It Started As A Game...

By taylor103095

139K 3.8K 349


It Started As A Game...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 12

6.2K 167 13
By taylor103095

The next morning I woke up to yelling. I got up, my head still killed but not as bad. I pulled on some sweats and tank top and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked downstairs. “I can't wait until my dad hears about this.” Zac shouted. I looked around the corner and Liz was totally wasted and you could tell she totally was at a guys house. “You wouldn't dare.” she smiles back, she know we would never make our dad unhappy. I walked in and they looked at me, “What is going on?” I asked standing next to Zac. “She cheated on dad.” Zac snapped sending a death look at Liz. “You don't have proof now do you kid?” she smirked and fixed her hair. My mouth dropped in shock, well I guess I saw it coming, she was a gold digger. She walked out of the room, good thing to because I was about to go off on that bitch. “I swear, one of these days---” Zac cut me off with a hug, “She will get Karma Morgan, don't worry.” He said.

Later Josh came over, well I guess he basically lived here most of the time even before we started dating. He hugged me as soon as he walked in, “Feeling better?” he asked. I nodded and smiled, “What are the plans for today?” I asked as we went tot he kitchen. “Well, I have practice, after that I am all yours.” He shot me a smile. He was so cute I swear, I should of liked him sooner. “Well, I will be your good luck charm at practice then.” I smiled and grabbed his hand and started toward the car. “Where are you going?” I heard Liz shout from the front door. Josh looked at me when I tightened my grip on his hand. “I'm taking Morgan out for the day Mrs. Carter,” He said looking at her. I didn't turn, I was doing everything I could not tel flip on her. “Alright, but have her home by 6, we are having a girls night,” then she went inside.

Girls night my ass, no way in hell was I going to be by her. Josh looked at me, “What is going on with you and Liz?” he asked a little worried. I opened the car door and got in, “Don't worry about it.” I said as he got in and we drove. We didn't really talk the whole ride there, I guess he knew I was upset and just left it. Once we got there I was over it, I walked next to him holding his hand. The guys all greeted me. “Where's Kassie?” I asked Chase. He looked at me, I could tell he was upset, “She stayed home, she's mad about last night because I couldn't keep my temper. I don't blame her, if I would have back down there would have been no fighting.” he said with a sigh. Josh pats his back, “No worries man, that guy was a douche anyways.” I smiled and sat on the bleachers. Zac was flirting it up with Allison, Chase threw the ball at his head, “come on man.” he shouted. Zac flipped him off, kissed Allison then headed over.

Allison stayed awhile but then had to leave to pick up her little brother. So I was left alone, I decided I was going to go and get a drink. I got up and walked around the corner, the drinking fountain was down a ways, as I was walking I heard talking, I listened, “Yeah that little slut Morgan is with Josh Johnson.” the girl said. What the hell, they don't know me. Then another voice came in, “Yeah I saw. Well Josh Is mine, no way in hell will I let that little whore take him.” Really, what did I ever even do for them to hate me, they walked around the corner and spotted me, Of course it was Maci and Sara, they have giving me a hard time since first grade.

We looked at each other for a few moments, then Maci smiled, “Well look who it is, the little whore herself.” She smirked and they walked up. I held my hands in fists at my side, I was so not in the mood today, “Oh im a whore, miss I sleep with everything with a heart rate.” I smirked when I seen that hit her good. She flipped some of her hair out of her face, “I am only going to tell you once Morgan, Josh is mine and only mine, so back off. You are just another toy for him until he realizes he wants me,” she smiled. I just wanted to punch her so damn bad but I held back.

