The love we share

By mikayla2710

41.2K 1.9K 876

The love we share, Soojin the amazing singer and main dancer of cubes famous girl group (G)- idle has to fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

671 30 22
By mikayla2710

Shuhuas POV

Soojin's been gone for 3 days now, I see her at work but I can't help missing seeing her everyday at home. Its hard, extremely hard being without her, she's been my rock since I was sixteen. Despite our break I miss my friend, but I will admit I have been more at peace since she's been gone, I'm not always worrying about where she is and what she's doing, I feel like i'm being me again and its nice. But there's one problem Minnie has been ignoring me since out last talk, I absolutely hate it. She still says hi, replies when spoken to but it is nothing like how we were.

I try to catch her eye in dance practice or when we're in the studio, but still nothing. She's glued to miyeon which irks me even more. I know she said she needed time and she was going to distance herself but I didn't think shed change completely. So here I am sulking in my room, what's makes it worse is that I know Minnies here, I can hear her laugh and Miyeons annoying voice.

My curiosity peaks and I need to see whats so funny. As I walk out of my room the site I see shocks me.

Minnies underneath Miyeon, it looks like they're fighting for the remote but an unknown feeling strikes me as I see how close they are to each other. I cough loudly to make my presence known and to my annoyance they don't even react. WHAT THE FUCK.

I stomp my way over to them and push Miyeon off of Minnie. Miyeon's shocked when she looks at me but I only smirk.

"YAH, SHUHUA YOU LITTLE SHIT" and before I can even react Miyeon's managed to tackle me onto the ground, because i'm so shocked she manages to get the upper hand and is now on top of me tickling me. I start laughing uncontrollably, I wish I could move but I've always not been able to do anything when someone tickles me.

"Minnie! help me" I beg, still laughing. not long after I feel Miyeons weight gone and her own laughter erupting. Minnies managed to pin her down. Im still out of breath but I quickly move to where they are and start my attack.

"STOP, STOP, IM SORRY" Miyeon shouts, I finally feel she's been through enough and stop. We're breathing heavily but the smiles on our faces don't leave.

I look to me left and Minnies smiles matches my own, Miyeon's still lying on the ground wheezing which makes me giggle. Feeling nice I pull up Miyeon and brush her messy hair.

Being the annoying unnie she is, she try's to kiss me but before I can dodge it Minnie puts her hand between my mouth and Miyeon's. Miyeon starts to pout but I'm frozen, for some reason Minnies movements make me freeze and I start blushing like a teenager. God am I 14. I look at Minnie wanting to see her reactions but she doesn't even glance at me, making me upset a little bit.

"Are you staying here tonight" I ask trying to mask my hopefulness. She finally manages to make eye contact, and when she does I'm momentarily stuck. My heart is pounding, I blink trying to compose myself because what the hell am I doing.

"Um, I'm not to sure I just came over to have dinner with Miyeon" she replied calmly. I frown by her response.

"Just Miyeon" I say pouting. She smiles quickly but as soon as it appears its gone.

"Well she invited me" I'm about to say something but Miyeon cuts me off.

"Sleep over! you can stay in my bed tonight" Miyeon says in her aygeo voice making me want to vomit.

"She can stay in Soojin's room" I say coldly. Miyeon looks at me annoyed while Minnie looks confused.

"Where's Soojin?" Minnie ask.

"I think she's staying with her parents" miyeon replies. Minnie looks at me worriedly but doesn't ask anymore questions.

"Okay i'm going to bed, im tired. But Minnie you're welcome to stay in my bed" Miyeon winks, then quickly leaves but not forgetting to kiss me on the cheek and saying goodnight. Now it's just me and Minnie.

"So Soojin?" She ask skeptically. I sigh and look away.

"We're on a break" I say quietly, she looks surprised by my statement.

"Are you okay" she says reaching out to hold my hand. A warm feeling takes over my whole body by the simple contact.

"Yeah I am, I just miss her." I say truthfully. Minnie nods but I can't help but catch the hurt look across her face.

"But you know who I really miss" I say quietly. Fiddling with our still entangled hands.

"Who" She barely whispers.

"You" I breath out. She looks at me with glassy eyes, without thinking I pull her in for a bone crushing hug. At first she's stiff but soon melts into my body. I sigh out of relief, finally having some sort of contact with her.

"Did you really miss me" she says into my neck. I hug her tighter.

"So much" I reply.

" I missed you more" is all she says. I don't reply but I know that I miss her just as much if not more.

"can you stay here tonight. With me, please" I say desperately.

"Okay" is all I get back but that's enough to make me smile in joy. Finally I think to myself.


Jennies POV

I wake up in my bed smiling. Knowing that Soojin's in my house, our house really. It's been 3 days since she's been here. I wouldn't say we're best friends, but she's been taking care of me because of my ankle. My ankle feels fine now, but I may be milking the pain a little bit to get her attention. What can I say im an attention whore, but only when it comes to a certain women thats named Soojin.

