Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

181K 3.6K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2

2.1K 40 17
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

3rd Person Pov

When the news of Vergil and his brother, Dante has spread. It only took thirty minutes to fill the newly upgraded Colosseum. Rather, the newly rebuilt Colosseum within New Lescatie.

It is quadruple in size than before, to both accommodate the far more flashy fights and amount of participants. After all, Vergil from time to time, fights within the Colosseum on a one versus many. Of course, they all failed.

The Colosseum is full of various Mamono species. From Wights beneath covered areas, to even Angels and Valkyries that has accepted this new reality.

Arleth herself is present. No longer fearing of her Angels and Valkyries becoming their Mamono versions. But if one wishes to be either a Fallen Angel or a Dark Valkyrie. It requires the approval of Arleth, Lilith, and Imera. The Fallen Goddess herself must be present for the conversion.

The crowd continued to cheer loudly, Danukis left and right carrying carts of valuables for those willing to bet on the fighters, and Sirens. No not the Azur Lane ones, but the Harpy Subspecies called the Sirens. They have a cheerleading group.

On the field, both Dante and Vergil stood opposite of each other. One having a carefree smirk, while the other kept a pokerface.

Dante: *whistles* Well, I'm a bit surprised you're allowing them to cheer this hard for you Vergil. Normally you'd say "You're annoying, now die." Then proceed to stab them. Now you're... Well, this.

He gestured everything on Vergil.

Vergil: Yes, I too am quite surprised myself. Though the start was rather... Rough.

Dante chuckled, shaking his head in exaggeration.

Dante: Gotta say though. I prefer this more tolerant you, than your old "Stab first, ask questions later" persona. But then again, it's still there judging from my earlier experience.

Dante said, rubbing his chest where Yamato pierced him through back at the beach.

Vergil: No worries. Yamato too has been missing it's pincushion.

Dante: Ooh, looks like your bark got louder. Care to test if your bite is the same?

Vergil smirked, much to the mild surprise of Dante.

Vergil: Be careful of what you wish Brother. Might as well clench your teeth.

Before Dante could retort. A bell rung and Vergil immediately Tricked at his face and uppercutted Dante with Beowulf.

Dante flew straight towards the wall. Spiderweb-like cracks spread out from his impact, causing the whole Colosseum to shake.

Dante emerged from the rubble, a bigger smirk on his face as he drew Devil Sword Dante.

Dante: Well, right back at ya.

Performing a Stinger after Tricking to close the gap. Dante aimed to pierce Vergil's torso, only to be blocked by Yamato. Leaving no time to take a breather, Dante went for another Stinger and straight for a Million Stabs as Vergil merely Tricked Dodged while staying on the same spot. Giving out an illusion of multiple Vergils.

Dante: Cool trick, care to limit test it?

Parrying the last strike, both brothers flew back from the hit.

Vergil: As if you could bring me to my last legs.

Vergil switched to Mirage Edge, performed a Stinger and Tricked behind Dante when he blocked.

Vergil: But then again, you do catch up real quick.

Barely blocking in time. Dante is thrown away by a burst of Demonic Power, as Vergil entered his Devil Trigger. Causing a louder uproar of excitement from the crowd.

Dante: Not going Sin? Sure, I can deal with that.

As he Triggered himself, he rested his sword on his shoulder while placing his free hand in front of him, and motioning Vergil to make a move.

Which Vergil gladly took by doing a series of Judgement Cuts. Making Dante Trick Dodge to avoid taking damage.

The crowd cheered louder. All in awe after hearing the news of Vergil having a Brother. Of course, the Single Mamonos are cheering harder for Dante, not knowing the four Shipg- Shipfus and Dante are already married.

As the two continued to fight. Their respective Harems are spectating the battle on the main VIP section. All fifteen of them and their respective Parents, except a lot of them doesn't have Parents, due to circumstances. Are all sitting on comfortable couches made out of Weresheep wool.

Observer: Interesting. While counterparts are common on the same Multiverse, but having one within another Universe is surprising at best.

Observer... Observed the four Kitsunes who are all scrutinizing each other.

Kaga(MGE): I see... You're the youngest sibling.

Kaga(AL): And you're the eldest...

The two continued their staredown. While the two Akagis however.

Akagi(MGE): I see... Interesting... Maybe Dear Husband would be interested if given the chance. Though isn't this too mild for our taste?

Akagi(AL): I agree, but while Dante is willing to go through such debauchery. He does prefer it simple.

The two continued to share notes with seriousness that even Observer is impressed. While the rest, could only fear what these two could come up with.

Purifier: I'm more impressed with these two being siblings in all honesty.

Purifier suddenly spoke, breaking the atmosphere and making them focus back on the bout.

