Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Rea...

By Oliver812

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A monster, a killer, a freak. This is all people see when they look at (Y/N). A young boy, beaten and torture... More

Scars That Don't Heal.
A Scaley Family
Brave Hearts
In The Hands of Death
New Life
First Steps
Hunter's Exam
Just Follow? Okay.
Snake in a Swamp
Gourmet Hunters
Old Student
Killua's Background
Get The Ball!
Trick Tower
Great Job Leorio...
Finally Out
Badge 404
Short Nap
Bonding Time
You're... Immortal...?
Broken Knight
Play Dead
Ask Oliver!
Unfamiliar Place
I'll Find You...
Tests And Trials
Rickety Bridge
Malphas' Dress
Into The Castle
My Fault...
Why For Him?
Another Drawing
Settling In
Go Shopping!
Movies With Killua
Down Under
Malphas #2
Undersea Findings
The Observatory
On Shaken Ground
A Fiery Argument

Pelican Town

1.5K 70 60
By Oliver812

This chapter was rather buggy as the updates I made in my laptop wouldn't show up in my phone so I had to unpublish and re-publish it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

(Y/N)'s POV

Killua, Gon, Ryuu, and I all stood at the end of the bridge leading out of the castle. The others were waiting for me as mom held on to my shoulders and double-checked everything I needed before we depart on our first adventure after moving in.

Malphas "Alright, are you sure you have everything? Food? Medical supplies? Your spell book? Dagger?"

(Y/N) "Yes mom, everything's in my bag."

Malphas "Keep in mind, I'm giving you boys one week at most. You have to return before then. Do you understand?"

(Y/N) "Yes, mom.

Malphas "What about that phone I bought you? Do you have my number in there?"

(Y/N) "Yep! Got it right here under 'mommy' "

Malphas "Good. And you remember how group-teleportation works right?"

(Y/N) "Yes. 'both the user's current and desired location must have an ample amount of dark energy before teleportation can occur' "

Malphas "And do you remember how to create dark energy?"

(Y/N) " 'The gathering of evil intent, large amounts of blood and/or death, an area with a complete lack of light whatsoever, murder in all it's forms, an area where someone has committed suicide, and a large amount of demonic presence.' "

Malphas "Alright. And remember, stick closely to Ryuu. So long as you are in each other's vicinity, you are-"

(Y/N) "Unkillable."

I gave mom a reassuring smile to confirm that I have taken all of her lessons to heart. She sighed and gave me one last hug before letting me join everyone else who's been standing a bit farther away from us. Finally we were off on our one-week adventure! I waved at her and she wave back as we walked away, eventually disappearing from each other's view.

We continued our walk, making idle chatter and once out of the dead forest that surrounds the castle, we followed the dirt road until eventually making it to a small costal town. To my understanding, no one here actually knows of the castle due to the running rumor that the forest is cursed. Normally I'd laugh at superstition, but in this case - they are correct. The darkness of the castle often attracts lesser demons, evil spirits, or other beings drawn to darkness. Killua and Gon told me that they fought strange lizard-like demons on their way to get to me which proves my point.

We moved in a small group, myself and Killua at the front while Gon and Ryuu walked behind us. As we walked, we took in the sights of the small harbour-town that we were in. Admittedly, the sights weren't much in the way of being 'breathtaking' but they were enough to occupy us with something to look at during our travel.

Killua "So (Y/N), where do you wanna go first?"

I stopped looking around me and turned to face Killua. Still on the move, I positioned my bag in front of me and pulled out my spell book before throwing my backpack behind me again. Opening my book and moving to the empty pages that I use as a place to take notes, I looked at the possible locations I wrote down after researching about them with that new computer mom bought us. Of course - not having a Hunter's License means that I'm still restricted to quite a lot of places but there are still some areas worth investigating.

(Y/N) "Hmm... the closest one to us at the moment is... Ah! the abandoned Pelican Town!"

Gon "Pelican Town?"

Looks like those two caught wind of our conversation.

(Y/N) "Mhm. Pelican Town was the primary settlement in this island before something happened and they ended up moving into a village that eventually turned into the town that we're in now."

Ryuu "Why did they leave?"

(Y/N) "Not sure. Some sources say there was a natural disaster, others say the town was raided, some even claimed that the town abandoned their religion and was punished- if you believe in such a thing that is."

Ryuu "Hah! Investigating a blasphemous town - sounds like a lot of fun!"

Killua "I'm down for it."

Gon "Alright, let's go!"

I closed my notebook and pulled out a map. I'm pretty sure the main road is gonna lead us to it anyway but it never hurts to be prepared.


About 40 minutes later, we made it to Pelican Town, and the report seems to be true - well, the 'abandoned' part that is. The town has been overtaken by time, vines drip from the roofs whilst wild grass sprout from the segments of the concrete.

We went in deeper and I took a glance inside one of the houses through a dusty window. The furniture were still left intact and seemingly in the exact place they were when the inhabitants fled - albeit with a lot more debris around, likely from those who rushed to grab their valuables before leaving.

Venturing deeper yet again, we entered the town hall. In comparison to other administration buildings in cities, this one's rather small but still proportionate in comparison to the size of the town.

Curiosity overcame most of us as we split up in order to discover what truly transpired here. Gon went with Killua, going through the corridor on the left, meanwhile Ryuu and I went into the corridor on the right. Opening the first of two doors, we were met with what looks to be the secretary's office. Papers laid messily on the floor, desk, and any other flat surface around. Just like much of the town, plants have begun sprouting and animals - primarily insects, scutter about.

I inspected some of the papers and most were standard town affair. Taxes, new rules and regulations, complaints, the mayor's schedule, you get the idea. It was then that I heard Ryuu call me.

Ryuu "Hey, take a look at this."

Ryuu pulled out two pieces of paper from a secret panel in the walls. He gave one to me and read the other.

'Reports of Strange Activity in City Sewers.'

'During the last few days, reports have been filed regarding rumors of suspected occult activity within the city. A witness claimed to have seen her neighbour entering the sewers through a manhole near the outskirts of the city every Friday night.'

I skimmed the rest of the text and looked at Ryuu. His eye locked onto mine for a moment before he turned his paper towards me.

'Twin Girls Found Dead in The Sewers."

'The Bele twins were found dead this morning in the city sewers. After three days of searching, local police force found the bodies of Anne and Marie Bele floating in the waters of the city sewer, with several limbs and body parts missing. Large alligator living in the sewers suspected of being the culprit.'

I looked at the other papers within the hidden panel and aside from these two, there have been three other children that went missing. The date of their disappearance follow a pattern. Friday, at the end of each month.

Ryuu "Feeding once a month, targets children, and living in the sewers... that ain't no alligator."

I took a moment to think. But then... realization struck me hard. I looked back up at Ryuu with my eyes wide open. My shock seemingly drew his full attention to me as I revealed what I had just figured out.

(Y/N) "Today is Friday... 29th of November..."

Ryuu's eyes peeled open wide as he too finally realized.


Both our bodies tense up at the abrupt sound emanating from the squeaking of glass. We look to where it was coming from. A long fingered, decaying, bony hand trailed down the window, leaving a layer of blood in it's wake...

The hand gripped the window's frame before pulling it's owner's face into view. A grinning horror was shown before us. Looking like a contorted, decomposing corpse with an exaggerated smile. The being pulled away, and moments later, Ryuu finally said what I had been hoping for.

"We have to get out of here. Now."

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