golden [2] | TAYLOR SWIFT

By ireallylikekiwis

789K 25K 34.5K

sequel to DELICATE I know that you're scared because I'm so open In which famous English actress Kaia Browne... More



16.6K 578 1K
By ireallylikekiwis

Hello my loves<3 i hope you're having a wonderful weekend! mine's been pretty chill. Please enjoy this chapter and have a great day! Love y'all<3 Happy Sunday!


Christmas, 2018

"Tay! Come on, we're going to be late!" Kaia called out from the foyer for the third time already, hunching over in exasperation. "My grandma's never going to forgive us if we miss dinner."

"I'm coming! Sorry!" Taylor shouted back from their room and a moment later she came running down the stairs looking flushed and slightly disheveled from rushing. "I had the anxiety poops. Sorry."

Kaia wrinkled her nose but accepted Taylor's kiss on her way past her to grab her shoes.

"Anxiety poops?" Kaia asked instead, adjusting her grip on her bag. It wasn't all that heavy, but knowing that there was quite a special diamond in there made it weigh a ton. 

"Yeah, you know when you're like really stressed or nervous about something and suddenly you have the urge to shit your guts out and then some?" Taylor explained so casually it was hard not to laugh.

"No, I tend to want to puke and then some when I'm nervous," Kaia told her. "Also, panic attacks." Which she had been on the brink of having one for the past week. But the excitement overpowered it, pushing it back just enough to enjoy the holidays with her girlfriend.

"Ah, yes. Well, I also did want to puke but pooping is easier. And you always feel relieved after pooping. Not puking, though. Anyway, I don't think the coffee I had earlier is helping. I'm jittery and shaky and I am puking, aren't I? It's a word vomit. Just blah!"

Kaia laughed harder at Taylor, dropping her bag to wrap her up in a hug and kiss her cheek reassuringly. "Maybe we should stop talking about bowel movements."

"Maybe you're right," Taylor murmured, dropping her forehead against Kaia's shoulder.

"What are you so nervous about?" Kaia asked softly, brushing her fingers through the strands coming out of Taylor's ponytail.

"I'm meeting the rest of your family in five hours. It's scary business!" Taylor exclaimed in a whisper, almost like she was afraid to spook something.

"Darling, you can go out on stage and perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people, and you're fine, but you get the anxiety poops before meeting my grandma? Tiny Bessie Browne who can barely see past her nose and likes to listen to Eta James all day?"

"Yeah! Meeting the grandparents is like more serious than meeting the parents! Like, old people are scary!"

Kaia laughed under her breath, rubbing Taylor's back comfortingly.

"You'll be fine as long as like, we don't act too... gay in front of her. She knows I like women, and she's aware that we're dating, she just doesn't always... exactly get it?" Kaia explained, grimacing at the way she worded it.

"See? Like can I hold your hand? Am I gonna be able to hug you? Or call you babe? Cause you know these things are like second nature to me. I can't help it. I get a glimpse of you and I'm like yay! Quick kiss time! Like, I don't even consciously think about these things! I just do them! What if she hates me because I've unconsciously got my hands all over her granddaughter? And then, your dad's siblings are gonna be there, aren't they? And your cousins?"

Kaia held Taylor's face in her hands, squishing her cheeks so her lips puckered and it was nearly impossible for her to speak coherently. "Taylor, sweetheart, darling, baby, lover of mine, you gorgeous, gorgeous, creature. Relax. My grandma's going to be mostly quiet unless my uncle Jim says something stupid or gets drunk. And then there's my aunt Pip and she'll likely ask you some personal questions that you can avoid by saying something like 'I don't know! I can't remember!' She's only got two daughters. They're in Sixth form, so, they'll probably be on their phones the whole time. And that's about it! That's literally my whole family... on my dad's side."

"Yeah, don't you have like a hundred cousins on your mom's side of the family?" Taylor asked, letting out a small breath through her nose as she started to relax a little.

