Naval Fleet to Remnant

By EvanSiegfried

27.3K 569 247

A joint Azur Lane and Wilhelmshaven Maritime Fleet ends up in Remnant More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Fleets Involved
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Halloween Special Prologue
Halloween Special
Halloween Special Finale
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue - The Final Salvo
Vale ending + birthday special
Beacon ending
Atlas Ending
See you again someday
Call to arms Team EVGL: Visitors from the Rainbow Bifrost
Call to arms Team EVGL : Reinforcements from back home
Vol 2 scrapped
Vol 2 trailer

Chapter 38

173 6 9
By EvanSiegfried

*Rendezvous Point - Out at sea

*Evan POV

I landed on Dunkerque's Production ship where I was greeted by Dunkerque herself and Team JNPR

Evan: Mission clear. Dunkerque, have you sent the telegram to all ships

Dunkerque: Oui

Jaune: What's going on sir?

Evan: long story short son, some ships from my fleet are joining us here

Pyrrha: Wait! Those ships are part of your fleet back in your World?

Evan: correct

Ren: Looks like the navy is growing stronger

Pyrrha: Won't surprise me if Atlas is interested in acquiring some of these ships

The mention of Atlas made me wonder about the glare that Ironwood gave me before he left Enterprise's Production Ship. Is he trying to tell me something? i shrugged it off before turning to Dunkerque

Evan: Dunkerque, set course for Vale Port

Dunkerque: Roger!


Evan (Thought): Who do I want to accompany me to Beacon? Glorious, Lexington and Valiant are suitable candidates but who will take care of our daughters while I'm gone? Veneto, Dunkerque, Enterprise, Illustrious, Shimakaze, Suruga and the fifth carrier division are also suitable candidates but they're two people each. I need three. Who will be the fourth member of my team? I could pick somebody from the other pairs but I don't want the other individual to feel left out. Gosh this is so hard

Dunkerque: Monsieur Evan, is there something wrong?

Pyrrha: Are you thinking about joining Beacon

Evan: Yes. I'm still deciding whether I should join or not but that doesn't matter right now. Dunkerque are we there yet

Dunkerque: we are near Vale Port right now

Nora: I wonder what Team RWBY is doing right now

Evan: would surprise me if they're still arguing at the port


*Third Person POV

Back at Beacon Academy Team RWBY entered their dorm feeling moody. Even with the Captain's help they were unable join up with Evan and his fleet

Ruby: I'm pooped. Team JNPR is probably enjoying sailing onboard Evan's ships

Weiss: And it's your fault

Ruby: You know. It's not your fault Weiss, nor is it Blake or Yang's fault. It is the reader's fault for not telling us that Evan and his ships are departing

*Dunkerque's Production Ship

*Evan's POV

Jaune: Sir. Do you have any siblings

Evan: I do have an elder brother named Utah. Why the question

Jaune: Just curious about your family

Evan: I see

Nora: and I'm curious about how you met that dragon on your shoulder

Nora pointed at Mir but before she was stopped by Ren

Ren: Nora. Now it's a bit too early. He just met us

Evan: maybe I'll tell you once I know you guys long enough but right now, all I can tell you is that I have a elder brother named Utah

Pyrrha: Then again you just met us so it's understandable that you're still not comfortable in telling us where you come from

Evan: yeah

Dunkerque: We have arrived at Vale Port, Monsieur Evan

Evan: Roger. We're back at Vale guys. time to disembark

It was already night time when we finally disembarked at Vale Port. Like I expected, Team RWBY is no longer at the port arguing

Ren: I believe this is where we part ways temporarily Admiral

Pyrrha: yeah. be sure to visit Beacon whenever you got time

Nora: Hope you join Beacon then we could break people's legs together

Ren: Nora!

Jaune: thank you for letting us sail on one of your ships sir I hope we could meet again

Evan: no problem son

We both saluted each other and Jaune turned back to his team

Jaune: Back to Beacon everyone!

