Another Love, Captain Elvis H...

By hermioneswriting

1K 4 1

Claire, graduated from Manchester University, before joining the army. Elvis saved her on a mission, brining... More

University Life in Manchester
Harte at the Orphanage
All is Well in the World
Taken Hostage
Stay focused. Stay alert. Stay alive.
Shelter back in Manchester
Home from Hospital
Pain just looked better
They don't know about us

Manchester to Afghanistan.

492 2 1
By hermioneswriting

Manchester to Afghanistan. 

The car ride to the airport, was more than painful, with Maisie driving. I've been in the car before with Elvis driving, now I don't know who, is more scary. Charlie, phoned Molly before he left and focused on a check list he had, been running over all through the flight, for the list of medications needed back at base camp.

His paperwork was sprawled across the tiny desk, with his laptop. While I fell asleep on Elvis, knowing with the weather change in heat, when we would arrive, I was going, to need all the rest. Elvis, wrapped an arm around me and wouldn't let me go, until mid flight, when I needed the bathroom.

I went into the small cabin, I put on my blue hoodie and jeans, the most comfortable thing, for the long flight. I had taken of my makeup and had my hair, in a half up and down style with it curled and bouncy, Elvis liked it when my hair was long.

I took out, my toothbrush and washed my face before coming back out of the cabin, I hated flying and so did Charlie, who was two seats ahead of us, stuck with Maisie, whose mouth was wide open snoring. Charlie, looked up over the seat and gave a small wave.

I move my thing's back into the seat, that we were squished in. I popped my makeup bag back in the backpack, I had brought with me, Elvis had his head back snuggled into a pillow, If only I could have that much success.

"Your back," Elvis, opens his brown eyes. "I couldn't go far," I admit and snuggle, down into Elvis, he kisses my forehead gently, before I slowly drift of to sleep at the corner of my eye, I see him taking a photo of us. "Will send it to, your brother if your not careful," I nudge him firmly, in the side.

To be fair Elvis had no other sibling's, so this was great torture on his behalf, apart from Charlie who was his only other companion and the special forces lads. It had been a year since college graduation, for me to return and it was feeling unusual, this time, returning to a war torn country.

Half the time I believe I'm terrible and Elvis tries to remind me I'm not but I am. Not in everything, but there's some thing's I'm not all that great at, which is why I ended up in the army in the first place focusing on good discipline.

Elvis had his own story, of joining the army, the fact that he returned to the same camp as me and was not transferred, still had my own mind confused, Charlie had surprised me about, Elvis staying at the same base. My mother hated me leaving, at the thought of death and war, I found a different lifestyle there all together, I knew Elvis did to.

It's what I grew up knowing more about, I tried to inform my parent's, that this was our time and not theirs to follow, that talk went down well and was what made Charlie return with Maisie in toe to my place for the last week before, Charlie, convinced my parent's that I would be safe.

Georgie did not come because of Elvis being with me and not her, I did not blame her, for facing my own family, therefore Maisie was the only other exception, I allowed as Molly was back in London and could not travel across to Manchester due to a new working schedule. I knew the three people on this flight cared about me the most, along with Georgie, back at camp who I was nervous to see again since studying in Manchester.

My sister Lulu had never gone to University, she went to an arts college just around the corner apparently that's not the same thing as University, according to my parents, but her grades were still good enough to get in if she needed to get into University later on. Elvis had a chat with her through her studies, she made it clear to him, that the army was not her thing.

My beep test results came back and Charlie said I was authorized to join them at base camp.  The week after graduation. I had hoped for one way out of Manchester, I never quite believed it would have been with Elvis, Charlie and Maisie a month later. Elvis really had been my biggest support through University.

I mean my parents did not really understand, why I studied an arts degree but, what else was I  to become. I had already advanced knowledge, with my certificate training as a nurse, I did not need the, nursing knowledge twice in one year. I shrug my shoulders, Molly's highest achievement in the army, was an award from the Queen, so Charlie told me. 

Life in Afghanistan worried my parents I know, but it was were I was, the most busy and trained well. I'd broken up with my ex boyfriend Jamie, which Elvis was only just aware of,  the thought that the world could explode at anytime was scary, but Elvis made it bearable and the special forces lads. 

My scholarship had been able to help an orphanage, close by the base camp, which I would visit shortly. I had not told Charlie about my work, there yet as I knew going, there as a female medic would be my own risk. 

We had about an hour left of the flight, it was dark outside, Elvis had shut the window near the seat, while he had fallen asleep. My world was about to change with him, he knew it to, which was why he was here in the first place. 

My best friend back home, was Jamie, now my ex, I hardly wanted anything, to do the boy. I never quite understood his controlling way's and Elvis could see, there were small thing's, I      was still tensed by. I did not want to tell him, what happened between Jamie and I but he did    not have to know, although I think Elvis knew more than I did. 

Arrival to Afghanistan. 

It had not crossed, my mind, that Elvis and Georgie, had been on tour, together while I was studying. In all honesty, I found it rather interesting. The two had been together, for three years, but broke up before the army. 

Georgie wanted her own life, she had not found, anyone back home unless she had, a secret boyfriend wandering around, somewhere in Nepal. My family had there own opinions, before Elvis came along, thankfully he turned out ok in there eyes. 

Georgie hates me a little inside, I know, I just hope she does not, want to kill us both when we return together. She told me the story of what happened and said she did not care, as long as Elvis was happy. The plane lands and we start unpacking our thing's, from the top shelves, I pass Charlie's bags, over to him and then Maisie. 

