MHA/BNHA Stories.

By ziakitty

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What can I say? There will be yandere. This book is mainly being made for a friend of mine on this site, KoiF... More

Home, Sweet Home.
Desk Oddities.
Little One.
Good Deeds.
July Fifteenth.
Bad Life
Three Days.
Game Of Tag
Childhood Relived.
Yes, Sir.
Full Moon
Two Years.
Happy Little Accidents.
Safe Space
Purr For Me.
Snow White Queen.
Revel in the Darkness.
You Are His.
Merman or Siren?
Just a Dream.
Dealt With.
Beautiful Music.
Beautiful Mistakes.
American Heroes.
The Basement.
The Gift.
Discord Fun.
Something old, something new, and something used.
Family Again.
Pretty Mate.
Seven Days.
Self Control.
It's Time for a Change.
Teacher's Pet.
Fun Times on Discord.
Game Over.
Sweet Dreams, Sweetpea.
Father's Day.
Acceptance Letter.
New Toys.
Accidental Touches.
Birthday Surprise.
Doctor's Order.
Sacrificial Bride
Speak not a word.
Cold Touch

Silver Fox.

452 11 51
By ziakitty

Not my art, credit where credit is due.

I don't do warnings...So this is your warning.

The sound of a phone ringing broke Hizashi's focus. Glancing around for it, noticing it was not in its normal spot, on his desk in his office. Each corner of his mouth tilted downwards, causing a frown. Maybe it's nothing important, I can just ignore it and call whoever it is back later. No point in stopping my flow now.

Then he noticed it, that ringtone! Rushing to find his cell, which was wedged into the cushions of the couch in the living room. A cuss slipped from his lips as he nearly missed the call. "Hello, this is Hizashi Yamada."

"Haha, I know who you are. Hey, Grandpa!"

"Why if it isn't my favorite listener! How are you?" A call from his beloved little girl was rare. In the beginning, things were fine, calls every night, face time. However, once her second year of college started, those things just slowed down until they fully stopped. "I'm fine. Hot but fine."

"Well, you do have my genes." Chuckling to himself, in his mind's eye Mic could see her rolling those lovely ringed optics that mirrored his own. Settling on the couch, allowing himself a moment to simply bask in the warmth of this moment. Hizashi felt himself relaxing for the first time in ages.

"Grandpa! That's not what I meant!" A grin appeared on his nicely aged face as he listened to his granddaughter's voice. He could almost see her wonderful smile as he looked out the window. No, wait! That was really her! Getting up, platinum blond locks bounced and swayed.

"You're here!"

"Indeed I am!" She shouted while flinging herself into his arms. Her quirk hadn't activated, which a certain individual was happy for. Present Mic's eyes weren't the only thing that was inherited. "What are you doing here? Don't you have exams?" Pulling back, the smile on his face only grew.

"I do, and that's why we're here."

"We?" That's when the elder noticed, that there was another person not too far from his grandchild. Perfection stood before the retired hero, perfection in the form of an unnamed person. "This is my friend, L/n."

"Please, there is no need to be formal, call me Y/n. It's nice to meet you, sir." What a dazzling voice they have. Mr. Yamada thought while taking your extended hand, giving it a firm shake. Holding onto your hand he felt something, an electric shock, inspiration. Stepping aside, Mic opens the door to lead you both inside, never letting go of your hand.

"As I was saying, we're here to study. Exams are coming up and all the campus libraries are packed. The dorms are so noisy as well, so I figured why not come out here for a visit, a quiet place to study, and I couldn't just leave Y/n behind with those losers. Poor thing would be eaten alive."

"I can see why." His voice was low, a dangerous whisper, it made you shiver. "Y/n is very adorable huh!"

"Stop it. I've told you before I don't like that..."

"Aww but that just makes you so much cuter! And for someone that doesn't like it, there seems to be a bit of blush attempting to show."

"I'm not, that's just your rose-colored glasses." Rolling your eyes, you finally noticed the feeling of a thumb slowly caressing your knuckles. Just how long had he been doing that, and why was he still holding your hand?

"Yeah, I'll make us something to drink while you get set up in my old bedroom." You arched a brow at that or gave a deadpan look if you have no brows. "Right, because I know this house like the back of my hand?" Hizashi reluctantly lets go of your hand then.

"How about I go make you two something to snack on and drink, you have a lot of studying to do. We can catch up later."

