alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

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Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


847 44 92
By dracoandfredownme


Oshun's gaze rose from the timber surface of the desk to see him. "Hey."

Draco nervously gestured at the empty seat next to her. "Can I sit?"

She looked down at the cover of her textbook, tracing the letters with the tip of her finger. "No one's stopping you." Her voice was bland.

His mouth parted at her tone, seemingly taken aback. "Right," he mumbled, and went to sit in the seat next to her.

More students poured into the classroom, voices and conversations trailing around as they settled into seats.

"Can I hold your hand?" Draco's cool eyes stayed upon her.

She had her arms folded over the edge of the table, her trembling hands hidden. "Not now," she said, because the shakiness would bring questions from him.

She was in no mood for questions. Especially from him. And the calming draught was beginning to stop working on her.

"Okay." He sounded quite small as he leaned forward in his seat, forearms splayed over the desk.

As class began, her knee bounced subconsciously. And like every time her knee bounced, he never hesitated to place a gentle hand on her leg to calm her.

Even though she was upset with Draco for lying, his touch always calmed her. It was cold, but it seeped warmth and comfort into her skin and bones.

It was only two days after Fred had told her the truth and Oshun never heard Draco say anything. She'd wanted to see if he would tell her himself, so she told Fred not to mention that he'd already told her.

Draco said nothing so far.

"Takahashi," he whispered, thumb brushing back and forth on the bare skin of her thigh.


"Can we talk after?" He kept his voice a whisper.

Or perhaps she was wrong. Maybe he would tell her at last. "About?"

"Something important," he murmured, and she could feel his eyes burning into the side of her head. "I'll wait for you outside of your last class before lunch."

She merely nodded.

When the time came, as he said, he had waited outside her classroom. She didn't hold his hand as she walked next to him, waiting for him to speak.

"I'm going to assume Weasley told you," Draco said finally, burying his hands in the pocket of his trousers. "Since you've been a bit cold towards me and me alone."

She said nothing.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." He cleared his throat quietly and wet his lips. "Look, I-I didn't mean to keep it from you."

She remained silent, arms crossed over her chest to sort of hide the tremor in her hands.

"I just wanted to see what the feeling was before I said anything," he explained evenly. "So when Weasley and I kissed, I knew it was more than a giddy one-time feeling."


"'Okay'?" he uttered as his eyes stared at her. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean okay." Oshun shrugged and kept her gaze ahead. "I don't really know what you want me to say, Draco. Fred told me already the day it happened and now you've decided to tell me."

A long pause. "Well, I apologize for lying," Draco said earnestly. "I just didn't know where to begin with explaining, so perhaps Weasley telling you first made it a bit easier for me."

"You did it again, Draco."

"Did what?" He frowned, confused.

"Lied to me. Betrayed me."

"I know." He sounded genuinely sorry as his frown weighed in regret. "But it was just that one thing, Takahashi. I swear. You can trust me. I don't keep anything from you."

"But how do I know that?" she said, unintentionally snarky. "Before things got serious, you always lied to me. You always betrayed me."

"And then I stopped." He was pleading now, nearly with desperation. "I've become better. You can trust me—you know that."

"Do I?"

"Takahashi, don't do that." His hand caught her wrist, but she wrenched it from his hold and continued walking. "Stop, please, just—"

"Not only that, Draco, but you waited two days to tell me." She didn't look at him as she went off. "Fred confessed the same day it happened. You're telling me now—days later."


"I caught you guys kissing in the library and he came clean after I told him. He told me he was going to tell me and I believe him because he never—not since the one mishap after the holiday—has he given me a reason to not trust him. You on the other hand?" She huffed a dry laugh. "I told Fred not to say anything about me knowing, just so I can see if you would tell me. And I don't even know why I'm surprised that you waited days to—"

"So just because he was the better man from the start, you immediately forgive him?" His words drew out stone-cold.

Her eyes snapped to him, infuriated. "Don't you fucking dare try turning this into something it's not," she snapped warningly.

He bit the inside of his cheeks, holding his tongue. "You're right. I'm sorry," he said evenly.

"Unbelievable," she cursed under her breath, and turned away from him.