I throw my luggage behind me and cart it along, with my bag, following Elvis who is in front of us. The heatwave changed as soon as we stepped of the plane and into the car, it was late and the drive would take us at least an hour, to get to were we were staying before, arriving back at base camp in the morning, with our last car. 

I take a photo of our surroundings, the scenery was so, different in Afghanistan compared to Manchester, the city I grew up in, where I studied where I left my normal life, like my aunt Molly. My hair fell across my face as I walked, along the pathway and up over the ramp, into the airport. 

I followed Elvis all the way, keeping close by his side, I get a text from Georgie, when I look down at my phone. Good to know you, arrived and were not shot down, a pilot jet had been a few hours, just before your arrival, glad your safe and all well, looking forward to seeing you all. x 

I send her a photo back of the airport, where I had just taken, a photo over Elvis and his shoulder. That was why our pilot had waited, before landing, welcome to Afghanistan. I think    to myself. "Elvis, Georgie just informed, me why the pilot made us wait," "I know, Charlie texted me," He responds as we make our way, to find our car. "He's taking the car, behind with Maisie." 

I nod as we enter the waiting lane for the cars, to pull up, Elvis waves one in and we pack in our bags quickly leaving Charlie and Maisie to find there own way. My parents did not want me at home after my cousin had graduated, they were not happy with my choices, so I found travelling with Elvis was my plan for the next few month's in the army, I was already enjoying it, I knew he was tired tonight and that the world was about to get, more scary very soon, once I would be left on my own. 

Afghanistan back at base camp. 

"Maisie can we keep, this about, work thank you." "Yes Lane, apologies." I reply. "Claire, five boxes across to Charlie now, thank you." I nod as Georgie point's across, the compound for me to go to his tent. "I won't see Elvis, until midnight. Besides, rules are rules." I reply to Maisie.  "Not when your the," She pulls a face, "Oh right and that, gives me the right does it?" 

Georgie, is ticking of the list of boxes, of injections which have arrived the following morning      of our arrival, the truck had followed us in last night and left the boxes, outside for us to collect. "Elvis hates, you by the way." Maisie informs. "Why?" I ask worried by her response. 

"He could not find his hairbrush, this morning, before going to the shower yard." I burst out into laughter. "Your kidding me, it was in my makeup bag." Maisie winks. "He said, he will grab it from you later, if you do not run by the shower yard." 

"What do you mean?" I question Maisie. "Elvis was having a shower earlier, getting close to his second." She wink's. I roll my eyes and pass the box along. "How do you know, his showering times?" Maisie laughs looking up at the ceiling. 

"There's a schedule by the men's bathroom, if your brave enough." "No I'm not going down that corridor, I would not come out!" I reply holding back laughter. "I will give Elvis his hairbrush back later," I inform Maisie. 

Maisie then hand's, me over three more boxes, "When my guinea pig died, my brother hated me, so I upgraded to a rabbit," I laugh, at her sudden comment. "No I'm not going, to the showering yard, besides my uncle, would kill me if he saw us." 

I roll my eye's and take the five boxes of injections, from Maisie and walk out into the courtyard. Maisie stabs a pen in the air, as if for some small victory, I roll my eyes and make my way back out the tent. 

Regardless, of not informing Maisie, I decide to take the long route, around to the shower yard, knowing it's a risk, with the special forces lads there, Charlie would kill me later. We only just arrived last night, but Elvis and I were split up as soon, as our bags were sorted. 

I cut around the corner, seeing the special forces lads straight away, Charlie then Elvis, the shower head hung high. His hair slicked back, "Elvis," Monk calls from the other side. "Claire!" He duck's, under the railing. 

I roll my eyes and look up at the sky, "Honestly, I've seen it before, it's just outside. Charlie, cover it." I say. Throwing Elvis and Monk a black t-shirt from the sidelines, Charlie jumps at my sudden entrance, "I'm leaving the injection's, back in the tent, I need your key though, for the lock safe." I explain to Charlie, as Elvis eye's me closely, his face still wet from the shower head. 

"Claire, this is off limits for females, for a reason." Elvis teases me. I smile, knowing it would annoy him. I throw Elvis a towel from the fence, to dry his hair. "Your hairbrush, is in my bag by the way." "Monk gave me a new one," He replies. 

"Well I do not want it," I playfully argue with him. "Use it on the goat over the road," "Come again?" I raise an eyebrow at Finger's walking in. "The animal's, with stand the same temperature, Dawes, he could use a brush." "Haha," I reply. 

"So unless you want your hairbrush back, Elvis, I will see you after." I smirk and he pulls the shower head over to try and splash me with water, before, I grab a bucket from, underneath Finger's of cold water, placing the boxes on the ground, quickly before Finger's and I throw a cold bucket of water on Elvis, who had just finished drying his hair. 

He stand's still, not turning around for a moment, "I did not know that, was going to, be so cold." He replies, stunned by the sudden shock of cold water. Finger's and I high five each other, "Claire, Finger's, although this is highly amusing, it is off the schedule." 

"Boss, apologies, it was to tempting." "Well said Finger's, but although there was amusement,      I am going to send you back to your duties," "Like James Bond," Elvis smiles, grabbing a dry towel, that Charlie hand's him over. Elvis flick's the towel, in my direction and I jump back. "I will be coming, for that hairbrush later, after all." He informs me." Sure thing, I say back to him smiling. 

