INAZUMA ELEVEN [Reader Insert]


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"I have always believed and admired the form of a reincarnation...BUT I DIDN'T MEAN BY REINCARNATING IN AN AN... More



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'Well, I guess I can settle it with mom later,' I thought once again as I strided towards the field.


"The fight for fame and recognition held every year, the Football Frontier Nationals Tournament! The Frontier is awaiting its first match!," the commentator started.

With that, the referee blew the whistle that started the kickoff led by Raimon. The match then proceeded as it would but the momentum was suddenly shifted to Sengoku Igajima. One of their players seemed to have stolen the ball and was now running towards the Raimon goal. Using their so-called ninjutsus, they passed over Raimon's defense easily.

However, when they reached Raimon's goal, they simply kicked the ball like it was nothing and was stopped by Endou easily. This seemed to have confused Endou for a second as he saw the ninjutsu that have seemed to behold in front of him.

It was now Raimon's turn to turn the tables and was now striding towards the other side's goal.

"Igajima style soccer formation, Crane Wing Formation!," one of their players exclaimed and was followed with a, "Acknowledged. Hurricane surge waves!."

With that, they quickly went in front of Handa and some went to block Gouenji.

"This is Igajima's formation. Handa and Gouenji are surrounded in a split moment!," the commentator observed.

'Yes, we already see that,' I helplessly thought.

"Gouenji, take it!," Handa said to Gouenji as he passed him the ball. With that, two of the Sengoku Igajima defense players went to formation and exclaimed, "Igajima style ninja arts, Shikofumi!." The two, Gouenji and Handa, was blown away by the pressure of this hissatsu - no scratch that, it's ninjutsu.

As the match proceeded, the Raimon strikers still went and tried to score as much as possible. They then tried to score using Dragon Crash but was stopped by Igajima Sengoku's goalkeeper.

"Igajima style ninja arts, Tsumuji technique!," was what stopped their hissatsu. It was now Igajima Snegoku's turn to score for a goal.

"Igajima style ninja arts, Bunshin Feint!," a player friom their team said as they passed Domon. This went on and on until they tried to shoot with their captain's hissatsu shoot.

"Igajima style ninja arts, Tsuchidaruma!," their captain shouted. Endou tried to stop their shoot with his Nekketsu Punch but failed to do so, making the opposing team score a goal.

"Sengoku Igajima gets the leading point!," the commentator announced.

A few minutes has passed, the ball was currently in Sengoku Igajima's possession. As they flawlessly passed through Raimon's defense, Kabeyama suddenly stopped their tracks with his very own hissatsu defense, 'The Wall.'

'Finally!,' I thought.

With this, the ball bounced back but was caught by Kirigakure, Sengoku Igajima's captain, again. He then tried shoot with Tsuchidaruma but was stopped with Endou's God Hand and Kazemaru's save, which seemed to have caught the commentator's attention.

"My goodness, Kazemaru ran to the goal like the wind and stopped the ball!," the commentator announced.

This seemed to have pumped up Kazemaru's spirits as he flawlessly went pass through the opposing team's defense. And with the help of Gouenji, they shot a goal with their newly formed Honoo no Kazamidori, tie-ing the scores up.

For the last few seconds, Raimon shot a goal once again with Gouenji's Fire Tornado. After that, the whistle blew indicating the end of the match, with a score of 2 to 1.

At that point, I saw how Kazemaru approached Kirigakure and reached out to him as they both exchanged a 'nice game.' After that, he glanced at my direction and nodded before heading off. Then, I simply smiled at the thought of him making it up with his precious junior.

'I mean, who wouldn't love their juniors if they made you as their role model,' I thought. After that thought, we were all called to pack our things and be on our way. We went back into our waiting room and packed what we needed to pack. It only took me a minute to pack my things and distributed essentials to everyone before heading back.


"Y/N-san," someone called me, as I was walking outside the stadium. With that, I glanced to where the owner of the voice was and saw that it was Kirigakure, Sengoku Igajima's soccer team captain. I simply looked at him with a fake smile and responded a, "Oh my, and what did I do to be blessed by your presence dear captain of Sengoku Igajima."

With that, he simply shook his head and chuckled, before looking back at me with a smirk.

"A conceiving, yet smart angel. You are indeed what Kazemaru-san described you would be when met with strangers," he said, whilst holding a waist with his right hand.

'Heh! I mean I do like the angel part, but what's with the conceiving one!!!,' I ticked, and proceeded with the nice girl act.

"Oh, I do apologize for my friend talking nonsense about me, but what seems to be your business with me?," I said innocently while tilting my head a bit.

"Kazemaru said that you were the one who noticed the glitches behind the ninja style arts that we used. So, I simply went ahead to see if you really were and it seems that I have miscalculated the manager at first," he said.

"And what would that suppose to mean, sir?," I continued with my nice girl act.

"Oh, I simply thought that you were an easy girl in the first place," he teasingly said.

With that, I was ticked and by that, I mean really really ticked. But I still have to continue this act so I responded calmly.

"Is that so? Then I shall now take my leave for I still have housechores to do," I said before starting to leave. Not far from I was walking, I heard a soft whisper coming from the boy that I left.

