Upper Ten Thousand// Anthony...

By stephie177

89.6K 2.4K 110

Upper Ten Thousand Heyerism meant to imply the Ton. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
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twenty eight


3.9K 113 4
By stephie177

There will forever be just two words that come to this author's mind the morning after any good party, "shock" and "delight." Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last night's soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed. Emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton. The illustrious debutante was seen dancing not once, but twice with the season's most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings.

Apparently, Val's desire to attend social events does not extend to promenading in the park. Instead, I find myself sitting on a bench beside Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton. They are watching Daphne and the duke walk with one another. They seem to think that Daphne and the duke are a match made in heaven.

"He is smiling," Lady Danbury says. "The duke rarely smiles."

"Daphne has an excellent sense of humor," Lady Bridgerton states.

"She will need it," Lady Danbury assures. "Life as a duchess will have many demands. Hosting balls, greeting foreign dignitaries... Daphne will not merely be in society. She will be leading it."

"I have prepared her quite well, Lady Danbury," Lady Bridgerton assures.

Both women laugh happily. I think they are really hoping for Daphne and the duke to say they are already engaged.

"What about you, Lady Mercy?" Lady Bridgerton asks. I look at her curiously. "Are there any gentlemen who have caught your eye?"

I laugh nervously. "Maybe one or two."

"Lady Mercy is in no rush to find a husband you see," Lady Danbury says. "She insists on finding someone she loves. Not someone to marry in some business transaction."

Lady Bridgerton smiles. "You must simply marry the man who feels like your dearest friend."

I look at her curiously. "However will I know if the man is my dearest friend?"

"You must simply trust yourself to know," Lady Bridgerton tells me.

As I walk past the study Val calls out to me. I smile slightly as I stand in the doorway.

"How was promenading?" Val asks. "Fall in love with anyone?"

"No," I tell him. "Not yet."

"The benefits of being a duke," Val tells me. "When I am finally ready to marry, all I must do is say it out loud and the eligible young ladies will come to me."

"Charming, Brother," I tell him. "Truly. I shall hope for whoever this girl might be, she can handle your title induced big headedness."

Val laughs. "Any mama in the ton would be shoving her daughter towards me to secure a simple dance."

"And you are to have say in who I marry?" I ask.

"I will simply hope you find someone unlike me," Val states.

"I hope I do as well," I tell him before leaving.

I sit with Daphne and her family in their parlor. With Lady Danbury and Val busy with their own lives I get lonely. When I spend the morning with Daphne and her family it makes me feel included. A little less lonely.

"Two dances? With a duke?" Hyacinth asks.

"He was quite taken with your sister, Hyacinth. The entire party was, for that matter. All eyes were on Daphne," Lady Bridgerton tells her. She holds a plate out to Daphne. "At least enjoy some toast, dearest."

"I am not hungry, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"Are you certain the entire party was not simply eyeing a tear in her dress?" Colin offers.

"Or a misstep she took on the dance floor?" Benedict remarks.

"I do wonder, Daphne, might we count on the duke at the Crawford ball?" Lady Bridgerton asks.

"I should think it a fair chance," Daphne tells her mother.

"What about the Ramsbury ball, Friday? Oh! And what about the grand picnic?" Lady Bridgerton asks.

"We shall see, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"How terrible for Fran that she'll be off practicing pianoforte with Aunt Winnie all season and miss Daphne's engagement to the duke," Hyacinth says.

"Did Francesca leave for Bath already?" Gregory asks.

Eloise rushes into the room. "How does a lady come to be with child?"

I look at Eloise in shock. Whatever could possess her to ask that question.

Lady Bridgerton stands up and walks towards her. "Eloise, what a question!"

"I thought one needed to be married," Eloise states.

"What are you talking about?" Daphne questions.

"Apparently, it's not even a requirement," Eloise says.

"Eloise, that is more than enough," Lady Bridgerton scolds. Eloise trudges off to sit between Colin and Benedict. "Daphne, you were playing so lovely. Please, do go on."

"I take it the two of you know?" Eloise questions.

"Do not look at me," Benedict tells her.