Ryoko: Yeah! Stab his ass!

Vergil may or may not have heard her, but he did stab Dante on his left ass cheek. And a wave of laughter erupted from the onlookers.

Observer: *ahem* While indeed it is surprising. Twins do have the chance of having conflicting personalities according to my Data. Some even could tell what the other is thinking and act accordingly.

Kaga(MGE): As a Twin, I can confirm that statement.

Kaga(AL): Hm...

Kaga of Azur Lane could only nod. Slightly jealous of the fact that these versions of them are proper siblings in the most natural way as possible.

Akagi(AL): Don't be sad Dear Sister, while I too am a tad envious. We are still Sisters, nothing will and can change that.

Akagi comforted her sister. While Yoma, the parent of Vergil's pair of Twins. Smiled warmly at the two.

Lilith: How sweet~ Though hearing how you girls are unique intrigued me.

Hearing what her Mother said. Druella lightly tapped her shoulder with a small glare, making Lilith giggle.

Lilith: Oh dear me, now that my Daughter has been accepted by her crush, she's willing to defy me. Oh! The misery!

Lilith overdramatically acted, making Yoma and Deonora laugh a little.

Druella: Mom, you know how Vergil is when it comes to that.

Lilith playfully rolled her eyes and glomped Druella in a hug, before placing her under her bust. Much to the Daughter's chagrin.

Lilith: There there, sweetheart. Even if I try, considering as they are technically Monster Girls themselves. I highly doubt anything I do could change them, though I suppose I could make them much more lustful.

This irked Belfast.

Belfast: Apologies for the rude tone, Your Highness. But please do not do that. Not only my Job as a Maid be hindered, but our overall combat efficiency will be hindered if we are constantly thinking about having continuous intercourse with our Husband. Distraction on the battlefield is far more deadly than any enemy.

The group paused. Surprised by her sudden outburst. Except for Eugen, who took this opportunity to tease Belfast.

Eugen: Aw~ you really do love Dante so much. No wonder your screams of pleasure could be heard the next dorm over. After all, you were too drunk to keep quiet.

That made her blush wildly, as her memories of the After War party crashed onto her like a Dam bursting.

Akagi(AL): Yes, that night was too good to forget. An even bigger surprise that the Head Maid herself is a screamer when drunk.

Akagi joined in.

Kaga(AL): Yes... Our sisters couldn't help but be disturbed from their rest and many had to keep the Destroyers from listening in. Shame on you.

That was the last nail, as Belfast couldn't keep it in anymore and stormed out of the VIP room. Once outside however, the sounds of something breaking and a scream of terror echoed.

When Belfast returned the moment after. Everyone was quiet. Meanwhile, Akagi and Kaga, alongside their Otherworldly Doppelgangers made a quick prayer for the unfortunate soul that got caught in her line of fire.

Back on the Twins. Both are no longer in their Triggered forms, and if one squints enough. Both of their foreheads has a sheen on them, indicating they are sweating slightly.

Dante: Gotta give it to ya Verg. Seeing you no longer bound by your burdens is something I really like. Say, think you could spend time with Nero soon?

Vergil parried a Helm Breaker from Dante.

Vergil: Yes, it is refreshing. But for your second question. Once my Teleportation is fixed, then yes. I am willing to try.

Dante smiled.

Dante: Great! Say, isn't it time that we-

Vergil: Ended this? Yes. The battleground is starting to become extremely damaged. The amount of money this would cost and time spent will be concerning.

Dante rolled his eyes as he summoned Chevalier and rode towards Vergil, intending on making him roadkill.

Dante: Oh please, you're like... King of four different countries! Money and manpower is the least of your worries. Plus, I don't doubt whoever you order to fix this place up would take the task as a sort of reward from you.

Vergil sighed, making Dante drop his teasing smirk.

Dante: Don't tell me that it already happened.

Vergil: Too much actually.

Dante felt sorry for Vergil... Nah, not really.

Dante: I almost feel sorry for ya!

He laughed.

Vergil: I don't need your pity. You're too much of a carefree buffoon to properly express it anyway.

Dante rolled to the side, jumped up, and fired bullets straight at Vergil, who blocked the barrage of bullets by spinning Yamato.

Danter: Hah! Your insults are getting creative! No wonder you're boasting!

He stopped shooting.

Vergil: It's not boasting, if it's true. Plus, what I speak of are only facts. Then again, you're also too much of a dumbass to differentiate what is true, and what is false.

Dante went for an overhead slice, as Vergil stopped spinning Yamato, neatly arranged bullets on the ground, and striking them back to Dante.

Dante: Sheesh, bro. You're killing my already dead ego.

Making distance from each other. The surrounding area suddenly felt pressured as the two of them started releasing unfiltered amounts of Demonic Power.