Dunkerque and I watched as Jaune and his Team left the port to head back to their school

Dunkerque: such a colorful group don't you agree Monsieur Evan

Evan: yeah. still deciding whether to join them in Beacon. Anyways, I have to prepare for tomorrow. I promised Enterprise and Illustrious that I'll explain what has been going on so far tomorrow. Goodnight Dunkerque

Dunkerque: bonne nuit

We kissed each other before I headed back to Glorious' Production Ship

*The Next Day

*Enterprise's Production Ship

Enterprise: let me summarize things a little Evan. you're saying that we're stuck here in this world with no way of going back currently and we have to fight these monsters that lurk in the seas

Evan: correct

illustrious: and there's this creepy perverted old man who somehow knows about our info and some shady person who wants us to either join his army or surrender our ships to him even after what his men did to our fleet

Evan: yes. Even after his men assaulted Veneto and almost raped Shimakaze

Enterprise and Illustrious looked at each other before turning back to me

Enterprise: Evan, I think we should leave this world as soon as possible. there's no in way in hell are we joining that guy's army or surrendering our ships to him after what his men did to our friends

Illustrious: and that creepy perverted old man. He may have some sort of hidden agenda as he already knowing about our info already raises red flags to me

Evan: I'm already working on finding a way for us to get back to Earth. Until then, we're stuck here

Enterprise and Illustrious: Roger!

Evan: Also, can you call Glorious, Lexington and Valiant to come here? i have an extremely crazy idea

Enterprise: give me a minute Evan


Enterprise: you want to WHAT?!!

Enterprise exclaimed after hearing what I said to Glorious Lexington and Valiant

Illustrious: that's too risky Evan-sama. Who knows what hidden agenda that creepy perverted old man has

Evan: I know and I don't trust Ozpin either but I need to know how this world operates so that we can better survive in this world until we head back to Earth. Besides Glorious, Lexington and Valiant are with me so there is nothing to worry about. In addition, I have some conditions that Ozpin must agree otherwise i won't join Beacon, one being that if there's something happening to the fleet, the four of us are allowed to leave early

Enterprise and Illustrious went to a corner to discuss for a moment before coming back to us

Illustrious: Lexington, Glorious and Valiant, take good care of Evan-sama when you three are in Beacon

Glorious: we will

Enterprise: if anything happens, contact us asap

Glorious, Lexington, Valiant and I: Roger!

Valiant: who's taking care of our daughters

Evan: Enterprise, Illustrious and Elbe

Glorious: Elbe's here?

Enterprise: yes. she volunteered to come into this world with me and the others

Valiant: well I guess we're going to School then

Lexington: if it's just the four of us, then I'm sure it won't be be that bad

Evan: here's hoping that our time in Beacon isn't like my time in the Naval Academy

I said as I remembered my time in the Azur Lane Naval Academy in Indianapolis where I have to wake up very early in the morning in addition to constantly being yelled at

Evan: you three get ready. We will go to Beacon and enroll into the school. we will meet up at the docks in one hour

Glorious Lexington and Valiant: Roger!

Evan: 10k views on this book? Wow! People here really do love RWBY huh? Anyway I have a 10k special later on so stay tuned! 

Naval fleet to Remnant

RWBY x Azur Lane x Haifuri aka High School Fleet

The camera zooms out of the Azur Lane logo, revealing that I'm standing standing in front of it

Evan: Azur Lane Fleet Admiral! Evan Siegfried

I pointed at the camera with my thumb out while a big image of me preparing to fight Royston back at Kwajalein Atoll is displayed on the top right behind the shot of me pointing at the camera with my thumb out

Evan: welcome to the 10k views special everyone

Mir: so what's the 10k view special, Master

Evan: about our previous adventures

Mir: your first day as a Commander of Azur Lane or our first encounter with Royston

Evan: our adventures before I joined Azur Lane

Mir: oh

Evan: Speaking of Royston, I heard that our biggest fan doesn't like him very much as he did some... really bad stuff to his shipfu Richelieu. Anyway we're not here to talk about Royston, screw him and his centipedes. We're here to recall about one of our previous adventures before I joined Azur Lane

Mir: the fight against the Black Heaven? stopping Damien from corrupting the World Tree? traveling the Arcane River to confront the Black Mage? or the best one, the two of us destroying the Black Mage permanently

Evan: Nope. Although I do admit that us defeating the Black Mage is the best one due to us being the Adversaries after being imbued with the divine power of the final seal stone before it was destroyed sometime after the Black Mage is defeated, enabling us to gain the power to thwart Destiny, we're not recalling that event

Mir: then what are we recalling

Evan: a fateful encounter that took place during one of adventures with Noire, sometime after we stopped Damien and before the Arcane River was discovered


*Third Person POV

a young adventurer was staring at the night sky. He was about to fall asleep when a meteor struck at a location near him. Curious, he decided to investigate and went to the crash site. Upon arriving he found not a meteor but two people, a girl and another boy. The other boy looks severely injured and the girl is tending to him. the adventurer was about to step in to help when the girl sensed his presence, stood up, drew a sword and pointed it at him

Girl: I'm not letting you anywhere near him!!