*Knock *Knock

"come in" Soojin opens the door, she's wearing her pyjamas but what makes me gulp is that she's in short silk pyjamas pants and to top it off she's wearing a matching silk tank singlet. My gay heart starts pumping and I for sure know i'm blushing. Luckily the curtains mask the room in darkness.

" Hows your ankle" She says.

"It's okay, a little sore but I think ill be fine in a couple days" She frowns by my response and moves so she's now sitting on the bed. She touches my forehead with her hand.

'Your warm" she says worriedly.

"I'm fine, it's just the room" But really its her in those very distracting pyjamas.

"What are you doing today" She says.

I pick up my phone to check my schedule and to my relief its my off day.

"No schedule today" I say happily.

She smiles back. I instinctively clutch her wrist/

"stay home today" I say with the cutest look I can muster. She rolls her eyes, but I can tell she's contemplating and she's nervous for some reason.

"It's my off day anyway" She says cooly. I squeal in delight.

"YAYYYYY, lets hangout than" I say already planning all the events we can do in my head.

"Omg, lets go to the amusement park! I'm sure I can book us in for a few hours just for ourselves! or maybe a nice restaurant with drinks, I know this grea-"

"I'm going over to the dorm today to hangout a bit with my members." I instantly stop my little celebration. So she's going to go see Shuhua, id be lying if I said it doesn't hurt to think about them together but I have no right to.

"Oh okay, have fun" I say awkwardly while trying to muster up my most genuine smile. I get up quickly and move around my room to busy myself. Looking for a towel so I can go have a shower.

"I'll be back before 6pm, im just going for a few hours" she says softly.

"Like I said have fun, I'll just tell Lisa to come over. She's been bugging me about hanging out since I haven't been at the dorm."

"You should rest, and if Lisas coming over I know you two will be up to no good" She says sternly.

"Don't worry, we'll just chill at home. Have a few drinks I think since we haven't done that in a while."

" Drinking?" she says furrowing her brows. I nod my head, missing the look of anger in her eyes.

"You need to rest Jennie, drinking isn't going to help you heal if anything it will make it worse!" she says in a quiet angry voice. I pause my movements, a little scared. I forgot Soojin can be scary.

"Well be fine, my ankles hurt it's not like i'm sick sick. And I feel fine, after you spend the day with your members you're welcome to join us." She just glares but nods her head in the end. Inwardly I sigh in relief.

"Okay ill see you later" she says then leaves. Dam, maybe I shouldn't have pretended I'm still injured.



"AHAHHAHAHAHAH, Lisa you idiot thats not how to flirt with a girl!" I say loudly, me and Lisa may or may not have started drinking at 4pm. And also may or may not be 3 soju bottles down between us.

"Yah unnie, you don't know how to flirt so shut your mouth!" she says pouting. I roll my eyes.

"As if, unlike you I don't chase, I'm the chased" I say proudly. She burst out laughing.

" yeah I can really see Soojin chasing you" I open my mouth in shock.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT, IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS!" Lisa quickly gets up running around the kitchen, we're both laughing, but i'm not giving up I'm going to at least slap her head. Then suddenly I'm pulled gently into something warm. I confusingly look behind me, thinking how Lisa managed to sneak up on my when I was just behind her.

"What going on here" An amused voice says that is all too familiar.

"Soojin" I squeal before turning around and nearly knocking her over.

"Yah, relax" she says steading us.

"How much have you had to drink" she says with an eyebrow raised.

"Just a few" is all I reply. Trying to change the subject I ask her what she did today, partly because I want to know if she's with you know who.

"We went out for dinner, had a few drinks to" Now that I look at her I can see the slight red tint on her cheeks and the glassy eyes. Indicating she's been drinking herself.

"Does that mean you're going to drink with us" I say hopefully. She nods her head smiling making my heart play up again.

I clap in excitement and pull her to the kitchen counter we're the drinks are all set up.

"jENNIE IM SORRY, CAN I COME BACK NOW" Lisas whines from a distance. slowing peaking her head around the wall. Once her eyes sees Soojin she runs over to us and engulfs Soojin in a hug.

"Soojin, Jennies being mean. Tell her to leave me along." Lisa says with a cheeky smile while hiding behind the goddess. Soojin laughs and pulls Lisa to where we're sitting. I still glare at Lisa playfully.

"What are we drinking" Soojin says ignoring the petty fight me and Lisa have. I get up quickly and move to the bar counters thats next to the kitchen. I pull out her favourite drinks, soju peach flavour and Malibu and pineapple juice.

"Which one do you want" I ask nicely. She smiles and I hope its because she knows I remember her drinks.

"HMMMM, today Malibu and Pineapple juice please bartender."

"Yes sir" I say playfully back.

"Can I have one too!" Lisa ask.

"You have hands use them" I reply nonchalantly. She grunts and turns to Soojin.

"You see how mean she is to me!" She dramatically says, I roll my eyes and make soojins drink and of course Lisa's.

"Thank you!" they both say excitedly.


