BLEEDING HEARTS ☆ liam dunbar...

By alex62797

47K 1.2K 509

[No longer writing//Unfinished] IN WHICH ; Alina Thomason finds herself to be the neighbour of a new beta. •... More

[Act One]
☾.˚˖⁺✦[The Boy Next Door]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Math is the New Enemy]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Tryouts Gone Wrong]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Hospital Horrors and Kidnappings]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Night Terrors]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦['Our Fool']✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[A Weird Party]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[A Game of Chase]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[The Scrimmage]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[The Gingerbread Man]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Open 24/7]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Well this is a Predicament]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Blanket Burrito]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Dead Bitch]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Blood on my Hands]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[No Sleep]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Hide n' Seek]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Party Pooper]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Kicking Ass]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Inspiring Speech]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Sleepovers from Hell]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Words of the Wise]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Mission Save Scotty and Ki]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[A True Hypocrite]✦˙⊹˚☽
[Act Two]
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Gummy Worms]✦˙⊹˚ ☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Only Visitor]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Back To School]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[A New Hobby]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[School Shenanigans]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[First Day of Dread]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Déjà vu]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Drunk Text Messages]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Hangovers and Hallucinations]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Match Makers]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[It's Too Late]✦˙⊹˚☽
☾.˚˖⁺✦[Search Party]✦˙⊹˚☽
[Author's Note]
[Author's Note]

☾.˚˖⁺✦[Reishi Mushroom]✦˙⊹˚☽

1.1K 34 0
By alex62797

"Come on, Alina. Stay with us," Shay pleads as she and Stiles carry Alina through the school halls. "What happens if we don't get that mushroom shit for her?" Shay whispers to Stiles. 

"She dies." Stiles emits with a look of fear. Not just for Alina but the others too. 

Hearing this causes Shay to move faster down the hall, mustering up all of her energy to saving her best friend. She has no clue what just happened in the locker room or has no clue about anything currently going on. However, Alina is Shay's first and only friend- and best friend for that matter- and she doesn't want to lose her. 

Shay and Stiles had to practically drag Alina down the stairs to get her to the basement. Her eyes keep fluttering open and close as the world spins around her in slow motion. They set her down on the ground, leaning her against the wall beside the cement door of the Hale vault. 

"Hey, Scott?!" Stiles pounds on the door. "Scotty?! It's in the vault with you! It's called Reishi Mushrooms!" Stiles shouts, slamming his fist against the door continuously. 

"Scott, dude!! Open up!!!" Shay screams on the verge of tears as Alina slumps over. "Come on!" 

"I can't see," Alina breathes out. Shay and Stiles share a look of concern. "What is that ringing sound. I-I-" Her breathing becomes uneven and heavy. Shay kneels beside Alina and rests her hands on either side of her cheeks. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay." 

"Shay? I can't see you- I-" 

"Stiles, hurry." Shay looks over to the Stilinski boy. 

"Scott?! Open the door!! It's in there with you! It's in the jar!!" He screams. Banging on the door until his knuckles bleed. "It's on one of those shelves! SCOTT!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!! ALINA NEEDS IT!! COME ON!!" When there was still no reply, he slumps against the door knowing that it's too late which means that it's too late for Alina as well. 

"No... No, Stiles why did you stop?" Shay whimpers, she pulls Alina's body closer to her own as Alina's eyes shut. 

"I-I'm sorry. It's too late... we can't do anything now." 

• • •

While outside of the school, Liam and Lydia are standing beside one another as they wait impatiently for Agent McCall to come back. 

"What's going on?" Lydia asks, looking at Scott's beta with an expectant look. 

"How am I supposed to know?" He flails his arms in the air, impatiently waiting to see if Alina is okay. Once he had gotten a call from Lydia about what was going on at the school, he had sprinted the three miles to the school to find Alina. He was stopped by police and caution tape, but that was until Lydia showed up and the Sheriff let them under the caution tape. Though they wouldn't let him go into the school. 

"You have super hearing. Use it," Lydia says in exasperation. "Listen to see what is going on in there." 

"Ohh..." He nods before he begins to focus on the different sounds and voices inside the school.  

"I can't see, What is that ringing sound. I-I-"  Alina's voice is barely above a whisper as she gasps for air. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay."

