Drawn to you | ๐Š๐“๐‡ โœ”๏ธ

By kookbiscuits_

498 97 18

Do drawings really become reality? As a young, weak, and shy girl with loneliness surrounding you, you then... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

14 3 0
By kookbiscuits_


Once everything was dimmed from the shining flash light that lit the whole room, my arms were slowly moving away from my view. Each of my eyes blinked open.

The sight of what I saw what unimaginable, it hurt my brain.

'Now there's.... TWO Adam's!?' My mind was racing with confusing thoughts. There faces were had the same expression as me.


They both shot up, glaring at each other.

This can't be happening. There are two of them. And they look the exact same! I thought again.

They had the same hair, clothes, faces, height. EVERYTHING!
My hands were clasped onto the sides of my head, in pure shock.

"Wh-Who's Adam?" I asked, stuttering.


They both stepped forward in sync.

I hated how this made my whole brain freeze in collision. Their voices got stronger before I tried to stop their arguing.

"Wait- Wait, wait!.. W-What's my name?"

"Y/N!" They synced again.

"Oh yeah. You both know my name... w-what about, who are my friends?"

"Monica and Travis!" 

Again, they synced up completely with the same expressions and emotions on their faces. My mind was struck at this point. I didn't know how to get the real Adam back.

When I kept asking quiz-like questions about me, their responses and expressions were mirrored. I grasped my head and tried to calm down my sanity. I squeezed my eyes closed with my head down. 

'If this is a dream I need to wake out of, I need to help myself..'

All I could hear was their arguing...

Taehyung/Adam's POV

I could see the distress in y/n's body language, in pure shock. As she was stood frozen, I swung my arm around her head with her strucked up body against mine, and forcefully presses my lips against her forehead. Her body was as stiff as a still boulder. 

After about 10 seconds, my lips released from her head. I whispered softly to her. 

"..I remember all of our relationship."

 My muffled breath blew her hair strands as my chin rested on top of her hair. 

My finger pointed to the side of my neck. "I still have this feature that marks as you.." revealing the mole that she accidentally drew on my character. I mentioned it earlier as my special feature.

She then flew back in surprise. Once she realised, she grasped onto the other Adam's face, stretching his neck to the side to find no mole on the similar spot. 

She then layed her arms back, feeling calm. Her hands reached out to what seemed to be the drawing of his character.

Her other hand then was placed onto the top of the sheet. Her nervous expression looked up at me. I nodded, to signal what her next action would be. With both hands gripped onto the paper, she had then torn the paper into two. 

I counted down 60 seconds in my head, and after 30 seconds, his body began to slowly tremble.

"W-Why are you doing this..?"

Her response was brief. "I'm sorry. But you're not the Adam.... that I had first fallen for".

After the countdown in my mind had fallen to zero, the big bright light beamed as blinding as before. Leaving particles shimmering around the thin air. 

When all that went down, the room got quiet again. Our eyes locked to each other's until we both jumped into a big embrace. It felt more affectionate then before.

Her smile was too adorable to handle, evidently showing the mild blushing redness on my cheeks.

I looked away, feeling too embarrassed. She laughed at my flustered self, until I swarmed her with a tighter hug, almost squeezing every last breath out of her.

"I'm just so glad that you're back..!" 

Her tears began to drain from her eyes. I wiped them as soon as they ran down her cheeks, gently caressing my thumbs.

"I told you that I would be with you whether if I'm alive or not. I'm also glad that I get to see you again" I smiled with my nose almost touching hers. 

As our eyes kept glaring into each other's, my face was slowly leaning toward her lips. She closed her eyes, being prepared.

But before I could touch her in the slightest, her mother interrupted at the peak of the moment.

"Hey y/n, there's something in the mailbox for you-" Her mouth stopped moving when she saw us shuffling away from being close.

"Oh! Hey Adam. I never knew you were here."

I made an awkward chuckle. "Yeah, I'm just here to visit." My hand awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, still blushing.

"Oh. Well, Y/n was actually going on a lot about how much she missed you. I guess you two just can't seem to get enough of each other, how cute!" 

She laughed y/n shielded her face away from making more eye contact.

I also laughed, but was genuinely laughing on y/n's cuteness. She really did miss me that much..?

"Anyway, enough of you two adorbs, I've gotten something from the library apparently. And it's for you." 

She handed a tiny box to y/n to which, by the look of it, it looked pretty cute for it's packaging.

Her mother then left the room. Y/n was gazing at it withing every angle, lightly shaking it as it made the sound of some liquid swishing around in something stiff. 

"What's in it?" I asked.

"I don't know."

We settled onto the carpet with the box sitting between us. When she marked on the count of three, she slowly but gently lifted the lid. 

Once we both were gazing at it with curiosity, she then took it out of it's box. She shook it as the liquid swished around by her movements.

"Is that some potion?" I questioned without considering.

"It looks like one." Her hand opened the capsule, giving a small sniff at the liquid.

"Wait. There's something in the box" I pointed at the bottom of the box. It was a small ripped piece of paper, along with a sticky note. Y/n grabbed the sticky note as I grabbed the ripped piece of paper.

My eyes gouged as I read it.
"Y/n, look!-"

But before I could show her the paper, she carelessly read aloud the sticky note.

"If a person you drew with the pencil is someone you wish to live on this earth for a long period of time, give them this drink and it will fulfill your wish of life forever..." 

Her eyes slowly lifted upon mine, and our gazes meet. 


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