"Twelve, but you'll only ever really get to meet them at our wedding," Kaia joked when the realisation of what she had actually said hit her. Her eyes started to widen in panic but Taylor snorted, grinning widely. She grabbed Kaia's left hand and squeezed it before returning to her original task of putting on her shoes.

"So, not any time soon. Maybe meeting your dad's family will give me enough practice that by then I won't have to deal with anxiety poops," Taylor mentioned and Kaia deflated in relief. She hadn't sensed anything.

"Right," Kaia chuckled dryly, clearing her throat. "Have you got everything you need?"

"Yes! At least, I think so. But yes, we can get going if you're ready!" Taylor replied, pulling at her hair to tighten her ponytail and fluffing up her bangs. She grabbed her bag in one hand and opened the front door. Immediately, the temperature dropped as cold air blew in from outside. Kaia stopped Taylor before she could step outside, closing her fingers around her elbow softly. "Hm? Did I forget anything?"

Kaia smiled as she nodded and tilted her chin up, pretending to look elsewhere. Taylor immediately understood what Kaia wanted. She closed the distance between them, leaving a sweet and lingering kiss on Kaia's lips. "Love you," Kaia whispered, trailing her fingers down the length of Taylor's arm and intertwining their fingers together.

"I love you too."

Spencer drove them to the train station and they made it on board just in time with only a minute to spare before they took off to the Lake District, stopping in Lancaster where they took a connecting train to Windermere Station. It was around 06:00 o'clock when they got off the train with their luggage and met Kaia's dad outside, leaning against the door of the old, red sedan that belonged to uncle Jim.

"Ah, at last!" Georges called out, opening his arms wide as soon as Kaia was within hugging distance. He wrapped her up in a warm embrace, kissing her forehead lovingly. "Hello, my darling. Good trip?"

"Yeah, same as usual," Kaia replied, smiling up at him appreciatively as he offered to carry her bag for her. "This one wouldn't stop oohing and aahing at everything," she teased Taylor, pointing her thumb at her.

Taylor rolled her eyes as she stepped forward and embraced Georges in greeting as well. "Hi, Georges! How are you, sir?"

"I'm perfectly all right, thank you, dear. And yourself?" He responded with a sweet smile, quite similar to Kaia's. Taylor couldn't help but smile back, walking toward the trunk of the car to place her bag in there.

"Excited! Nervous! Kind of really anxious?" Taylor replied with a little cringe.

"Well, don't let the twins know. They'll eat you alive," Georges joked, knocking on the back window of the car. "Your cousins wanted to tag along," he informed Kaia just as the window rolled down and two pairs of grey eyes peered up at Taylor, a little too creepily for her liking.

"You're actually dating Taylor Swift?" the one on the right asked Kaia, eyebrows arched in genuine surprise.

"Yes, Samantha, did you seriously think I was pulling your leg this whole time?"

The teenager rolled her eyes before glaring at her older cousin. "I haven't believed a word you've said ever since you tried to drown me when I was two," she shot back, earning an elbow to the side from the other, almost identical twin. The only difference was their hair. Sam had bright green locks. "And it's Sam now, by the way. Just Sam. I've joined the dark side."

"They mean they're non-binary," the other twin mentioned in a bored tone.

Kaia's eyes widened just a bit before she grinned widely at her cousin. "Love the new haircut, Sam," she told them, ruffling their short curls. "Sam, Izzy, this is Taylor. Tay, these two are the worst of the Browne family."

"Oi, be nice to your cousins," Georges scolded her from the front seat as he climbed in and started the engine.

"Hi! Nice to meet you guys," Taylor nodded in their direction when the door opened, almost hitting her in the abdomen.

"I'm sitting up front!" Sam exclaimed running around the car and sitting in the passenger seat next to her uncle.

"Uncle Georges, can I drive?" Izzy asked, leaning over his shoulder.