"Shay? I can't see you- I-"

"Stiles, hurry."

Liam hears Stiles begin to scream for Scott as he bangs on the Hale Vault door. 

"It's on one of those shelves! SCOTT!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!! ALINA NEEDS IT!! COME ON!!"

Liam feels tears prick his eyes at the realization that the antidote that Agent McCall had gone inside to tell Scott about is locked in the vault with the pack as Alina is locked out from it. 

"What do you hear?" Lydia asks in worry when she notices the singular tear that rolls across Liam's cheek. 

"Stiles is trying to tell Scott that the reishi mushrooms are in the vault with him... He's not answering. And, Alina is locked out of the vault." Lydia feels the tears about to fall just like Liam's tears. "She's going to die." 

• • •

The door slid open and Scott fell out. He panted heavily, glancing from Stiles to Shay until he sees Alina being held in her friend's arms. He rushes over to Alina and gives her the reishi mushroom immediately. Shay continues to hold Alina and she sends Scott a grateful smile, using the back of her hand to wipe her tears. 

"Thank you," Shay breathed out. 

Scott nods to her before looking back over his shoulder to see Stiles go into the vault for Malia. Scott follows and helps Kira to her feet. 

"Shay?" Alina mutters in a raspy voice. 

"Alina," Shay chuckles in happiness that Alina is now okay. "You have a lot to explain to me, young lady." The two girls laugh, but Alina nods in agreement to needing to explain some things to Shay. Shay helps Alina to her feet and the two enter the vault to see the pack. 

"Hey, you all right?" Stiles asks Malia who is still sitting on the floor in silence. "Malia, hey-" Malia pushed Stiles' hand away and stood up. She glanced at Stiles with watery eyes before walking to the doorway of the vault. 

"You might want to take a look at this," Malia says as she hands the paper to Alina. Malia then walks past Alina and out of the basement to god knows where. 

"Alina-" Scott tries to warn, about to step forward to take the paper back from the freshmen, but she acts quickly on unfolding the paper. 

Her eyes scan through the list of names. Shay leans forward, looking over Alina's shoulder to see what was on the paper. She then realizes this must be the Deadpool that Stiles was telling her about. Her thoughts were confirmed when she sees her name. 

Alina Thomason 40

Her brows furrowed when she sees the name under hers. 

Milo Thomason 4 

"Holy shit-" Her mouth falls open. She looks up to Scott, Stiles, and Kira to see them all looking down in shame and guilt. "Who is Milo?" None of them answer, instead they look at one another in hopes someone will say something. 

"Derek says he thinks it might be your... your brother," Scott finally speaks up. 

"Wait... so, you guys knew and you went to Derek to talk about it to him, but you didn't come to tell me?" She says with shock, "you didn't come to tell me that I have a brother." Her voice shakes when she says the word 'brother' aloud. "I have- I have a brother," she looks down at the paper before she turns around and walks out of the vault just like Malia did moments ago. 

"Alina?!" The others call after her before following up the stairs and into the hallways that are now crowded with students being reunited with their worrying parents. 

As Alina looks around at all of the families, it pains her. Her whole life she has wished to have a normal life with a normal mom and have a present father. That wish never came true. But, now she might have a brother. And, no one told her. Her first real chance to have a family. A family that is her blood, and no one told her. 

"Alina!" Liam calls out with relief as he, Sheriff Stilinski, and Lydia rush towards her and the rest of the pack that follows behind her. 

"What was wrong with Malia?" Lydia asks. "Or... what's wrong with you?" She reasks once seeing the tears. Alina ignores the question and walks past them and out of the school. 

"Alina?!" Liam calls after her. 

"Malia found the Deadpool list. She then gave it to Alina," Kira explains. 

"Malia knows she's a Hale, and Alina knows she has a brother," Scott confirms. 

Once Liam hears this he rushes out of the school to find Alina. He spots her blonde hair blowing in the wind across the parking lot. "Alina!" He calls to her. She keeps walking as if she hadn't heard him. He sighs in the annoyance of her games before running across the parking lot- almost getting hit by a car. "Alina! Hey! Wait up!" 

"Did you know?" She stopped, turning around to face him. 

