Natasha Romanoff OneShots

بواسطة romanoffxwanda

426K 9.1K 2.3K

(cover by @rxmqnvff) Requests Open! Fluff/Angst Also includes Flo/ Yelena المزيد

Hoodie - NR
Photos - NR
Snuggles - NR
Sea Cows - NR
Rain - NR
Time - SJ
Texts - NR
Enough (1) - NR
Enough (2) - NR
failure - NR
pressure - NR
preferences - NR
fireworks - NR
uno - NR
under control (1) - NR
under control (2) - NR
no where to run (1) - NR
no where to run (2) - NR
no where to run (3) - NR
halloween preferences - NR
fluff alphabet - NR
new haircut - FP
candles - NR
protective - NR
red - SJ
she needs you there - NR
momma Nat - NR
momma Nat (2) - NR
bipolar - NR
bipolar (2) - NR
for her - YB
relationship strain (1) - SJ
relationship strain (2) - SJ
I loved her so much - YB
c.h.r.i.s.t.m.a.s - NR
quicksand - NR
that mom right there?- NR
that mom right there (2) - NR
that mom right there (3) - NR
sick - NR
anxiety - SJ
ghost of you - NR
girl next door - NR
starry night - NR
starry night (2) - NR
dance - NR
incorrect quotes - NR
cooking with flo - FP
midnight - NR
back in time - NR
my baby - NR
headcannons - NR
my warrior - NR
my warrior - NR (2)
spiralled - SJ
jealousy, jealousy - NR
duckies - NR
duckies - NR (2)
back in time - NR (2)
lazy mornings - NR
Disneyland - NR
night rides - NR
squeak squeak - NR
so close yet so far - NR
promises - NR
so close yet so far - NR (2)
cactus - NR
i will rescue you - NR
double the trouble - NR
wattpad - NR
Double The Trouble (2) - NR
so close yet so far - NR (3)
double the trouble - NR (3)
lost in the fire - NR

kitty kitty - NR

5.2K 138 172
بواسطة romanoffxwanda

Requested by @BlackWidowzzz
Guess what... it's another Mama!Nat for you because I'm slightly obsessed

warnings: none
word count: 2.4k


"Ahhh, Romanoff" Tony announced as he strutted into the kitchen, his crisp white shirt stained with grease. "Wait, where's squirt?"

Nat shot him a pointed look. Not even a hi? A good afternoon? No, of course not. She was just sitting at the kitchen island casually reading her book before she was rudely disturbed by Stark. "Look at the clock."

Tony made a big deal of projecting a hologram clock into the air from his fancy watch, when all he really needed to do was look up. But Nat didn't dare tell him. It was too funny to watch him be his usual cocky self. "It's 3:50pm."

He stared blankly at Nat. "Yes..." she encouraged, waving her hand in front of her face to signal for him to carry on his sentence.

"The significance of that time being..." he trailed off in confusion as he was well and truly puzzled.

"Oh my god you call yourself a genius" she deadpanned, rolling her eyes. "It's nap time Stark. You know Y/N naps every day from 2 until 4. She's been here for 2 years now, surely you could remember?"

The look of realisation that crossed Tony's face was similar to one from a cartoon show. His eyes went wide and he slowly nodded, almost showing Nat the gears turning in his head. "Well, when she's awake I want to see her. That giggle monster needs her Tony Time."

Nat sighed. "Tony she's only 2. I don't need you indoctrinating her brain with whatever crap it is you do down in that laboratory. You can see her when she's with me, but not on her own. Wait 'till she's older."

Stark huffed and crossed is arms. "You drive a hard bargain Romanoff. But fine." He didn't bother waiting for a response. He was out of that kitchen almost as quickly as he came in.

Nat didn't mind though. She knew she only had 10 minutes or so before she needed to wake Y/N up, and as much as she loved her daughter, the peace and quiet was very hard to come by, so she cherished this tiny moments she got to herself.

But lo and behold, 5 minutes later another pair of footsteps entered the room. Nat being Nat could identify who each belonged to, and these were lighter, almost silent. She immediately knew.

"Natasha where is the cat?"

"Oh my god! It's always the cat. Or the kid. But never me." Nat mumbled under her breath before flashing her unsuspecting sister a sickly sweet smile. "I'm doing really well, thank you so much for taking the time to come and see how I'm doing. I really appreciate it sestra."

Yelena rolled her eyes, plonking herself in chair opposite Nat. "Your welcome. Now where is that cat?"

"I have no idea! Because funnily enough I don't keep a tracker on him."