I take a quick photo on my phone and Elvis who pulls a face at me. I smile, "So you don't want him dead, anymore then?" Monk say's to me. I grin, "Do not get to excited, the both of you." I return a smile to Monk, who picks up the shoes at the fence line. 

Elvis walks over, "He's not impressed," He breathes over me. "Apologies," I say, looking over his shoulder I see Charlie, turned around with his arms crossed. "Harte, pull your head together, Dawes, back to duty." I had not heard him call me that in a while. Being a second cousin to Charlie, always gave me a good first impression it also came with it's own challenges when confronted at gunpoint. 

"Yes Captain James," I respond. I did not have many friend's back home, so being here with Charlie and Elvis made thing's better. "Lane ordered me to come, to put these in your tent," I    say over Elvis and his shoulder. His neck is still damp from the shower." Charlie pulls a face and turns the other way. "I will walk you back myself, Elvis, head back with the lads." I grin at Elvis who lets me go. 

"Come on," Charlie walks ahead of us. "See you later," Elvis, smiles. I roll my eyes, I nod, as he finishes towel drying his dark hair. Monk meet's me just before, I walk over to meet Charlie, "That was a risk, Dawes," I roll my eyes. "Was it?" He smirks. "I have not seen you in a while," I say to Monk. 

"Likewise, good to have, you back Elvis is the happiest, I have seen him." He nods.  I nod at Monk. "How's the ex back in Manchester?" He asks me. "Great I have not heard, from him." I smile. "Glad your happy to then," I nod. "Dawes, hurry up!" "I better go," I point across in Charlies direction. 

"Uncle called, I know." Monk nods back, picking up the bucket which was now empty. "Dawes, any longer and the goat, will make it before you do!" Charlie shout's across the compound. "She's coming boss!!" Monk shout's, waving at me to go. 

"Monk escort, Elvis, back to his duties and get yourself cleaned up. Meeting tonight, in the main tent. I want all of the special force's lads there alright." "Yes boss!" Monk nods and walks back through the shower yard, taking the wet towels in the bucket, of the fence line which Elvis had left behind. 

I burst out laughing taking the boxes back with me, watching as Monk walks away, between the shower heads. I catch my last glimpse of Elvis who winks at me, from afar. He had been listening after all, I will get my revenge later, he did know more than he let on, I think to myself as I move quickly across the compound, back to Charlie. 

"Your grandmother, would be impressed, at that speed." "Thanks boss, if they were, both alive."  I laugh. My grandfather passed away, a year before my studies, also in the army, but in the navy nowhere close to Afghanistan. Captain James, new about my Grandmother to, being a half relation to Lane, she died before my Grandfather had. "Apologies, Dawes." He say's to me as I walk on beside him, looking around at the scenery. 

"It's fine Dawes, I have grown a weed over it." Charlie shakes his head. "It's not fine, I should have remembered you Aunt's stories better about them both." I roll my eyes. "You have been out here longer, than I have." I say. "Molly witnessed, the worst of it, them dying she cared for them and me remember?" I remind him. "Yes, why she left her job early. I do remember those day's, each evening for a year." He say's as we walk back, through the middle of the campsite. 

The humidity grew as we walked on further, Charlie took two boxes from me, as we turned a few corners before arriving at his end of the camp. Charlie gave me the key's, for the lock safe, the medication's do, get stolen around here, so it's important that they're locked away. 

My mother would have a fit if she knew. what I just saw, in those boxes a box full of syringes    filled with medication. Good thing she does not hear, about half of the stories here, while I am protected in Afghanistan. The monthly call home or email, to inform them I am still alive is good to have now and then. 

I find my way into Charlie's tent, I have not spoken to Molly in ages. I see a picture of her as I open the cabinet, dressed in her army uniform. I move it to one side where I sit the boxes, down  I lock the cabinet once again.  He leaves the tent flap open, I make my way clearing thing's of the table, to put the last two boxes, were he can check them later on his desk. 

I give him back the key's as we lock the safe back up, when there's a gun shot in the distance,  my heart beats rapidly at the sudden event. Charlie's eye's light up, behind me, as the ground begins to shake, "Earthquake, not a gun shot," Charlie, say's to me. 

"Since when have they. been happening?" I ask him. He moves me out of the tent and we go stand in the middle of the road, as the ground shakes beneath us. "About a month ago, tremors had started one day, when the lads and I were in the shower, I thought one of the lads, were pulling a trick on us." Charlie admits to me. 

I see Georgie and Maisie ahead of us have run out of the tent to, there's a few people, who have come out wondering what is going on. There is a light breeze in the air, causing goosebumps on my tanned skin. There was one more shot, that ran through my body and I grab onto Charlie's arm, I had been inside when there was an earthquake at a magnitude level but never outside at this level, in this heat. 

"The orphanage needed rebuilt, every time, I swear this place, is something else." He shakes his head. "I have a job to go back to that orphanage, I have not told, Elvis." I say to Charlie, "You are not going alone, Dawes, I would not even let Molly go. She saved one girl, that was enough of a risk." That was how she got the Queen's award. I think to myself. 

"I will allow it only, if three of the special forces lads go with you," "I have research from University, about the medication, Captain." I say. "Yes and your a female medic," He reminds me again and I look up at the sky, the ground has calmed, down and I let go of Charlie. 