"Takahashi, I'm sorry," he pleaded as he still kept his eyes on her. "I didn't mean to keep it from you. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you, so I never brought it up. But when I realized Weasley had already told you since you've been acting so cold towards me, I thought I should probably talk to you about it."

She said nothing.

"I don't want to say I like him and his stupid red hair, but maybe I do..." He spoke carefully. "I think I have feelings for him as well. But it's different from what I feel for you. This is sort of like how you feel for the both of us—Weasley and I."

Hearing him say that made her relieved because it just confirmed that whatever was going on between him and Fred wasn't one-sided.

She captured his eyes once more, hopeless. "What's this mean for me and you?"

He stopped in his tracks as his eyebrows knitted together. "What do you mean?" he asked, slightly puzzled. "Why are you asking me that?"

She stopped to face him. "Are we..." Her sentence drew off, chest tightening at the unsaid words. "Are we still—"

With one yank at the buttons of his shirt using his large hand, he exposed the healed tattoo on his chest.

Oshun Bea Takahashi.

His jaw set firmly. "My heart is yours, Takahashi," he told her with such force and seriousness that it swelled her heart with reassurance. "My heart beats for you and you only. Not for anyone else. You are my reason to breathe. Don't—not for fucking a second—think otherwise."

Tears threatened to glaze over her dark eyes as she nodded. "So we— are we okay?"

Draco stretched his arms out and pulled her in by the back of her head. His fingers tangled in her curls as his other arm securely looped around her waist.

Her front pressed into his as her face buried into his chest. His comforting scent made her mind hazy as she sealed her arms around his middle.

Being in his safe, possessive arms nearly made her sob. Realistically, she didn't think a sob was very necessary for this, but she'd been so emotional lately. So a sob it was.

"I'm yours. My heart is yours. And I wouldn't want it any other way, my sweet girl," he mumbled the words affectionately into her silky curls. "I'm so sorry for lying. I am. I'm sorry."

"Thanks for your apology." She let her eyes fall softly shut and she just relaxed against his large figure. The reassurance made every cell in her body exhale a tremendous amount of tension.

"You still love me, right?" He gently kissed the top of her head. "You don't hate me?"

"I'm going to choose to dislike you right now, so I'll tell you I love you in a few minutes." She hugged him tightly in her arms.

Against her hair, she sensed he smiled.


That last damn petal on her rose was hanging on by a thread and it gave her anxiety.

Oshun didn't entirely know why she was thinking of the rose as her timer, but it stuck.

Ever since the three of them—herself, Fred, and Draco—got on the same page, life was indescribable. In a good way of course.

She thought her life couldn't have gotten any better, and yet it did. This was the biggest plot twist in her life.

Oshun wasn't ashamed to admit she was probably the biggest fan of Fred and Draco's little fling, if you may.

They were their usual selves with each other since they'd gotten on the same page—bravado and a little bit of playful arguing. But they weren't exactly touchy or clingy with each other.

It was more like sneaking little glances, looking away when caught with sheepish smiles, and little flirtatious—sometimes sensual—comments towards each other. It was like a crush.

Oshun witnessed it all and it made her heart pitter-patter. It was so wholesome to witness.

But still working through her bucket list that had several more things left, she waited in her dorm with Fred for Draco.

She was hoping to get her bucket list done, but she was almost positive she wouldn't be able to.

The one she wanted to tick off tonight was a six-ingredient baking contest. She wanted to tick it off with her boys, so that was what she was going to do.

"This smells good," Fred mumbled from her dresser as he smelled her lip oil in the tube. He stood handsomely in a tight tank top and sweatpants. "Does it taste good too, Oshun?"

"My love, don't eat it," she said exasperatedly from her bed, shaking her head at him.

"But it's just... lip oil, right?" He turned to her and sniffed it again. "It's just oil. I eat oil in food all the time. This one is just mango scented."

"Freddie, no." Her eyes slightly widened in alarm. "Do not eat that. It's not food."

"A little taste," he insisted dismissively, pulling the wand out from the tube again after pumping it several times.

She just watched him. He stuck his tongue out and swiped the tip across the plastic part of the wand.

A bubble of laughter escaped her lips when his nose scrunched. But he paused, thoughtful as he smacked his lips.

"It tastes like plastic mangos." He licked the plastic part of the wand again. "Mmm."

