss.

"I love you." She whispered when they broke away.

He moved a strand of hair away from her face, his eyes saying everything.

"How sweet." A woman's voice that sounded very familiar said behind them, and Mari whirled around.

Her got big as she saw...

"Arachne." Kidd said, angry burning in his voice.

The woman smiled, maybe a hundred, or two-hundred, of her minions fanning out behind her. "It has been a long time, Mari." She said. Her fan flipped out in front of her face and her eyes burned with purple magic, hidden behind her soul protect. "How long? Eight years?"

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