One Giant Step For BABY Z |||...

By slytherinn127xo

17.9K 287 542

Zhang Qing Yuan, went on GIRLS PLANET 999, and just missed out on the debut team. Which came with it's own dr... More

Qing Yuan
Qing Yuan's Pets
Qing Yuan's Staff Team 1
Qing Yuan's Dance Team
K, bye
Dear Mr. Snake
You Make Me
Feel Special
2021-2022 Dance Practices
We've Gone LOCO ||||| Mix It Up Zhang, Episode 1
What SAVAGES ||||| Mix It Up Zhang, Episode 2
They're A Bit Blessed And Cursed ||||| Mix It Up Zhang, Episode 3
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, SEVEN ||||| Mix It Up Zhang, Episode 4
If You Mess With Me You Messin' With My Family ||||| Mix It Up Zhang, Episode 5
Locked In Vlogs 1
Qing Yuan's Entrance Performance
Qing Yuan sees the Girls
1st Round Rehearsals
Week 1 Performances
Round 1 Reactions
Round 1 Results
Round 2 Rehearsals
Round 2 Performance
Round 2 Reactions


329 8 24
By slytherinn127xo

Qing Yuan walked in last out of the girls, her feet were for some reason still in her pointe shoes.

"Wait did you really cut your hair?" Seola from WJSN asked the youngest girl in the room.

"Yeah, my hair was up to here originally." Qing Yuan started to tell the group. "And now I'm free from long hair."

"Why did you cut it?" Eunha asked from VIVIZ as they turned to look around some groups to the young girl.

"I wanted to be free of my past. It's been rough and I just want to be done with it. When I was in (G)I-DLE I felt like I had people to rely on and I thought that no matter was going on that I would always have a family within them. And I thought they would the the only people I would ever be with in this Industry." Qing Yuan told all of the groups, as they didn't see each other's rehearsal videos.

"And then when I left I felt alone for so long. It didn't feel like I had just left a group it felt like I was pushed away from them and it hit me hard." Qing Yuan continued to tell the group. "I had very few people in my life who looked after me during that time. And I didn't even have my biological family here with me."

"And then when I went solo after Girls Planet 999, it made me feel even more alone. I felt like I wasn't good enough for being an idol. I was so close to debuting and I lost that." Qing Yuan told all of the teams feeling her throat close up as tears threatened to spill out of her eyes.

"And being a soloist now I feel alone at times and I don't think that feeling will ever fully go away but it has all made be stronger and I enjoy being alone but I get stronger from being with all of you." Qing Yuan added.

"And everything I have gone through in this past year has made me stronger but I still feel broken and like I'm missing a piece and on stage I wanted to show vulnerability as for so long I pretend to be this strong girl. But strong. Not all the time. I cry a lot. And I wanna be a child again." Qing Yuan added as she fully broken down before Hyolyn and LOONA just surrounded her in a hug. KEP1ER didn't as they didn't want too many people with her and they would go up in a moment.

"And I cut my hair to get away from all of that. I want to start a fresh, and I need to do one more thing to do that." Qing Yuan said before she got up and walked to KEP1ER before she hugged each girl in the team.

Each of them were in the wrong in some way, well not Yu Jin, Da Yeon and Xiao Ting as they had kept in close contact with her after the show ended, but the rest they all played a part in each of their upset.

"I'm sorry, for not being there for you." She told the girls as they all hugged her one last time.

"No, we should have been there for you more. You supported all of us throughout this experience, we should have been there after the show ended." Chae Hyun told the group.

"We start afresh today." Qing Yuan told the group as she held hands and leaned her head on Ye Seo's shoulder.

"Yeah, you can't get rid of us now." Xiao Ting told the girl she was as a younger sister and daughter figure.

As groups watched on, it made them all get a bit teary eyed, they knew they were a very big rivalry, but they didn't expect was such an emotional reunion of friends at the end of the 2nd round of performances.

AN: I couldn't keep any bad blood with Qing Yuan here, I just felt she needed to be their friend again, and almost all of them were in the wrong, Qing Yuan included, but they are making amends after all of this.


Qing Yuan was sat with all of the other contestants as they waited for Taeyeon and Yong Jin to get back to them with the results from the second round.

She was sat next to Hyolyn as they whispered back and forth about their performances. Both of them betting on them being to TOP 2 of the week again as they had gone above and beyond especially compared to some groups.

