My sweet first love โค Vmin

By -dianxia

23.2K 1.7K 524

hey I'm new here my first story . I want to make something special for you readers. Please give some vote to... More

introduction chapter { 1 }
my sweet first love chapter { 2 }
my sweet first love chapter { 3 }
my sweet first love chapter { 4 }
my sweet first love chapter { 5 }
my sweet first love chapter { 6 }
my sweet first love chapter { 7 }
my sweet first love chapter { 8 }
my sweet first love chapter { 9 }
my sweet first love chapter { 10 }
my sweet first love chapter { 11 }
my sweet first love chapter { 12 }
my sweet first love chapter { 13 }
my sweet first love chapter { 14 }
my sweet first love chapter { 15 }
my sweet first love chapter { 16 }
my sweet first love chapter { 17 }
my sweet first love chapter { 18 }
my sweet first love chapter { 19 }
my sweet first love chapter { 20 }
my sweet first love chapter { 22 }
my sweet first love chapter { 23 }
my sweet first love chapter { 24 }
my sweet first love chapter { 25 }
my sweet first love chapter { 26 }
my sweet first love chapter { 27 }
my sweet first love chapter { 28 }
my sweet first love chapter { 29 }
my sweet first love chapter { 30 }
{ important note }
my sweet first love chapter { 31 }
{ new story }
my sweet first love chapter { 32 }
my sweet first love chapter { 33 }
my sweet first love chapter { 34 }
my sweet first love chapter { 35 }
my sweet first love chapter { 36 }
hey lovelies
Just my pic ( new haircut )
Hey babies ~
my sweet first love chapter { 37 Wedding Night part 1๐Ÿ’ฎ }
{ 1.01k Votes }
My sweet first love chapter { 38 wedding Night part 2 ๐Ÿ”ž }
Thank You ๐Ÿ“

my sweet first love chapter { 21}

376 35 1
By -dianxia

[ others pov ]

Everyone was sitting on the couch, waiting for the projector to on.

" yeah, done. " tae said while moving towards the couch.

" tae baby, sit here " Mrs Kim said, pointing beside jimin.

" mum...if jiminii doesn't have any problem with it, " tae said looking at jimin.

" no, I don't have any problem tae. " jimin said and approached him.

" Popcorn is here. " lisa said and sat beside Mrs Kim.

" so let's start the movie then " tae said and pressed the button of the remote.

[ the movie ]

" wow.....what a starting " Lisa happily said.

" it's so scary " Mrs Kim said, tightly hugging Mr Kim's hand.

" it's okay ,I'm here " Mr Kim approached Mrs Kim.

" wooo, so romantic " Lisa teased.

" shut up " tae said with a frown.

" OK! "Lisa said and turned her face.

Everyone was watching the movie peacefully but in some point the movie got more scary. In every scary moment jimin held the cushion tightly, sometimes covering his eyes. suddenly a scary moment came and jimin got more scared then he screamed.

" ahhhhhhhhh." jimin screamed and in that moment all lights got off because of the generator.

" Ahhh " Mrs Kim shouted and hugged Mr Kim tightly.

" hey hey jimin calm down, it's okay everything is okay. " tae said and hugged him tightly.

" What happened to the lights? " Lisa asked.

" I think it's a power cut or something" tae said while holding jimin more tightly in his arms.

" mum...lemme check " Lisa said and walked into the basement to check the generator.

" hey pabo, be careful " tae said, still his arms around the trembling jimin.

" I WILL " Lisa shouted from the basement.

" jiminii, everything is okay. Calm down my princess. " tae said while caressing his back.

" ah...lights are back  " Mrs Kim said.

" yaa....that's right, but what's this ? " Mr Kim said, pointing at jimin and tae who were still hugging each other.
And jimin was hugging taehyung like an koala.

" ouch!, what a seen " lisa said and took some pictures.

" Tae? " Mrs Kim called out but he didn't heard it.

" shush, let's leave. " Mr Kim said.

" but why ? " Mrs Kim asked.

" God mom, just leave them alone for a while. Let's go. " Lisa said and approached Mrs Kim. Then they left.

After they left, tae slowly whispered in jimin's ear.

" everything is okay now princess, look at me. " tae whispered in his ears and slowly lifted jimin's chin up to face him.

" ah....amm...w-were a-are th-ey ? " jimin asked shyly.

" their rooms. " tae answered.

" so w-why are you he-re ? " jimin asked in hesitation.

" because......." tae didn't continue.

" because ? " jimin asked confusedly.

" because you didn't let me go " tae answered.

" ah..amm i-I'm so-sorry. " jimin apologized and shyly got up from tae then he was about to go or run away but tae grabbed his wrist and pulled him on his lap.

" I want to ask you for something. " tae said directly making eye contact with him.

" amm..a-ask " jimin agreed. And tae got up from the couch and kneeled down on his knees then took jimin's hand in his.

" can I have a date with you park jimin ? " tae asked with puppy eyes.

" ah..." jimin breathed heavily.

" jiminii will you ? "

" amm.....y-yes " jimin agreed shyly.

" thank you, thank you so much jiminii. " tae said and carried jimin then spun him around.

" oh..calm down tae! " jimin said and laughed with the latter.

" jiminii " taehyung said, and put him down slowly.

" hmm "

" I like you so much "

" m-me too "

" really ? How come I didn't know about that ? "

" because I never told you that's why "

" and why didn't you ? "

" go to sleep "

" what ?"

" cant you hear? go to sleep "

" WTF, why do you always cut me off ?"

" language " jimin glared.

" okay okay I'm sorry "

" go to sleep "

" okay, good night princess " tae said and pecked on his lips. Leaving the younger dumbfounded.

" y-you t-too "

" pay back " tae teased.

" bye " jimin said and about to leave but taehyung held on his wrist and pulled him back. Then got closer to him.

" ah...ahhh you can't leave until you pay back. " tae said while looking at the younger with loving eyes.

" w-what pay back ? "

" so innocent right ? Okay fine now I have to ask. A kiss is enough for my pay back. "

" o-okay " jimin said and kissed on his cheeks, but taehyung's demands are on other level.

" not there my princess, here " tae said and pointed towards his lips.

" it's too much " jimin said.

" yes because Kim taehyung always gets what he wants "

" okay fine " jimin said and leaned closer and closer, their eyes met and
jimin got more closer to his lips and murmurs.

" and park jimin always does what he wants. " jimin said and got out of taehyung's grip then ran from there.

" YOU " tae shouted.

" haha.......go to sleep you pabo " jimin teased and ran upstairs.

" you always make me fall in love with you more and more, like it has no end. PARK JIMIN I LOVE YOU. I'm in love with you.
Your my sweet first love "


( so I'm done guys please read the next chapter also. Besides don't forget to vote and comment. Well
( I know I'm boring 😂 ) so byeee everyone. Love you all my loving readers. )

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