The Truth Behind the Veil ✔️

By rel19studios

330K 10.2K 1.4K

"A girl, with so much life inside of her, a girl with such a bright future, chose death to save a man with no... More

Charaters/ Falling
Meeting JP
September 1st
Diamonds or Dust?
Guilt Trip
Sirius' Birthday
Restricted Section
Candonton the Great
The First Attacks
I'm Ready
Dog Days
Back to School
Every Word
Secret's Out
Ramblings of Truth
New Years Kiss
The Order
Class of 1978
Curse Breaking
Helping Regulus Stay On Track
The Affair with Minnie
A Spy for the Order
Till Forever Falls Apart
What Did I Do Wrong
Procrastination and Friendship
Into My Own Hands
What Now?
Horcrux Number One
The Curse of Slytehrin
It's True
This Damn War
Swept Under
Harry James Potter
The Diadem
Endless Possiblities None Positive
Now He's Mortal
Capture the Flag
A Dagger To My Name.
Godric's Hollow 1981
Back to the Future
Epilogue: Good Enough
Not Fully (Extra Chapter)
The End (Bonus Chapter 2)

The Beginning of the End

4K 136 28
By rel19studios

Late 1979 - 1980

Regulus was back in the company of Grimmauld Place. His father was dead. Rumor had it Aunt Druella was the one to do him in but no one knew why. The missions from the Dark Lord had become more severe. Regulus' hands were no longer clean, no longer bloodless. The acts he'd committed would land him in Azkaban in an instant. Guilt destroyed him. He never wanted any of this. Everything had gone too far.

The thoughts raced as he entered another meeting. A heavy chair screeched, leaving scratches in the hardwood floor as it was pulled out and then pushed back in.

Another plan to kill Muggleborns was on the agenda. That wasn't all though. The Dark Lord always discussed multiple plans at once; today was no exception.

"We also are looking to recruit the young Potters into our ranks." Regulus' blood ran cold. Fawn's reality was coming to fruition. Time was running out fast.

The other Death-Eater's broke into outbursts. "The wife's a mudblood," Bellatrix spat.

The Dark Lord nodded slowly. "Yes, and extremely powerful...too powerful."

  "Then why can't we just kill her, My Lord?" asked Mulcibur.

Voldemort smiled at the ignorance of his followers. "Lily Potter has ties to our dear friend, Severus Snape," he hissed. Snape flinched, his eyes darkening, watering with the mention of his old best friend. "And is a skilled potineer. She got all O's on her N.E.W.Ts and was wanted for the Slug Club. That kind of potential can not end up on the wrong side, you see. Mudblood or not."

Voldemort's deep, reddening eyes flicked over the group, surveying those who would be skilled in convincing the young the couple. Despite his dozens of followers, only a few were worthy of such a task.

"As for James," he continued, "He is a Pureblood, skilled in Transfiguration and Defense, and devastatingly loyal. If we can change his loyalty I can be assured he would never betray our cause."

James would never join Voldemort's ranks unless it was to save Lily's life but somehow, Regulus figured, he knew as much.

"What about Black, Lupin, and the rest of their lot?"

Voldemort just grinned again. It was sickening. A man like that should not be allowed to be happy. "Yes, Black and Lupin could be useful. So could the McKinnons and Longbottoms. As for the others, I don't need them."

He stood and walked around the table, stopping every once in a while behind a death-eater, his frigid hand curling around their shoulders. Everyone was tense with anticipation. "Who is willing to recruit?"


James and Lily burst into the flat that Fawn, Remus and Sirius lived in. They were frazzled. Lily's hair was knotted, her mascara smudged. James' usually tanned face was sickly pale. Instant dread plagued the group.

"Voldemort tried to recruit us."

Sirius shot up. "What do you mean 'Voldemort tried to recruit' you?"

"What do you think we meant Sirius?" Lily snapped, her eyes blazing angrily.

James grimaced; a failed attempt at a smile. "Yeah, the dude just came up to us and was all like 'you two have great potential and would be great additions to the cause.' It was so strange. Lil's and I were just like 'Nope' and apparated away. He definitely shot a killing curse at us but oh well."

A sharp breathed shock echoed through the kitchen. It was starting. This was the beginning of the end.

"I'm sorry he shot a killing curse at you and you're just chill with that?" asked Fawn. James just shrugged. Lily shook her head and took a seat.

Sirius drummed his fingers against the table thoughtfully. "Well at least you said no."

   Remus flicked his boyfriend's ear and shared a look with Lily. She ran a hand over her face and played with a spoon, stirring it in the cooled tea from that morning.

"Look," Lily said, her voice strained with exhaustion, "The point is, the war is getting more intense by the day. We need to be more careful."

"We should have a party."

Fawn groaned and banged her head against the table that was thankfully padded by a worn place-mat. "We're at war Sirius and your solution is a fucking party?"

  "Well when life gives you lemons..."

Lily stood, practically shoving the old, chipped mug into the sink. Remus' fist clenched angrily. James offered a soft smile but ultimately told his best mate that a party was not going to be the solution this time.

"I'm glad you got away from him," Fawn said softly once Lily had returned to the table. "Defying Voldemort is practically impossible."

"Well, we're not going down without a fight." James squeezed his wife's arm comfortingly. He was glaring out the window, clearly imagining the birdbath to be Lord Voldemort.

They were all going to fight, that much was certain. One horcrux was already destroyed, the Potter couple had defied Voldemort once; they would surely do so again.



Sorry for such a short/ filler chapter. Just need something to bridge the story to the next part. Guesses on what it is?

Clue: Cave.

How is everyone doing? My jaw's been locked for over a day (stupid TMJ). But on the bright side, one more month of school and I'll be done with high school! So excited to be done!

Hope everyone's doing well. Please comment! I love reading them!

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