"What?" He stopped abruptly to not run into her, not expecting Alina to have stopped walking. 

"Did you know that I have a brother?" 

"What? No, I didn't know." 


"If I did, I would have told you," he says sincerely. Alina could tell by his heartbeat that he wasn't lying. Plus, she knew he would have told her. She knew he wouldn't hold that sort of information from her. Her eyes began to glow and she could feel an odd tingling sensation at the tips of her fingers. She looks down to see the green hue wrapping around her hands. "Alina-" 

Liam glances around the parking lot seeing that there were people walking around, luckily no one has notice the green magic coming from Alina's hands yet. Alina begins to frantically try to stop the magic as it grows. Liam steps forward and wraps his arms around Alina's small frame, holding her in his arms tightly in hopes of getting Alina in control. 

He feels his abs burning and looks down to see Alina's hands resting on his torso, sending the magic to his body. He holds in his groans of pain and takes in her magic. He holds his eyes shut in pain, but the pain soon fades and he looks down again to see the green light of Alina's magic no longer there. 

Alina looks up to meet Liam's ocean, blue eyes that are full of pain. "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened," she lets out a small sob. 

"Hey, it's okay." 

Liam sends her a warm smile, though she was not convinced. He pulls her back into the hug, his one hand resting on the lower of her back and the other holding the back of her head to lean onto his chest. Alina cries into his shirt as she wraps her arms around his torso. 

"I don't know why I'm even crying," she shakes her head. 

"Because you just found out you have a brother." 

"I have a brother... I have a brother," Alina lets out a breathy laugh. 

"Yeah, you do," Liam nods with a small smile. 

"Liam..." Alina pulls away from the hug, once again looking up to Liam.


"I've never actually told anyone about this before- besides for two people- I mean, Peter said something about the other night, but..." She takes a deep breath. 

"But, what?" Liam asks with furrowed brows, wondering what she was going to say next. 

"My mom was a patient at Eichen House. Do you remember Peter talking about that? Him saying that she was 'nutjob'?" Liam slowly nods at the memory. "Yeah, well... I was born there. In Eichen."

"Eichen House... like you lived there?" He asked quietly from shock. 

"Yeah, I was released when I was six a-and I went from foster home to foster home for about a year, that was when I met Scott and Stiles. But, I never stayed in a foster home for too long because I had these n-nightmares that began. I was soon readmitted into Eichen House. They diagnosed me with a type of parasomnia, night terrors. I was re-released just last week because I have improved to the point I don't wake up screaming bloody murder because of a nightmare. Which was when the O'Neil's began fostering me. Which was also when I met you." 

"So... when I asked if you were new and you said 'you could say that' you were meaning that-"

"I was just coming from Eichen House back to the civilization of Beacon Hills? Yeah..." She took a deep breath. "I never knew I had a brother. I don't even know who my father is. I only know my mom... I shared a room with her in Eichen. While I shared a room with her, s-she, uh s-" her voice breaks off and she lets out a sob. 

"Hey, it's okay," Liam holds her tightly not sure what else to do. "Take your time. You don't have to tell me."

"I want to though..." Alina takes a deep breath before she continues, "my mom, she was diagnosed with this disorder. It would make her have these hallucinations that made her believe I was trying to kill her. She would attack me and... hurt me a lot. When I was first released from Eichen House, I met Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski, and I think they knew what was happening. But, when my foster family sent me back to Eichen House, they didn't stop them or even try to stop them. No matter how much I pleaded them not to send me back," she broke out into another sob. Her body shook in Liam's arms. 

"Alina? Look at me," he gently took her chin and lifted it, so that she would look up into his ocean, blue eyes that were now full of unfallen tears. "I promise that I won't let anyone send you back there." 

"Promise?" She holds out her pinky finger making Liam chuckle softly. 

"I promise on my life," he links his pinky with hers. 

"I guess I should probably go talk to Derek to see what he knows about my brother." 

"You want to meet him?" 

"Yeah, he's my only family left. Let's just hope he's not a serial killer or something," she laughs. 

"Let's do that tomorrow. It's been a long day and you need some rest." 

"Blanket burrito?" 

"Sure," Liam laughs, once again as the two walk to Liam's house while holding each other's hands. 

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