Niall Horan Is My Brother?

By Livestrong1997

3.2K 126 20

Alexa Roberts is just a normal 17 year old girl from California. She was just living her life with her perfec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

239 8 0
By Livestrong1997

Alexa Pov

After we left the Davison's house we finish packing all of my stuff and put them in the car.

Then we went to one of my favorite restaurants Five Guys. Now we are all sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to be called.

"Flight 23 to Mullingar, Ireland is boarding in 10 minutes." The speaker said I sigh and got off my seat.

"I guess that's my clue to leave." I said feeling a tear run down my cheek. Ellie and Mary Kate gave me a bone cashing hug.

"Call us as soon as you possibly can." Ellie said pulling away from the hug and wiping her tears.

"I will." I said.

"Don't forget us even though you'll probably meet some people with cool accents." Mary Kate said I chuckled.

"How could I ever forget my best friends? I love you guys your like my sisters." I said and we had one last hug and I moved down to Mom and Dad.

"We love you so much Alexa and your always going to be our daughter by blood or not." Mom said I nodded.

"You call us if you ever need us. We're always going to be here for you no matter what, don't you forget that alright?" Dad said I nodded again and gave them a hug.

"I love you too and thank you for everything!" I said Dad kissed my forehead.

After them I went down to Nathan and Duke they're like my best guy friends.

"Be safe out there." Nathan said.

"Okay." I said and gave them a hug. Lastly I moved down to Chase I gave him a bone crashing hug and cried though his chest.

"I don't want to leave you." I said I heard him sigh he cupped my chin so I had to look at him.

"I don't want you to leave either but you don't have a choice." He said.

"I love you Chase." I said he wiped my tears and half smiled.

"I love you too." He said before our lips touched. It was a sweet soft kiss we pulled apart when we heard the speakers again.

"Flight 23 to Mullingar, Ireland is now boarding." Chase gave me one last quick kiss before I got my backpack and ticket.

"You have your passport and plane ticket?" Mom asked.

"Yeah right here." I said she nodded,"Well I guess I should get going..bye guys I'll miss you." I said walking to the gate.

I gave the lady my ticket and I turned around to waved bye to my friends and family they waved back and I got on board.

I walked into first class and took my seat by the window. My biological family must be super rich if they could get first class.

The flight attendant said that we were about to take off so I got my earphones out and plugged them into my phone.

I took a picture of the sky off my phone then plugged my earphones to my phone and soon I was fast asleep.

~At Ireland~

"Miss wake up..we're here." Someone said shaking me, I opened my eyes to see a flight attendant next to me.

"Okay thanks." I said she just smiled and walked away. I got my backpack and got off the plane.

I walked to the place where all the suitcases were and stood there for about five minutes waiting for my suitcases to come out.

Once I got all my stuff I started to walk the entrance of the airport and look for my family Mom and Dad said that my Mom is blonde.

I guess that I wasn't watching where I was going because I bumped into someone or something.

"I'm so sorry let me help you." A Irish voice said holding a hand out to help me up.

"Thanks and don't be sorry I should be the one apologizing I wasn't watching." I said getting my bags. I look up at him and I don't know why but he look really familiar.

"Do I know you? You look really familiar." I asked.

"Sorry I'm Niall nice to meet you." He said my eyes widen.

Did he just say Niall? Ellie said that, that boy in One Direction is from here..but that couldn't be...could it?

"Niall as in Niall from that boy band?" I asked.

"Yeah..look please don't scream or tell anyone I'm helping my Mum and brother look for ou-someone." He said correcting himself.

"Oh don't worry I'm not like those crazy fans of yours I mean I like some of your songs and all but I'm more of a Ed Sheeran girl." I said he smiled.

"Thanks..I never caught your name."

"Oh sorry I'm Alexa, Alexa Roberts." I said smiling his eyes got wide.

"Are you from California?" He asked.

Creepy much?

"Yeah how did you know that?" I asked he just hugged me and smiled."and now we're hugging. Why are we hugging?"

"Because your the girl I've been looking for!" He exclaim my mouth dropped to the ground.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm your brother!"

Niall Horan from One Direction the biggest boy band in the world right now is my brother?! This has to be a joke.

"It's not a joke." He laughed.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked he just nodded his head.

"Come on I'll take you to Mum and Greg." He said taking two of my suitcases.

"Who's Greg? And you don't have take those."

"He's your other brother and don't worry I want too." He said and we walked up guy that to be in his late 20s and a mid 50s lady next to him.

"Guys!" Niall yelled they turned around.

"No Niall we can not go to Nando's right now so don't bother asking and who's that girl?" The guy I'm guessing is Greg asked Niall just rolled eyes.

"I wasn't going to ask you but now that you brought it up I really want to go there and that girl is Ale-" The lady cut Niall off.

"Alexa?" She asked so quietly that you could barely hear her.

"That's me." I said she smiled and a tear ran down her cheek as she gave me a hug.

"I can't believe it's really you, look at you! Your beautiful and all grown up!" She said I just smiled and felt a tear run down my cheek.

"I'm Greg your brother nice to finally meet you." Greg said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Okay you've met! Now can we go to Nando's? I'm starving!" Niall whine.

"Yeah I'm hungry too but what's Nando's?" I asked confused Niall grasped acting like it was the end of the world that I didn't know what Nando's was.

"Here we go again." I heard Greg mumbled I giggled.

"You've never been to Nando's?" Niall asked I shook my head.

"Nope sorry." I said he just gave mea hug.

"You poor poor poor child, you have not lived yet! Nando's is only the best
restaurant ever! Come on we gotta go!" He said dragging me out of the airport.

We got in the car in the back seats and waited for Greg and..Mom? I don't really know what I'm suppose to call her.

"Did you have a nice flight?" My biological mother asked.

"Yeah I did. I just slept the whole time." I said

"By the way you can just call me Maura if that makes you more comfortable." She said I just nodded and smiled.

"So anything interesting that goes on here?" I asked looking out the window.

"No it's so boring here! There's like nothing!" Niall said looking up from his phone.

"But it is a nice town." Greg added.

It was kinda awkward so I decided to get my phone out. I had 3 miss text messages.

From:Mary Kate <3
Miss you already! :( Have you met your new fam yet?

From:Ellie <3
Have you seen Niall yet? What are your brothers like? Miss you love you!

I couldn't just tell her that Niall is actually my brother at least not just yet she'd freak out and ask me all these questions.

Hey babe just wanna know if you got there safe. Call me whenever you have a chance love you. Xx

"Hey Niall?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah." He said.

"My friend Ellie is a huge fan of yours and I was wondering if you would meet her if I Skype her later or something?" I said

"Yeah sure! Anything for my fans and my little sister!" He said pinching my cheek I glared at him.

"Better get your hand off me Niall." I said and he quickly got his hand off.

I texted Chase first telling him that I got here safely and that I'll call him later then I texted Mary Kate and Ellie telling them that I have a surprise for them.

Surprise? What's the surprise?!

Just gonna have to wait and see! ;)

"We're here!" Maura said as Greg stopped the car I put my phone up and got out of the car.


Hey guys!

I have a couple things to tell you guys.

First of all thank you so much for everyone who have read this book I know it's not the best but I promise it'll get better!

Secondly I don't really know how old Niall's Mom is so if anyone knows because tell me and I'll fix it

Also I don't know if they have Nando's in Mullingar or not but it's going to be in the story.

I haven't even ever been there so I don't know what they have or if someone walks you to the table so I'm probably not going to have it exactly the way it would really go but oh well.

Yeah I think that's all so I hope you like the chapter and thanks again for reading!

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