Half a Heart

By avery_grace_23

11.6K 629 586

***Sequel to Stole My Heart*** Things with Taylen and Peter were going great. Peter messed up and Taylen ende... More

1. Taylen Elouise
2. Looking Back at Me
3. Broken Trust
4. No Excuses Yet
5. I Don't Know What to Do (P)
6. Cause a Scene
7. Surrogate
8. Are We Clear?
10. Foggy Night (P)
11. What the Hell is Going On?
12. What Am I Supposed to Do?
13. Meet Me at Our Spot
14. Me Too (P)
15. Piece of my Heart
16. Brother
17. Peter Detox Mode
18. Everyone's Mouths
19. Reminder (P)
20. Mason Riley!
21. That's Because I Do
22. High Road
23. I Do
24. So Much For Being Just Friends
25. Like I Should Have (P)
26. I Can't Stop Him
27. Cute Idiot
28. **Should've Been Me**
29. In Love With My Brother (P)
30. Whether Daddy Likes It or Not
31. Cinderella's Dead
32. There's the Princess (P)
33. Felt Like Days Ago (P)
34. Lighthearted Conversation (P)
35. Timeouts Suck!
36. Really Want to Make Out
37. Test My Self-Control
38. God Of Possible
39. Love You More
40. Marry You, Girl

9. I Could Never

308 18 14
By avery_grace_23

Peter, Eliza, and I made our way to his bedroom. I wasn't entirely sure what made me agree, but I knew I wanted to help him. I hate feeling helpless. This was an opportunity that would make us both feel better about what had happened.

Peter deserved a somewhat severe whipping. He was drinking, thus putting himself in danger, then he drove, which put everyone else on the roads in danger. I didn't know if I would have the heart to do it though. I would try though.

While Eliza lectured, I sat back trying to decide what on earth I was going to do. I knew that I would belt him. That was a given. There was no way I was using a switch. I have nothing against them. It just seems too much like a parental punishment, not the girlfriend. I was hesitating to even use a belt for that reason. I just couldn't think of another good implement for how many transgressions he had against him.

When it was showtime, I whispered and asked Eliza if she had an unused bar of soap. She left the room to go look. I had Peter give me one of his belts. After he handed me the one that would carry out his sentence, I had him remove his pants and bend over the bed. Eliza was back by the time he was in position and I had mentally prepared myself.

Eliza had come in with a dove soap bar. I knew that would suck for him to endure after he got his butt blistered. If only he would learn...

I rested the belt against his cheeks for a single moment before lifting my hand and smacking the boxer-covered butt with the leather. Peter flinched but made no noise. I continued bringing the belt down, as Peter became much more uncomfortable. As much as Peter loved physical touch, he did not like pain. He liked the embarrassment and the cuddles. You would think that spankings would be a good deterrent for him, but they never seem to be. I landed a harder one in the crease and he inhaled shakily. Good, we were getting somewhere.

Eliza had started crying and I wanted to stop then I knew from talking to her that she hated ever having to punish her sons. It broke her heart. She has barely dished out spankings to any of them even when they were little. She just couldn't bear it.

"You will not drink underage," I said sternly as I landed an extra hard smack on his thigh.

Peter jumped, gasping hard at the swat.

"You will not operate a vehicle if you are under the influence," I landed one on his other thigh just as hard.

He jumped again at that one.

"Am I understood?"

"Ye-Yes ma'am-m," he stuttered.

"Good," I picked up the pace and started swatting at random, trying to get my point across.

Peter began to twist and turn trying to escape the wrath of his belt. He eventually started sobbing into his covers.

"I'M SORRY," he cried out as I paid a little closer attention to his sit spots.

"I believe you are," I said, not missing a beat. "I also believe that you will think about what you're doing and not doing anything reckless."

"I WILLLL," he wailed out.