Her smile wiped off.

The door soon opened and a blond walked in wearing pajama pants and a tight T-shirt. "Hey," Draco said in a breath, closing the door behind him.

He greeted Fred with a chaste peck on the mouth before going to Oshun. He held her head between his large hands to softly kiss her lips before her forehead.

"Malfoy, try this." Fred held out the tube of lip oil.

Draco slowly walked to the redhead and eyed the item. "That's not food, smart one."

"Neither's Oshun's cum, but we both eat that for dessert."

Her jaw went slack.

"Merlin's titties." Draco stared at the redhead, stunned. "You've really got no filter, do you?"

"Honesty's my best quality." Fred winked swiftly at the blond, a wicked smirk hanging on his mouth. "But you'll have to wait to see what other qualities I've got."

A red tint coloured Draco's pale cheeks. "Put the bloody lip oil away, Weasley," he commanded.

Fred threw his hands up in a surrender, slyly slipping the lip oil in the pocket of his sweatpants.

"Alright, let's go." Oshun got to her feet, adjusting her shorts. "Patrolling for the halls should be done, right?"

"Yeah. I checked," Draco said as he dragged his fingers through his hair.

"Brilliant. Angel, come on." Fred lowered in front of her.

She hopped onto his back, arms closed around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist. He gripped her thighs as he stood straight.

With a pleasant expression, Draco opened her door and the three of them left her dorm.

They whispered when they talked as they snuck out. They headed down the moving steps and went in the direction of the kitchen.

"Open the door," Fred murmured to the blond as they reached the large wooden door to the kitchen.

"Please," Draco drawled, glaring at the redhead.

Fred rolled his eyes. "Please, open the door, perfect and wonderful Draco bloody Malfoy," he said sardonically with a mocking smile.

"Thank you. I am pretty perfect." Draco triumphed, and opened the kitchen door.

"Annoying prat," Fred muttered under his breath as he walked into the kitchen first.

"I heard that, you slimy git," the blond spat back whilst he shut the kitchen door behind him.

"I said pleasant prat," the ginger replied smoothly, and flicked the kitchen light on. "You're not annoying. Not at all. In fact, I didn't say prat at all. I said 'pleasant lad.' Very pleasant, er, pleasant lad."

"Save yourself from the embarrassment, Weasley, and just stop talking." Draco grinned in amusement as he walked ahead of the two more into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Mhm. Good idea." Fred cleared his throat awkwardly and lowered down to set Oshun onto the floor.

The kitchen was like any other kitchen in a restaurant. It was metal tables and fridges, big space, clean, and full of food.

As Fred began to play with the spatulas since apparently they were quite fascinating, Oshun went to take a scan of the food in the kitchen.

The goal tonight was to be able to make a dessert with less than six ingredients or six exactly—the best dessert would win.

She opened the large steel fridge and looked at the foods. Her eyes flicked over her shoulder and she was about to say something when she just decided not to.

By the metal counter, she saw Fred in a fighting stance, swinging the spatula towards Draco, who was looking quite impatient with the redhead.

"Look, double swords." Fred whipped out a second spatula from behind him. He made sword and fighting sound effects with his mouth, swinging them at the blond.

Draco stood there, arms folded over his chest with an irritable look upon his features. "What are you, six?" He scoffed dryly.

"Why are you such a party-pooper?" Fred slapped the spatula on the blond's head. "Lighten up, blondie. Have a sword fight with me."

"First off"—the Slytherin grabbed the spatula and ripped it from the other boy's hand—"Do not call me blondie." He pulled a face as he thrust the spatula towards him. "Sounds fucking ridiculous. And second, quit monkeying around before I shove this up your ass."

"And in return, I can shove something else up your ass, right?" Fred smirked and took a step closer to the grey-eyed boy. "It goes both ways, Malfoy."

Draco lowered the spatula, gliding his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "Smooth. That was smooth," he admitted in a low tone. "You're smooth. I'll give you that."

Fred bit his tongue lightly on the side through a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. "Mhm. I am smooth." His hand curled around the back of the blond's neck to pull him and kiss him on the mouth, softly so.

Oshun smiled in absolute awe at the sight—she always did—and closed the fridge.