She kept talking but I wasn't listening I was focused on trying not to punch her. Then something she said about Zac came up, she mentioned how she was going to break him and Allison up because I refused to dump Josh, “That has nothing to do with Zac and Allison Maci. Don't drag them into this.” I shout at her. She backs up a little surprised at my out break. She smiles knowing she hit a nerve, “Then break up with Josh and we wont have a problem. I have a lot over Allison, one word and she will break his heart.” She smirked and I couldn't take it anymore. I felt an arm around my waist, it was Josh, “Hey, everything alright I was worried when you didn't come back right away.” He said not even looking at Maci and Sara. “Yeah, i'm fine,” I said in the most convincing voice possible.

Maci cleared her throat and Josh looked up, “Oh Maci, looking slutty as always,” He smirked and I giggled a little. Maci smiled back, “I said the same about your little toy here,” her eyes darted to me. Josh tightened his grip on my waist, “don't be jealous Maci,” he said in a playful ton as he kissed my head. Maci was getting pissed I could tell, I decided to make her more angry. I pulled Josh into a kiss, it was the best kiss so far. I pulled away and started walking off with him. “Proves me point whore,” she whispered. That was it, I was sick of it. Before she even opened her eyes from laughing I grabbed a hand full of her hair and was pulling her to the ground. Josh grabbed my waist and pulled me back but no way was I letting go. Maci screamed and then Sara grabbed me and pushed me back, Josh caught me, but I got up so fast and was back on Maci. I had Maci's hair Sara had my hair and Maci had her nails dug into my upper arm.

We were all screaming, Josh was trying to get us all apart but once he got one off the other was back at it. He finally called over the boys, Zac pulled Sara off, Josh grabbed me and Chase grabbed Maci. I was fighting against Josh's hold, “Fuck you Maci, you heartless bitch,” I screamed at her. She smiled, “Good, better than being a whore,” She shouted back. Chase pulled Maci away and Zac pulled Sara away. Josh sat down on the bleachers and held me still. “Josh let me go!” I demanded, but he pulled me closer, my back was to his chest, he kissed my head, “Morgan calm down, please.” He said softly. I calmed down and sat in the seat below his and leaned my head on his stomach.

A million thought went through my mind, what if Maci really was heartless enough to break Zac and Allison up, what am I going to do. “Why were you fighting with them?” he asked playing with my hair. I sigh, “She just pissed me off. I am not a fucking whore.” I said in an angry tone. He laughed, “She called you a whore, wow. She should talk she has hooked up with almost every breathing thing in this town.” he said and we both laughed. He grabbed my arm and raised it and examined the nail marks from Maci, “You should really clean those, you might catch the Slut disease,” and we both laughed again. I loved how he was trying to lighten the mood.

After I was completely calm, he looked at me, “Now please tell me why you got so mad babe?” he asked. I really didn't want to tell him, he would be mad or something. I let out a sigh, guess there was not point in lying, “She told me to break up with you.” I whispered. He tensed up and I continued, “She told me that she could get Allison and Zac to break up if I didn't break up with you.” I looked down playing with my fingers. He pulled my chin up, “Morgan, I swear if she threatened you tell me.” He said in a deep protective voice, I found it extremely sexy. “No, that is all she said. I Just, Allison mean everything to Zac, but you mean so much to me.” I felt a tear fall off my cheek. Josh wiped it away with his thumb and hugged me, “fuck her Morgan. No way in hell I am losing you, and we will just tell Allison and Zac so they know.” He said. I nodded.

Later we got back to his house, I told him I didn't want to go home yet. When really I didn't want to deal with Liz, Zac was staying with Allison tonight. “Hey Morgan.” Mrs. Johnson said as we walked into the kitchen, I smiled, “Hey Mrs. Johnson.” She hugged me and I sat at the bar with Josh. “So, you two are a couple now I hear from the rumor train,” She says with a smile. “Mom, god I told you not to listen to rumors,” Josh said joking. I pushed him a little and laughed, “Yeah it is kinda weird to date him since we have known each other our whole lives.” I admitted. She smiled at me, “No, I knew you two would end up together I mean come on, he looks at you like---” Josh cut her off, “How about pizza.” he shouts. His mom gives him a look, “Alright I get it. I will leave you two alone.” She smiles and leaves the room. I laugh.