And they were the only ones they found that showed such a big concept change, they had both done the opposite of what they had done the previous week.

After both of their performances they had spoken to each other about them and they had fun as they had fun joking around with each other, while they waited for the two to appear for the results.

"It's time to announce the self evaluation vote tally." Yong Jin told the groups.


"Based on the performances from today select one team you feel is one level above your team. And one group who you feel is one level below the quality your team." Taeyeon told the groups.

"If you believe there is no other team that is above your team, then you do not have to select one." Taeyeon added to the groups.

"But you must select a team that you believe is one level below you." Taeyeon added.

"Results can change based on the self evaluation votes, so we ask for sincere votes from everyone." Taeyeon added from her video message.

"For worst. I can't pick. I have three in mind. VIVIZ, WJSN and Brave Girls." Qing Yuan told the camera. "It hurt me literally watching the performance for one of them. The other didn't feel as cohesively their group. And the other one just seemed a league below the rest of the groups." She added.

Then she was shown writing down her pick(s).


"I will now reveal the results. First up!" Taeyeon announced.

Self evaluation time, it should be known as time to hurt people's feelings. Because that was all they were doing.

"Qing Yuan how about you go up first?" Taeyeon asked the young girl.

"I made amends with people, why do I have to now hurt more people." Qing Yuan told the older woman making them all laugh or in Taeyeon's version a giggle.

"Well I'm very sorry but let's find out who is a level above you?" Taeyeon asked Qing Yuan making her smile a teeny bit.

"The team that Qing Yuan picked as one level above her is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "No one."

"Obviously." Da Yeon from KEP1ER told the group knowing the young girl, knowing she wouldn't pick anyone.

"The fact that she picked no one predicts that she thinks that she will place first. Can you tell us your reasons?" Yong Jin asked the younger one of the two soloists.

"I'm not going to lie. Well I just didn't feel like any of the teams were ahead of me." Qing Yuan told it honestly.

"The team that Qing Yuan picked as one level below her is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team Qing Yuan chose is..... Brave Girls."

"I'm sorry first and fore most. But when I watched your performance, I liked the concept of using 'Now You See Me' but I wished that you had focused on your strong suit in your vocals and not put in something that wasn't needed and you aren't all as good at." Qing Yuan told them, as she had to tell them these things. "And I felt like it had the least impact in comparison with the other performances for me."


"Second up!" Taeyeon announced.

"WJSN how about you go up next?" Taeyeon asked the group.

"The team that WJSN picked as one level above them is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "Hyolyn."

Exy, the leader of WJSN, spoke up to everyone to explain it all. "The thing is the performance that Hyolyn unni showed us today deserved recognition in our opinion, and we thought accepting and acknowledging despite the competition was a healthy competition. So we voted for her."

"The team that WJSN picked as one level below them is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team WJSN chose is..... LOONA."

"Let's hear the reason behind their selection." Yong Jin told the groups as they all turned to WJSN for the reason.

Exy the leader spoke up once again. "All the teams performances were so great. So it was really hard to choose, but thinking back on each performance it was a performance that wasn't really that memorable." Hearing this definitely shocked LOONA for their reasoning. "I'm sorry." She added at the end.


"Next up!" Taeyeon announced.

"LOONA how about you go up next?" Taeyeon asked the young girl.

"The team that LOONA picked as one level above them is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "Qing Yuan."

"Thank you." Qing Yuan told the group who she was on the right hand side of.

"We all just knew from her performance it would be a stand out and even though she went first we couldn't stop thinking about it during other performances and realising how different the performance was and how amazing it was in the end. And it ended up with every member in tears before the second half started" Kim Lip spoke up this time as she spoke to Qing Yuan.

"The team that LOONA picked as one level below them is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team LOONA chose is..... KEP1ER."

"Let's hear the reason behind their selection." Yong Jin told the groups as they all turned to LOONA for the reason.

"This is how it's supposed to be right?" Heejin of LOONA asked everyone as she looked around.

"Yeah." Qing Yuan told the older girl as she nodded, knowing she was feeling bad about picking them, but they had to. "We all have to do it. You can't feel bad about it."

"This is hard to get used to." HeeJin told all of the teams.