My own body still trembling, from the shaken ground, it had been a while since I had been back, her in Afghanistan. "Elvis and Monk, can come with me then," 

"That would be two, Dawes," "Fine, Finger's as well." I cross my arms in defeat. I am surprised I have not fallen over, due to the tremor. I think to myself as I move my legs again, along with Charlie at my side. "The shakes might, return later. I will allow it, but you won't go until, the campsite is stable, again from tremors understood." I nod. "Yes Charlie," I say to him. 

I look over my shoulder at the tents all lined up, men's on one side and women's on the other, there were not that many female medic's on site, me and Georgie were the most, experienced me more so since, graduating from University. I never thought I would end up back were I did,  but Charlie had advised me to inform, Georgie of the new research, I did not deny the idea. 

Orphanage. - Claire Dawes

It's later in the evening, when I hear back, from the ambassador, of my University behind my scholarship, with research information on how, medical enhancement's, can be carted across the country, to help save more lives at the orphanage. 

I print out the papers, in the office quarters a slow working printer, but good enough. My experience with PTSD, was small, I was lucky I had no medical history, although Lulu had. 

I make my way out of the office building a few of the captain's were based in the, large room, looking at the maps but I walk past them, in my uniform. It was strange wearing a uniform again to, I never thought I would have, ended up here so fast as I had done. It's cooler in the office building's compared to outside, I pin my hair back. 

All the women here wore there hair in a low bun, it was part of the, army uniform. I make my way, across the sandy road and back towards the main tent, where Charlie and the special forces lads were to be meeting. I had never thought, about returning my paperwork for dinner at my tent, so I put them in my satchel I carried around with me. 

As soon as I walk in the tent, I see Elvis far in the distance. Maisie has not arrived yet, I see Monk and Finger's already, getting there food, for themselves. I run over to Elvis, jumping up onto him and he grabs me, holding him close. "Hiya, long day?" He asks me and I nod. He drops me back down and I take off my satchel, putting it on the bench, as we walk over to get food. 

Once we sit back down he looks at me curiously, "Had you been with Charlie, earlier?" I nod as he watches me. "Found my hairbrush yet?" He asks me. I pull the hairbrush from my satchel which I had grabbed, in a rush after seeing Charlie. "Yeah, here you go, sorry about that." I say.      "Thank you, I was beginning to wonder, if the goat had taken it." He say's, to me. I roll my eye's before stabbing my steak. 

"She has thrown the mash, at me before, Elvis, I would be careful." Maisie ducks her head over and I look up grinning. "On with you, Maisie I can, handle her, after all." He says, with a smirk. "Unfortunately I don't, have a bucket of cold, water right now." I grin. "That was cold," Elvis moves his plate to one side. "So you did go to the shower yard, then?" Maisie winks at me. "For like three minutes, until boss yelled, at me." I tell her. Elvis chuckles, before finishing his drink in one hand, "All is well in the world." He grin's. "In your world anyway," I say to him. 

Captain James walks in, handing out mail, to the lads of the special forces unit, by the time Elvis has returned his tray to the cafeteria, Charlie has come to our table, "Four letters, Dawes, I'm going to have to write, to your parents, for a complaint." Charlie informs me handing me two letters from my parents the other from Lulu and one more I do not recognize, but I take it anyway. 

"Apologies, Charlie." I smile. He shakes his head, "Elvis, two letters." "From who, you have no siblings?" I say to him. "A secret admirer," Maisie looks over his shoulder. "Really Maisie? Don't act like I just stepped, into a Red Sonja movie." "Come again?" Maisie question's. "I thought you liked James Bond?" "He does," Elvis gives me a warning look of I will get you back later and I smile. He stands up and goes over to the other side of the canteen to open the letters. 


I walk over to the other side of the canteen, where I unfold my letters, that Charlie gave me. Claire was right, I do not have any other siblings or immediate family for that, matter so these letters, who where they from? I rip open the paper with a knife and put the rubbish in the bin. I unfold the letter and read the first line, I'm glad Claire was not standing next to me, as I held back swearing, through my tongue. 

I shake my head confused at the papers, Georgie was here at camp an hour ago. I look around the canteen searching for her. I don't see her anywhere, how did this letter get to Charlie? I walk back over to Claire, but as I do I see her picture to. I stand still, "Elvis, what is it?" Claire asks approaching me. 

"You need to go, back to your tent, now." I say. "Why?" Claire asks me. "Where was Georgie last?" "Counting medicine boxes, she was tired, so she went to bed early." Claire tells me. Elvis takes my hand in his, "Were going to see Charlie," "Elvis what's wrong?" She demands again, but I hide the letter's from her, for her not to see. 

Dog tagged: Lance Corporal Georgie Lane.

Dog tagged: Claire Dawes, University student, now army medic. Finance, Elvis Harte. 

Dog tagged: Captain Elvis Harte. 

I scan the lines of the letter, but it does not make much sense a few, diagrams here and there, that look like a meeting point somewhere in Afghanistan, Omar's country a building of some sort. The building, he tried to explode me, off perhaps from my sheer memory.

"Your being watched," I say to Claire. "By who?" He shakes his head. "I don't know for sure, me as well, since my last mission." I explain to Claire, "While you were in University, I was almost killed, by one of Omar's men." Claire look's up at the sky. "You've put us in danger, is what your trying to tell me?" She say's. "Maybe, not so much," I reply, a million thought's rushing through my mind. 

Once we make it to Charlie's tent, I rip open the curtain and he look's at me, at the sudden entrance, he puts down his toothbrush. "Elvis, have you forgot, to knock?" "I'm sorry boss, but this is urgent." I inform him. 