"No. Stop doing that." Draco drew his lips away with furrowed brows. "Don't do that with your tongue. Why do you always do that?"

"You don't like it?" Fred mused, and tilted his head. "It's always a hit with the ladies."

Draco deadpanned. "Do I look like a lady to you?"

"Fred." Oshun face-palmed. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true," Fred quickly defended as his gaze steered to the girl. "You like it when I do that."

"Do what?" Her dark eyes squinted slightly.

"This." He strode to her and cupped her cheeks, angling his head down to meet her mouth.

Her hands grasped his hips as their lips moved so naturally together. His tongue glided across her inner lip before he pushed into her mouth.

She hummed as their tongues swept past each other.

"That." Fred pecked her lips one last time before pulling away. "You like it."

"Yeah." She nodded and smiled warmly at him.

He smirked fondly at her. "So why doesn't Prince Malfoy like it?" He turned his head to look at the other boy.

"Because I want to be the one to do it. There's a difference." Draco leaned against the steel counter, strong arms crossed over his chest. "I do that to Takahashi all the time."

Fred rolled his eyes, but before he could speak, Oshun did. "Let's just get this off my bucket list, shall we?" she chimed, and darted her eyes between her boys.

"Right, yes. Of course." Fred nodded and clapped his hands together. "Baking contest with six ingredients, yeah?"

"Mhm." She nodded and headed to the cupboards. "And the best one will win."

"We should add a time limit." He went to the fridge to scan the contents.

"Now why didn't anyone mention this to me?" Draco's voice drew like ice fused with a bit of offence.

"What?" Oshun and Fred said in unison, turning to look at him.

"No one told me it would be a baking contest," Draco bit out bitterly, planting his hands behind him to grip the edge of the cold counter. "I was led to think it was just baking."

"Blonds." Fred huffed a laugh, shaking his head. "They always find a way to baffle me."

Draco shot daggers at the boy with his eyes.

"Freddie, please stop bullying Draco." Oshun tried not to laugh. "He's sensitive."

"I'm not bullying him." Fred shot her a half smirk.

"Draco, you remember when we baked cookies at my house during the holiday?" she recalled.

He nodded.

"And my mum taught you a few things, remember?" she reminded him.

He nodded.

She gathered her curls to bunch them into a low bun. "Just use what she taught you," she suggested indulgently. "And do your best."

He was silent for a moment. "Alright," he said eventually, and pushed himself off the counter.

"I mean, Fred can't exactly cook either," she mumbled as her eyes went back to the cupboards.

The ginger just scoffed and began to pull out random ingredients from the fridge.

The three of them ran around the kitchen for ingredients—after washing their hands—as the one hour timer began. Oshun worked at the counter in the middle, Fred by the sink, and Draco by the oven.

"Weasley, pass me the sugar." Draco spoke without looking away from his vigorously mixing in the bowl hugged in his arms.

Fred picked up the bag of sugar and tossed it swiftly over to the blond. Oshun dipped her finger in her bowl and scraped a bit off the edge to try it.

She'd thrown in a bunch of peanut butter and sugar, two eggs, and chocolate chips—just to see if she could make cookies with it. Her arm hugged the bowl close to her stomach as she stirred with a wooden spoon.

She stilled when she felt flour flit down upon her head. It sprinkled down over her face and onto her clothes.

Covered in flour, Oshun slowly set her bowl down and waddled around to face the boy that was stationed behind her, which was Fred.

His back was to her as he sprinkled random stuff into his mixing bowl.

She chucked the light powder at Fred's head from behind.

Slowly, the ginger turned around and faced her with a tight jaw.

She broke into a sprint around the counter when he grabbed the tub of peanut butter chips and bolted after her.

"Fred, no!" she shrieked when small peanut butter chips hit her from behind.

Draco stayed in the corner, calmly mixing his batter as he watched.

"Come here, you cheeky dingleberry." Fred had a handful of peanut butter chips as he chased her around the large kitchen.

Oshun dropped to the cold floor and with a racing heart, she crawled under the table to the other side. She scrambled to her feet and saw him stop across from her, the table stuck between them.

"You started it, big head," she drawled while she raised her fistful of flour.

"Started what?" Fred's face screwed up as he stared at her. "You're the one who threw flour at me."

Her mouth gaped, confused.