"No," he answered in exhaustion. It obviously wasn't the first time that she had harrassed him with that question. "I'm not chancing your mother's wrath tonight, Iz."

The younger girl didn't bother moving so Taylor ended up squished between her and Kaia, her knees almost at chest-level. Kaia glanced over at her and smiled apologetically, squeezing her thigh gently.

"So, if I accidentally posted a selfie right now, and you guys just happened to be in the background—" Sam started and Kaia reached from behind the seat, pinching the back of their arm.


"Are you going to make us sign some really serious documents that would give you rights to sue us if we say anything about you two?" Izzy asked instead, looking at Taylor with a look of suspicion.

"No. You're a minor, Iz," Kaia answered. "I'll only make your mum take away your phone privileges and you know she'll listen to me."

"Not threatening enough," Sam shrugged. "I've been meaning to go through a social media cleanse, anyway."

Kaia rolled her eyes, clearly already done with her cousins' antics. "Fine. I'll revoke your Spencer privileges. No more saving your asses past curfew."

"You wouldn't!" Izzy gasped, almost climbing over Taylor in a desperate attempt to try and meet Kaia's gaze.

"Don't post anything without asking first," Kaia simply replied with a smirk.

Taylor couldn't help but snort, shaking her head at her.

"It's really great to meet you guys," she laughed, smiling fondly at Kaia.

She met her eyes for a second, flecks of gold glimmering around her pupils, her favourite eyes in the world. Kaia smiled brightly, dimples and all, and leaned to kiss her when Sam groaned from the front seat.

"Ew, stop being gay."

"Sam!" Georges exclaimed as Kaia pulled back and Taylor stifled her laughter.

"No, it's fine. It's not homophobic if I'm also gay."

The girls in the back couldn't hold in their laughter anymore and Kaia leaned her head against Taylor's shoulder.

"I liked you a lot better when you were ten and only cared about One Direction," Kaia said.

"You introduced me to them," Sam shot back but it only made Kaia laugh some more.


"She also tried to introduce us to your music," Izzy admitted, grinning at Taylor in a way that made her shift uneasily in her seat. "Didn't quite stick."

"Uh... Thank you?" Taylor chuckled, a little confused.

"Yes, I was very disappointed. In myself, more than anyone else, for failing," Kaia admitted with a heavy sigh.

"Oh, next time you want to write an album, could you do us all the courtesy of remembering that Kaia's got family members who have to listen to that stuff on the radio? I don't really want to know how good in bed she is."

"Jesus fucking christ, Sam!"

Georges came to an abrupt stop, the tips of his ears turning bright red.

"See, now, you've gone and made dad curse!" Kaia scolded her younger cousin but Taylor could tell from her smile she was very amused by this whole interaction. In fact, Kaia looked very happy and relaxed to be here. She loved seeing her this happy. "And I thought you didn't actually believe that we're dating?"

"Shagging, maybe. Not disgustingly in love," Sam
shot back. "Uncle Georges, you do know she's stark naked in that show of hers, right?" Sam, ever the menace, reminded him.

"Fucking hell, I thought you said they were going to be on their phones the whole time?" Taylor mumbled to Kaia who only smiled tightly and patted her cousin's back rather aggressively, shaking them in their seat.

"Everyone out," Georges grumbled, unlocking the doors and pulling the keys out of the ignition. They all stepped out of the car and Taylor took her time to stretch her limbs before grabbing her bag and Kaia's.

"Oh no, I've got it," Kaia insisted, kissing her cheek and taking her bag from her. "Thanks, babe."

Sam groaned again and fake-gagged as they stormed past the gates and toward the front door. Taylor took a second to admire the cottage as the small white fence pushed some powdery, glowing snow aside. It looked breathtaking with a white layer of snow covering the roof. There was smoke coming out the chimney and Taylor grinned excitedly, knowing this was going to be the three most chaotic days she was ever going to spend anywhere. If the rest of Kaia's extended family was anything like her and her cousins, this was surely going to be wild.

