Natasha Romanoff One-Shots

بواسطة Just_writing_a_bit

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Just a collection of one-shots with Natasha Romanoff. This is a xfemale reader collection. The stories are... المزيد

New Years Eve (romantic)
New Years Eve (traumatic)
New Years Eve (traumatic) part 2
All I want
Working late
Working late part 2
Disney Movies
A new life
A new life part 2
Late Nights
Breakup (Mama Nat)
Happy for you
Just dance
Just a little fight
Quality time
Wedding part 1
Wedding part 2
Horror movie
Toxic past
Long-distance relationship
Meeting the family
Ikea date
Midnight baking
We love you part 1
We love you part 2
Ice skating
Mini Wanda part 1
Mini Wanda part 2
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day part 2*
Uncle Tony part 1
Uncle Tony part 2
Toxic (?) friends
Vacation- part 1: Flight
Vacation- part 2: Prague and Venezia
Coming out (Mama Nat)
Vacation- part 3: France
Throuple (Nat and Wanda)
Vacation- part 4: Germany
Wattpad (Scarlett)
Too much
High school
Hold on
Infinite Freedom & A/n
Teasing (Wanda)
Revenge* part 1 (Wanda, kinda the second part to "teasing")
Revenge part 2* (Wanda)
Magical venue
Graduation prank
Street race

Happy Easter

736 19 9
بواسطة Just_writing_a_bit

A/n: Nat and we have two children in this one: Killian (3) and Florence (6)
Nat: Mama 
Y/n: Mommy

Pov y/n

"They're fast asleep." Nat says and walks up to me, hugging me from behind. I smile and turn my head to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"That's great." I answer and finish drying the dishes. Then I turn around and wrap my arms around Nats waist to pull her in for a gentle kiss. We part and make our way over to the living room.

"Flo is really excited for tomorrow and couldn't stop talking about it." Nat shares and leans back into the sofa. I smile, Florence is our six-year-old daughter and our sunshine. She lights up the room with her good mood and it's adorable.
Tomorrow is easter, that's why she's so excited about it.

"That reminds me, we should finally prepare the eggs before the kids wake up tomorrow and are disappointed." I remind Nat and get up to get everything. S
he nods and makes room on the coffee table for everything I bring back. I place the bag with candy, the plastic eggs and some little toys on the table and sit down again.

When Flo was old enough to egg hunt, we bought colorful plastic eggs to fill. This way we can reuse them every year. When Kilian was born around three years ago, we bought a few more so we would have enough.

Nat and I open the candy bags and the eggs. We place the candy in the eggs and close them.
I watch as Nat snitches a candy bar and eats it.
"Those are for the kids." I tease and she roles her eyes playfully at me and bites into the candy.
"But it tastes great." She replies with a grin and I smile and give her a short kiss, tasting the candy on her lips.

"It does." I agree and wink at her. She smiles and watches me preparing more eggs. We have around twenty, so each kid gets ten. They share the candy anyway but still, we don't want them to fight about it.

"See, there is enough left." Nat points out as I finish with the candy and pour the rest into one bag. I stick out my tongue at her for which I get a playfully offended glare before her eyes soften and she tackles me.
I look up at her and giggle. Her red hair falls into my face but I don't mind because I'm getting lost in her sparkling green eyes. They still have the same mesmerizing effect on me as they did eight years ago. I gently pull her down and our lips meet in a sweet kiss.

When we pull away, her eyes shine even more and she sits down on my waist as I lean up on my elbows.
"I love you." I say and watch her smile widen.
"I love you too." She replies and kisses me again, this time a bit more passionate. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her down again. The kiss gets more and more heated and our tongues fight for dominance.

"Get a room." Wanda comments with a grin and sits down in an armchair. We end our kiss and Natasha shoots her a short look before she sits up again and pulls me up.
"Or you simply go to your room." She suggests while getting off me.
Wanda shrugs with a grin and tightens the towel around her hair. She stays with us over easter because she loves the kids and they adore her. We also didn't want her to be alone and since we're best friends with her, we love to have her over.

"All done with the preparing?" Wanda asks, eying the candy. I chuckle and hand her the bag with the leftovers.
"With the candy yes, now we only have the little gifts." Nat answers and gets up to get the other bag.

We know that just candy would also be enough but we like to give both kids two tiny presents each. Well, not we exactly but the easter-bunny.

Nat comes back and Wanda watches us while munching on some candy.
For Kilian we got a tiny highlighter because he loves to draw with them and a little duck for the bathtub, that wears bunny ears. For Flo we got a little action figure of Ironman because she loves her uncle Tony and wanted to have him as an action figure. And her second present is a gem because she showed some interest in these and we thought she would enjoy a stone for herself.

We pack the little toys into the eggs and put all the eggs into a big basket so we can hide them tomorrow morning. Well, Wanda wanted to hide them so we have time to get the kids dressed and ready.

The rest of the evening we spend talking and laughing while eating some candy. When we get tired we all head to bed and as I'm laying there, cuddled into Nat, thinking about the happy faces of our children, I get excited for tomorrow.

The next morning we get woken up by our two kids jumping on the bed.
"Mommy, Mama wake up, it's Easter!" Flo says excitedly.
She squeals when Nat catches her and pulls her in for a snuggle. I do the same with Kilian and he gives me a kiss before cuddling into me.
"Mommy, Easter." He tells me and I nod and comb through his hair.
"Yes, bug. Today is Easter. And do you know what that means?" I ask and let him sit up again. Flo claps excitedly.

"Egg-hunt!" She yells and it's adorable how excited she is.
"Egg-hunt." Kilian repeats and his eyes sparkle with joy.
"Exactly! But first we need to get ready and then we can see if the easter bunny hid some eggs in the backyard." Nat says enthusiastically.