But then they both slowly turned their heads to the Slytherin.

Draco sucked in his cheeks, holding in a laugh.

Oshun and Fred exchanged glances before they both charged at the blond and threw handfuls of baking ingredients at him.

Draco turned away to protect his face and his bowl of cake batter. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed, and aggressively set his bowl down.

Oshun shoved Fred into Draco before she ran away from the both of them. The redhead stumbled forward and got a face full of flour from Draco.

She burst out laughing as she watched from the farthest corner, hugging the bag of flour to her chest.

Her laugh immediately died down when the tall boys' heads whipped to her, devious expressions on their faces. She blanked in horror.

"No, no, no, no," she kept muttering as she ran around the counter when, at the speed of light, the two boys bolted after her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please! Please! I'm sorry!"

She unleashed a shrill scream when Fred picked her up by her underarms and lifted her feet off the ground. He spun to face Draco, who took the bag of flour and dumped it over her head.

She turned her away, eyes screwed shut as she held her breath. The flour fell onto the flour and her head. When the rain of flour finished, she puffed out a breath and the flour dusted everywhere.

Cautiously, she opened her eyes and blinked rapidly. She thrust the bag of flour in her hands and it flew in Draco's face.

Fred set her down on the floor, snickering, as Draco dusted his face off and blew flour from his mouth.

"Oh, great, there's fucking cocaine everywhere now," Fred pointed out amusedly.

"Snort it, prick," Draco retorted.

Oshun tried not to wince at this snarky remark because what Draco didn't know was that Fred didn't have the greatest history with drugs. So the 'snort it' comment could be taken wrongly by the redhead.

To her dismay, the redhead was not fazed by it. He said, "You first, git," as his eyes snapped to the blond's.

But before anyone could utter another word, the kitchen door opened. All three heads snapped to the door to see Filch.

"You lot are in trouble," he said with a mocking smile, wagging his finger. "Wait until I get the Headmaster." He rushed out the door.

"Malfoy, I thought you said patrolling was done," Fred said through clenched teeth, and dusted his flour-covered hands off.

"I thought it was," Draco hissed as he brushed down his flour-stained T-shirt.

The golden-eyed boy's jaw ticked. "Well, you thought wrong," he shot back annoyedly.

More so disappointed than sad, Oshun frowned. "I suppose we should just clean up now," she said quietly, and walked away to her station.

Draco followed her and held her by her waist. He used his other hand to brush flour off her bum.

"Oi!" Fred's loud voice boomed as he stormed to the two. "Back off, blondie. That ass is mine."

"I was just wiping the flour—"

"Back. Off. Blondie." Fred's voice lowered and his eyes pierced at the blond's.

Draco rolled his eyes dramatically and took a step back, away from Oshun.

Fred nodded with a hmph and pressed hand on her lower stomach as he brushed her bum off with his other hand.

Oshun laughed gaily and waited as he brushed off the excess flour off her clothes, hair, and face.

In the middle of cleaning, Dumbledore strode in with Filch. The three students stopped to face the Headmaster.

"This is unacceptable behaviour," Dumbledore lectured angrily. "You all have detention for a week and thirty points taken from each of your houses."

He went on with a whole lecture as he forced them to clean by hand and not magic. Filch was enjoying this, smiling smugly.


"That was your fucking fault, Malfoy." Fred's expression soured as he walked into Oshun's dorm last.

"I thought patrolling was over," Draco spat harshly, kicking off his shoes. "How was I to know Filch would be roaming the halls like a weirdo?"

"You said you checked," the other boy whispered furiously, and shut the door.

"Because I did!" the Slytherin snapped, flailing his hands in the air.

Oshun listened to them bicker as she pulled her shirt off and tossed it in the laundry bin. Forest was with Tavius, so the dorm was all to Oshun.

"Perhaps you could've checked properly," Fred gritted, and took off his tank top. "Because obviously you did not do that."

"Why didn't you check the damn halls yourself then, huh?" Draco shot back, taking his shirt off to put his and Fred's in the laundry basket.

"Because I thought you were capable of doing so." Fred's tone was derision as he folded his arms over his chest, biceps contracting. "Clearly, I was wrong."

"When I checked, no one was roaming the halls." Draco swiped a frustrated hand through his platinum locks.

