𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒...

By worshipmezashu

51.7K 1.9K 284

"Whoa, who is that?" "You don't know? That's the tiny giant's little brother!" "Dude for real? Wasn't the lit... More

😈 demon king anthem 😈
9 - RUDE
16 - LOST
17 - UKAI
25 - FIGHT
27 - NEWS
29 - FINAL
36 - SEMIS
38 - MOVE


1.1K 52 8
By worshipmezashu

"Yo." The court went silent as the new person stepped into the gym, their hands in their pockets as they chewed their gum.

"Ah, welcome back Udai-kun. I trust you learned your lesson this time?" The coach Kanai asked, standing up to greet his player.

Yusei smirked, blowing a bubble. "Yeah, man it suuuuuucked not being able to play with you guys this last month."

"I bet, nice to have you back Yusei!" Kataoka grinned, the two fist bumping before Yusei put down his stuff.

It had been two months since nationals, and the third years had officially retired from the club. "Might as well go out with a bang." Tajima had said with a laugh.

They had a new line up now; it was nowhere near as strong but they were still a force to be reckoned with. "Dude I still can't believe you got suspended, I need to keep you on a shorter leash." Nishioka sighed, and Yusei laughed.

"I'd like to see you try, Yoshi-kun~ besides, it was his fault for opening his dumb mouth."

"Why are you so violent?" The new captain sighed, "how did Hiragi-san ever deal with you?"

"I don't know, why can't you?" Yusei smirked, then slung his arm over his shoulder. "Relax, it was a one time thing! Plus it was my first fight so.."

"As long as you don't do it again, we need you on the court, not at your house Demon King." Nishioka grumbled to him.

"I gotchu muh dude, we are going to kick ass. Just because I was suspended doesn't mean I wasn't practicing~" The ace snickered.

"Quit chatting and start practicing! I'm looking at you Demon King!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Genichi-kun~"


"Thank you for having us!" The Anaguma team bowed as they came into the gym. Shiratorizawa lined up and bowed to them as well, thanking them for coming.



"He hasn't shut up about him since he found out you guys were coming." Eita grumbled to Nishioka, who laughed.

"Have you tried it in any games yet?!"

"Duh! Used it in the finals, worked wonders! People are so easy to read."

"I know right?!"

"I see your third years have skipped out too." Yusei glanced around, and Tendou nodded.

"Yep, but they were definitely not needed as much as Wakkun is, and now that he's captain, everything is gonna be smooth sailing~" He grinned, and Yusei smirked back with a tick mark on his temple.

"Not too smooth with us here."

"Oh yeah, wanna bet?"

"Guys knock it off."

"We're here to play volleyball not diss the opposing team."

"Can't we do both?"

"You can on the court."

"Aw man."

So with that, Tendou and Yusei bid each other good luck before going to their own sides and putting on the provided practice jerseys.

They played nine games, and at the end everyone was so exhausted that Washijo, somehow finding goodness in his heart, allowed them to stay the night at Shiratorizawa.

"That works, we have a practice match with Aoba Johsai tomorrow anyway." Coach Kanai agreed happily.


"Fuck yeah!"

"No, Yusei-kun you need to stay with the team." Nishioka gave him a pointed look, making him whine.

"Nooooooo you can't take me!" He latched onto the redhead, who happily supported the boy with a thoughtful expression.

"Wow, you're lighter than I thought you'd be dude." He snickered, making Yusei dig his heels into his sides. "Ow ow ow ow Yusei stop iiiit."

"Come on Yusei, I have cheetos--"

"Thank you," the demon king suddenly had the bag in his grasp, walking away while munching on the contents as everyone other than Kataoka, the one who supplied the goods, watched in astonishment.

"Since when?" Nishioka demanded of the middle blocker, who flinched before chuckling sheepishly.

"While I was over at his house, I found out he had a bunch of stashes of Cheetos and I just sorta rolled with it," he explained with a smile. After that, everyone retired for the night.

Once they got settled, the Anaguma team started messing around like jamming to music and playing cards to wind down for bed, when suddenly a knock came at the door. Yusei got up and answered, a surprised look on his face as he looked up at Ushiwaka.

"Hello, may I borrow you for a moment?" He asked politely, so seeing no reason not to, the boy left the room and followed him.

"So whatcha want?"

"I just wanted to talk with you if that's alright."

"Normally there's more to it than just talking, got a specific question or you just wanna get to know me?" Yusei got straight to the point, so Ushiwaka rewarded it by also being straight to the point.

"I don't approve of your taunts, but you're a good player in all other respects."

"Okay, is that it?"

"For the most part, yes. Tendou also wanted to see you."

"Ah, doing his dirty work I see." Yusei snickered as they arrived at their shared room, Ushiwaka opening the door.