"Never have I ever, Kissed a boy!" Lisa says, I roll my eyes and put a finger down. Don't ask how we got to this game but Lisa insisted we played. I already have 5 fingers down while the other two only have two.

"Lisa you idiot your suppose to say something you haven't done! you've kissed a boy too." She just laughs and shrugs her shoulders. Now its my turn. I look to my left and Soojins looking at me expectantly, we're all a bit wasted and Soojin looks so cute right now I want to just pinch her cheeks Ughhhhhhhhhh. But I control myself and try to think of something to get her out.

"Never have I ever...... kissed one of my members" I say slurring my words, Soojin drinks not surprisingly but what does surprise me is that Lisa drinks to.

"Bitch who the fuck have you kissed!" I say looking at Lisa. She takes a sip of her drink slowly.

"Chaeyoung" She says casually, me and Soojin both look at each other surprised, well about fucking time.


"Yesterday" She says casually again. I squeal and jump into Lisa's arms.

"So are you together...."

"Well we haven't talked about it properly but she did say she wants to be with me, she's just waiting on my response"

"oH MY GOD, about time holy shit. Stop playing hard to get and go for it" I know how deep Lisas feelings go for Chaeyoung and how hurt she was about how everything went down, I also knows she's holding back because she's scared that she'll get hurt.

"Lisa I know you love her and you're scared. But you both have grown up and she's finally there. Don't waste your time, just go for it. She's worth the risk and you deserve to be loved by someone you actually love too" I say softly. Lisa looks at me fondly and pulls me in for a bear hug and lightly kisses me on the cheek.

" Thanks Nini, I needed to hear it. Sorry to cut the party short but I need to talk to my chipmunk. BYE GUYS"

"Bye" Soojin says laughing.

"LOVE YOU" I shout while she's running out the front door.

"LOVE YOU THE MOST UNNIE" she replies.

Now it's just me and Soojin and I can't take this stupid smile off my face by the sight of her.

"So should we keep playing' She ask. I nod my head curious to what she's going to ask. By this point we're both pretty drunk, I know sober me would be nervous in this type of situation.

"When did you fall in love with me" I choke on my drink. She laughs while patting my back.

I calm down and she's waiting.

"I don't think thats how you play never have I ever but i'll answer, When i tripped you up the first time we met." I say with no hesitation.

Her eyes Widen in surprise.

"What no way, stops being cheesy"

"I'm not! i'm being serious, the moment I touched you or better explained push you over my whole body felt like it had been internally shocked and then i saw your face and I knew I was a goner." Sober me is defiantly not going to live this embarrassment out. I see a tint of red on her face making me smirk.

"O-okay, your turn" I pretend I don't notice the stutter.

"When did you know you were in love with me" I ask the same way she did.

"When you came to our debut stage" she said confidently.

"Really" I ask softly.

"Really" She says, I pull her closer to me holding both of her arms. She lets me and moves as well. I always thought she fell for me when we started going out, but knowing it was since her debut gives me an unknowing strong emotion to run throughout my entire body. All I know is I want to kiss her. By the way she's looking at me, I think she wants the same.

"How drunk are you" she says slightly slurring her words.

"Very" I reply still staring at her lips.

"Are you drunk enough to not remember this"

"Huh-" Before I can react her soft lips smash onto my own, her lips are slightly cold from the drinks and I can taste pineapple making me sigh in enjoyment. It feels like my brains slower than my body because once I finally click we're kissing I hungrily kiss her back moving my hands to her waist so I can feel her flush across my body. She moves so I'm leaning my back onto the counter, I quickly move without breaking our kiss to sit instead. She pushes her self in between my legs making me instantly wrap them around her. I let out a soft moan when I feel her lightly bite my lip and suck on it while I trace my hands on her back underneath her t-shirt.

I don't want to break our kiss, but the need for oxygen is taking over. I pull away to catch my breath she makes an annoyed sound but moves to my neck instead catching me off guard, I can feel myself getting more and more turned on so with every piece of strength I have I pull away before it goes to far.

"Soojin" I say breathlessly, instead of replying she kisses me again, I melt right away the same butterflies I felt when we were together are back and worse than ever. As much as I want to keep doing this I know it's wrong. When or if we kiss I want us to be sober, and in our right minds. I pull away again which makes her whine cutely. I grab her face with my hands and caress her cheeks kissing her softly one last time.

"Lets not do something you might regret" I say breathlessly. She looks confused, but like a lights been switched on she pulls away frantically.

I move to pull her back but she only steps away.

'I'm sorry, I think i'm going to bed now" She says looking around at anything thats not me.

"Don't say sorry, we're just drunk it's fine" I say to try and ease her.

"I'M- Goodnight Jennie" She finally looks at me and moves to leave. Before she does I quickly pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight" I love you I think to myself.

"Night" she whispers hugging m tight then pulling away.


What are your thoughts on this chapter? 👀👀👀👀👀👀



Maybe a new ship?
#minmi? (MiyeonxMinnie)

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