LOONA's ViVi spoke up now towards KEP1ER. "The concept of your performance was similar to ours. Moving across the floor using a prop. Or moving to the thrust stage during the bridge. The cheerful concept was similar too, but we thought the audience might feel the story we told was more easily digestible. So we thought we did a little better." Before she added. "I'm sorry for saying that. This is our first time sorry."


"And now KEP1ER's self evaluation result." Taeyeon told the groups as they faced the group looking like summer had come early.

"The team that KEP1ER picked as one level above them is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "Qing Yuan."

"Thank you." Qing Yuan told the group who she was on far away from but she had recently reconnected with them through an emotional performance.

"We all had the most fun while we watched this performance but at the same time it was making us all cry knowing the performance. And personally I knew that those were songs that having a deep meaning for her, and from the performance starting it showed me so much about her and what she was going through and it was incomparable to the other performances as it was just so amazing." Xiao Ting spoke up this time as she spoke to Qing Yuan.

"The team that KEP1ER picked as one level below them is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team KEP1ER chose is..... WJSN."

"KEP1ER chose you as the levek below. I want to know how you feel." Yong Jin told the groups as they all turned to WJSN for how they felt about being voted the lower performance than KEP1ER. AN: TBH I agreed with KEP1ER's choice, I enjoyed their performance more than WJSN's performance.

Obviously the leader, EXY, spoke up for WJSN. "Saying we feel good..... would be a lie. But I think that's possible."


"We will now announce Brave Girls' self evaluation." Yong Jin told all of the groups.

"The team that Brave Girls picked as one level above them is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "No one."

"The team that Brave Girls picked as one level below them is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team Brave Girls chose is..... WJSN."

"Let's hear the reason behind their selection." Yong Jin told the groups as they all turned to Brave Girls for the reason.

Brave Girls' Min Young spoke up now towards WJSN. "In the second round, more than in the first, everyone prepared so well. Especially in the case of today. I felt the order of performance was really crucial so..... "


"We will now announce Hyolyn's self evaluation." Taeyeon told all of the groups.

"The team that Hyolyn picked as one level above them is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "Qing Yuan."

"Thank you." Qing Yuan told the soloist who had become her ride or die during this season of QUEENDOM.

"This performance showed us all so much more of Qing Yuan then what we have so far seen in the competition. We all saw her vulnerable side and it was my favourite of the night. And I couldn't imagine how much work it was put in just doing the first chorus of Solo on pointe. And I can't imagine anyone better to be above me." Hyolyn spoke up this time as she spoke to Qing Yuan.

Qing Yuan bowed again to the older woman as they both smiled to each other.

"The team that Hyolyn picked as one level below her is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team Hyolyn chose is..... Brave Girls."

"Let's hear the reason behind her selection." Yong Jin told the groups as they all turned to Hyolyn for the reason.

Hyolyn spoke up now towards Brave Girls, like how Qing Yuan had picked them. "At least for today, I felt like the colour, the charm that Brave Girls can present to us was what I wanted to see, but I didn't get to see what I was hoping for from them."

"Can we hear your response?" Yong Jin asked Brave Girls who was on the other side of them.

"This time we were so focused on not being last place. So I think we were kind of too determined, but hearing what you said feels like a lesson." A member of Brave Girls told the group. "Competition isn't just about how determined we are. We realise that now. Thank you for that."


"We will now announce VIVIZ's self evaluation." Taeyeon told all of the groups.

"The team that VIVIZ picked as one level above them is...." Taeyeon slowly drew out. She took forever before telling them. "No one."

"The team that VIVIZ picked as one level below her is...." Yong Jin slowly drew out. He took forever before telling them. "The team VIVIZ chose is..... Brave Girls."

That meant they now had three votes of them being lower than other contestants.

"VIVIZ, you chose Brave Girls as one level lower, let's hear the reason behind their selection." Yong Jin told the groups as they all turned to VIVIZ for the reason.


The second round self evaluation Final result:

Qing Yuan had 1000 points from three above placements. From Hyolyn, KEP1ER and LOONA.

Hyolyn had 834 points from 1 above placement. From WJSN.

VIVIZ had 667 points from no above or below placements.

LOONA had 500 points from 1 below placement. From WJSN.

KEP1ER had 500 points from 1 below placement. From LOONA.

WJSN had 334 points from 2 below placements. From KEP1ER and Brave Girls.

BRAVE GIRLS had 167 points from 3 below placements. From Qing Yuan, Hyolyn and VIVIZ.


