It Started As A Game...

By taylor103095

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It Started As A Game...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 17

4.9K 148 30
By taylor103095

After I was so wasted I could barely sit up, he carried me to his car. I had no idea what was going on, everything was a blur and I felt sick. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was laying in the grass in someone's front yard. I couldn't ever barely turn my head. My body hurt like nothing I ever felt before. What happened after I passed out. “Morgan?” I heard a voice call out from the side walk. I didn't have the energy to move a tall, then I saw somebody standing over me. It sounded like a girl, but I wasn't sure, then they got closer down to her and it was Kassie, “Morgan, i'm calling for help.” I heard her phone open and then she was talking.

When I opened my eyes again, there were a group of people around me, I heard arguing, “If you wouldn't have fucking used her she wouldn't be like this,” Zac shouted, then I heard him punch what sounded like a car. “I didn't use her I swear..... Sure it told other girls what I told Morgan, but when I told your sister I meant it.” Josh protested. Did he really mean it? I didn't know anymore. I moved my hand to my head, “Guys she is awake,” Chase's voice called out. Then everyone was there, Allison, Zac, Josh, Kass, Chase, Danny, Matt. I looked around trying to get focus, I was still totally wasted from all the stuff I was forced to drink. “Morgan, what happened?” Kass asked, t was clear she had been crying. I slowly sat up, but not long after I was bending over puking up what felt like every organ in my body. Someone pulled my hair back, it was Allison, while Kass rubbed my back.

I stayed on my hands in knees for another six minutes puking, this was not a pleasant feeling at all let me tell ya. I finally stopped. “Let's get her inside Josh please. It is cold out,” Allison said, she was like the mother of the group, the oldest girl so she took control most of the time. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, as soon as they hit my stomach I screamed, the pain shot through me like a knife. The hands quickly released and I sat there holding onto my middle section. “What is wrong?” they all asked worried. I couldn't speak, I can't even begin to describe the pain. Josh bent down in front of me, Zac went to pull him back pissed off but Allison stopped him. “Morgan look at me babe,” He softly said. I managed to looked up a little, his eyes locked with mine, I couldn't help but want to be in his arms. “I have to pick you up to go inside alright?” he asked waiting for the okay from me. I nodded a little. His carefully slid one hand under my thighs and the other around my back, he picked me up slowly. It hurt like hell trust me, I grabbed his shirt, balling it up in my fist to hold back from screaming. “I'm sorry babe,” He said in a hurt tone as we went inside. Chase opened the door for him. He carried me up to his room and on the bed.

He went to stand up but I had a hold on is shirt still, “Morgan, tell me what happened?” he asked sitting next to me. I kept my eyes closed and my voice came out soft and broken, “I walked to the west side of town...... I was so mad at you.... I'm sorry.” was all I got out. Josh touched my face genitally and kissed my head before I spoke again, “They made me drink,” I got out. Josh shifted on the bed to be closer to me, “What else Morgan?” he asked. But I didn't even remember anything else, “I don’t know... I passed out and woke up in your yard.” I softly said. His face looked confused like he knew more than I did.

I sat up in pain and looked at him, then he spoke, “Morgan, are you sure that is all you remember?” he asked with a shaky voice. I looked at him confused, “Yeah, why?” his face dropped down to my leg. I followed his face and stopped in shock, I had blood on my leg. Oh gosh no, this couldn't have happened, how can I not remember being... I cant even say the word. I felt myself start to cry again, then Josh pulled me into a hug, “I swear to god Morgan, he wont get away with it I promise.” He said. I pulled back, his face was still on my leg, I pulled his face toward me, “Please don't Josh,” I whispered, he tensed up. “Morgan, he hurt you.... I'm not letting this go, he went way to far this time.” He got up, I was scarred and jumpy to be honest.