"How are we going to fit in there, by the way?"

"Ah, well, Nan always rooms with my aunt. Mum and dad used to take the other room but now Jim gets the privilege of sharing with him. And then, usually, Iz, Sam, Layla and I used to split the couches downstairs. There's a room with bunk beds in the basement but it's kind of scary down there. Sometimes, uncle Jim gets an air mattress and sleeps in the middle of the living room, but it popped last year," Kaia explained, laughing in embarrassment at how messy it all sounded.

Taylor nodded, still taking in the cosy lodge. It was cosy, but a lot smaller than Kaia had described it originally. "Yeah. So, how are we going to fit with Connell and me here?"

Kaia pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and turned around so she could whisper in Taylor's ear. "Layla and I kinda got a cabin closer to the lake, but we can't tell Nan, she'll get upset. We'll just leave after she goes to bed which is usually early."

"Oh, thank god!" Taylor breathed out, visibly relaxing. Kaia giggled softly, taking her free hand and leading the way inside.

It was pretty warm in the cottage and the air smelled of burning firewood mixed with a cooking roast wafting in from the kitchen.

"The Swifts are here," Izzy announced as she followed her twin into the main living room where loud chatter was coming from.

"It's just the one Swift today, sorry to disappoint," Taylor joked.

"She meant you two," Layla explained, getting up from her seat to hug Taylor. She only poked Kaia's side in greeting though, causing the younger sibling to slap her hand away.

"Dickhead," Kaia muttered under her breath but just as fast, she plastered on her best smile and crossed the room to an older lady sitting in an armchair with a knitted blanket over her legs. "Hi Nan! How are you?"

"Hello, petal. Oh, look at your cheeks! They've got you working all hours of the day, have they? They're not feedin' ya well?"

"Well, I get paid a good amount to buy my own food, Nan. And I'm eating fine! I was just prepping for the next few days!" Kaia exclaimed, leaning down to kiss her grandma's cheek, trying to ignore the food comments. She went around to say hi to the rest of her family before standing next to Taylor again and slipping her arm around her waist. "Everyone, this is Taylor, my girlfriend. Please don't ask her to sing before Karaoke tonight."

"How are you, dear?" Kaia's aunt Philippa was the first one to speak, getting up to shake Taylor's hand before heading to the bar in the back. "Wine?"

"Oh, it's lovely to meet you all. Thank you for having me!" Taylor replied sweetly, leaning a little more into Kaia's side.

"I'll have another glass of wine," Jim told his sister only for Kaia's grandmother to click her tongue, but she remained quiet, observing Taylor with those old, grey eyes of hers. Taylor slowly stepped out of Kaia's embrace and smiled nervously at the older woman.

Kaia looked at her amusedly, a million words to tease her with at the tip of her tongue but thankfully she kept them all to herself. She led Taylor to the couch and they sat next to Connell and Layla, nearest to the fire and Elizabeth Browne.

That really was a scary woman.

Taylor definitely needed some liquid courage.

"I'll have a glass of red, if you don't mind, Pip," Georges asked his sister, placing his hand on Kaia's shoulder in passing before sitting down on the other side of the room, as far away from the twins as possible.

Kaia almost wanted to laugh. "Do you want anything to drink, darling?"

"Yes, please!" Taylor murmured quietly, almost too desperate, and as Kaia got up to get them some wine, she shook in silent laughter and even when she returned a moment later, her hands were shaking and the wine was sloshing around in the glasses.

She handed Taylor the glass of white and kept the glass of red with her as she sat crossed legged next to her once again.

"Taylor, what do you do?" Kaia's Nan asked, peering at her through the thick lenses of her glasses.

