The Angel and The Billionaire

By thaliabecket

21.2K 644 43


Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59

Twenty One

340 9 0
By thaliabecket


The sound of vibranium spears being wielded against other metals is distinctive, so I know I'm on the right way to the Dora Milaje training facility. Okoye saw one of my sketches the other day and invited me to come watch them train since I had so many of Steve showing off his shield.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that they were all from when he was touring the U.S. on a theater act that included punching a fake Hitler on a daily basis. This can be interesting so why not give it a chance?

- You came! - Okoye approaches me while the others continue to train. - Here, we prepared a little corner for you.

She guides me to a table in the corner, out of reach from any spear throwing, and goes back to the training. I watch in awe as they make different battle formations. The way they fight reminds me of a dance. These women have been a real blessing. It's like Okoye and Ayo somehow know how much I need to distract my mind.

The next few hours pass by peacefully as I make sketches of the warriors in motion. Dismissing all of the girls with a pat on the back, Okoye walks to where I am and takes a seat. She moves so quietly that I almost don't notice her.

- It's really good. - She looks over my shoulder. - I like the way you draw.

- Thanks. - I grin slightly, gathering my supplies and standing up. - It was interesting to watch you girls train. And a reminder to never get on your bad side.

Okoye laughs and we leave the room, shutting down the lights as we walk out. The path back to the royal building is silent, but I have a feeling she wants to say something.

- We need to talk. - Okoye says as soon as we enter the kitchen. I take it as an excuse to heat the lunch leftovers. - Last night Ayo used the trigger words on Barnes and they didn't work. He's a free man. The treatment isn't over, but we're closer now.

- That's awesome. - I close the microwave and carry my plate to the kitchen island. - What's the problem?

- He wants to see you. - She hesitates, a frustrated look in her eyes. - But it might be the final trigger for your HYDRA memories.

- Really?

- It's Shuri's theory. We have made a lot of progress with you, but in the end, interacting with the Captain is what made the most difference. - She stands up quite suddenly as if she remembered she left the stove on. - He'll be ready for you first thing tomorrow. Can you think about it?

- Yeah. - I'm not even remotely sure about any of this. - I'll think about it.

And with one last pitiful look, Okoye walks out, leaving me alone with my food. The memories I have of James are not mine, they are stories Steve told me about us or pictures he keeps showing me. This will be the last trigger, Okoye's demeanor proves that, and I'm not ready for that.

To be honest, I'm not sure I wanna remember HYDRA. I can guess some of the things they did based on my scars. There was burning, shooting, cutting, breaking bones, and electrocuting. Not a set of experiences one wants to remember. But I don't feel like I have any other choice.


- Sir, General Ross is calling again. - FRIDAY announces in her usual clean tone. - It's the eighth time today.

- Voicemail. - I grumble, leaning over the toilet after throwing up all the contents of my stomach.

One week. Seven days. 168 hours. 604800 seconds. That's how long it's been since Grace left and to say I'm not handling it well is a severe understatement. For starters I'm drinking more, hence throwing up first thing in the morning. I haven't been sleeping. I avoid my bedroom like it's haunted.

Slowly and carefully I force myself to stand up. My head is about to explode. Hangovers are a bitch. With a lot of effort, I walk back to the couch and plop down, searching between take-out boxes for spring rolls. Aside from working on the kid's suit and upgrades for my own, I haven't been doing much. Fury wants me to work for him now, which just sucks.

The loud ringing makes me want to throw my phone across the room, it feels like the sound is a hammer hitting the back of my head. The only reason why I pick up is because I see Rhodey's name on the caller ID.

- Hey, man. - His voice is careful, so he must've guessed I'm hungover. - We need to talk.

- About what? - I try to sound normal as the corner of my eye locates the food I was searching for.

- It has to be in person. - Rhodey keeps the low tone in his voice. - Can I drop by in an hour?

- No. - I shove some of the spring rolls in my mouth. - Let's meet at the tower.

- Fine, see you then.

I hang up and lean back on the couch. I know what he wants, Fury spoke to him and now the two of us have to go work for SHIELD. And I also know that I will accept whatever he decides because if I keep going like this I'll go fucking crazy. 

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