Our Girl

By dilfsdilfsdilfsdilfs

11.4K 339 70

A South Asian bisexual mc???? Unbelievable!!!! This book is a little long like "when are they going to smash... More

Character Profiles
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus I
Bonus II
Bonus III
Bonus IV
Bonus V
Bonus VI
Bonus VII
Bonus VIII
Bonus IX
Bonus X
Bonus XI
Bonus XII
Bonus XIII
Bonus XIV
Bonus XV
Bonus XVI
Bonus XVII
Bonus XIX
Bonus XXI

Bonus XXII

46 0 0
By dilfsdilfsdilfsdilfs

After their wedding


"What?" Alex called in a mean tone when I knocked on his door.

"It's me!" I replied. I heard some shuffling before he opened the door and immediately grabbed my face.

"Stop knocking you idiot" he put his forehead against mine. "Why do you always knock?" He went into his bathroom.

I shrugged, following him "You could be doing something-"

"What could I possibly be doing that you haven't seen before?" He sighed.


I haven't seen him masturbate?...

Now that I think about it, I haven't.
Oh my goodness. That's not fair!

I shrugged "I don't know."

"Don't knock again."

Who pissed in his cereal?

"What happened?" I asked referring to his shit mood as I went up infront of his whilst his did his hair.


"Come on." I wrapped my arms around his waist "You always make me tell you. It's only fair that you tell me too"

He looked down at me with a smirk "I'm serious. It's nothing. My day just got a whole lot better because I saw you" he leaned down and kissed the top of my head, making me blush and smile and hide my face in his chest.

It's only 11am. Fuck he smells so good.

"Do you like my outfit?" I stepped back and did a small twirl.

I was wearing a lavender square neck summer dress that reached mid thigh with some of my hair tied back with a small bow.

His eyes somehow darkened as he grabbed my waist and lifted me up, placing me on the counter of the bathroom.

"Very much" he whispered against my lips before he harshly connected them before trailing down to my jaw and then my neck, making me instinctively put a hand behind his neck.

Before he could go any further, there was a banging at his door, followed by Gabriel's voice.

Alex overdramatically groaned and reluctantly pulled away and helped me off the counter before placing a quick small kiss on my lips and leaving the bathroom, allowing me to fix my hair and dress.

"Hello Gabriel!" I greeted whilst they were both in the middle of a conversation.

"Hello Jas- oh my. I love your dress." He looked me up and down.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Go see if the other two are ready" Alex put his hand on the back of my head and gently pushed me out of his room.


I went to Leo's room, seeing him do pull-ups, shirtless, at his door, facing his room.


I stood behind him, hoping to scare him but he straightened his arms, dead hanging for a second.

"Hello mi amor" he continued doing pull ups.


"How did you know it was me?"

"I'm just that clever" he replied, making me sigh.

"Turn around"

"Come here"

"Turn around."

"Come here."

"TURN. ARO- hey" I pressed my lips together to hide a smile when he turned around, glaring at me. "Do you like it?" I looked down at my dress, smoothing it out.

"It's beautiful." He let go and came closer to me. "I'd like it better on the floor though" he walked over to me, putting his hands on my waist.

I'll literally take it off right now babe.

I chuckled, hiding my face in his chest "Shut up" I mumbled. "Are you ready?"

"I've been for ages. Tell your little husband to hurry the fuck up" he grumbled, definitely talking about Michael.

I sighed and turned around, about to go over to Michael's room but Leo grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back to him, making me slightly collide into his chest before he leaned down and kissed me softly for a second before deepening the kiss whilst his hands travelled down to my ass.

I smiled into the kiss before reluctantly pulling away, making him groan.

"Put a t-shirt on you slag" I instructed as I walked away.

"You're the one sleeping with three guys" I heard him mumble.

I laughed "Leo?!" I turned back as he turned back too with a wink, making me shake my head with a sigh and smile.

"Michael..." I called in a tune.

"Jasmine..." He matched my tune, making me giggle. "Wow." He walked out of his bathroom, also shirtless, with a smile on his face when he saw me.

He came closer and put his arms under my butt and lifted me up so he kinda had to look up to me.

That's right. I'm the alpha now.


"Do you like it?" I leaned back slightly, showing off my outfit. His eyes lingered on my boobs, making me slap his face lightly with a chuckle. "Michael!"