"No way, Pa(w) Pa(w), we both know you can't cook! Store-bought snacks are fine. Thank you." PM pouted at this, pretending to be hurt, flashing those alluring eyes. "Alright but I'm making the drinks at the very least."

"Deal, you do make amazing tea. Come on Y/n." With that, your friend dragged you off. Hizashi's back less than ten minutes later with your snacks and drinks. Quietly he sat everything down as you two hit the books, so focused that neither of you noticed anything. Hours pass, day became late afternoon. Taking a much-needed lunch break, you all decided to go out for lunch. Well, more like Elder Yamada insisted on taking you out to lunch.

Having two beauties on his arms, there was no way he was going to give that up. Even at his age, somewhere in the sixties, the man was a showstopper. Tons of fans flocked to him, asking for handshakes, asking for the secret to how he seemed to slow down his aging. There was no answer that the teacher could give. "Sorry, I'm on a date right now, can't keep my cuties waiting."

Your friend laughed, this seemed to be normal behavior to her but to you, something felt off. The way he only seemed to look at you when he said that made your skin tingle. Finally seated in a private booth on the top floor that overlooked the city, you let out a whistle. This place was fantastic, not overly fancy but definitely top tier, no wannabes could get in.

Zashi put on the charm during this little outing, asking questions of his own, mainly to you. Making jokes, and telling some fun tales, every lighthearted giggle or groan made his heart flutter. Everything sounded good coming from your soft-looking lips. When it was just the two of you, his granddaughter had left to use the restroom, that's when things got a bit odd.

Mr. Yamada's eyes were firmly locked on you, his full attention was given to only you, and the tiniest smile crept onto those aging features. With every word spoken he felt himself falling just a bit more. At some point, you're not sure when but a hand was placed on top of yours. Fingertips brushed against your fingers, as you were about to speak up, he cupped your hand, holding it in his own.

An innocent peck was given to your s/c skin, those ringed eyes stared into your soul as if searching for something. Butterflies seemed to come to life inside of your stomach. A pat was given before he put your hand back down, just in time as well as his descendant came back. Needless to say, attempting to eat lunch was much harder to do.

By time the trio had returned back home, it was much later. Mic talked everyone into going shopping, making a day out of it. Hours of walking around, chatting, laughing, and just having a great time, you had forgotten all about what had happened. "It's getting late, we should probably head back to the dorms now."

"Leaving already? It's still so early, and we haven't even had dinner yet..."

"It's easy to tell you were a partier, Mr. Yamada." Zashi had to fight against the urge to shiver, the way your voice said his title was pleasing to his ears. "No need to be so formal right, call me Hizashi."

"Oh, I don't think I should."

"Oh, but you want him to call you by your first name, Y/n-chan~"

"She's got you there, Melodist."


"Ah, it's nothing, just another name for my listeners." Something told you it was more than that but you decided not to pry. Besides, your body chose that moment to betray you by growling. "I think you two will be staying. I'll order something, what are you in the mood for?"

"No, that's enough ordering and eating out. I'll make us something, I know you have groceries." Mic looked away, guilt written all over his face. "Grandpa...You can't just live off take out." Frowning she stands up, "I'll be back, tell me what you want, and I'll make it for the week." You stood up as well, opting to join her if she was going to go shopping.

"Naw, it's fine, you can stay here. It will be faster that way, besides, I know the local shops like the back of my hand." Just like that, you were left alone with a certain man. You could feel it, those greenish-yellow hues staring at you. "I- um..."

Putting up a hand, the much older male smiled, "it's fine. No need to be tense, my granddaughter can hold her own, and if you're not feeling like talking, it's okay. I can finish my grading while you study some more. Or I can help you, I am a teacher." Biting at your bottom lip, making it look plusher, you slowly nod. "I'll study a bit more than, thanks."

Giving you a nod, his long fading blond locks staggered. "My office is just across the hall here, if you need me." Thanking him again, you smiled, and Mic felt his heart leap. Twenty minutes into studying and you felt like you were being watched again. However, no one was there, the door was closed, Hizashi was still in his office, and your friend hadn't returned yet. Shooting her a quick text, you asked how much longer she would be.

Another forty minutes, I can handle that, I hope. Replying back you asked her to hurry but be careful as well. Throwing yourself back into your work, you missed the computer's camera coming on. Missed it taking pictures of you and sending them to another room in the house.

