By EnvyTheJealous27

21.8K 698 536

(Y/N) is glass alchemist and she commited greatest sin of alchemy- human transmutation. She is also cousin of... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.
Chapter 57.
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59.
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61.
Chapter 62.
Chapter 63.
Chapter 64.
Chapter 65.
Chapter 66.
Chapter 67.
Chapter 68.
Chapter 69.
Chapter 70.
Chapter 71.

Chapter 41.

162 7 15
By EnvyTheJealous27

Only moment passed since Envy pushed button and Ed was standing before us.

~Uhhhh i should've know that you would find that button sooner or later. But how did you managed to do it so fast?!

~Don't understimate me, i've inflitrated military hundrets of years before you were even born. Do you think i don't know every corner around here?

Envy stated as proud as he could be.

~I should've thought about it. But now, what the hell do you want?!

~Uhm, i wanted to ask you for some clean clothes for us and pijamas. Do you have some?

I asked.

~Uh-um, i'll go look at it. I'll be back soon.

Ed told us and took his leave. Meanwhile cold ran down my spine and again i've got feeling that something bad is about to happen. Envy noticed me and asked me.

~What is it (Y/N)? Again that bad feeling?

~Something is about to happen i know it.

~I guess that we should be ready for everything.

We didn't talk anymore because Ed came back with some clothes that he gave us.

~That's all i could find for you, there wasn't any pijamas so you have to survive with this, if that's all then i'm gonna get going. See ya tommorow.

With that he left and i started to observe new clothes.

~ It's all simple but wearable. Envy here wear these trousers and this shirt, trousers will be good but shirt you have to try, if it's not good there is even bigger one.

Envy rolled his eyes and i already changed my clothes to loose shirt and knee long shorts. When i looked at Envy's direction i saw him put on trousers and then i saw red sparks around his body. He was standing there shirtless and after that, he turned to face me.

~That shirt is too small for me. I guess i'll stay like this.

I didn't say a word, honestly i was in my own world when i saw his body, i was amazed and i loved that sight.

~(Y/N)? Are you all right?



~Uhm yes, yes, i'm all right. Okey let's rest or sleep or just lay down.

I quickly laid on bed and waited for Envy to lay next to me. Suddenly i felt weird, like i can't move myself closer to him, like he would reject me but soon his hand grabbed mine and he pulled me towards him.

~Why are you so scared? I though that you aren't afraid of anything.

He grinned and suddenly that weird feeling fell down like stone and i put my head on top of his bare chest and put my arm around his waist. Then he with opposit hand hugged me from side and i slowly closed my eyes.

~We survived today, now we just need to survive the rest.

~Yeah, but now rest, we are both tired.

Envy told and i nodded in agreement. Few hours later we woke up because Ed was shouting at us. I hate when someone is interupting my sleep. Both Envy and i sat on bed and looked at Ed with most deadly glares we can give and i asked him.

~What is so important that you woke us up huuh?! I hope it's something really important or else-

~Mustang will be here in 30 minutes and i thought it would be better for you if you eat and get ready before he comes.

~Oh, is that so? Thank you then.

I said in better mood and with smile.

~Come on Envy, we should eat.

~Yeah, yeah, i'm coming. Jeez if someone wakes me up tonight or tommorow morning imma gonna kill them.

Envy cursed under his breath and quickly put on big shirt i found before. Then we dig in food. In matter of few minutes it was gone and Ed told us.

~Be ready, Mustang will come here to tell you what you need to know, just be ready.

With those words he left and i looked at Envy and saw him in normal clothes. What an amusing sight. I thought that drool was falling down my mouth but lucky me only imagined it.

~Envy, you are so fucking hot, please wear this kind of clothes more often or don't wear shirts at all. Jeez i love you.

I thought that i told that only in my mind but i told it aloud. To this Envy grinned, moved closer and with his finger he lifted my chin to face him.

~Tell that as much as you want, i like what i hear.

I stayed quiet and then i remembered.

~Oh we should go back to that anciet baths in your old hideout, last time we were there we stared at each other at awe too. Not only me hehe.

I told and Envy remembered those moments when we were bathing together and small blush appeared on his cheeks.

~Yeah, definitely. We should go there again.

He told trying to sound normal and i started to laugh.

~We are both simps, this is impossible how similiar we are, hahaha.

~I can't disagree.

After our dialouge Mustang arrived and both of us looked at him.


We told at the same time.

~Long time no see.

Mustang answered and all of us thought that there's gonna be awkward silence but Mustang broke it.

~Well, here, this paper allows the two of you to leave your cell. This time you have one day. Right now it's 8:47AM so at 9AM both of you can leave. You have to be back untill 9PM. Be late only a minute and it will be counted as escape. At 11AM come to Fuhrer office, you should know it good enough, homuncullus.

Mustang looked at Envy and Envy just stared at him without single word.

~Meet me there. I don't care what are you gonna do between 9-11AM but don't you dare kill, torture or hurt citizens in any way possible. And don't do anything similiar to that. Do you understand?! Otherwise i'm killing you myself.

Both of us nodded and Mustang tossed us two blue Military uniforms.

~I didn't wear one for soooo long.

Both of us thought and then i told to Mustang.

~Well then, we will see ya at 11AM in old Bradley's office. See ya there.

And i went to change my clothes while Mustang and Envy exchanged quiet looks.

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