The Stylinson Family

By 1Dvampirediaries1D

46.2K 775 559

One Direction is raising their families together the best they can with their abnormal lives. People think be... More

Part 2 Breakfast
Part 3 Trouble
Part 4 The News
Part 5 The Grammy's
Part 4 Going to London
Part 7 London
Part 8 The Secret is Out
Part 9 Grandma Anne's
Part 10 Broken
Part 11 Corden's Show
Part 12 Home
Part 13 Family Dinner
Not Part of Story
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Not Part of the Story
Part 17
Not Part of Story
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Character Q & A
Part 22
Part 23 Reunion Concert 1/2
Part 24 Reunion Concert 2\2
Part 25 Getting Ready for the Interview
Part 26 Tell All Interview
Part 27 Ice Cream Date
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30 Concert in Doncaster
Part 31 Home Again
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34 Harry's Tour News
Part 35
Part 37 Christmas Day
Hey Guys!

Chapter 36

803 18 19
By 1Dvampirediaries1D

"Merry Christmas" Anne said to her grandchildren coming through the door. More 'Merry Christmas' were said as the rest of the family filtered in behind her. After everyone said Happy birthday to Louis.

It was currently 6 in the morning LA time so the Tomlinson's were half asleep while answering the door. Darcy didn't even make an effort to get out of bed.

"Thank you everyone and Merry Christmas. Why don't you all go to your rooms, they all have a sign with your name on it to show who's staying where. You can all unpack and settle in while we go back to bed for an hour or two" Louis said tiredly.

The layout for their house made it easy for their guests to find their room. The bottom floor of the house had a game room, movie room, a gym, music room/studio, and a hangout space. The floor above that had the kitchen, main living room, dining room, Harry and Louis offices, a conference room and a few other smaller rooms. The floor above that was the kids floor. It had each of their bedrooms and bathrooms. Plus another hangout space in the center. The floor above that one had the 9 other bedrooms where the extended family would stay. The top floor was Harry and Louis' floor. It had their bedroom and bathroom. It also had multiple closets for each of them. Louis and Harry wanted privacy for themselves when they were designing and building their home.

He and Harry were up until 4 wrapping Christmas presents and cleaning out some of the extra rooms. Two of the rooms were filled with only Harry's clothes which were now scattered into Louis and Harry's room and in random closets in the house.

"Of course dear. Just text me if you need me to do anything while you rest" Anne said bubbly.

Freddie woke up 3 hours later to his phone ringing nonstop. He finally looked at it to see he had 20 missed calls from Bear, Niall, and Liam. Liam started calling again when he answered.

"Hello?" Freddie said in a sleepy voice.

"Sorry to wake you, are your dad's up?" Liam asked.

"Uncle Liam if you just woke me up how am I supposed to know" Freddie sassed.

"Little tommo, can you just go look, we need them to come pick us up. Uncle Niall and I's flight was canceled" Liam explained.

"They are asleep and daddy's only rule for dad's birthday was not to wake him up. Can't you get an Uber or something?"

"Just wake Harry then" Liam said frustrated.

"Fine hold on"

Freddie put his phone down on Harry's nightstand and started shaking him and saying his name.

"Daddy, the Payne's and Horan's need you to pick them up at the airport their flights were canceled" Freddie explained.

Harry groaned but nodded, starting to get out of bed. He threw on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt with a pair of slippers.

"Liam I'll be there in 20" Harry said walking out of his bedroom.

He hurried down the stairs going straight into his biggest car which was his SUV. It had just enough seats to fit each of their families.

Meanwhile Cassidy and Darcy were helping Anne make pancakes for breakfast. While Cassidy was stirring the batter Darcy threw pancake mix at her.

Cassidy gasped, "it's in my hair. I just did it all cute."

Cassidy was about to retaliate when Louis came down the stairs and held her back.

"Both of you apologize. It's Christmas Eve and my birthday behave" Louis said sternly.

"Happy birthday Dad!" Both twins said at the same time.

Louis smiled tiredly in response. Then pulled both of them into a big hug.

"Good morning Anne! Thank you for coming on such short notice. I just didn't want Harry to fly. He's almost made it through the week" Louis explained.

"As long as I get to spend Christmas with my babies and grandbabies I don't care where I am. Thank you for keeping such great care of Harry too love" Anne smiled. She couldn't have picked a better husband for her son.

Soon enough the pancakes were done and the kitchen was packed with family. Harry walked in with the Payne's and Horan's. Both families looked very sad not to be spending Christmas with their families.

"Sorry to hear about the flights guys. Should've listened to Zayn and left a few days ago before the storm In the UK hit" Louis smirked knowing Zayn would be saying 'I told you so' as soon as he got back.

"Just for that you're not getting a happy birthday, '' Niall joked.

"I shouldn't be nice to you. You stole my husband out of bed on my birthday" Louis said.

"Look at the bright side you get to spend your birthday and Christmas with us now" Liam smirked.

"Wonderful" Louis sarcastically said.

They were standing in the entry hall. The kids had already left them and scattered around the house.