His skin glowing in the light, "Elvis did you look, at the time?" "Boss, were being watched," I hand him the letters. Charlie takes the letters from Elvis, "These, where what I gave you earlier? Not from family?" I raise an eyebrow. "Charlie, my parents are in Manchester, I have no great grandparents and no siblings." I say. 

Charlie's eyebrows raise up, "Claire your not leaving my sight, Elvis, tell Finger's, to go get Georgie and keep close watch on her, I saw her five minutes ago." Charlie say's. "Yes, boss." Elvis nods, he heads over to the walkie talkie attached to the cupboard before the doorway and dials in for Finger's, sending the message across to him.  

"Elvis, it's someone, close to Omar," "Clearly, Charlie," I reply as I send the text over to Finger's who sends back a red light letting me know it's all good. "Just we do not know who," "Nafula," Claire turns to me. "Who?" I question her. 

"Nafula's handwriting," Claire point's out the scribble on the letter in the corner I did not notice. "Nafula was born at the orphanage, they are Omar's men, one of his men sent this through, after we visited the orphanage, as a threat." Claire grasps the letter in her hands. "Elvis they followed us," She say's. 

I look up at the tent ceiling, it's beyond my control or our control. "Nafula's, alive then." Claire nod's, "Well for it to be her handwriting yes," She informs me. "So no one's dead or died -" "Captain James, you called for me?" Georgie enters the tent and I sigh a relief. "Good, thank god.." 

"Thank god what?" Georgie asks, with Finger's behind her at the doorway. "Omar's men are hunting us, we've been dog tagged," "Great." Georgie does not look to shocked. Not as shocked as I would have imagined her to be, maybe it was the light, I shake my head at her reaction. "Any instructions boss?" 

Georgie asks brushing her hair into a bun. "Stay in the sight of one of the lads at all times, no sneaking of with that boyfriend of yours from Nepal." Georgie raises an eyebrow in my direction. 

"New boyfriend?" "Friend," She confirms and I nod. She seems tense, maybe because I'm here, with Claire I'm not to sure which. "Go on back to your tent, have a guard out front, at all times your back in Afghanistan." "Yes, boss." She nod's and Finger's waves a goodbye. 

I glance back at Claire and we say goodbye to Charlie before heading back to Claire's tent. I think Claire was a little shocked by the news, she's been squeezing my hand, so tight as I walk back. I never thought this would happen to the both of us, being watched by the enemy, but she's been turning the palm of my hand red. 

"Claire," I whisper to her, making her jump, clearing thinking about being watched. "Oh, sorry, I was distracted." She let's go and I nudge her in the shoulder. "Have you seen that boyfriend, of Georgie's?" 

"Yeah, he's scrawny as, he came to the campsite a day ago," I raise an eyebrow. "It wasn't him who delivered, the letters?" I question Claire. She shakes her head, "Boss, would have recognized him." I nod. "That's true." Shaking the thought from my mind, although Georgie had not been acting, like herself lately. 

We make it back to Claire's tent, I hug her goodbye, for the night, knowing I have to make my own way back. I can't help but think about Georgie, as I wonder back to my own tent. 

Claire Dawes  - Return to the Orphanage.

It's late morning and I'm stuck in the headquarters with Charlie and the men of the higher army. I don't recognize any of them, so when Elvis enters the room since I last saw him last night. I move my way across the room to go meet him. 

"I heard about your, scholarship." Elvis say's to me. "To help the orphanage, a little more." I raise an eyebrow at Elvis. "So you will help me?" I say smiling. "Your as mad as your Aunt," He tells me. "Good, I want to be better," I say to Elvis grinning. Elvis shakes his head, smiling and watching Charlie and the arm soldiers, standing around the room. 

"They've been brought in for more security, for our medical appliances, leaving them untouched now is a risk, also more of a risk for the females," I nod, knowing two guards, would be stationed outside my tent and whenever I would, want to go see Elvis. "What about the males?" I question. "Same rules apply, the special forces lads, just look out for each other." He replies. 

I nod, crossing my arms, Georgie is at the opposite end, of the meeting room with Charlie, I know he's watching her. "She's been acting quiet," Elvis informs me. "Shock, tired, stress," I remind him. "Not like her, she's probably sick," He say's, watching Charlie, walk around the map of the city. "Nafula, has her own guards," Elvis informs me. "Nafula?" "They're keeping close watch on her, Charlie wanted her safe, if you were visiting, I took the chance," "Thank you," I say to him. 

He nods brushing back his dark brown hair, his brown eyes glimmer, in my direction, I nudge him gently, knowing he's teasing me. Charlie does a role call before where assigned back out the tent back to our own tents. Elvis joins me back to mine, first, he's being more protective I can tell for some reason. I jump the railing after him, until we make it back to my tent, I wave at the two new guards who have escorted us back. "No earthquakes, then." He say's to me. "No thank god," I reply. 

I take the key, to my single cupboard and unlock it once we get back inside, to put my shoes and socks away. It's nice taking them of, for the morning break, Elvis does the same, hanging up his jacket. I feel a chill run up my spine, Elvis rests a hand on my shoulder. "I think Georgie knows, more than she's letting on," He tells me. "About her boyfriend, in Nepal?" Elvis nods at me. 

I nod and hand him back the key's as, Elvis jumps in by the door, wrapping his arms around    me. "He let me in," I glance up at Elvis brushing his hair, "Five minutes and then back to Lane," Charlie orders as I stand in the flap of the tent. "Nice to see you," "I saw you last night," I reply. His black shirt covers me as I feel him close by.  