"I love it" he kissed me softly. "Why are you wearing shorts under it?" He asked, lifting up my dress and pointing to the small bike shorts I was wearing under my dress.

"It hurts. It's summer. Try having thick thighs in the summer whilst wearing a dress and tell me what you'd do" I playfully rolled my eyes.

It's a big of a struggle being on the larger side. I wouldn't say I'm fat because I'm too skinny to call myself fat and too fat to call myself skinny so I guess I'm midsize.
I have a bit of a belly which I'm actually not insecure about anymore...mainly because the guys reassure me saying that they love me even if I have a belly and that it genuinely doesn't matter and I guess I'd have to take their word for it and trust them because there's no point being insecure, especially when you're in a relationship where they don't stop reminding you how perfect I am.
It obviously took me a while to trust their words but it actually feels quite relieving, not worrying about how I look 24/7.

"Where did you get it? The dress."

I shrugged "Just found it."

"It's a bit revealing" he tried pulling it up to cover my boobs. "How will people know you're ours?"

"They already do considering you guys walk around me like little bodyguards" I playfully rolled my eyes, making him chuckle. "Also Leo told me to tell you to 'hurry the fuck up'"

Michael rolled his eyes and kissed me softly before putting me down "Tell him to go eat a dick. Why does he say that I take long? I'm nearly ready. I bet you he just got in the shower."

"He said that he's been ready for ages-"

"Bullshit no he hasn't. What was he just doing?"

"Pull-ups" I sat on his bed.

"Exactly. Fucking cunt." He mumbled.

"That's not nice Michael"

"No. No I don't care! I'm sick of him blaming me"

I feel as if this may be something personal related.

"Okay..." I stood up and slowly backed away, heading towards the door.

"Get back here sweetheart" he called from the bathroom. I stopped and walked forwards again, leaning against the doorframe as he was nearly finished doing his second braid.
Once he finished it, he rolled his shoulders back and forth and came closer to me. "I'm sorry beautiful. I must be on my period-"

I stepped on his foot and was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist to keep me in place with a chuckle.
"I'm joking beautiful. You know I don't mean it"

I know he doesn't. They never do. I just pretend to be mad so I get something.

"Ok" I replied, taking my wrist out of his hold and walking towards the door.

"Jas" he chuckled, quickly coming infront of me. He reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet and took out a few £50 notes.

"Bro, I don't want your money" I pushed his hand away, holding back a smile.

He raised his eyebrows, looking shocked. He grabbed my chin, squeezing my cheeks. "Don't call me bro ever again. I don't care how mad you are. Calm down with this petty shit because I'm not your 'bro' so that better be the last fucking time you call me that. Yes?"

I nodded with a smirk as he let go.
"Okay...br- Michael" I smirked.

"You're a little brat. Go make sure Leo is dressed." He put a hand on my head and pushed me out of his room gently.

They're such bullies.

"Leo!" I whined, banging on his bathroom door. Ugh I hate when Michael is right. I hate when any of them are right.

I heard the shower turn off "What happened?" He asked.

"I thought you said you were ready?"

"Lo siento mi amor. seré muy rápido" he started the shower again. (I'm sorry my love. I'll be very quick)

I overdramatically groaned and stomped out, making sure he knew I was annoyed.

I went downstairs to be met with Cerus laying at the bottom of the stairs as usual. He does that alot. He just lays anywhere and when I say anywhere, I mean anywhere.

I got my first paycheck a few days ago and it was quite alot so I was planning to take the guys out but I genuinely do not know where to take them.


"Hello Brian! How are you?" I started walking around the house.

"I'm doing quite well. And you?"

"I'm good thank you. I was just wondering- well you know this place better than me so I was wondering if you had any places to take the guys for dinner? Like if they had a favourite place they all like?"

"There's place owned by Mr Moretti's great uncle and it's an Italian restaurant they all seem to love it."

"Is it a fancy restaurant?"


"Okay that's cool. Don't tell them anything."

"Of course not. Would you like me to drive you there?"

"If that's not too much of a hassle Brian"

"Don't be silly. Just call me when you need me and I'll call in advance" he announced before hanging up phone.

"GUYS!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I sighed and just as I was about to go to the kitchen when Gabriel came down with a bruised cheek. "Oh my god?! Are-"

"I'm fine Jas" he brushed off.

"Are you sure?! We have ice packs. Come here" I turned to the kitchen.