For the rest of the night before Nishioka came to get him, Yusei, Tendou and Ushiwaka chilled in their room, the two messing around while Ushiwaka supervised.

The next morning, Anaguma said goodbye to Shiratorizawa after a few more games, then headed to Aoba Johsai high school. "We haven't played them yet, wonder why Genichi-kun wants us to."

"Yeah, they weren't at nationals because Shiratorizawa beat them so what's the point in playing them?"

"Oh shut up," Yusei growled, causing everyone on the bus to do just that and look at him in confusion. "It's good practice. Ushiwaka-kun was telling me last night about their setter, Tooru Oikawa, and how amazing he is. Apparently he's similar to me, plus he brings out the best in his players."

"Well dang, if he's got Ushiwaka-san's respect," Kataoka smirked, the rest of the team mirroring him, "Then we should be in for a challenge."

"Look at you acting confident!" Yusei slapped Kataoka's back with a proud laugh.

"All thanks to you, your Eminence~" He smiled brightly at him, to which he just laughed it off.

"Sweet talker~" the demon king snickered, and the rest of the ride over to Aobajohsai was rowdy and happy, the players getting to know each other better with a game of never have I ever.

"Alright, I know it's already been a long day, but we have another practice game to do, so show them a glimpse of hell." Coach Kanai told them with a smirk.

"Yes sir!"

"All hail the demon king!"

"All hail!!!!"

"Gonna make me blush you guys!" Yusei laughed before smirking. "Let's go."


"So we're playing the team that won nationals?" Oikawa clarified with their coach, who nodded.

"Yes, it will be a splendid opportunity for us to hone our skills now that the third years are gone." Nobuteru said, the new captain agreeing.

"Yeah, this is gonna be great!" Oikawa smirked, looking out at his team as they warmed up.

"Oh, looks like they're here." Nobuteru noticed as Anaguma opened the door to the gym. Lining up, they bowed.

"Thank you for having us!"

"Thank you." Seijoh bowed back before returning to their warm up. Setting their things down by a wall, Anaguma got their gear on, chatting animatedly as they did so.

"Hmm, they have a very confident energy, but..." Oikawa muttered, standing with Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun. "Their feet are all pointed towards one person..."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Iwa demanded annoyedly.

"Well Iwa-chan, it means that that is their leader, even if he isn't technically the captain." He explained, "So, number ten."

"All hail the demon king!"

"All hail!" Anaguma suddenly all bowed to Yusei, making the Aoba Johsai second years' eyes widen.

"Prepare to give them a taste of hell, my brethren! We shall prevail because you have the Almighty demon king, who hasn't failed you yet!"

"Yes! Let's take it to em!"


"Demon king, eh?" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow. "That's actually kinda cool."

"If you say so." Oikawa shrugged.

"That just means we need to shut him down to get them down, right?" Makki said, and the setter nodded.

"I haven't heard much about Anaguma's demon king, but what I have," Oikawa narrowed his eyes at Yusei, "he'll be a tough customer."

Soon after that, the match started once everyone got on their practice jerseys. "Let's get ready guys." Nishioka told his team as they got ready to receive.

Oikawa bounced the ball a few times, his eyes locked with Yusei's as they stared at each other challengingly. The whistle was then blown, and the brunette setter served it at Yusei.

He received it, a bit shaky though. "Hm, not bad." He muttered as Nishioka set it to Sanada, who got shut down.

"My bad, sorry!"

"Nah that was me." Yusei took responsibility, patting his shoulder with a smile before turning serious. "Go for a line push."

"Yes sir." Sanada nodded, knowing not go question Yusei's calls because so far, they had always gone well. Noticing this exchange, Nishioka knew to toss to Sanada again.

However, this time Oikawa got an ace, which made Anaguma get annoyed. Yusei was level headed though, knowing they would definitely get the next one and how to pump up his team if moral fell.

The next serve, Yusei got it up nicely, making Oikawa smile angrily. Nishioka set it to Sanada, who tipped it long. It dropped right on the line, the Aoba Johsai coaches looking surprised.

"Yeah!!!" Anaguma cheered, slapping hands with huge grins.

"It's just one point, what's the big deal.." A first year grumbled, but then Yusei rotated to the front.

"Oh look at that, he doesn't know that you need points to win!" Yusei snickered, his team joining him as the first year flushed.

"I-I do know that!"

"Don't pay attention to them." Iwaizumi instructed, "they're just trying to mess with your head."

"Ooh, looks like someone has a brain, I was wondering if Aoba Johsai had one." Yusei smirked, and immediately everyone else had tick marks on their foreheads, many with several.

Iwaizumi didn't respond, only rolling his eyes as he got ready to receive. Oikawa narrowed his eyes at Yusei, and the first year turned to face him.

This is sure going to be interesting, they thought eagerly.

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