Truth Be Told (The Alvarez Du...

Από DearLadyGreen

166 14 5

When Beatrice Alvarez's aunt died, she was left with a ring that has a unique power. The often pale diamond t... Περισσότερα

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Gift
Chapter 2: A Debutante At Last
Chapter 3: Roses and Wishes
Chapter 4: Discreet Annoyances
Chapter 5: Simply Exhausted
Chapter 6: Horrid Truths (Part 1)
Chapter 9: An Engagement and a Promenade
Chapter 10: The Visit
Chapter 11: At The Opera

Chapter 7: Horrid Truths (Part 2)

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Από DearLadyGreen

When Alexander Stanton first met his little sister Regina on the day she was born, he vowed that he would always protect her. Once, as children, Victor and Regina were playing in the fields that stretched across their country estate. They explored until they reached the woods. Regina felt scared to go in, so they decided to return to the house.

But a snake slithered close to little Regina. 

Alexander noticed the snake. Thinking quickly and moving silently, he picked up a rock and struck the snake's head as it came close to sinking it's fangs into Regina's ankle. Regina screamed when she saw the snake, so he took her into the house.

Alexander promised that he would keep her safe. And he has kept that promise as he and Regina grew up, never failing even once to do what was deemed to be his brotherly duty towards her. 

He would not fail now. 

The morning after the Alvarez ball, Grandfather gathered the family into the drawing-room. The sitting arrangements were so that the family tucked away into one corner while Regina sat alone on one of the larger sofas with Alexander sitting on the opposite chair and Grandfather, who stood before her looking as stern as ever.

"I have some incredible news, for all of you," Grandfather began. "Alexander, you agreed to go to Italy to study and finally take over my business. You will not be going to Italy anymore."

Alexander felt relieved, and he could see that his family was too.

"But it comes with an agreement," he added. 

Alexander's smile dropped. 

"You will not go to Italy because our family business is now here." Grandfather then looked at Regina. "The family business in question being your marriage, my dear." 

Regina looked stunned. "M-my marriage, grandfather?" 

"Yes. You will marry Mr. Alfred Walters, the son of a good friend of mine. Your marriage will expand my business- the business your family will inherit."

Father approached Grandfather. "This is going too far! I asked for your help, but not at the expense of my children's happiness."

"Your children's happiness was risked when you made those foolish decisions that brought you here." Grandfather smiled. "I've arranged an enviable dowry for Regina, and the Walters' are quite eager to make the match."

"But I don't want to get married!" Regina protested. "At least, not yet, and certainly not to someone I do not even know."

"I agree with my sister," Alexander chimed in. "Send me away to Italy for however long you want. But don't force Regina into marriage."

"The Italy offer has expired for you," Grandfather retorted. "Your only job is to secure this match- seeing as your own father couldn't do it himself."

"I refuse!" Alexander countered. "I am not going to do that to my own sister or any of my siblings."

"I don't think you understand, Alexander. I am financially supporting your family. That means income- inheritances for your brothers, and dowries for your sisters."

"I object!" Father yelled. "I will not agree to this!"

"The deal has been struck, dear Viscount," said Grandfather with a smirk. "I'm doing what you couldn't even do for your family. Regina, you meet your fiancé tomorrow. Remember to be grateful for this. Mr. Walters is wealthy and can give you a good life. There's nothing more you could want." 

Regina burst into tears and ran out of the drawing-room.

Alexander stood up from his seat. He looked at his grandfather dead in the eye. The anger inside him was so great. There were so many words he wanted to spew at the old man, but he only managed to say: "You are vile."

He ran out after Regina and looked for  her around the house. She was not in her room, or the library, or even the old nursery. Alexander found her in the garden sitting on a bench near a bed of lilacs.

"Reggie," he called out to her when he approached her in the garden. "Reggie..."

"I hate him!" Regina sobbed. "I hate him! I don't want to get married yet, brother. I can't do it!"

"I won't let it happen," Alexander assured her. " We'll figure this out." He wrapped his arms around her. "I will not let him force you into a marriage you don't want to be in."

"But how? " Regina asked. "The arrangement has been made."

"We'll break the arrangement."

"If that happens, you'll be sent away. Or worse, grandfather withdraws his support. We'll have no money."

Alexander shook his head "No amount of money is worth taking away your happiness."

Alexander vowed not to fail his sister moreso now.


Alexander knew that he would not like his intended brother-in-law, and it seems like Mr. Alfred Walter was painfully aware of that.

When the Walters came into their home, the first person Mr. Alfred greeted was not the Viscount or Sir Adler or even his intended bride.

The first person he extended his arm to was Alexander.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Mr. Stanton," he said with a broad smile on his face.

"Likewise, Mr. Walters," Alexander greeted in return as she politely shook his hand. He had to fight every urge to squeeze this man's hand until it broke.

Both families gathered on the patio for tea. Neither mother nor father smiled. Alexander made sure to sit next to Regina so that she would not have to be so close to Mr. Walters.

"This marriage would be quite a match," Lord Walters, the father, commented.

"A very extraordinary one," grandfather agreed. "My granddaughter is a coveted young woman. She will make a wonderful wife for your son."

"She is very beautiful," Lady Walters remarked. "Isn't that so, son?"

Mr. Walters smiled. "Yes, of course. Very beautiful."

Regina did not smile or react to the complement until Grandfather cleared his throat to discreetly remind her to acknowledge them.

"Oh, uh, thank you," Regina said with a smile that she hoped was not too forced.

Alexander barely touched his tea throughout the entire discussion. He watched as Regina had to put on a smile that he knew was not even genuine and try to converse with her supposed intended.

In truth, he knew that a man like Mr. Walters would be a coveted husband for any woman of Regina's stature. He seemed to live to Grandfather's description: wealthy, charming, and from an honourable and reputable family. But Alexander knew his sister better. Wealth and title did not impress her so easily.

"I heard that you are going to the opera with the Alvarez family," Mr. Walters said to Regina.

"Yes," Regina responded. "Their eldest son is a good friend of my brother. It was kind of them to invite us. We love Italian operas. Do you like them too, Mr. Walters?"

"No, not at all," Mr. Walters replied coolly. "I think operas are a waste of time. I think people are dull enough to sit in a theatre for hours just watch people sing in costumes."

And with those words, every last bit of respect that Alexander tried to hard to develop for this man shattered. If he were truly courting Regina, then he should be at least attempting to know that Regina was passionate about opera and music.

He is an unfit groom for Regina Stanton. And it looks like there was one more snake to keep away from his sister.


Later that night, Alexander called for his friend Mr. Kent. If anyone knew everyone's business, it was him.

"What do you know about Mr. Alfred Walters?" he asked.

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