"Now you've got us all detention for a week." Fred's lips pressed into a firm line. "Even Oshun—"

"Don't drag me into this," she cut him off, and took her hair out of the bun.

"Oshun, you can say thanks to blondie over here for the reason we couldn't get this off your bucket list," the redhead said sourly.

"Thanks, blondie," she muttered, shooting the blond a faux sad look.

Draco frowned. "I'm sorry, Takahashi," he said as he padded toward her. "I swear I thought patrolling was done."

She smiled at him when he cupped her cheeks in his palms. "It's okay," she crooned. "I was just messing with you. I had fun tonight."

"I'm glad." He mirrored her smile and dipped down to plant a kiss on the corner of her mouth before pressing his lips into hers.

"Ugh." Fred rolled his eyes. "Absolutely ridiculous. You should've made him grovel."

Oshun and Draco both smiled against each other's lips, amused by the bitter redhead.

"Hey, Weasley, sod off," the blond retorted before kissing the girl. "Let me kiss my girl without your commentary."

"My girl," he corrected, and walked toward them. He actually pulled Draco's head away from Oshun to tear their lips apart. "That's more like it."

She laughed raucously through a heartfelt smile as the blond sighed. "You mean our girl," he countered promptly.

"I mean you need to be quiet before I kiss you in the most sloppy, disgusting way you have ever experienced," Fred threatened.

Oshun's bubble of laughter got louder as her head tipped back. The banter between Draco and Fred was unbelievably amusing. She loved it.

"Shut up, you ginger. I'm going to clean myself from this flour." Draco gave her a kiss on the forehead before he went to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Fred strolled to the bed and plopped down on his back, exhaling heavily. He put his arms behind his head and crossed his legs by the ankles.

Oshun flipped her hair upside down to shake off the flour before flipping her head back up. She made her way to the bed to join him.

He sat up and pulled her onto his lap. "Hi, my pretty angel," he murmured, and placed a hand on the side of her neck, using his thumb to tug the skin of her chin down to part her lips.

"Hi." She smiled sweetly.

"Come kiss me," he beamed.

She stared at him suspiciously. "Fred, if you burp in my mouth again—"

"Okay, that was one time—"


"Three times, so what? I didn't do it in pur—"

"It was on purpose—"

"It was a joke—"

"Not a very funny one—"

"Come kiss me," he said again.

She inched closer to kiss him and as their lips parted against each other's mouths, he burped into hers.

Face twisted unpleasantly, she slapped his shoulder after she pulled away. "Fred."

He laughed and his eyes sparkled with joy. "Ah, never gets old," he teased. "Come kiss me again. I swear I won't burp. That was the last of my gas."

A laugh bubbled from her chest. She couldn't help it.

She leaned in to kiss him fervently.

As their lips entwined, she smoothly straddled his hips and planted her hands on either side of his neck. He dropped his hands to her hips as their kiss began to grow more slow and sloppy.

They took their time though, just kissing until she could feel her insides melt into hot wax.

Soon enough, he began to roll her hips over his. She breathed a small gasp into his blood-rushed lips as she felt him grow in his sweatpants. Her forehead slanted against his as their heavy breathing fell in sync.

The bathroom door opened. "Takahashi—" Draco paused when his eyes landed on the two. "Without me? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Oshun smirked curvingly and put her hand out for him. With no hesitation at all, he rushed to the bed, took her hand, and crashed his lips into hers.

While Fred rolled her hips over his, she messily kissed Draco as he propped up on his knees. He smoothly placed her hand on his hip before he cupped her cheeks largely in his palms.

In the kiss, she breathed out soft moans at the friction between her cunt and Fred's bulge. He leaned in and skimmed his lips down her jawline as his grip tightened on her hips.

His kisses on her neck began more aggressive with nipping and sucking. He smoothly snaked his hands around her waist to push his palms against her lower back, guiding her over him.

Draco's fingers glided across her cheeks to tangle in her curls as his head tipped forward to keep their lips glued. His tongue met with hers, their mouths moving so angelically together.

When Oshun began to grind against Fred, he used a flick of his fingers to unclasp her bra. He sid the straps off her arms and lightly tossed her bra to the floor.