"Have you ever visited a farm, El?" Colin asks.

"I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation," Lady Bridgerton warns.

"Not at all, Mother," Benedict assures.

Colin stands up. "In fact, we were just heading off to... take our sticks out."

"Colin Bridgerton!" Lady Bridgerton shouts.

"A round of fencing," Colin clarifies.

"Miss? Humboldt is coming," a maid informs Lady Bridgerton.

"Humboldt is coming?" Daphne asks.

"Humboldt?" Lady Bridgerton questions.

"Why is Humboldt coming?" Hyacinth asks.

Humboldt walks into the room.

"Has someone arrived, Humboldt?" Daphne asks.

"Callers for Miss Daphne, ma'am," Humboldt tells her.

Daphne squeals in excitement.

"But... the duke. You already have a caller, dearest," Lady Bridgerton reminds her.

"Well, I suppose now I have more," Daphne tells her.

I stand up. "I will leave you to all your caller, Daph. But I will see you later at the Crawford ball." I smile at Lady Bridgerton. "Thank you for the tea, Lady Bridgerton."

"It is always a pleasure to have you in our home, Lady Mercy," Lady Bridgerton tells me.

As I leave, I walk past an impressive number of young callers. It seems that with the affections of the duke Daphne is now the most sought after of all us young ladies. I know it is exactly as she had wished from the time we were teenagers.

The duke accompanies Lady Danbury, Val, and I to the ball. He helps Lady Danbury down from our carriage.

"Would it pain you to wear some color, Your Grace?" Lady Danbury asks. "The London season is already terribly monotonous as it is. Must your wardrobe do the same?"

"I was told this look is all the rage," the duke informs her.

"Certainly not mine," Lady Danbury states.

"I think you look handsome," I tell the duke.

The duke smiles. "Thank you, Lady Mercy."

Lady Danbury makes a face as she holds her arm out to the duke. "Take my arm, before you make us late."

As we head inside to the party, we are greeted by the Bridgertons. All eyes are on Daphne and the duke.

"A dance, Miss Bridgerton?" the duke asks.

"I shall need someone else to seek me a glass of ratafia, then." Lady Bridgerton holds her arm out. "Lord Bridgerton... do me the honor?"

Anthony wraps Lady Danbury's arm in his. "Of course, Lady Danbury."

Lady Bridgerton turns to Benedict. "Why don't you keep Lady Mercy company."

"Or course, mother," Benedict tells her.

I smile at Benedict as he takes my arm in his. We start on a turnabout the room.

"I have to ask you something," I tell him.

Benedict smiles slightly. "Should I be concerned."

I laugh as I shake my head. "No. I just want to know if it's true.

"If what true?" Benedict questions.

"If Daphne and the duke are truly courting?" I ask.

"It does look that way does it not?" Benedict tells me.

"So is she?" I ask.

Benedict laughs. "Why not ask her yourself? Or ask Hastings?"

"She is awfully busy," I reason. "And what about Lord Berbrooke? Was she not engaged to him?"

"Would you wish to marry Lord Berbrooke?" Benedict asks.

"Bumbling Berbrooke?" I laugh. "Heavens no. I can think of at least a hundred different men I would marry before I would marry Lord Berbrooke."

He chuckles. "Exactly why Daphne is trying her best to find another man willing to propose."

"Is the duke going to propose?" I ask.

"How would I know?" Benedict asks.

"Then why would you even bring it up?" I ask.

Benedict shrugs. "What about you, Mercy? Should you not be dancing with your callers?"

"I have not had many callers recently," I admit.

"Any of the bachelors in this room should be so lucky to call themself a caller of yours," Benedict tells me.

I smile as I try not to blush. "Well, I wish one would hurry up and court me."

Benedict chuckles. "Sometimes the best in life is worth waiting for, Mercy."

Anthony walks over and puts his hand on Benedict's shoulder. "Go dance with your sister."

"Why?" Benedict questions.

"Because I asked you to!" Anthony tells him.

Benedict groans as Anthony pushes him forward towards the dance floor.

"Hello, Lord Bridgeton," I greet. "How nice to see you again."

"I do not have time for this right now," Anthony tells me.