"An angel indeed," he whispered, not knowing that I heard it. I simply twitched an eyebrow and mumbled to myself.

"What's with this boys saying that I'm nice....though I doubt they will still call after showing them my dark side."


When I reached home, I went ahead to my room and brought out my homework and so with paperworks that are manager-related. Out of all us four managers, I was chosen to be the most reliable one when it comes to this so I went ahead and accepted it.

As I was going through the papers, I recalled the past that was going to happen tomorrow in this world.

'Tomorrow, Haruna-chan will bring us the news that Teikoku lost and at that point, Kidou will start roaming around Raimon and will start stalking and wanting to join Raimon.' I thought and sorted my next step. And that is to prevent the Teikoku team from getting injured from their match with the Zeus Junior High soccer team.

'OMG! Now, speaking of the devil, I remember Gouenji and Kidou's moment when they played soccer and that Gouenji convinced Kidou to join our team.' I fangirled.

'But, I still have to focus on the matter that is going to happen tomorrow,' I thought and took a few minutes writing down the gameplan.

After that, I looked proud at the plan I constructed. First, I have to contact Kidou and drop him a clue on what's going to happen. Then, I will disguise myself with the smoke and run towards the field to protect the Teikoku players from getting hit with Aphrodi's shoot. After that, I can use that opportunity to make him known of my capability but still let him keep that secret, since he's a smart boy after all. Lastly, I will make sure that the Raimon team is fully prepared with Kidou's arrival.


Ring! Ring!

"Hello," the other line said.

"Good evening Kidou-kun. I heard that your first match would be against Zeus, right?," I asked.

"Indeed. I still have to get that revenge rematch with Raimon, so I'm feeling confident with us winning this one," Kidou proclaimed. I simply sighed.

"You're not playing tomorrow's match, Kidou-kun," I bluntly ordered, which seemed to shock him.

"Why? Who are you to order me, L/N-san?," he exclaimed

"I know that you know that I knew about you're foot condition. Don't tell me that you've forgotten your match against Raimon," I said as a matter-of-factly.

On the other end, I heard him sigh before proceeding. "You really do take up to your title, Raimon's little keen observant."

"That's not the point," I said.

"Fine. I will talk to the team in regards to that. Are you good with that now?," he said.

"Yes. Oh! I forgot to tell you that I will come in tomorrow's match," I said.


"Kidou-kun?," I asked, not hearing a response.

"I will play tomorrow," he said in a determined tone.

"What? After what I told you?," I said frustrated.

"Yes," he settled. I simply sighed at his stubborn behavior.

"Fine, and now I have to bring an another set of first aid," I dropped the clue.

"What do you mean L/N-san?," he asked, interested.

"Never underestimate your opponents Kidou-kun," I said.


"And for today's match, we will have the reigning champion of Football Frontier against the rookie recommendation of the Soccer administration," the commentator stated.

I am now currently in one of the female bathrooms that are with the waiting rooms before the stadium, dressed up with the disguise that covered my entirety. It took forever on choosing where to hide the first aid kits.

After settling with the hiding spot for the first aid kits I brought, I went ahead and went to the entrance to the stadium, not getting noticed by anyone.

The match was still starting when Kidou was put back on the bench to heal his foot. It was now my time to shine, in disguise of course.

It was still the first few minutes when Zeus started to attack with Aphrodi's shoot. This made everyone shock as they saw how the ball was going to them in a worrying speed.

With my disguise on, I used the smoke left by the ball and carried those who were in the ball's way and left them on the safer side of the field. Within the last few seconds, I got ahold of Genda who was brought back by the intesity of the ball and brought him to safety but not that far from the goal.

"What power did that shoot hold!!! I am still shocked to see the Teikoku players in a good condition though! How did this happen?!," the commentator stated.

This continued for a good few minutes until the match ended with a score of 0-10, just like how the anime went. After that, I went ahead and went back to my hiding spot and changed into my casual attire before proceeding to knock into Teikoku's waiting room.

After a good three knocks, the door was opened by Sakuma who was looking rather depressed. Shock taking after his saddened features, I simply went ahead and showed him the paper that I was a credited nurse but not yet a registered one that was recommended by the government.

'It seems that the certificate of recognition that I got from my healing capabilities back when I was younger was worth it,' I quietly praised myself.

He then led me into the room and I received a lot of shocked faces, except for Kidou. With that, I went to Kidou and demanded him, "Show me you foot."

At first he didn't seem to want to as it would tarnish his name but surrendered after I glared at him.

"It's a good thing that I brought the kit with me," I said as I started working my way with his foot until it was fully bandaged.

"You are not required to do rash things with your foot for a good number of 2 days," I reported.

"In short, I cannot play soccer for 2 days," he corrected me. I smiled and patted his head.

"Good boy," I said, before facing his teammates.

"I am honored to meet you guys once again. I just came to stop by to watch the match, but I still have some work to do at home. So, I will now take my leave," I bidded.


As I was just about outside the stadium, I heard Kidou scream my name, which I expected to happen. I faced him and brought out my handkerchief for him to use to wipe his sweat. He thanked me for that and immediately proceeded to what he wanted to say.

"You were the one who saved my teammates from that shoot right?"

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