His lips latched onto the sensitive spot on her neck, kissing and sucking firmly. He allowed his hands to roam her exposed top and for the bruise on her shoulder, he brushed his lips softly over it.

She pressed her palms against Draco's bare chest and caressed his beautiful body. Their kiss broke when Fred greedily turned her head to his own to kiss her.

The blond took the opportunity to take off his pants before getting on the bed. He planted his knees on either side of Fred's legs, so he could kiss their girl's neck from behind.

Draco's hands grasped her breasts from behind after he brushed her curls over one shoulder. He leaned down to pepper light kisses on her exposed neck. As she kissed Fred, she tilted her neck for the Slytherin.

Oshun soon pulled away from the ginger and got off his lap to take her shorts off. Draco leaned forward and Fred cupped his jaw to kiss him.

As they kissed, Draco hooked his fingers at the waistband of Fred's pants to haul off his legs. He helped the blond take his sweatpants off, keeping their kiss intact.

"Notice how you didn't do that thing with your tongue?" Draco's voice was breathy. "Keep it like that."

"Oh, shut up." Fred sealed the boy's lips with his own.

She inched closer to the redhead and leaned down to kiss his neck. He switched from Draco to her, taking turns to kiss them both.

"Oshun, lay down for me," Fred murmured into her blood-rushed lips.

Oshun drew back, heavily breathing. When he moved over, she lay down and watched as both of the boys got off the bed.

"Flat on your back," Draco commanded as he crossed to her dresser.

She obeyed and lay flat on her back, legs and arms splayed upon the bed. Her eyes watched as the blond retrieved one of her ties from the dresser before he moved back to the bed.

He climbed onto the bed, on his knees, and inched closer to her. He planted his knees on either side of her hips as he held the tie up for her eyes.

He pressed the tie over her eyes, obscuring her vision. She lifted her head from the mattress and he tied it off behind her head.

"Good?" His voice hushed down softly, but deeply.

"Mhm." She nodded as a chill of anticipation ran down her spine to her toes.

She felt the bed shift as Draco got off the bed.

"Incarcerous." That was Fred's voice.

Thick ropes bound around her wrists and the ends of the ropes latched onto the bedposts of her bed. Reflexively, her fingers closed around the thick ropes to hold onto them.

She felt their eyes resting upon her as she lay exposed and naked before them. She had no clue what was happening.

"What—" Her words came to a halt as she swallowed thickly. "What's going on?"

"It's simple." Fred was smirking, she could hear the way his words came out through a smirk.

"If you can guess which one of us is touching you by just our skin on yours," Draco said evenly, but amused, "You'll get rewarded."

"That's easy." A grin peaked at the corners of her lips. "Believe it or not, I've memorized every small detail about the both of you, and that includes the way your skin feels on my skin."

"We'll see about that," Fred said, also in amusement.

With the location of their voices, she knew they were standing at the foot of the bed next to each other.

"Now obviously we're not going to talk when we touch you, okay?" Draco said lowly, desire running through his words.

"Okay." Oshun nodded, eager.

"Good..." His voice trailed off sensually.


She heard neither of their voices as the bed sank at the end, one of them crawling to her. Her breaths were rapid and short, nearly staggered as warmth of one of the boys hovered over her.

She knew it was Fred without even feeling a touch, but by the closeness of his presence.

"Fred," she breathed before he could even touch her.

She felt his face lean closer down to hers until their lips grazed, sending electric shots down her core. He gave her a teasing kiss on the mouth that confirmed that it was in fact him.

She felt the bed sink once more as Draco joined them and there was movement between the two boys. On either side of her, she felt both of them propped on their hands and knees.

Again, by the closeness of their presence, she knew who was who. Fred was on her right side and Draco was on her left side.

She felt a kiss on her left shoulder. Barely a kiss. More like a brush of a pair of lips.

"Fred again," she whispered, sounding rather flustered and breathless.

She felt the movement of Draco holding himself up on his knees and she felt his searing touch brush against the inside of her left thigh, but the coolness of his touch soothed her skin instantly.

She was sure they could hear her heartbeat because she felt it pulsing everywhere.

She felt movement of both of them shifting lower down her body. Rich, soft lips skimmed over her sternum and down to her belly button.