"Uh..." Taylor almost choked on the sip of wine she was just having. Why did she suddenly forget what she did for a living? Or was she just afraid to admit it to the woman in fear of being judged and deemed unworthy? "I— uh, I sing?"

"You do a lot more than just sing, Tay," Kaia reminded her, her lips quirking up in a fond smile. "She's quite the poet."

"You give me too much credit," Taylor mumbled, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks. "I uh, I just really like words. I like to write songs. Lots of lyrics. Uh, yeah... I make music."

"Anything good?"

"Nan!" Kaia groaned, throwing her head back against the couch.

"It's a fair question," Philippa butted in, sitting on the arm of the other couch next to Izzy.

"Uhm, I think I'm good?" Taylor replied awkwardly, crossing one leg over the other. "Kaia seems to like my music."

"It's not why I'm asking," Nan huffed. "It doesn't matter if my granddaughter likes your music. I'm only asking to know if your career has any future so you could support each other when you decide to get married."

This time it was Kaia who choked on her drink. Taylor placed her glass on the coffee table in alarm and started patting Kaia's back as she coughed, her face turning very red.

"Grandmother!" Kaia croaked out, her eyes watering from the lack of oxygen and the burn in her throat.

"I'm only saying, petal. Your dad only ever brought your mum over when he intended on asking her to marry him. I only met Pippa's husband two weeks before he proposed, that no good—"

"Mum! The twins?" Philippa interrupted her before she could say anything terrible about her children's father.

Kaia's grandmother ignored her and anyway, the twins did not even seem bothered in the slightest. Kaia had briefly explained to Taylor how her aunt had divorced her husband a few years ago after finding him in bed with one of his coworkers.

"Your sister and Connell are as good as married, they're just modern, aren't they? And you've invited your girlfriend to spend the holidays with us this year. It's just how things go around here," Elizabeth explained in a very casual tone.

Taylor watched Kaia's face but she was sitting absolutely still now, slowly rubbing her chest to ease the burn from her wine going down the wrong pipes. She cleared her throat, her expression still unreadable.

"Well, you still can't ask her if she makes good money at her job! It's rude!" Kaia said instead, completely ignoring her grandmother's point.

"If it means anything, I'm pretty sure I can support myself and a big family for a few generations ahead..." Taylor mentioned quietly,
making Layla snort next to her. Kaia turned to her, her eyes the size of her head.

Family? Kaia mouthed, but before Taylor could reassure her that she was only saying that to appease her grandma, she was interrupted by one of the twins.

"Holy crap, you're worth 320 million dollars?" Sam shouted, their eyes practically bulging out of their skull as they held their phone out with a google search of Taylor on display. "How much money do you make a year?"

"Maybe? I don't know," Taylor shrugged. "Nine figures, maybe."

"From making music?" Taylor wasn't sure if Kaia's grandma sounded impressed or judgemental.

"HA! Kibs, you're only worth like 3 million!" Izzy added with a mocking laugh.

"Well, you're only worth whatever your dad puts in your bank account every month so..." Kaia shot back, watching with a triumphant smirk as both twins' jaws fell in the same dramatic way.

"Negative ten pounds," Sam muttered. "She wasted it all on Thomas."

"Mum!" Izzy looked up at her mother but Philippa just waved her hand dismissively. "Nan? Uncle Georges?"

"Leave me out of this," Georges mumbled, too busy playing a game on his phone.

"She's not wrong, Isobel," Jim replied which made the Browne sisters laugh. Even Taylor couldn't help but join in.

"Your cousin's right, dear. You two should start thinking about summer jobs," their mother started, going off on a rant about the importance of financial independence and whatnot. Taylor wasn't sure, she zoned out halfway through, too busy staring at Kaia who was talking with her grandmother.

Eventually, Kaia seemed to have felt her staring. She turned and smiled at Taylor with her eyebrows knitted, squeezing her knee gently.

"Everything okay?" She murmured and Taylor nodded, kissing her temple lovingly.