Back at the VIP section. Druella, Deonora, Lilith, and Arleth has casted a reinforcement spell on the already placed barrier. Further increasing the protection for the audience.

Wilmarina: Seems like they're planning to go all out now.

Sasha: Well, it's only natural for his Brother to make him go full power. As he said before, only he can truly match him in power.

Siel: How about his Son, Nero? He also said that he can also give him a good run.

Fumiko: That's different. He specifically told us that he was already weakened from his earlier fight with Dante. So of course he would be able to fight Vergil on equal grounds.

Purifier: Hush! I don't want to miss this climax!

Purifier silenced the group with a crazed look on her face. Clearly excited and adrenaline is spiking within her.

Observer: I wonder how different Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger is, compared to Dante.

Observer added as she pulled out a holographic clipboard from out of  nowhere.

Dante was the first to transform. His Sin Devil Trigger garnered surprised gasps and shouts as everyone didn't expect his own to be reminiscent of the old Demon Lords.

Two pairs of horns adorned his head, one pair curving inwards while the other, outwards. His lipless face, showed the visage of an angry Demon and his teeth became sharper than knives.

His body became covered in Charcoal Black armor that shined brightly, and from his chest, Demonic Power erupted to create the image of a top view of a volcano with the pulsing red crystal-like details reminding everyone of an erupted Volcano. Two pairs of wings, displayed proudly behind him, and many spikes adorned his shoulders, legs, and arms.

Lilith: Oh dear... For a second I thought an old Demon Lord has reappeared.

Deonora: Yes, his form is surprising but luckily, we know who it is.

Everyone nodded. But the fact that Dante's Sin Devil Trigger unnerved them, served to be something they should get used to immediately if Dante decides to stay or visit on a regular basis.

With Dante finished transforming. Vergil followed suit.

Vergil's chest bursted with blue energy. The letter V proudly displayed itself on it, and glowed electric blue. His head formed two horns, cut halfway and erupted with ethereal blue flames. It somewhat resembles a Hammer Head Shark, but more Draconic in nature.

A tail then formed on his back, ending with a pointed tip. And two pairs of wings, erupted from his lower back. His body became covered in silver scale-like armor, and had a sleeker design, with speed definitely in mind. And his forearms cracked open on the sides, as the same ethereal blue flames formed to resemble blades.

Observer: Interesting. From what I could differentiate between the two. Clearly, Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger is directed towards speed and precision, while Dante is more of a bruiser. But knowing them, they are both equal in strength, speed, and prowess. Though Dante does have the weapons advantage.

Meera scoffed. Annoyed at the jab.

Meera: As if that would put Husband on a disadvantage.

Everyone from Vergil's Harem nodded.

Akagi(AL): Hah! As if only having three weapons would be enough to make Darling lose.

That earned a glare from Meera. Making Akagi return it with similar intensity.

Yoma: Akagi, while you may not be my Daughter. I would appreciate it if the two of you don't start a fight.

Now, Akagi would normally sneer at the speaker. But after seeing the glare by Yoma. She immediately quieted down.

As for Yoma's Daughters. While they were not at the recieving end of said glare, they couldn't help but hug each other in fear.

Observer: Hm? Purifier, your vitals are spiking.

Observer suddenly said, a Holographic display in front of her with five health indicators.

Purifier didn't answer her, eyes glued on the battle. Her face no longer having a crazed look, but the gleam in her eyes remained.

Observer: Interesting.

Back to the battle. Both stared each other down for a few moments, before Dante jumped up, stayed mid air, and folded his wings forwards as a dome of transparent energy surrounded him.

This made Vergil jump high, stopped in mid air for a moment, and when Dante started firing energy bullets at him. He immediately flew up, and around the Colosseum. Dodging Dante's attacks.

Thankfully. Lilith, Deonora, Arleth, and Druella manipulated the barrier to only cover the watchers. Thus, allowing for better aerial combat.

Once Dante finished his attack. Vergil immediately bursted with energy, his speed doubling and redirected his path, straight towards Dante.

Upon seeing his Brother's attempt to splatter him. Dante immediately went into a stance to block the body slam from Vergil.


The four, upon hearing their Commander yell out his Style. Two rolled their eyes, while one kept a pokerface, as her twin cheered for Dante.

Seeing the two struggling for dominance. Dante keeping his ROYAL GUARD up, and Vergil continuously pushing with Yamato. Deonora couldn't help but be impressed, Wilmarina has her mouth agape, Sasha barely kept her mouth from hanging open, while the rest stared at with muted shock.

Druella: That's cheating! What kind of bullshit ability is that!

Eugen happily answered her question.