Flo hops off the bed to get ready. I set Lian down on the floor so he can follow his big sister. I smile at them and look over at Nat who looks as happy as I do.

We get up and quickly get dressed before we go to find our kids in Flo's room, guessing what the easter bunny could have brought.
I help Florence to get dressed while Nat helps Lian.
Just as we finish dressing the kids, Wanda comes upstairs and both kids run to her to hug her.

"Happy Easter!" Wanda smiles and hugs the kids back. They love their aunt Wanda and enjoy the times when she visits us.

"I think the easter bunny was here, I caught him hopping out of the backyard." She tells the children who yell in excitement and rush down the stairs.
We follow them and my heart fills with happiness, seeing them jump around the living room, waiting for us to open the door. Nat hands them their little baskets while I get their shoes ready. I catch Wanda filming the situation and smile, it will be nice to rewatch those videos in a few years.

When both kids are ready, I open the door and Flo runs outside, her eyes sparkling with joy. Kilian follows her, not as quick and with Nat on his hand. She holds his basket and it's adorable.
I take my own phone out and snap a few pictures before putting it back and following them.

"I found something." Flo shouts and holds up an egg. Kilian lets go of Nat's hand and runs to his sister. They cheer together over the egg before Lian spots another one and runs to pick it up.
It's adorable how they chase around our backyard, looking for the eggs.

At some point Flo handed me her basket so she can run better and Nat and I stand on our little terrace, watching the kids run around. They periodically run back to us to show us what they found and we cheer them on.

A loud squeal from Lian makes Flo run over to him and her eyes light up as she turns around to show us what Lian found: it's a chocolate easter bunny. We get excited for them, smiling at how much they enjoy this. The chocolate bunnies didn't fit in the eggs so Wanda hid them like they were.

Flo gets eager to find the second one and it's cute how Lian follows her around, looking with her. When she finds it, she lets out a squeal in triumph and rushes back to us to show us her prize.
We let them find more eggs until they found all.

"I think that's it. The easter bunny was pretty generous, don't you think?" I ask and crouch down to them. Both nod.
"And what do we say when someone was nice to us?" Nat adds and follows my movement.
Kilian and Florence turn around to face the backyard. "Thanks easter bunny." They say in unisono and I smile at their cuteness.

"Let's get inside and see what you got." Nat suggests and we give both kids their baskets and follow them in. We smile at Wanda who returns it before going to the kitchen.

Flo and Lian already got rid of their shoes and are sitting at the coffee table, opening their eggs. As expected, they pour the sweets in one basket, splitting them afterwards.
Flo gasps when she finds the action figure and shows it to Lian who recognizes his uncle.

We sit behind them on the sofa and watch them open more eggs. Nat puts an arm around my shoulder and I lean my head against her shoulder, happily watching our children. Whenever they are happy, I am too.

The smell of waffles fills my nose and I sigh happily, this is perfect.

When the kids are done with opening the eggs, they talk about their gifts and follow us to the kitchen table. Wanda made waffles that look delicious and I give her a big hug in thanks. She loves to cook and make breakfast and I appreciate her doing this so much.

We have a great breakfast and listen to the kids talk about the egg hunt. They pull Wanda with them to play after breakfast while Nat and I clean the kitchen and living room.

The rest of the day is amazing. We go to visit Tony, who hosts an easter party at his and Pepper's house. It's not a big one, just the Avengers are invited and their families or partners of course.

We laugh, when Tony disappears for a while and comes back in a pink easter bunny costume. The children run to him excited and he tells them that he just saw the easter bunny and it gave him this costume and sweets for the kids. He hands each child a chocolate bunny and I have to bite my lip to hold in my laugh, the sight is just too adorable and hilarious at the same time. 

After that Morgan and Flo run around together as they always do and play. Flo proudly shows her the new action figure and Tony, still in his bunny costume, smirks proudly when he sees it. Kilian plays with Nathaniel and Cooper while Lila watches them and talks to Hope. All the children seem really happy and the atmosphere is great. The air is filled with laughter and I lean into Nat, watching our kids play and listening to Thor talking about his first Easter on earth.

Nat plays with my hair absentmindedly and I couldn't be more content and happier than in this moment. I love our little family but I also love our big family.

When it get later, Lian comes up to us and climbs into Nat's lap, cuddling into her. She strokes his back which eventually makes him fall asleep. I can see Flo also getting tired from the long, eventful day and we start to say our goodbye's.
Flo rubs her eyes and stretches out her arms for me, so I pick her up and place her on my hip. She nuzzles her head into my shoulder and we make our way out to the car. Nat buckles up the sleeping Lian and gets in the driver's seat. Wanda sits next to her and I sit between the kids. Flo also falls asleep during the car ride.

When we arrive back home, Nat carries Kilian inside and into his bed. Luckily he stays asleep while she puts on his pyjamas before putting him to bed. Flo wakes up but is all sleepy and clingy. She wants to get picked up again and I do so, bringing her inside as well. Wanda says good night and goes to her guest bedroom.

"Let's get you to bed, little sunshine." I whisper to Flo and help her to get ready. But when I go to put her to bed, she shakes her head and clings to me.
"I wanna stay with you and mama." She mumbles and I look to Nat who leans against the doorframe and nods.

She takes Flo and brings her to our bedroom while I get ready. When I come to bed, I see Flo and Nat snuggling and smile, they are adorable.
Nat catches my stare and silently tells me to join them. I do so and hug my daughter and wife.

Today was such a beautiful day and my heart is filled with so much love and happiness right now. With this feeling I drift off to sleep.

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