"I love you. A lot," she whispered softly, holding Kaia's hand over her knee and caressing it with her thumb.

"I love you too," Kaia whispered back, leaning into Taylor's side. "You okay?"

Taylor laughed under her breath and nodded. "Yes, actually, I'm having a great time."

"Great!" Kaia slipped her arms around Taylor's waist and hugged her tightly. Apparently, she didn't care about her family being there and even though Taylor was blushing, she didn't mind it either. "M'sorry about Nan grilling you like that," she murmured in Taylor's ear.

"S'okay," Taylor murmured back, actually chuckling. "I get it. She just wants to know that I don't only want you for your fame, miss two-times-Emmy-winner!"

Kaia rolled her eyes and smacked Taylor's arm as she laughed harder. "Shut up, you have like ten Grammys."

And then, Kaia started shaking and when Taylor looked over she saw that she was actually laughing, covering her face with her hand to keep quiet.

"What?" Taylor asked in confusion.

"Ça va?" Layla leaned over Taylor to check on her sister but Kaia just waved her off.

"Are you mocking the fact that I could have had like thirty Grammys but only have ten?"

That just made Kaia laugh harder, attracting the attention of her other family members.

"You know, that really makes you sound modest," Kaia told her through sniggers. "You're clearly with me for the fame."

"Seriously, what's so funny?" Taylor insisted, ignoring Kaia's sarcasm.

"I just remembered the first time we met."

"You mean when you saved me from doing a cartwheel on like six shots and three mojitos?" Taylor muttered in embarrassment, the simple reminder of her drunk alter ego making her grimace.

"No, before that," Kaia giggled.

"When I shamelessly flirted with you and called your buzzcut hot as fuck?"

"You said that?" Layla interrupted, eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"I can't believe you actually remember saying that."

"I was mortified right after. Tried to make up for it by threatening to do a cartwheel."

"Bloody hell," Kaia snorted, shaking her head lightly. "I meant before that. You know, the exact same second we met. When you called my movie shitty."

"What? I did not!"

"You did," Kaia giggled, patting her leg to reassure her it was fine. "You implied it. You said it was hilarious! My character dies in that movie! You were laughing at how bad it actually was!"

"Oh, shit, I said that?" Taylor's eyes widened. "I— that, I don't remember."

"Hm, it was a great first impression," Kaia teased her.

"I bought you coffee the next day and gave you my number. So, I think we should erase the Met Gala from our memories completely and make that our official meeting."

"The cancer unit of a hospital? I think I prefer The Met," Kaia grimaced. "And I gave you my number, actually."

"Will you two stop being annoyingly gay and help us out?"

Kaia looked at her cousin with a raised eyebrow. "With that?"

Sam went on to rant about the school trip to Paris their class went on last month that caused a major rift in their friend group.

"Hold on," Taylor interrupted Izzy at one point, now completely invested in the story. "So, you're saying Thomas sat next to his ex— what was her name?"

"Quinn," Kaia reminded her, grinning widely at the blonde. She was more invested in how much Taylor was invested in the story than the actual story.

"Right, even after kissing you at the Eiffel Tower?"

Izzy just shrugged and hugged a couch pillow tighter. "He's a dickhead, I know that, but he's a hot dickhead."

"Oh, don't tell me, deep green eyes, long, dark hair?" Taylor continued, clicking her tongue and shaking her head. "They're always trouble."

Kaia started humming under her breath as Isobel screamed in frustration into her pillow when Taylor looked at her, eyebrows raised. "That sounds familiar," Taylor said.

"Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me no-ow!" Kaia started belting out, causing Taylor to groan and smack her with a pillow. Kaia managed to get through the whole chorus while giggling and avoiding Taylor's vicious hands trying to shut her up and her cousins' groans.

"Leave the singing to the professionals," Layla stated when she finally stopped, laying halfway on top of Taylor and breathing heavily from being manhandled into shutting up.