"Jas. It's okay."

"It wasn't a fucking request, Gabriel." I said in a firm voice. His eyes slightly widened but he complied, following me into the kitchen. "Sit down" I pointed to a stool at the island whilst I went over to the fridge for an ice pack. "What happened?" I asked, giving him an ice pack and a towel.

"It's nothing. Thank you though" he placed the pack on his cheek, his body instantly relaxing.

"Well I'd like to apologize his behalf. I don't know why he resorts to violence right away. He's had multiple lectures from his dad but he doesn't listen" I sighed.

"It's okay. Where are you guys going?"


"Why have you not left yet? Can you not do this job properly either?" Alex walked in, looking very handsome, heading straight to the cupboards.


"It's okay Jas. I was just going to go. Thank you for this" Gabriel stood up, handing me the ice pack

I pushed it away gently "Take it with you. You need it"

He gave me a small smile and nodded his head before leaving. I looked at Alex and held back the urge to start an argument but I didn't because I wanted to leave already.

I'll start an argument later.

He didn't say anything whilst drinking some whiskey, leaning on the counter, and neither did I.

"Okay I'm ready" Michael walked into the kitchen with a smile, making me smile. He also looked very handsome. He came over to me and stood in front of me, towering over me as he loosely wrapped his arms around my neck.
"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back with a smile.

"Where do you want to go?" He continued whispering.

Before I could answer, the doorbell rang.
"Joseph's here" I whispered, getting out of his arms and went to go open the door.

"LEONARDO!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs on my way to the door, causing Apollo and Astraea to start barking. "Hello Joseph" I smiled, moving out of the way to let him in.

"Hey Jas. Love your dress." He walked past me and striaght into the living room.

"I'm ready" Leo jogged down the stairs, also looking annoyingly handsome as he came over to me. "I'm very sorry, my love" he cupped my face.

"It's okay."

I'll start an argument with him later.

He kissed my forehead before heading to the kitchen. I swiftly followed him.

"So where do you want to go beautiful?" Michael asked.

"I want to go to the shopping centre right now and I also want to take you guys out to dinner tonight. I was told it's very casual restaurant"

Alex came up behind me "You don't have to-"

I put my hand over his mouth and shushed him "You don't talk"

"You want to take us out?" Leo asked.

I nodded "That's what I said"

"Why?" Michael asked.

Have they never been taken out to dinner before? Goodness me.

"Because one, why not? I've hardly taken you guys out and it's not fair and two, I just got my first paycheck and I want to do something with it for you guys" I explained. "But now I want to go shopping so let's go. Joseph is here for the dogs." I walked out of the kitchen.

Michael came up infront of me whilst I put my trainers on "Sweetheart, you don't have-"

"I want to though. Please. Just let me do something for you guys. You guys are always spoil me and I want to 'spoil' you because you know... You guys deserve it. Well- Leo! Alex! Hurry up man!" I shouted when they hadn't come out of the kitchen when Michael and I walked down-down-downstairs to the garage. "Bye Joseph! We won't be long!" I called, earning a bye back from him. "I don't want to hear any arguments." I turned to Michael. "Anyway, I didn't mean to go on a big rant-"

Michael cut me off when he grabbed my face and smashed our lips together, causing me to instantly grab his forearms and tiptoe to make it slightly easier for him to kiss me.

He slowly pulled away and just looked into my eyes as I got off my tiptoes.
"I love you so much mpenzi" he whispered and I think- I THINK I saw tears welling up in his eyes.

Oh my goodness? I should've done this earlier.


"-and I couldn't choose between green and blue. I only like green because I had a fat crush on Loki and it made me feel closer to him" I explained, stepping onto the escalator.

"Because he'd definitely appreciate the fact you like green just for him" Alex commented.

"Yes" I laughed but stopped and faced the other way when I remembered I'm not talking him, making him chuckle.

Just as I was about to say something else, I felt someone brush my hand on the escalator. When I turned back, there was a girl smiling at me so I waved with a smile and a hi.

"Who was that?" Leo asked.

"I have no clue" I pressed my lips together in a small smile.

"How are you so nice to everyone?" Michael asked.

I shrugged "I don't know. I just don't want to live in a cycle of bad karma, I guess"

"Fair enough" he leaned down and kissed the side of my head.


"I don't know what to wear" I whined, walking into the living room where they all were.

