Pirate's Love

Par lilymcdonalds

19.2K 686 109

Cross was tired of it. Living like a royal guard. Anyone else would've been ecstatic , but cross hated it. He... Plus

The Past is the Past
A New Beginning
Things Gone Wrong
Midnight Talk
Figured Out
Island Raid
Injured and Worried
A Merciful Fate
I Care for You :)
I Care for You
A Haunting Past
Wake Up
The Final Raid
The Attempted Rescue
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Return of the Dark Captain
The Meeting of New Enemies
Dreamscape Island
The Break Out
A Confession to Make
Some Heartbreaking News

An Unknown Guest

535 22 8
Par lilymcdonalds

White covered all of the space surrounding a small skeleton as he looked around the space confused. What happened? How did he get here? Why was he here? The skeleton felt as confused as ever... all he wanted was answers... the skeleton felt his eyes droop... he doesn't know how long he has been awake, but sleep was suddenly sounding quiet pleasant to him. The skeleton struggled to keep his eyes open for a couple moments longer before finally giving in and he let his eyes closed, but instead of the usual black he would see whenever he closed his eyes ... a scene flashed through his mind.

He was on the ground and something comfortable was wrapped around him. The skeleton looked to his side trying to observe the scene further... there was two figures on the ground... a white and red figure was on top of a yellow figure... were they ok? Cross then felt an uncomfortable tingling from the top of his head all the way down to his lower back. Cross opened his eyes and rubbed his head making the tingling fade. He did regret doing that though because now the scene was gone... resulting in him being even more confused than before. Who were they? Did they know them? Who was holding him?

The small skeleton closed his eyes once again and tried to recreate the scene once again, but whenever he closed his eyes a different scene ran through his head. He was being held again,by a yellow figure, but unlock the first time, this time didn't feel comfortable... it actually felt really uncomfortable and made him feel panicked. The skeleton tried to get a look at what else was in the scene, but by every passing second the skeleton's ability to breath started to shrink... making him start to gasp... and he suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed his throat as an attempt to sooth it. The small skeleton then looked up at the white ceiling? He didn't know anymore directions were pretty much non-existent at this place. The skeleton was still curious about what happened after that though.

The curious skeleton then closed his eyes once more resulting in another scene to flash through his mind. This time though... he could only see the blue sky and a mountain side... but as the skeleton squinted he spotted something black wrapped around his ankle an-

"Ah!" Cross yelped as he felt a piercing pain shoot through his head... making him jolt. Cross then slowly opened his eyes... expecting the white void that he spent so much time in, but gasped when he saw something wooden above him... it was then he realized he wasn't on the hard floor... he was against something much softer. Cross started to close his eyes again feeing very content with his situation before his eyes widened and panic, once again, froze his soul. He remembered what happened... where was everyone?! We're they ok?! Cross shot up as he looked around his surroundings... he was in the medical cabin... but where was Geno? Cross knew he wouldn't just leave him whenever he was like this... at least... he think he wouldn't.

Cross ignored his thoughts before his mind wondered to nightmare. Maybe... maybe he had answers... he saw him in his flashbacks so he knew he was there... maybe he would know what was going on! Cross immediately stood up when he thought about it, but quickly regretted as a jolt of pain shot up his leg. Cross leaned on the bed as he looked at one of his legs... seeing a dark ringed bruise around his ankle... he definitely didn't remember getting that. Cross then carefully stood back up... being careful to not put too much pressure on his ankle and he slowly walked to the door of the medical cabin once his ankle's pain subsided... and didn't wait a moment to open it once he was close enough.

Cross strolled along the deck... trying to ignore the lingering glances and surprised stares he got from the other crew mates as he made a straight bee-line to the captains cabin. He hoped nightmare was there because if he wasn't... there wasn't many other places he would usually be.


Nightmare scowled slightly as he looked back at fell who was wearily glancing around the room. He has been brought to the storage room and whenever he entered the whole placed was messed up... almost all the crates of food had been destroyed leaving all the food mushed and lying of the ground.

"You said it was a shadow... correct?" Nightmare said lowly knowing that someone could be listening into their conversation at this very moment. Fell quickly turned to nightmare before quickly looking at the ground... not able to meet the captain's scowl.

"Y-yea." Fell said quietly before he started looking around anxiously again. Nightmare sighed... clearly not wanting to do this and just wanting to go back to cross... but he still took a couple steps... making him go into the center of the room. Nightmare closed his eyes as he focused on the auras around him... trying to sense where he was... though he was stopped when suddenly a loud clank was heard. Nightmare shot his eyes open and whipped his head towards the sound as he itched to attack. Nightmare was now facing a dark corner of the storage room... and since he was not able to see anything... he took a couple steps forward and squinted as he tried to recognize what was in the corner.

After a couple moments... nightmare was able to spot a faded outline of a figure... slumped and unmoving against the corner.

"Who's there?!" Nightmare called out to the figure as his tentacles sharpened and leaned against his back... acting as some sort of shield since nightmare knew very well that the figure may not be the only intruder in this room.

"Come out and show yourself before we come and get you!" Nightmare yelled again after waiting a couple moments to see if he got a response. After he waited he growled lowly... no answer. Nightmare then turned his head towards fell... who was currently in a fighting position.

"Go and get killer and dust... now." Nightmare orders lowly to fell who jolted before spastically nodding his head and raced out of the storage room... stumbling a bit on his way out. Whenever he disappeared nightmare turned his attention back to the limp outline against the wall... and finally had enough.

Nightmare shot a tendril at the intruder and wrapped around it before yanking him into the light. The figure then hit the floor with a loud thud... and nightmare's eyes narrowed in on it. Nightmare carefully went up to the limp figure before turning it so it was facing him.

It was skeleton... nightmare was able to make out that much... but couldn't tell anything else about him because everything else was covered up by the cloak that was worn by the intruder, and soon after he heard sets of footsteps enter the storage room.

Nightmare immediately turned towards them knowing exactly who it was. Killer, dust, and fell.
Nightmare glared at all of them, "take him to the dungeon... and killer I want you to keep guard of him." The three Skeltons nodded before going to help bring the cloaked figure to the dungeon... though nightmare stopped killer... "when he awakes... I'll be in the medical room." Nightmare said as he let killer pass to help escort the skeleton to the dungeon.

Nightmare then walked out of the storage room and walked towards the medical room... keeping his pace quick... he didn't want to leave cross alone for any longer than he had to... especially in his vulnerable state. Once nightmare reached the medical cabin he entered the room... and he was about to relax, but almost immediately stopped as he felt anger boil in his blood... and his soul stop with panic.

Cross wasn't there

He wasn't in the medical cabin at all!



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