Together we howl (Complete)

By ShannonCawley

248K 8.7K 399

A year after the battle of Hogwarts, things change drastically for Hermione Granger. Experiencing a terrible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Chapter 38
Part 39

Chapter 4

8.7K 306 18
By ShannonCawley

Hermione spent the first night showing Ginny how to work the muggle appliances, she was truly amazed by the television and they had watched many muggle movies until they both fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning, Ginny decided she wanted to explore the town. Of course, Hermione wasn't going to let her wander around the muggle world by herself and once they were dressed, they made their way to forks, which is where they decided to go before going to La Push the next day.

Hermione decided to wear some high waisted black jeans, a red strapless top, her black leather jacket and some black ankle heeled boots. Her hair sat loosely down to her hips and her face remained without make-up. Ginny wore something similar, her jeans were high waisted but blue and her top was short-sleeved with a muggle rock band on it. She wore her black leather jacket and converse trainers. The only make-up she wore was mascara and lip gloss.

They apparated to the edge of the woods, which wasn't far from town and began their short journey.

"You said there are vampires on this side of town, how will we know?" Ginny questioned quietly, not wanting any muggles to overhear.

"You've seen Vampires before, Gin" Hermione responded, causing Ginny to tense at the reminder.

"Oh, right" She mumbled, making Hermione stop suddenly and face her little sister. She grabbed hold of her hands softly and ran her thumb over her knuckles.

"I know what happened was scary, believe me, I still get nightmares about it. However, despite what happened and how horrible it was, they gave us something that we're able to use as an advantage. Remember what Uncle Moony said, we are the only ones of our kind and in all honesty, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is the way I am" Ginny tilted her head at Hermione's words, she was right, they did go through a horrible experience but she was glad that she had Hermione by her side through it all.

There are only a hand full of people who know what happened and what they had become afterwards. During the war, many people were getting kidnapped, mostly muggle-borns and half-bloods for torture but Ginny and Hermione did not expect to get kidnapped by vampires, the king, of all people. They spent weeks getting experimented on along with providing the vampires with blood, against their will, of course. The vampire king was thrilled when their experiments worked, what they didn't realise was that they were already shapeshifters of sorts, they completed their animagus transformation a year prior. What shocked them the most is, that they had the same forms and were unlike any they have ever seen. They were both wolves, Hermione had white fur whilst Ginny had red but what shocked them the most was the fact that they were taller than cars and somewhat similar in height to Hagrid.

The vampire experiment had created two tribrids, part wolves, part witches and part vampires. Though they don't crave blood or anything of that nature, however, they do have the strength, the speed and the enhanced senses. All of that, including the wolf senses and magic, had created a weapon that could reflect and destroy anyone and anything that comes for them. Which came in handy during the war.

"Where shall we go first?" Hermione questioned, changing the subject because she knew Ginny was still somewhat traumatised by it all.

"How about some food, I'm starving" Hermione raised her eyebrow in amusement at her friend.

"We just ate"

"You know how much we need to eat, don't act like you don't stuff your face whenever you can" She responded with a huff, causing Hermione to laugh and shrug her shoulders.

"Alright, there should be a cafe close by"

It wasn't long until they found a little cafe which seemed somewhat run-down, though they think that was simply the style of the place. They walked towards the building and noticed a group of teenagers to the side, all laughing and shoving one another. It reminded Hermione and Ginny of their time at Hogwarts and the burrow but decided to push those thoughts away, they decided to leave and those memories shouldn't be followed by sadness, they should be happy.

"Who are they?" A pale girl with brown hair whispered to her friends.

"I don't know, but they're hot" one of the boys responded, making both Hermione and Ginny roll their eyes. They decided to ignore the group and make their way inside, it was rather warm with a strong scent of coffee and fried bacon. They took a seat near a window, close to a table with a man in a sheriff's uniform and a pale girl with long brown hair and dull eyes. They looked quite similar, which made Hermione assume they were father and daughter.

"Hello, what can I get you lovely ladies" The waitress announced with a friendly smile. Ginny looked over at me with pleading eyes, making me want to giggle.