I escape from him and move outside the flap, "He said five minutes," Elvis teases me. I turn back around and move run into a hug. I make my back in, before I get a text from Maisie, telling me Georgie want's me back now. I sigh looking up at the tent, "Not already?" Elvis questions me. I nod, "Yeah, Maisie, just messaged me." He gives me a tight hug, "I'll escort you back," I nod. "She will hate you," He shrug's. "You can be my body guard," "I will break your fall, Elvis." I say walking along side him out of the tent. 

"I doubt that," Elvis grins. "What did you want to tell me?" He say's playing with his helmet lock. "Charlie said I can go, to an orphanage, if you Monk and Finger's come, with me for protection." Elvis almost drops the helmet. "Hang on, that orphanage is a walking bomb site, that one right." "Elvis," I tilt my head to one side. 

"We just faced an earthquake." "Yes but it's dangerous," "An earthquake under a tent doorway,  is not?" I raise an eyebrow. "Your a solider man up," I tell him. "It's normally man down," Elvis argues with me. I grab the helmet from his finger tips, "Please," "No absolutely not, I'm not leading you into an unknown village, which is probably covered in traps, to kill us soldiers alive." "Elvis, your thinking about me, in hospital I can tell." He looks up at the sky defeated. 

"Fine, I'll do it but Finger's and Monk come. If one of them say's no, were not going." "Thank you," I give him a kiss. He holds my hand in his soft skin as we walk across the compound. "Nothing to scary has happened here yet." He say's looking up at the overcast sky. I nod looking up at the sky agreeing with him. 

"Why the orphanage, anyway?" He asks. "I have new research from my studies to give to Nafula," I explain to Elvis, as we walk hand in hand. "Sure thing." He nods. "I'm just waiting for something to happen." He nod's. "Yeah me to, like an explosion or something," He swing's my hand backwards, making me step faster, we walk slower and I know Georgie, will kill me. 

When I leave Elvis at the door, he sneaks of with a final, kiss. I walk back into the tent and see that Georgie, is not impressed, as she's still ticking and counting, in the corner, "Can we do this, quietly, ladies," Maisie pulls a face as she finishes another box. I continue to wrap quietly, observing Georgie's language, every other minute. 

We break for lunch, at around 1:00pm, I walk outside, to get fresh air. I see Charlie, walk across the compound, Elvis not far behind, he's changed out of his uniform and smiles and waves at me showing he's no longer, drenched of water. 

I roll my eyes, as he blows a kiss and I swipe it away in the air. He smiles, big, from behind Charlie at my reaction. He then points, towards our tent and upwards to the sky. 

I wave at him, my eyes brightening, knowing he means he will see me later. Charlie glances at me, then back at Elvis but shakes his head, before telling him to concentrate which makes me giggle. I look out the balcony of, the ward unit, we are stationed in, Charlie and the boy's are at the opposite end of camp, so I have no chance, of keeping occupied, myself until later. I'm sure Elvis is pacing the floor as we speak. 

I had to admit it, but last night was amazing. "Go on then," Maisie, wakes me out of my daydream. "Go on then, what?" I say as she takes my, list away. "Elvis, sneak off at lunch." She says to me. 

"I'm not sneaking off, to see Elvis," I respond, fighting back my list. She holds it upright, "Fine," I say defeated. "I'm going, to the cafeteria, not to sneak of and see Elvis," I reply.   I hand her my second list, which I've already filled out. 

When I'm down by the door, I here a whistle, I turn to look back, but no one is there, so I follow    the sound. It's good to be outside, away from Maisie and paranoid Georgie, I walk up along the sandy path, to the far tent on camp. 

I feel a hand cover my mouth, as I turn to the tree, I'm taken wrapped by my arms, letting out a squeal but my mouth, is being taped. I use my body strength to fight back, I wriggle my body, just out of there reach but feel a smack across my face, before falling to the floor. 

Georgie ~ Elvis. 

"Is everything alright," Georgie storms into the mass tent. "Yes fine," Elvis replies, confused,        by the state of panic. "What's wrong?" He asks standing up, "It's Maisie, she's gone missing." Georgie confronts Charlie. Elvis moves across the cafeteria, "She was meant to, stay with Claire," "I'm here Elvis," Finger's runs across, in panic. "Where the hell, is she?" Elvis states with frustration of fear. "She was on her way here, she can't have gone, that far." Finger's admits. 

"Sure thing, by the hour." Georgie comments. "Elvis, Finger's, search together, Charlie will be    with me to catch on," "No late nights, with him right Georgie? Remember Molly, is back home." Georgie grunts, but ignores the remark. "Get on with finding, your fiancé, Harte," She replies. Elvis rolls his eyes, he never did miss Georgie that much, now he only, remembered why. 

Claire ~ Elvis. 

I wake up dazed, unsure of my surroundings, I can feel Elvis near my head. Then reaching over me, "Hey, I'm here, your ok now," He say's reassuring me. I narrow my eyelids, trying to make sense of the world around me. 

"Who were they?" I say sitting upright, a pang in my chest. "Masked men, Charlie and Brain's were sent of on a wild goose chase, Maisie, to." Georgie explains pointing a pencil towards the door. "Your not leaving, my sight again." Elvis say's, examining my new bruises. "I was gone, for two minutes, I heard a whistle," I say. 