"Dads, can hope and her family come over for cake tonight?" Cassidy asked.

"Of course love. Just remember that everyone is here. So you might want to tell grandma Anne before she just walks in. Maybe your aunts too, it's up to you" Louis reminded her.

"Don't they already know from all the articles?" Cassidy pointed out.

"It means more coming from you. Grandma doesn't read or believe most of the news written about us" Harry told her.

Cassidy nodded, deciding she really should officially tell her family. She knew they all knew from the articles. Also because she was there for breakfast the other day. She walked away texting with Hope.

Cassidy was now sitting with her grandma aunts and Darcy at the kitchen table.

"I know you know this because of the articles from the past few weeks. I just thought I should tell you. I have a girlfriend named Hope. She's coming over tonight and I didn't want to shock you, ''Cassidy said nervously.

"That's wonderful darling. I cannot wait to meet her" Anne smiled.

Louis' sisters were all very happy for her and could not wait for later.

Later that night

Louis was teasing Liam and Niall about how Zayn was gonna drag them about not leaving when he left. He tried to warn them. Lottie was watching the conversation and took her boyfriend by the hand up to her brother.

"Yes," Louis said, turning.

"You two need to talk and become friends please" Lottie said leaving.

"Hi I'm Lottie's older brother Louis. I'm the one who will kick your arse if you break her heart. You are?" Louis asked him.

"I'm Lewis. It's nice to meet you" Lewis said nervously.

"My names better" Louis sassed.

"Hi I'm Harry, Louis' husband. He's acting tough but he's really not. Why don't you sit with us so you're not stuck taking pictures for the girls' instagrams" Harry smiled.

They started talking to Lewis about his job and telling him about their jobs. He said Lottie had told him everything already. She spoke very highly of her brother to her boyfriend.

"Dad come take photos with us in front of the tree for your birthday" Darcy came in with Cassidy dragging him away from the conversation.

"Told you he's a softie. Louis will do anything for those girls in there" Harry said pointing at all the girls in the living room, "He's just trying to intimidate you. He'll loosen up by tomorrow night. He's not kidding though about kicking your arse though. He grew up with 5 younger sisters. 3 of them can now date and I pray for their boyfriends. If one of them cries over you though I'd run and hide. He hates to see them cry. You seem like a good one though."

"Thank you Harry" Lewis smiled watching his girlfriend take pictures with her family.

The doorbell rang throughout the entire house.

Cassidy ran to the door to open it. It was the Corden family. She instantly took Hope by the hand into the living room where a whole photoshoot was being done with all the girls. Louis being the photographer.

"How did they get the birthday boy to do that?" James laughed.

"The puppy dog eyes," Harry joked.

The night was going well and it was finally time for Louis to open his presents. Harry and the kids told him they would go with him on a burberry shopping spree which he was very happy about. Anne and Gemma got him a football jersey signed by David Beckham. Both sets of twins and Lottie got him a limited edition pair of Adidas sneakers.

"Louis I have one more thing for you but it's also for everyone else" Lottie said handing him a small black box. Everyone in the room was confused. He opened it slowly.

"Are you serious?" He asked with watery eyes.

She nodded and also started crying. Then she received a hug from her brother.

"What is it Lou?" Harry asked.

"It's a note that says 'I hope you want to play football with a little princess, Uncle Lou'. Lottie's having a baby" Louis shouted the last part.

After many congratulations and a little bit more partying, the Payne's, Horans, and Cordens went home. The last part of the night was a tradition they did every year that Louis hated. Every year Harry and Lottie got the entire family matching pjs. Everyone got their wrapped gift from under the tree and opened it at the same time.

"These are so cute, love" Anne exclaimed.

"Everyone put them on as fast as you can so we can take pictures and go to bed" Harry instructed.

When everyone returned back downstairs they took a lot of family photos. Before heading up to bed.

"Santa better be quick this year. I'm exhausted" Harry laughed.

Louis laughed, bringing Harry back downstairs to set up for the next morning.

When they were finished the living room floor was almost completely covered in presents. They put gifts under the tree for not only their 3 children, but also Doris and Ernest which meant a lot more than usual.

It was yet again another late night for them because it was 3 am when they were finally in bed.

Harry was almost asleep when Louis said, "The letter Lottie gave me is the same one my mom gave me when she told me about the little twins. I still have it in my nightstand. Lottie doesn't even know about it because my mom told me first. They are so alike I'm not sure what to do because the memories hurt. I mean it's Christmas and I turned 35 today and Lottie's having a baby. My mum was supposed to be here, Harry, for all of this. Her and Fizzy were supposed to be here when Lottie had a baby. Doris and Ernest don't even have a mom" Louis broke down. The holidays were always hard for his family without his mother.

"I know it wasn't supposed to be like this but they are proud of all of you. They are watching you everyday. Doris and Ernest have a wonderful mom who raised 4 other kids to tell them about her and fizzy." Harry explained pulling him into a hug.

"It's just they are supposed to be here. I miss them so much Haz"

"I know Lou. I know" Harry played with Louis' hair until he fell asleep crying on his chest.

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