After we eat a lunch we go to his room, “what movie shall we watch?” he asked. I looked at his movie pile, “Josh Johnson, the notebook, really?” I say holding it up with a smile. His eyes widen, “That's not mine, my mom left it in here,” He went to grab it. I held it out of reach and he fell off the bed. I laughed, “Yeah I am sure.” I said as he tackled me lightly back on the bed. He was on top of me and pulled the DVD from my. “Got it!” He shouted as I flipped us over and I was on top. “You like that movie, admit it Johnson,” I smirked at him. He crossed his arms over his chest, “I do not. It got put there on accident when we cleaned the house.” He was keeping to his story but I knew the trust, because the DVD wasn’t in the box it was already in the player. I smiled, “That is why it is already in the tv right?” I bit my lip and looked down at him.

I dont really know how long we stayed like that but after awhile my phone went off. “damn it!” Josh softly said as I got off him, he sat up. I smiled at him then picked up my phone, “Hello?” I said, only to be greeted by an angry Liz on the other end, “Where the hell are you, I told you to be home by 6, it's 7:30,” she screamed. I held the phone back a little, “Geez calm down.” She told me to be home in ten minutes. I hung up and sighed. “What's wrong?” Josh said pulling me into his chest. “I forgot I was supposed to be home by 6,” I said getting up. He shot up, “damn it, I knew I forgot something. Let me drive you.” He said grabbing his keys.

When we got to my place I kissed him and watched him drive off. Time to face the evil step mom. I opened the door and went inside, the place was trashed, beer cups all over, things broken. I dropped my bag shocked. Liz walks out of the kitchen, “About time bitch. Now clean this up before your dad gets home.” she ordered. I looked at her, “No, you clean it up. It is your damn mess.” I shouted. I regretted it right away, she looked at me, “What did you say?” she said. I started up the stairs and went to my room, I didnt have time to lock it before Liz made her way in. “GO CLEAN IT NOW!” She screamed. I backed up, I was so tired and out of energy I couldn't deal with a wasted Step mom right now. She slapped me across the face, I fell to the ground. “Stupid bitch.” She yelled and walked out.

I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, damn it. There was already a bruise forming. I locked my room door and laid on my bed holding back tears. I called Josh, “Hey babe!” He said with a flirty tone. “Hey,” I said in the most cheerful tone I could manage without crying. “what's wrong?” he asked, I could tell he was concerned. I was silent for a moment, “Can I stay at your place tonight?” I manage to get out. “Yeah of course? Is everything alright?” he asked, I could hear he had his keys already and was walking. “Um, yeah I just want to be with you.” I said, he told me he would be there in about five minutes.

I walked downstairs, I didn't even bother packing anything. I stepped over a broken lamp, Liz saw me. “Where are you going?” she yelled slowly stumbling over. “None of your business.” I shouted at her as I reached the door. She seen Josh pull up and back up and went inside. Josh waiting the the car and I got in and hugged him, “Wow, I was only away for twenty minutes.” He smiled, “You really missed me that much?” he said driving. I looked out my window trying not to face him since I had a bruise. He looked at me, “Morgan,” he said. I turned half way and smiled, “Yeah?” I asked. He pulled over at the park and stopped the car, “Look at me please,” He said softly. I didn't move, then he gripped my chin and forced me to turn my head, his eyes widened when he see's the bruise.

I pulled out of his grip and got out of the car, I heard his door slam a second later and he was next to me, making me stay where I was leaning on the car him in front of me. “How did you get it?” he asked looking it over carefully. “I fell, you know I am clumsy.” I said hoping he would buy it, but something tells me I can't get off with that excuse this time, I lied before about her hitting me, even to my own brother and father, she does it all the time, I just say I fell. But Josh was different he knew I was lying. “Morgan don't lie to me. Tell me the truth.” He demanded. 

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