"And now we will reveal the results of the global votes." Taeyeon told the groups. "In which you can gain a total of 3000 votes."

People from all around the world watched the live performances and they would be voting. All from 74 different countries.

"Fans all around the world, thank you for all the support and love." KEP1ER's Huening Bahiyyih spoke up, speaking in English to international fans.

"All your interest in us really means a lot." Sakamoto Mashiro from KEP1ER continued in Japanese to more international fans.

Then Xiao Ting and Qing Yuan were stood next to each other as they were doing a joint bit for Chinese speaking fans. "Your support has been a great strength to us." Xiao Ting told the camera.

"I hope that we can all be a great strength for you too." Qing Yuan finished for Xiao Ting.

All of the fans clapped for the groups.

"The ranking from the global judges vote will be revealed all at once." Taeyeon announced to the groups.

"First place in global voting has received a total of 3,000 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked first in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "Qing Yuan."

Qing Yuan's eyes widened as she was shocked for the second time her voting was in first for global voting.

"Today wasn't my song, but I'm glad that I could do the song justice and I'm happy that I have all of the support from fans." Qing Yuan told the groups.

"Next revealed will be seventh place." Taeyeon announced, shocking everyone.

"Seventh place in global voting has received a total of 850 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked seventh in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "Brave Girls."

"Next revealed will be second place." Taeyeon announced, shocking everyone.

"Second place in global voting has received a total of 2,765 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked second in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "Hyolyn."

"Next revealed will be third place." Taeyeon announced, shocking everyone.

"Third place in global voting has received a total of 2,449 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked third in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "LOONA."

"Next revealed will be fourth place." Taeyeon announced, shocking everyone.

"Fourth place in global voting has received a total of 1,960 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked fourth in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "WJSN."

"Next revealed will be fifth place." Taeyeon announced, shocking everyone.

"Fifth place in global voting has received a total of 1,830 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked fifth in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "VIVIZ."

"Last revealed will be sixth place." Taeyeon announced, shocking everyone.

"Sixth place in global voting has received a total of 1,500 points." Taeyeon told the groups.

"That team that ranked sixth in the global voting is....." Yong Jin told them before he dragged it out like usual. "KEP1ER."

Qing Yuan was first place with 4,000 votes.

Hyolyn was second place with 3,599 votes.

LOONA was third place with 3,116 votes.

WJSN was fourth place with 2,664 votes.

VIVIZ was fifth place with 2,460 votes.

KEP1ER was sixth place with 2,167 votes.

Brave Girls was seventh place with 1,350 votes.


"Actually we have the biggest score left to unveil." Yong Jin told the groups.

"The live judging score that's worth 6,000 points." Taeyeon added.

"These points are enough to turn the tables." Yong Jin told them all, knowing it could all change in a flash.

"I will announce the second round final ranking, including the live judging score." Taeyeon told the groups.


Qing Yuan had the full 10,000 points from that round. Making her first place.

Hyolyn was in second with 834 and 2,765 and 4,833, making 8,432 points.

LOONA were in third with 500 and 2,449 and 3,483, making 6,432 points

WJSN was in fourth with 334 and 2,611 and 2,452, making 5,397 points.

VIVIZ was in fifth with 667 and 2,192 and 1,574, making 4,433 points.

KEP1ER was in close sixth to VIVIZ with 500 and 2,028 and 1503, making 4,031 points.

Brave Girls was in seventh with 167 and 1,247 and 1,547, making 2,961 points.

AN: Please answer these questions.

Question 1: In 2023 what songs should she release?

* Please request her. I don't want her to do a dark concept but request any song.

Question 2: What should her ship be like with Shen Xiao Ting?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 3: What should her ship be like with Sakamoto Mashiro?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 4: What should her ship be like with Ezaki Hikaru?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 5: What should her ship be like with Kang Ye Seo?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 6: What should her ship be like with Seo Young Eun?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 7: What should her ship be like with Kim Da Yeon?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 8: What should her ship be like with Choi Yu JIn?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 9: What should her ship be like with Huening Bahiyyih?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 10: What should her ship be like with Kim Chae Hyun?

* Please request the ideas here.

Question 11: Who will be there with Qing Yuan for the Vocal performance? *She will perform the Dance performance.*

* Other, please request who.

* Qing Yuan also does this performance.

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