Eugen: That, sister-in-law is Dante's biggest bullshit ability. Royal Guard, it's basically what the name suggest. Except it's nigh impervious to any attacks, and once Dante blocks enough, he could release all the stored energy and blast it back to the attacker.

Vergil's Harem yelled in defiance. All clearly stating how such a thing is literally cheating and the epitome of "Bullshit"

However, Fumiko suddenly smirked. Her mask being pushed up, by her raised cheeks. An expression that didn't go unnoticed by Observer.

Observer: Oh? You seem to be amused by something, clearly you have something in mind?

Fumiko turned to face Observer, who slightly raised her brow as the Basilisk smile only grew wider.

Fumiko: Yes, clearly all of you are thinking that Dante's ROYAL GUARD is impenetrable.

She let her words hang. Everyone else slowly getting it, but not Dante's Fleet. Until Vergil himself did something that shocked the Fleet.

Vergil: Still with that typical Style of yours.

Dante: What? Mad you can't get through it?

If Vergil's STD for could allow a smirk. He would've smugly done so.

Vergil: No, but it seems you forgot a major detail.

Dante raised a metaphorical brow. Until the answer stabbed him.

He looked down, surprise clear even through that Demonic visage of his. As Yamato's blade has pierced through his ROYAL GUARD.

Vergil: I realized that your Style only covers your outside. Leaving your inside vulnerable, if it was similar to filled container. I wouldn't be able to do this easily.

Dante: Well, seems like I can no longer abuse this against you.

Vergil: Indeed, you no longer can.

If one would take a closer look. Where Dante's red energy shield from ROYAL GUARD met Yamato's tip. A miniature portal, just big enough to be a perfect fit for Yamato. Allowed it's blade to teleport to the other side of the barrier. Thus, quite literally, peircing through his guard.

Dante then Triggered down. A smirk etched on his face and raised both his hands.

Dante: You win this time.

Vergil followed suit and Triggered down.

Vergil: Yes, I believe... I, am up one.

Dante shook his head, as Vergil smugly smirked at him.

Dante then yanked Yamato out of his chest, and threw it at Vergil. Who caught it with the sheath.

Dante: Damn, thought I could get you there.

Vergil rolled his eyes. Faced the crowd, and every single audience cheered loudly. Some even yelling to take them right then and there, which was ignored by Vergil with practiced ease.

Dante: *whistles* Popularity spiked yet again.

As the two made their way off the arena. Eugen, Belfast, the Twins, Observer, and Purifier. All had a stupefied look on their faces. All of them clearly disbelieving at the outcome of the struggle.

Eugen: Wha- But! How!?

Fumiko giggled, garnering their attention.

Fumiko: How indeed. It's simple really. You forgot his ability to create portals. Over the years, his control over said ability has evolved to such skill and precision, that he can easily do that and win. Plus, if he wills it enough, he can pierce through by sheer willpower too.

Wilmarina: Wait, that means that-

Fumiko: Yes, he deliberately avoids using such a thing to merely enjoy the fight. After all, he realizes that only his Brother, Dante. Can give him a worthwhile fight. But apparently, he decided to show off now.

Fumiko explained, huffing at the end. But looking closer, she is sporting a blush that is barely hidden by her mask.

Druella: So basically. Vergil just enjoys their fight so much that he doesn't want to end it immediately?

She nodded.

Fumiko: But, while it does make way for the question: As to why did he lose from time to time? Simple. They are an equal to what they can dish out, so it's all up to RNGesu- (CUT!) It's all up to chance who ups the other one.

Fumiko thoroughly explained. After all, she is an Alchemist first and foremost. So she is definitely the more analytical of the Harem.

Observer: Interesting. Running through diagnostics, I completely agree to your statement. They truly are equal to one another, that it's literally a game of chance who gets the upper hand.

Fumiko smirked. Giving Observer a signal that she could only understand.

Observer: Hm, I suppose I can take this as an opportunity to learn more about the different species of Mamono.

Fumiko: Wonderful, we shall head to my Lab as soon as they arrive.

With the two having created their own bubble. Lilith noticed Purifier, a conflicted look on her face, yet a smidge of awe and worship is hinted by her eyes.

Lilith: I guess it is true that Powerful individuals attract either other Powerful individuals, or Crazy ones.

She giggled to herself, not minding being completely ignored by everyone who are now arguing which one of the Brothers have the bigger Bullshit ability.

And! That. Is. A. Wrap! The second part of the Omake. Also, the ending was anticlimactic because I decided not to destroy the whole Colosseum. And also because if I write it down, it'll be a mess of an ending. I am not at that level of skill yet. Though I suppose I am improving? I can't tell, only you peeps can truly tell that. Anyway, hope you liked the Chapter! That's all and SOUL out!

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