"A cat call, Emma," Georgie say's to me. "Maisie, heard it from, across the compound and called Elvis," I feel shivers, across my arms. "Who are they, what did they want?" "If only, we knew all the answers." Elvis say's, handing me a warm towel. I wash my face, with remains of blood, from my new found cuts. The door swings open, bringing in Monk, then Charlie and Maisie looking red faced and fuming. "The engine cut out, we lost them, but chased them off course." She say's defeated. 

"I'm sure, you would have done, your best with your driving skills, Richard's." Elvis say's.      Maisie raises an eyebrow at me, "Not taking it lightly, for the cold water, attack." Elvis warns still, causing me to laugh. "I mean it, Emma, were not letting you out of my, sight." His tone changes. "Was there anyone at University, who hated you?" Charlie asks me. 

I lay my head back down at the ceiling, "Not that I can think of why?" I ask him. Charlie shows me a picture, a bearded man. "Jason, disguised as Abu, your culprit, studied at Manchester University, two years ago." I take the picture from him, "He was the one who blacked, me out?"  Charlie nods, "We aren't sure, who his partner in crime was," I fold the paper and hand it back to Charlie. 

"Do I need to leave, the army then?" I ask and Elvis turns his brown eyes, towards me. "I know you want to be here, only if that was our last choice, to keep you safe." He runs a hand around my neck and to give a kiss, which surprises me, it hasn't happened in a while. His thumb, presses against my cheek. 

"I'll go get some food," Charlie say's. "I'll let you know, if the special forces boy's, find anything new." He ads, Maisie nods to, "I'm under whose care now?" Maisie say's. "Your to watch Emma," "I can do that," Elvis comment's, "Maisie go with Georgie, she need's the help," Maisie nod's and waves goodbye. I wave back. 

"Everything will be ok," He say's, as I watch his eye's. "Idiot of course, it will be." I rest a hand on my tummy. "I'm going in for a scan later, to make sure everything's ok," Elvis nod's. "I know, I booked you in, with Charlie, your mum knows, to." I nod, thinking of back home. Until I met Elvis and we left for tour, everything appeared distant from home. 

They didn't like, it when I was with him at home, but he listened to me and didn't laugh at me. "Thank you," I say as he takes my tiny hand in his, trying to play a thumb war with me. "I know you feel, like here, is more home," He say's. 

"You do have, to be careful of Abu, your not going to the bathroom alone," I laugh at Elvis and his comment. "I'm being, watched now?" I say. "Yes, by me, I won't even let Charlie, near you." He smirked and I threw a cushion, at him. 

"What if I can't, what if we can't," I look down at my tummy, Elvis follows with a smile. "Whatever happens, we'll work something out." He say's, kissing me one last time. "Claire Harte," A nurse comes around the corner, I raise an eyebrow at Elvis, "I filled out the papers," He smiles. I roll my eyes, "I'll be getting my own, discharge papers," I say before being carted, off. 

Georgie and Maisie at base camp.

"Richard's, I know your on your own, but can we align the boxes, orderly." "Sorry, Georgie, my arms are sore," Maisie comment's. "If I heard that, in combat, with someone dying at my feet, I would have had your court marshaled," Maisie straightens up, knowing she was not in the mood for jokes, this afternoon. 

Carrying, on pulling each box out and taping them to be sealed, then sent of off by truck. Monk joined in shortly after the 100th box of the day. "How's Emma?" Monk look's at Georgie, "Claire Harte," He say's. "What?" Maisie, lean's down, on the box under her breath. "Elvis sent me a photo, before she was sent off," Monk, pull's out his phone and show's the paper's, to Maisie, who howls in laughter. 

"She would have, hit him if she could." Monk chuckles. "Emma Harte, might be reasonable." "I ain't standing at the wedding, across from Elvis," Maisie wink's. "Not after the cold water," "What cold water?" Monk ask's as Maisie, takes her final box away and hand's it, back to Georgie. 

"Georgie, I'm on break," Maisie call's and she nods, not looking up from the checklist. "5:30pm, be back here sharp." "Yes, ma'am," "Georgie, Maisie," Georgie, look's over her shoulder not amused. 

"I'll take it from here," Monk waves, Maisie off. Maisie nod's, making her way out the back entrance. She knew Emma, would want to check on the tent, with the remains of their belonging's. 

Emma made the job fun, Georgie had been in an up tight mood, ever since then left for Manchester, maybe knowing we had two soldier's down, plus a medic. Shaking of the thought's Maisie, made her way to the opposite end of the camp ground. 

Peeling open the flap, to Elvis and Emma's tent, inside moving about quietly, Elvis was quite tall, how he managed to stand up in here, she didn't know. There bed was in the corner, it was made, Emma must have done it before she left, but then again she was taken hostage in a blow.

 Shaking the thought from her mind, convincing herself it must have been Elvis, she threw back the chest of draws and pulled out her phone, before something caught her eye. On the paper, was a ring with handwriting, that looked like Elvis, Maisie grinned, holding it up, she pulled out her phone and called Manchester. 

Elvis picked up the phone, "Hey, cold water," Elvis comment's. "Shut up, what do you, want from the tent?" Elvis paused at the other end. "A ring, would it be?" "Shh Emma's, a few feet away," He warns harshly, "I left it there, for when we get back," 

He say's to Maisie. "That will be when?" Maisie ask's, holding back laughter. "A week, maybe longer, depending on the scan," Maisie nods, "Fine should, I keep it tucked away?" "Yes, don't let Emma, come back to it." Elvis heightens. "

Anything else you want sent?" Maisie asks one last time. "No, I'll be back in time anyway, just make sure the place, is clean when we get back." "Good luck when you, to get a house." Maisie laugh's. Elvis end's the call, when a hand sneak's up behind Maisie and a jab in the arm, causing her to fall backwards with the phone dropping to the floor, before all going dark. 