Yelena looked surprised. "Well you should! I keep one on Fanny. You are a bad cat mom."

An alarm chimed on Nat's phone, letting her know that it was 4pm. "Yeah and I'm about to be a bad human mom. So if you'll excuse me, I have a baby to go and wake up."

She stood up and made her way out of the room, leaving Yelena to rifle through the kitchen cupboards. "If you find the cat let me know!" The blonde yelled over her shoulder.

"He has a name!" Natasha shouted back as she got further away. Yelena said something in response, but Nat was too far away and frankly she didn't care enough to go back and listen.

She climbed the stairs to the next floor and gently pushed open her bedroom door, not wanting to startle Y/N awake. The room was dark, so Nat carefully opened the curtains a fraction to let the smaller bit of light in.

Y/N was curled up in the middle of Nat's bed, huge pillows surrounding her so she wouldn't roll off and injure herself. Nat awed at the sight and moved closer to see her baby.

Y/N always slept curled up, ever since she was out of a swaddle. But as Nat walked closer, she saw that this nap time wasn't just for Y/N. In-between her tiny arms was a bundle of black fur. Nat smiled so hard at the sight of both her babies sleeping together.

Liho wasn't the friendliest cat. He was quite wary of strangers and didn't like to be picked up by anyone other than Nat or Yelena. But he'd become oddly attached to the little 2 year old, following her around wherever she went, which Y/N adored. She would give him cuddles as much as Nat allowed her to.

But this was the first time Nat had seen them asleep together. Liho was quite big, and his long body wasn't much smaller than Y/N's when he was stretched out. So the toddler had her arms wrapped around him, her face gently resting on his fur, her pacifier slowly bobbing in her mouth.

Nat pulled out her phone and took some photos of this adorable moment, wanting to capture it forever. She set the photo as her lock screen before setting her phone down again.

Brushing the hair out of Y/N's face, Nat took a seat on the bed and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Y/N" she whispered softly in a sing-song voice. "It's time to wake up baby." Her statement was met with a whine from the 2 year old, who snuggled her face back into the cat's fur. "Come on monkey, wake up." Y/N whined again, her hand coming up to rub her eyes.

Nat took this opportunity to lift Y/N out of her pillow prison, leaving Liho on the bed much to Y/N's protest. "No, kitty!" She whined around her paci, extending her arms out in a grabbing motion as her cat left her reach. But she was still half asleep so her attempts were feeble.

"You can come back and see him in a minute bubs. We just need to change your diaper don't we, hm?" Y/N's tired expression suddenly snapped to a pout, her little eyebrows creasing as she 'glared' at Nat. "Hey, grumpy butt, don't give me that. It will take 2 minutes I promise." There was no point in saying that though. How was Y/N supposed to know what 2 minutes was?

Seeing her daughter's eyes droop closed, Nat took the opportunity to change her quickly, swapping out her sleeping onesie for a cooler romper. The novelty of how small Y/N's clothes were never quite wore off for Nat, who'd spent her whole life knowing she could never have kids. Yes, she did cry when she bought Y/N's first pair of shoes.

Once the 2 year old was successfully dressed, Nat took her place on the bed, moving the pillows so they had more room. Y/N was still half asleep, her tiny fingers loosely gripping Nat's shirt. But Nat knew she couldn't let Y/N sleep again otherwise she would be a nightmare when it came to bedtime.

"Baby I need you to open your eyes for me. Sleepy time is over now." Y/N murmured a small whinge but opened them anyway, her lips instantly curling into a smile at the sight of her beautiful mama. "There's my babygirl! How you doing princess?"

Y/N stretched her arms out, clearly wanting to be held properly. "Oh you want big cuddles? Come on then monkey." Nat lifted her daughter to her chest, holding her close as she stroked her head. She could feel the gentle sucking rhythm as Y/N used her pacifier and Nat slowly rocked her from side to side.

Y/N lifted her head and tried to look Nat in the eyes. "Kitty?" she said, but her words were muffled. Nat removed the paci and allowed her to try again. "Kitty?"

"Liho's right here baby. You wanna see him again?" She gave a big nod, so Nat sat Y/N in her lap and gently picked up Liho, placing his front paws on her thigh so he was close to Y/N. The toddler reached her hand out and patted the black cat on the head, which he very much appreciated. He purred and lay down, his head in the middle of Nat's legs so Y/N could reach.

"Good kitty kitty. I wuvs you." She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head. If that had been anyone else, Liho would have been gone, but he was very tolerating of the child's behaviour.