The girl was about to strike when the adventurer put both of his hands up

Adventurer: wait! I don't mean any harm to you or your friend

Girl: Hmph! Likely story!!

the girl, not believing the adventurer, was about to attack when the ground shook and a big humanoid lizard with mechanical parts landed near them

Adventurer: I presume this is the monster that attacked both of you

Girl: Death Stalker

The girl then went back to the boy and began rummaging through his backpack

Girl: I hope there's more share crystals

the girl muttered as she rummaged through the boy's backpack. Meanwhile, the adventurer bravely faced the Death stalker

Adventurer: this is it. this is what I was prepared for

the adventurer cracked his knuckles and started fighting the Death Stalker


after a long gruesome fight, the adventurer managed to defeat the Death Stalker and went back to the girl and the boy

Girl: What do you want this time?

the girl glared at the boy

Adventurer: Relax. I'm here to save your friend

Girl: Fine. I trust you for now but don't try anything funny. I might not be transformed but that doesn't mean I can't fight

the girl warned before moving aside for the adventurer to go to the boy. the adventurer placed his hands on the boys chest and his hands started glowing

Girl: What are you doing?

Adventurer: this technique is called "Jinsei No Tei" or "Hands Of Life" It's a unique ability that heals any sort of physical ailment

The girl relaxes and lets the adventurer do his work. Soon the boy's eyes flutter as he opens them. the girl hugs the boy as he gets up

Boy: Ugh what happened? WAIT NOIRE ARE YOU OKAY?

Girl: I'm alright Evan

Adventurer: Noire and Evan huh?

Girl: Yes. I'm Noire, the CPU of Lastation

Boy: and I'm Evan, the last Onyx Dragon Master


CPU of Lastation


Onyx Dragon Master / Future Azur Lane Commander

Adventurer: I'm Brady, Brady Dement please to to be of acquaintance


Wandering Warrior

Something huge lands behind Brady and he turns to see a black dragon behind him. The dragon would have shocked Brady if Evan didn't intervene

Evan: Mir it's okay! He's a friend

the electric shock in the dragon's mouth fades

Mir: Okay master

Upon hearing Mir talk, Brady is in Awe

Brady: that dragon can talk

Evan: Yes, Mir can talk. by the way who should we thank for the assistance

Brady: That would be me. there's nothing to it though

Evan and Noire looked at each other for a moment

Noire: we still think you deserve a reward

Brady: but I don't need any money

Evan: it's not money

Evan pulls out his wand as his and Noire's auras show

Noire: Ready Evan?

Evan: you bet Lady Black Heart

They blast Brady with their magic, covering him in some sort of aura

Noire: you now have the ability to travel between worlds like us. Care to join

Brady: sure I guess

Evan: But first, we need to replenish our supplies. Potions, elixirs, SP chargers, share and regen crystals etc

Noire: I know that baka

Brady (thoughts): what an interesting relationship those two have


Evan: And that's it. I'm so gonna get bombarded with questions. Anyways this is me before joining Azur Lane.

Noire: Hey! I thought I told you not to share this memory with other people baka!

Evan: Oh shit! looks like I gotta go now. Maybe I'll share more memories of myself and Mir in the future but right now, I need to go. Fleet Admiral Evan Siegfried signing out. Nigeru Mir!

Mir: Roger!

Noire: Get back here baka!


*Third Person POV

Ironwood: The Admiral is going to Beacon? Interesting. I suppose I have to thank my good friend Ozpin for keeping him busy so that Winter and the Ace Ops will have an easier time in carrying out their mission. So what will you do Admiral? Will you finally accept one of my proposals or will you let your daughters and officers become my test subjects? Your choice

Ironwood remarked as he watched Evan leaving for Beacon with Glorious, Lexington and Valiant through a screen in his office

Ironwood: Such a shame that you're not joining Atlas Academy. you and your officers could've become good soldiers in my army and your technology could be used for the greater good. But no, you decided to support the White Fang and defy Atlas. Well in due time you will learn your place and bow before Atlas' Military Might 

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