"She's not so bad when she really tries," Taylor mentioned. "But that's usually just during the private eight a.m. shower concerts she gives the cats."

"Oh my god, shut up!" Kaia smacked her hand over Taylor's face as the blonde laughed beneath her and kissed her palm.

"Dinner's served, kids," Jim announced very loudly and very eagerly from the doorway.

Kaia was up first and helped Taylor, lacing their fingers together.

"We're all practically adults here," Kaia told him as they walked toward the dining room but her uncle only waved his hand dismissively. He wasn't going to stop calling them kids even when they started growing white hairs to go with their sagging skin in a few decades.

They sat around the large table, elbow to elbow, and though it was a tight fit, it wasn't so bad when the food smelled so great and Kaia had her hand on Taylor's knee under the table the whole time.

They helped clear the table when they were all done and at around ten o'clock, Kaia's Nan excused herself to go to bed and Pip helped her up the stairs. Jim finally went out for a smoke and Georges sat in the corner, playing a game of chess on his phone.

That was when Layla finally set up the old Karaoke machine. She went first with Connell and they performed an adorable rendition of Don't Go Breaking My Heart with a choreography and everything. It was so cute and hilariously embarrassing, Kaia posted snippets of it on her Instagram.

Sam went next, singing their own parody version of Hey There Delilah which was quite... interesting to say the least.

Izzy passed on this round, which left Kaia to get up excitedly as she chose a song and as soon as it started, Taylor shook her head furiously when she recognised it.


"Come on Tay, you know you love it..."

"Of course I do, I wrote it, but—"

There was no use fighting it because Kaia was already singing the first verse of Love Story.

It took her butchering the whole first part of the song to get Taylor to stand up and grab the second microphone. She knew Kaia was only egging her on and it was working but she couldn't handle listening to her own song being trashed like that, by her own girlfriend!

Kaia didn't join in again until the bridge and Taylor couldn't help but grin at her as she sang the lyrics from memory, and even tried to harmonise— horribly, but it was still an attempt.

"Is this in my head? I don't know what to think, he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said—" Taylor stopped singing when she saw Kaia kneel down with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, fuck off!" Taylor huffed as Kaia continued to sing.

"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone! I love you and that's all I really know, I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress, it's a love story, baby just say, yes!"

Kaia had a little ring in her hand made out of a used Kleenex and she held it out to Taylor with the cheekiest of grins that it was practically impossible to say no to that face and this shitty playful proposal. Taylor rolled her eyes and accepted the role of Juliet.

"Yes, Romeo! A thousand times yes!" She cried out dramatically in a fake English accent that made Kaia crinkle her nose. "Of course I'll marry you with paper rings! Especially ones with little bits of food from the dessert we just had in them!"

Kaia almost toppled as she tried to stop herself from laughing. She took Taylor's extended hand and slid the tissue ring over her fourth finger and when she glanced up to meet Taylor's eyes, a flash gleamed through her own blue ones. Taylor couldn't say what it was for sure but it made her breath hitch. Was it just her or did it feel like Kaia was slightly more serious about this than she led on?

Kaia was up on her feet within seconds though and she threw her hands up in the air excitedly. "She said YES!"

The others in the room played along, clapping and cheering, but not Sam. They were too busy gagging.

"This was so disgustingly cute I'm gonna have to start spreading rumours about your fake engagement to make myself feel better," Sam told them.

"I would advise against that. My publicist would skewer you like a kebab and eat you alive," Taylor told them. She didn't want to know what Tree would do to these innocent teens if they accidentally leaked anything, let alone if they did it on purpose. "Now can we sing a real song, please?"

"Yeah," Kaia giggled, leaning over Taylor's shoulder to help her pick the next track. She snaked her arms around the blonde's waist and kissed her cheek while Taylor went over the list of songs. "Oh! Let's do some Shakira."


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