"Good girl Y/N. You're being very gentle." Nat watched as her daughter continued to stroke the cat before she looked back at Nat. Her attention was now off Liho, and she cuddled into her mama, her face pressing against Nat's tshirt.

Nat could read people easily, which came in handy when knowing what her toddler wanted. "Is someone hungry?" Y/N whimpered, her little fists screwing Nat's shirt into a ball. "You want milkies, angel?" Y/N let out a tiny nod, her face still pressed into Nat's chest. "Ok hang on a minute."

Nat set Y/N on her hip and then picked up Liho in her other hand. She opened the door and placed the cat down, knowing he would probably go and find Yelena. Sometimes he acted more like a dog than a cat.

"No! No!" Y/N started to cry as she saw her furry friend run down the corridor.

"Hey baby it's ok. We can see him in a minute." Nat tried to soothe her distressed child, who was having none of it. She wailed and kicked her legs, wanting to go after him.

"No! He mine! I wan' have him!" She wriggled so hard that Nat almost dropped her, so they went back to the bed to avoid any accidents. Nat locked the door to make sure no one barged in.

"You can see him again in a bit Y/N. I thought you were hungry?" Nat quickly discarded her t-shirt, hoping her daughter would soon become distracted by her favourite body parts. Y/N's gaze met Nat's chest, but she didn't look for long. She continued to cry, calling out for Liho as loud as her little lungs would allow her. Usually Y/N loved Nat's boobs (don't we all) but they seemed like nothing in comparison to the cat.

With a sigh, Nat picked up the phone and dialled Yelena.

(Yelena, Nat, Y/N)

Natasha why are you calling me? We live in the same building

Yes, hello to you too. Do you by any chance ha-

You mean Liho? Yes he's very happy on my lap right now.

Can you please bring him up here? Y/N is supposed to feed right now but she refused to because she wants the damn cat.

And what do I get in return?

I would say you can have the cat for a day, but I'm not sure how Y/N would feel about that.

Ok fine. I'll be there in 2.

The phone hung up before Nat could say goodbye. She slowly rocked Y/N against her chest after having put the t-shirt back on until Yelena got there. The toddler's cries had turned to whimpers, but they were still heartbreaking to here, even if they were over a cat.

"Shhh baby it's ok. You'll see him soon." Nat prayed Yelena would hurry up because she was tired of waiting and she knew that Y/N was going to exhaust herself with all the crying, and Nat could not deal with grouchy Y/N. That child was a menace when she wanted to be.

"Don't worry! Auntie Lena is here to save the day!" Yelena announced as she burst through the door. Y/N flinched at her voice but then started grinning as she saw Liho.

"Kitty!" She squealed. Yelena came and sat next to Nat on the bed and held out Liho so Y/N could stroke him.

"Ok baby. Now that he's there, can you have milkies now?" Y/N looked hesitant, her green eyes darting back from the cat to her mama. "He's not going anywhere angel. Auntie Lena will keep him right there."

"Just so you know, I'm going to be scarred by this Natasha."

Nat rolled her eyes as she peeled her t-shirt off, watching as Yelena very dramatically averted her eyes. "They're just boobs Lena. You have your own."

Lena pulled the collar of her shirt and peered down at her chest. She hummed in response before letting it go.

Meanwhile, Liho had stretched his paws out so they were right next to Y/N, who quickly took one in her hand. One hand rested on Nat's skin and the other on her best friend as she slowly drank. Yelena did not look and she tried to make conversation, but she just made it awkward so she stopped.

Instead, she chose to turn on the tv to some random show Nat didn't care for. But the redhead was just fully fixated on her daughter. She'd craved this bond for as long as she could remember and looking at the angel suckling in her arms, Nat wanted to pinch herself to check she wasn't dreaming.

In her eyes, Y/N was perfect. She was the spitting image of the assassin and everyone adored her. Her little giggles could warm anyone's cold heart, including Fury's, who'd taken a shining to the tiny toddler.

Nat stroked Y/N's head, holding her baby close to her chest. In that moment, she had everyone she needed and loved all together. She could keep them-

"KITTY!" Liho had taken his paw away to clean himself, making Y/N unlatch and become rather mad.

"Why did I ever get a cat?" Nat mumbled, causing Yelena to laugh. Y/N grumbled before latching back on to Nat, now not wanting anything to do with Liho. That child was definitely a confusing one, and very spoilt.


Ok so this didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, so I do apologise. But I love mama!nat so I wanted to do another one.
I love you all. Please take care of yourselves <3

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