I landed 3 more in the center of his bottom, then dropped the belt. I rubbed his back for a moment before helping him stand. He knew that his punishment wasn't entirely over as the spanking was only the first part when I was in charge. I believed in reflection time before comfort. The spankee needed to calm down and think about why they had a sore bottom. I typically have him stand in the corner or rub icy hot on their sore bottom. I was slightly more creative this time and I was going to let Peter decide between having soap in his mouth during his corner time or if he was going to sit on his bottom and write sentences. I had a feeling I knew which one he would choose, but I would still give him the option.

"Ok Peter, you have a choice on the second portion of your punishment. You can either stand in the corner with soap in your mouth or you could sit on your sore bottom and write 20 sentences."

His nose scrunched up at both options. Eliza had excused herself, as she realized that I had it completely under control. It was 5 o'clock in the morning and I was dishing out a spanking. What an interesting night.

"How long would I have to keep the soap in?" he asked.

"Five minutes," I replied.

He nodded, "I will take soap and corner time."

I nodded and walked out of his room to the bathroom. Without thinking, I opened the door without checking to see if someone was in there. Mason was in there, butt naked, about to get in the shower. He squealed and I quickly shut my eyes. I backed out of the door and shut it behind me. I stood at the door in shock. It's not like I have never seen a naked male before. My brothers and their friends liked to swim in the pond in the front yard naked when Dad wasn't home. They invited me to join them several times and I did, but I always wore my bikini. I had more class than that. I had seen Peter's backside several times, in different colors even, but I had never seen his front. Mason clearly had nothing to be ashamed of.

He appeared at the door, his bottom half wrapped in a towel. His abs were as prominent and if I didn't know better, I would think that Eliza and Rodger fed them steroids.

"Did you need something?" he asked breathlessly.

I blinked a time or two then remembered what I needed. "Uh, yeah. I need to use the sink for a quick second."

He let me in and watched intensely as I wetted the bar of soap getting it sudsy.

"I know I'm being nosy but is that for Peter?" he asked when I made eye contact with him in the mirror.

I hesitated for a moment, knowing Peter would be mortified if his brothers knew. I knew Mason though. He wouldn't tell his brothers, nor would he make fun of Peter for it. I nodded at last.

Mason hummed, "I wondered if there was something like that going on between the two of you. I've heard the quiet scoldings followed by quiet 'yes ma'am's."

I nodded and gave him a pleading look.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he assured me quickly.

"Thank you. Don't tell your brothers this but you're my favorite triplet," I kissed him on the cheek and left the bathroom.

I doubted he and I would ever have a conversation like that. He was naked and I was not.

I brought the soap back into Peter's room. He was trying to earn brownie points and had already put himself in the corner. He was rubbing when I came. I swatted him twice and he immediately took his hands to his head. He knew what I expected of him in the corner. He turned around obediently and took the soap in his mouth. He winced at the horrid taste and turned back around. I glanced at the time on my phone. 5:27.

During his time in the corner, I replied to the text Carter had sent me asking me where I was. He sent me rolling eyes and I sent him a cheeky grin back. I knew he was getting fed up with my brattish attitude, but it was fun. I didn't have the luxury of being a brat with anyone else and that was fine, but he got to deal with it all.

When it had been five minutes, I called Peter out. He rushed to the bathroom to spit and rinse. I waited patiently for him to return. When he came back, I was laying on his bed. I opened my arms as an invite and he walked over hesitantly. He laid down beside me, avoiding any contact with his rump. I pulled him in close. We were not together and I didn't want to send any wrong ideas, but the red puffy eyes and the tear tracks broke my heart.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, Peter."

"I know, Tay," he sounded more tired than he had before as he nuzzled deeper into his pillow.

I kissed his curls and hummed quietly. He started to drift off to sleep.

"What am I going to do with you, Peter Grayson," I sighed.

"Don't hate me," he murmured, half asleep.

"I could never," I replied honestly.

I fell asleep as well.

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