"We still have three hours, mi amor"

"I don't care" I sighed, standing beside Michael's legs, hitting his knees with my knees.

"What are you thinking?" Alex asked but I ignored him but Leo slapped my ass, causing me to turn to him with a glare whilst he sat their with that beautifully stupid grin that beautifully stupid face of his.


"What colour?"

"Black" I answered when Michael raised an eyebrow at me.

God, why doesn't he let be me mad at Alex in peace.

Leo grabbed my hips and pulled me back onto his lap as I sat so my back was against his chest. I turned to the side so I was curled up in his chest.

"¿Por qué no-" (Why aren't you-)

"That tickles" I giggled, cutting him off as I was talking about his beard on my ear. I rested my head on his shoulder, allowing him to continue.

"¿Por qué no hablas con él?" He whispered in voice I could barely hear. (Why aren't you talking to him?)

I sat up and whispered in his ear "Es malo con todos. ¿Sabías que golpeó a Gabriel esta mañana?"

"Por qué?" He raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, resting my head on his shoulder again.

"I want to go on a really long train ride" I mentioned, playing with Leo's fingers as they all watched some Irish football match.

"To where?"

I shrugged "Anywhere."


"Babe! You ready? Brian's here" Michael called from downstairs.

"Wait!" I called back. I grabbed my earrings and heels and very gently pushed snow off my bed so she could go downstairs. "Okay close. I don't- I said close your fucking eyes!" I scolded, putting my earrings on whilst walking down the stairs. "Sorry. Okay open them. Look at my earrings. Aren't they the cutest?" I showed them my teddy bear earrings.

"The cutest." Michael mumbled, pulling me closer by my waist, making me look up at him. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers with the top buttons unbuttoned, showing off his gold chain.

"Do you li-"

"I love it" he ran his thumb across my bottom lip. "You look beautiful, my sweetheart" he kissed my forehead. "Here." He took my heels out of my hands and got down on one knee- That's more like it.
- to put on my heels before he kissed my shin and then my knee and then my thigh and then my stomach, slowly getting up, kissing my collarbone and then my neck and then my jaw before finally landing on my lips.

"Michael..." I chuckled, pushing his head away. I took his hand and led him outside. "Bye Joseph!" I called before closing the door.

"My darling, you look absolutely amazing. Look at you." Alex looked mesmerized when Michael and I walked hand in hand to car. He wore the same as Michael except Alex had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up halfway, exposing his multiple small tattoos.

"Thank you" I mumbled. He sighed and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Forgive me principessa" he leaned down and kissed my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he's got a hold on waist.

I shook my head "You shouldn'tve punched him"

"I know. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry my darling"

"You said you wouldn't resort to violence anymore" I whispered, scanning his face.

"I won't anymore."

"Promise?" I held up my pinky finger. He smiled and linked his own and nodded with a 'promise'.

"Good because I was going to start an argument with you."

He leaned down to kiss my cheek before trailing down to my neck and then my jaw. "What else is new?" He mumbled, making me laugh.
"You look so gorgeous. I kinda want to rip that dress off you" he whispered in my ear, making her laugh and push his head away and kiss him softly upon his lips before getting off my tiptoes and linked a finger in his belt loop and pulled him to the car.

"Do you like my earrings?" I asked him, getting in the car. He sat in front of me and took my chin, turning my head side to side.

"I love them" he smiled, making me smile.

"Hello Brian" I popped my head in the little window separating us.

"Hello Jasmine"

"Okay I'm here" Leo opened the door and sat beside me.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"For a piss. Wow." He looked me up and down. He was wearing all black of course with the sleeves rolled up and a small gold crucifix around his neck as the top buttons were unbuttoned.

"Look at my earrings!" I moved my hair to the side to show him.

"They're cute" he wrapped a hand at the back of my neck and pulled me on to his lap, very gently somehow, so my back was resting against the window. "Te ves tan tentador mi amor. Podría llevarte aquí" he whispered in my ear, squeezing my thigh, making me blush and hide my face in his neck. (You look so tempting my love. I could take you right here)

I was wearing a short silk emerald green dress with a slight cowl neck. They're my favourite type of dress. A small gold necklace was around my neck too.

Was I possibly overdressed for a dinner? Yes but it's okay because it's with the guys I love the most so I'll always look my best for those losers.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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