After a while of Josh pacing he calmed down and looked at me, I was curled in a ball crying. He sat down next to me and I jumped about a mile. My heart was racing, “Shhh, it's alright.” he said touching my face. I looked at him, “I don't believe Anna.... You wouldn't use me would you?” I asked trying to control my breathing. He smiled, “Morgan trust me, I would never in a million years use someone as beautiful as you,” he said as he kissed my arm. I looked at his face, his lip was cut and he had a bruise on his cheek, I touched it and he grabbed my hand genitally. “What happened?” I asked. He smirked, “Well after you left, Zac went off on me for using you..... I just took it, I guess I deserved it,” He shrugged. I felt bad now. “I'm sorry--” he cut me off with a kiss then pulled away, “Stop apologizing for everything.” He smiled.

That night I fell asleep holding onto Josh's arm so he couldn't leave. He must have fallen asleep as well because I woke up screaming and felt an arm around me tighten. I shoot up into a sitting position trying to control my breathing again. Josh sat up just as quick and pulled me to his chest which calmed me down, “It was just a dream,” He whispered as I slowly fell back asleep. Something about being with him made those bad dreams go away.

The next morning I woke up first, I managed to get out of the death hold Josh had on me and stood up, in pain I might add. I made my way wrapped in a blanket down to the kitchen, I passed the living room where, Allison and Zac were asleep on the couch together, Kass and Chase were on the chair asleep, Kass was on Chase's lap, then Danny was on the floor and so was Matt, both asleep. I loved how they all stayed for me, but I wanted them to go home and get some rest.

I made my way to the kitchen and sat at the bar. Just sat there, I didn't do anything else. Then I heard movement in the living room. I looked up and Zac was walking over, he hugged me, “God I was worried about you.” He said taking a seat next to her. I already knew he knew about what happened, since I figured he seen the blood. I managed a small smile at him. “Morgan, you have to go to the police with this,” he finally said. I looked at him, “No way,” I whispered, “It's done and over with, they had their end of the deal, they wont bother us. Please just leave it alone,” I begged him. He nodded, but I knew he wasn't letting them get away with hurting his baby sister. “Oh, and you better say sorry to my boyfriend for punching him,” I shot him a look. “Hey, you told me he used you so I took action,” He protested. “Yeah well, last night I found out he wasn't using me..... And I trust him,” I said with a smile.

After talking with Zac for awhile the gang started coming in one by one and hugging me, we all formed a circle around the bar. They were all trying to keep me happy and not bring up last night, but I could tell it was killing them all. Josh was the last to come down, he was tired I could tell, I woke up four times last night screaming, and he was there every time so my guess is he is low on sleep like me. He walked over behind me and hugged me. I would only let him touch me, everyone else I was unsure about even my own brother. They noticed and stayed back a little giving me some space.

“So school starts in about a month, excited?” Allison asked everyone. They all groaned, but I smiled, “Yeah, I miss it.” They all looked at me like a was crazy, “Hey you try going to a foreign school for three years, I miss American learning.” They all laughed. After we got most of them to finally go home, it was just Zac, Josh, and Me. “Zac please go and get rest, Josh will be with me, I am fine. Plus I don't want to go home and have Liz seem me like this and call dad back from his trip,” That was a lie, I needed my dad right now but Liz would just add to my pain. Zac was not happy about it but he finally left. Josh looked at me, “Well, now what?” he asked sitting on the sofa. I walked over and laid down so my head was on his lap, “Why the hell am I so jumpy when people touch me?” I asked confused like there was something wrong with me. He laughed, “Morgan, it's normal, you just went through something most people never imagine, so you are going to do that for awhile,” he adds. “Well I don't do it when you touch me,” I comment back as I wrap my hand in his. “Well, maybe because you know I would never do anything to hurt you,” His voice was soft and caring.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to a movement under me, I opened my eyes in a panic and sat up. “Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you I just had to get up,” Josh said worried. I looked at him and calmed down, “Damn it Josh, I almost had a heart attack, you scared me,” I pushed him playfully and he smiled. “Sorry, you fell asleep and I was going to call my mom to get us food on her way home,” He said as my stomach made a dying whale sound and I held it and laughed, “Food does sound good,” I added. He laughed and pulled me to my feet.

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Based on a true love story of two teenagers.