Stretching, e/c orbs glanced at the clock before peering at the door. There was a knock, "come in?"

"It's just me, listener. I brought you a drink, thought you might need a break." Offering you a bottle of your favorite beverage. You took it, opened it, the seal hissed a bit as it was broken. A few sips in and you were thanking him, it was just what you needed. "It's no problem. I'm done grading, so if you need anything, just call me."

"Yes, sir. Oops, I mean, Hizashi." Letting out a small laugh, head tilted back, platinum tresses cascading down his shoulders and back. Long fingers combed through their owner's hair. "Sir works just as well." Winking at you, he watches as you play with the bottle and then look away while taking a drink.

When your friend returned, you were in Mic's office, the older man stood behind you, large hands rubbing your shoulders as you sat in his chair focusing on your work. Dinner couldn't come soon enough, you were starving, and more than ready to go home. I just need to make it through dinner then we'll leave...

Rolling your shoulders, you noticed that the knots you felt over the course of a few weeks were gone, and so was Mic. In the kitchen, both Yamadas chatted, their voices full of merriment. "I told you to stop stealing food! Get out of here, old man!" Chasing her grandfather out, she laughed at him as he went to make the table. When dinner was served, you happily dug in, your body felt much more relaxed but hotter.

A hand slowly moved up and down your outer thigh before resting on your knee, giving it a squeeze. You gasped and nearly choked on your Jambalaya. "Hey, are you okay, Y/n? You look a bit sweaty... Did I make your plate a bit too spicy?" You shook your head, coughing a bit to hide the groans that wanted to slip from your mouth.

Hizashi's hand had moved higher, gripping at your inner thigh, tracing your clothed sex. He sat at the head of the table, you were left of him, your bestie to his right. "Everything alright, Melodist?" You weakly nodded, squirming in your seat as his skilled fingers worked your sex even through the material that was in his way.

You found yourself trying to eat and chase after those dangerous digits. All while Zashi chatted with his scion. As if he wasn't currently driving you crazy, fingers plunging, tugging, rubbing so damn well that it had your mouth watering more than the meal. "You're worried about Y/n here but you're falling asleep at the table, why don't you go to bed. It's late, YOU can drive home Sunday night."

"Mmm..." Citrine gems started to droop more and more. Present Mic used his napkin to wipe his mouth clean before standing up. Your body screamed at the loss of his fingers. "I'll be right back, I need to take care of her." He leans over and whispers into your ear, "then I'll take care of you." Picking up the younger Yamada with ease, he moved out of the dining room, disappearing to another part of the house.

Your mind told you to get up and leave, to do something! Yet your body wasn't listening at all, in fact, it cried out for more. When did you become this hot and bothered and why? Coming back into the room, charming optics beamed as they saw you sitting in your seat, trying so hard to be good. No time was wasted, PM was next to you in a flash, his hands roaming over your thighs, pale kissers ghosting over the shell of your ear.

"Tell me what's wrong? Do you need some help?" Mic knew what he was doing, each touch calculated, each word teasing in its own way. Your lip trembled, "come on, tell sir what you need." A whimper left you, chuckling darkly, pale flesh nuzzled against your neck, and your scent was deeply inhaled. "Use your words..."

"Touch..." Was all that you could get out. "Where? Here?" He was teasing you, touching everywhere but the place you needed but when he finally got to the right spot.

After slipping underneath that annoying fabric, you were thankful. You bit your lip to keep the moans at bay, something the elder didn't like.

Praise or degradation was growled into your ear, teasing at your mind working you to your first release. Cumming hard, Mic removed his fingers from your sex. Gathering up your slick, he forces you to watch as all four fingers are licked clean. His thumb is pressed against your bottom lip until your mouth grants him access.

One look into those ringed eyes and you knew what he wanted, so you suckled that thicker digit. "That's it. Felt good, didn't it? You need more, don't you?" Of course, you needed more, your body was on fire!

"What's wrong? Can't speak?" He smirked, "it's okay, my Melodist, I'll get a nice melody out of you, after all... We've got all weekend." Picking you up, you're taken to his soundproof bedroom. With a click, you knew what your fate would be.

People often said to look out for college boys, they're just wolves! But no one ever warned you about a...

Silver Fox.

2519 words. This wasn't a request but it had to be done! I hope you liked it, you know who you are.

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