Charlie and Georgie at base camp. 

Monk sat by the doorway, before looking out and seeing something unusual, beside Elvis and Emma's tent, not far up the camp ground. "Georgie, get Charlie." Monk ordered, "Why?" Georgie asked, putting down her pen, in the middle of writing. "Think the men are back," "Surely not we had the gates bolted shut," 

"That look's like Maisie," Monk pulled out the flat, "Your not going out there, Monk," Georgie warned, but it was to late, Monk jumped the doorway entrance, of step's, shouting as he ran out the tent. 

Defeated, Georgie, pulled, the flap of the tent, open at the opposite end, making her way out across the camp ground, hoping Monk knew what he was doing. "Charlie!!" Georgie, screamed halfway, down the opposite end, of the compound. Finger's and Brain's showed up, outside his tent as she got nearer. 

"What's the trouble, George?" Brain's asked, as she appeared out of breath. "Get Charlie, the masked men, returned they have Maisie and possibly Monk," Finger's eye's changed color in fury, before falling back into the tent. 

"Boss, we have trouble," Charlie dropped everything before following Finger's and Georgie back to were, she sighted the men with Maisie, moving into a solid run across the compound, while Brain's went and got, the truck with back up. "Maisie, unconscious?" Georgie nodded, "I think so, boss, I didn't see what Monk did," 

When arriving at the tent, there was no one there, leaving Charlie groan in annoyance. "They've taken them both," "Hostage?" He threw up his hand's, "I have no idea." Georgie replied. "Potentially, looking at the skid mark's." She pointed out. Charlie looked up at the sky, in    defeat. 

"Two minutes two late, this hell whole, does it get any better?" Georgie shook her head. Opening the tent of the flap, inside she saw a piece of paper and a ring in Elvis's handwriting. "What is it, Georgie?" 

Charlie questioned, his gore dropping when gone silent. "Shit," He mouthed. Taking the paper and ring, "Elvis and Emma?" Charlie nod's. "Elvis wanted it to be kept quiet," "Well that backfired," Georgie replied, putting her hand's on her hips. 

"She can't wear, the ring, isn't against the rules, she will need a chain around it." Charlie say's, putting it in his back pocket. "Why are you holding, it?" Georgie question's. "If those, men     come back in here, it limit's the chances, of them discovering Elvis, I have a bad feeling about something as to why they, were at this tent," "You think Elvis, or Emma is in trouble?" Georgie asks. "Emma," Charlie turns around, with a stern look in his eyes.

My life was a little different now living with Elvis, compared to what it once was. I think people were still surprised when they knew I was with him, settling down was never the way I appeared, to come across. Charlie shakes my shoulder from the side and my head turns and I smile. "You been ok?" Charlie asks me and I just shrug. "It's been a bit Charlie, Elvis is fine though." "Claire, it's you I'm worried about, are you ok." I knew if I did not give him a yes, he'd keep asking me, all the way back to base camp. 

"Yes Charlie, I'm fine," "Good, I want you to be at the, psychiatric ward, before returning, to base camp, just for precaution, hormone imbalance, can be a fair amount of stress." "How did you know?" I say. Charlie raises an eyebrow at me, "The night they checked on you, Elvis stayed awake," He hand's me the keys and back to base camp." 

"I'll book you in after Mimi," He say's. "Thank you Charlie," I say. "Oh and Claire, you might want this." I raise an eyebrow at Charlie who throws me a journal and envelope. "Death letters, to send home, Elvis gave me his yesterday, to send back to authorities. Yours by tomorrow would be great." I nod at Charlie, "I'll  do it on the way to base camp with Georgie," I nod. 

I walk into the tent to find Georgie and Monk, "Hello again, how was home?" Monk asks me giving me a hug. Georgie is ticking of the charts again, "Ok," "Ok as sleeping with Elvis," "Monk," Georgie looks art him sharply. I shrug, "Were fine, thank you Monk, I have a death letter to write." I say, Georgie look's up at me, "I did mine the other night, they came early, this year, Monk when did you do yours?" "I think I'm next, I haven't received it yet, the lads haven't either, only Elvis because he was home in Manchester." I nod and flip open the journal to see a letter. 

To Claire, from Charlie.

I raise an eyebrow, looking down at his handwriting. 

To Claire, I know what you've been through, in the last month with Elvis back in Manchester,      he was worried about you and your anxiety, coming back to base camp. If there's anything you need, come talk to me. Hormones aren't easy, also a young bloke came, while you were gone, he was from the borderline base camp, he claimed to have known you, over an exchange of money, when Kiicki was imprisoned, he wants you to meet him at the boarder, I want Monk to go with you and me, I can afford to leave for the day, I think Omar, is still planning to pursue a death warrant for saving Mimi and Monk more than retraining Elvis back. Let me know when you have done your death letter, apologies for the lack of positive news, coming home. 


I sigh and look at Monk, he raises an eyebrow at me and I show him the paper, "I've just returned, he want's me to go back, to face his men?" Monk raises his voice. "I look at him. "You will be fine, you will be with me and Charlie." "I suppose you did save me," Monk teases me and I roll my eyes. "Those hormones, must have been something." I playfully whack Monk over the head with the piece of paper in hand. 

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