"Do not have time to say hello?" I question. "Oh, I see you are very busy staring at the duke." Anthony starts to walk towards the duke. "And now you are going to walk away?"

"I would just like a word with the duke," Anthony tells me.

"Whatever for?" I ask. Anthony does not stop walking. "Anthony."

"Perhaps I was unclear this morning," Anthony says to the duke.

"Is it your wish for me to insult your sister, Bridgerton?" the duke questions.

"On the contrary," Anthony states.

"You wish your sister to marry a loathsome toad, then," the duke remarks.

"Lord Bridgerton." Berbrooke walks towards us. "Forgive the intrusion, but, if need be, I will happily restate my intentions with respect to your sister. She is a prize I have long coveted for her beauty, for her grace..."

"For her powerful right hook?" the duke remarks.

I look at him curiously. Whatever could he be talking about?

"I must know whether I can count on you to handle this misunderstanding, my lord? I certainly wish to avoid any kind of embarrassment," Berbrooke says.

"Rather late for that," the duke remarks.

"Are you too friendly with the duke or simply intimidated by his rank..." Berbrooke starts.

"Easy, Berbrooke. I assured you I will resolve the matter, a matter which I shall remind the duke is none of his concern," Anthony says.

"Perhaps you're not the authority on what concerns me, nor on the matter of Lord Berbrooke's character," the duke counters.

"I shall do my best by your sister, Bridgerton. And perhaps even she might learn to return my affections over time," Berbrooke says.

"Do come off it, Berbrooke. I presume he failed to mention how he got that purple eye," the duke states.

"I was careless with a cabinet door," Berbrooke states.

"He was careless with his honor. He attempted something last night I shan't dignify with words when your sister planted a facer. Deservedly so," the duke explains.

"My lord, you must know..." Berbrooke starts.

"Daphne would have told me if this were true," Anthony insists.

"Would she?" I question.

"You will never speak to my sister again, Berbrooke," Anthony tells the man.

"But we are to be married," Berbrooke protests.

Anthony goes to move towards Berbrooke, but the duke holds him back. "You are to be buried if you so much as look in her direction. Be grateful you will not take a punch from yet another Bridgerton."

Daphne walks over towards us. "What has happened? Brother?"

"You need not worry about Berbrooke. Sister, it is done," Anthony tells her before walking off.

"Lord Bridgerton," I call after him.

Anthony stops and faces me. "You were right." I look at him shocked by his admission. "You tried to warn me about Lord Berbrooke, and I would not listen to you."

I nod my head. "I know it must be hard for you to admit you were wrong, My Lord," Anthony makes a face. "Really, I am proud of Daphne. I never thought her a fighter but that was nasty purple eye."

"Do not encourage her," Anthony tells me.

"I am not. I simply think it is necessary sometimes for a woman to fight for herself," I tell him. Anthony looks like he wishes to say something, but I cut him off, "Good evening, Lord Bridgerton."

I find Daphne in search of her mother perhaps. "Daph."

She stops and faces me. "What is it, Mercy?"

"I wanted to ask if you were alright," I tell her.

"I am fine," Daphne insists.

I do not push any farther. "At least you are rid of Berbrooke," I offer. Daphne nods slightly. I wrap my arm in hers. "That has to be worth whatever anger the duke has caused you."

Daphne nods again. "I suppose."

Lady Danbury, Val, the duke, and I have just arrived back to Lady Danbury's home. The duke helps Lady Danbury down from the carriage before helping me down as well.

"A crush of an evening, Your Grace," Lady Danbury says. "Would you not agree? The young lady is as rare a treasure as there is. Do try not to bungle it up." She turns to Val as he takes her arm in his. "Thank you."

I step closer to the duke. "I know you and Daphne are getting serious."

"Miss Bridgerton and I are courting," the duke tells me.

"Hurt my best friend and you will not need to worry about what Lady Danbury or Anthony may do to you," I warn. "Simply where I will hide the murder weapon."

The duke laughs lightly. "I can see you are a loyal friend." I nod my head. "I do not wish to hurt Miss Bridgerton. Goodnight, Lady Mercy."

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