"Could we get two strawberry milkshakes and some chocolate covered pancakes, please" The waitress nodded her head and wrote it on her notepad before smiling at us and walking off.

"She was friendly," Ginny said with a curious expression.

"They aren't all like that, there are some who are bloody bitchy" I responded with an eye roll. She let out a scoff and leaned back into her chair, though she could feel someone staring at her and when she turned her head, she noticed a pale girl with brown hair looking in their direction with suspicious eyes.

"What the fuck is she looking at?" Ginny whispered and nodded her head in the direction of the girl. Hermione turned her attention and noticed that she still had not looked away, instead, her gaze seemed to intensify.

"Maybe she's jealous of the beautiful redhead," Hermione said with a shrug, making Ginny scoff before laughing. However, her laughter halted and she looked at Hermione with wide eyes.

"Mione, I haven't got any money" She groaned quietly and placed her forehead against the cold table. Hermione let out a snigger, gaining her attention once again.

"I'm serious"

"Gin, I have more than enough money to provide for both of us and our future children and grandchildren" Hermione stated with an eye roll, she waited for a response but after a few moments of silence, she turned towards Ginny, who was staring at her with wide eyes and her mouth open.


"I knew you were rich but not that fucking rich," She said loudly, gaining some people's attention from the other tables. Hermione sent them a glare, making them flinch slightly and turn back around.

"Will you shut up" She hissed to her friend, who rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. It wasn't long until the waitress had arrived with their food and the plates were cleared within minutes.

"That was delicious" She announced, sending a wink toward the waitress who blushed, making Hermione shake her head fondly.

"Must you flirt with everyone"

"Hello, ladies, my name is Charlie Swan. I'm the sheriff of this town, are you new? I have never seen you around here before" The man from the table next to us said, introducing himself with a friendly tone but I could see he was suspicious of us.

"I'm Hermione and this is Ginny, we arrived yesterday and moved into our new home"

"That's great, welcome to Forks. Where about do you live?" Hermione raised an eyebrow, whilst Ginny glared at his daughter who was watching the interaction with curiosity and disgust.

"Thank you and not too far from here"

"What school are you going to?" His daughter asked with a cold tone. Hermione looked the girl up and down for a moment before putting on a fake smile.

"We don't go to school" Ginny responded with a shrug.

"Why not? How old are you?" The girl huffed in frustration.

"Eighteen and nineteen, now if you will excuse us, we should be going" Charlie nodded his head hesitantly and moved to the side, Hermione threw some money onto the table and followed Ginny outside.

"What the fuck are their problems? And what in Merlin's name is a sheriff?"

"A sheriff is similar to an Auror" She responded with a small 'oh' before shrugging her shoulders. They decided to go food shopping before sending the items to their home and taking a run through the forest.

Once they arrived at the edge of the forest, a potent scent immediately hit our noses. Making them screw up slightly.


"I would say there's around six, maybe seven close by," Hermione said before shaking her head, trying to shake away the tense muscles.

"Will they smell us?"

"Not sure, we are the only ones with our type of scent. I don't think they could pick up a vampire or wolf scent on us, but I guess we will see in a few moments" Hermione nodded her head towards Ginny and used their vampire speed to run through the woods. Everything seemed so much brighter, they could see small things magnified and can dodge any fallen trees or hanging branches with ease.

"They're following us," Ginny said through a laugh.

"Let's outrun them" and with that, they pushed themselves to go faster. They could sense them not too far behind them, but the distance was becoming further and further until they no longer felt that they were being followed. They began to swing on trees and jump from one branch to another until they finally spotted their home. They jumped off the tree with a thud, handing on their feed with ease and made their way inside, making sure to cast a barrier around the home in case the vampires sniffed them out.

"That was fun" Hermione laughed as they made their way into the kitchen, where multiple bags were placed on top of the island. With a flick of her wand, Ginny made the items separate into their rightful place and within minutes, the cupboards, fridge and freezer were stocked with food and drinks.

"Oh, how I love magic"

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