"Draco." She licked her lips as her fingers clenched around the ropes that bound her to the bed.

She nearly gasped out a moan when another pair of lips ghosted over her throbbing pussy. "Fred," she panted, and felt his fingertips run down the side of her right thigh.

With the way the two boys continued to touch her told her she was getting each touch right. She knew her boys better than she probably knew herself.

Fred's lips got lower down her pussy and to where she dripped with a great amount of arousal, soaking her lace thong. She felt a brush of his lips and she felt his smirk.

He captured the waistband of her thong between his strong teeth and tugged it down her hips. She lifted her hips up and he removed her thong, tossing it to the floor before his face was between her legs again.

Draco's mouth continued to kiss all over her body. Her breasts, her tummy, her chest, her collarbone.

She was breathing out heavy and irregular sighs, breathy moans almost. She was melting under them, surrendering to their addicting touches.

Her legs twitched at Fred's teasing. His lips brushed over her clit and his hot breath fanned against her.

Draco's mouth pressed into the side of her neck, a firm and affectionate kiss. He led his kisses all over her neck until he stopped at her sweet spot. He took his time at her sweet spot.

He sucked and nipped and bit and licked her skin. His hands were planted on either side of her shoulders.

The pain of his teeth and lips sucking so furiously at her skin made her hiss out, but his tongue soothed the sharp sting by licking over the new hickey he left.

Fred's large hands circled around her thighs just as she brought her knees into the air. His lips planted light kisses on the insides of her thighs.

His kisses progressively got harder and closer to her cunt, where she was drenched. A shiver rattled at her lips as his kisses were nearly an inch from her pussy.

Catching her by surprise, he slid his tongue right inside of her wetness and caused a gasp to heave heavily from her chest. She was expecting teasing, but she was more than happy to receive the pleasure instantly.

She felt one of Draco's hands lift from the mattress and the cool feeling of his rings pressed onto her left boob. Through her parted lips, she sighed out a trembling breath of air.

His large hand massaged her breast and only inches above her face, she could feel his wild eyes watching every reflex on her expression. His hand slid smoothly down her boob and she swiped her tongue across her inner lip.

Fred's tongue was moving slowly at first, taking his time with his precise and experienced movements. Then he went fast, which caused her voice to ring higher and louder.

"Fuck," she moaned, and there was a subtle buck of her hips.

Fred's hands glided down her thighs to her hips and forcefully held them down, preventing her from thrusting upwards against his tongue.

A near whimper fled her lips when he slid his tongue out and teasingly ran it straight down her wetness.

"Oh my... fuck," Fred cursed under his breath.

"Weasley, shut your hole," Draco hissed, and she heard him smack the back of Fred's head. "You just ruined this. Bloody fantastic job."

"I'm sorry, but her whimpers and those sounds are... fucking heavenly," Fred said in a drunken haze. "They make me fucking weak. And she already knows who's who, Malfoy. You twat."

"Still," Draco said pointedly as he ran his hand up and down Oshun's stomach.

"You're telling me the sound of her whimpers don't make you fall to your bloody knees?" Fred asked, baffled. "I don't know about you, but if  she whimpers again, I'm ready to rail the fuck out of her."

"Of course her whimpers make me weak, but I'm trying to remain strong." Draco's tone was sincere, but snarky towards the redhead. "And you don't get to rail her. I do. She got you first last time."

"Because I'm the better one."

Oshun rolled her eyes behind her tie.

Only these two could manage to find something to bicker about in the middle of foreplay. And it definitely wasn't the first time they'd argued and bickered during sex and foreplay.

"That's not fair," Draco spat back bitterly. "She had you first last time. She gets me first tonight."

"Like I said—"

"If neither of you shut up and make me feel good, I'll finger myself and call it a night," Oshun cut them off impatiently through her hitched breaths. "Is that what you guys want?"

"No," Fred and Draco whined in unison.

"So be good boys and make me feel good."

"Yes, ma'am," they said in unison once more.

Even though she was the one tied up and blindfolded, they still remained docile to her. She liked that.

Draco sealed her lips with his and kissed her feverishly as his hand lowered even more down her body. He caressed her body, praising her with his touch.

Fred kissed her clit before he thrust his tongue inside of her arousal. Her back jolted up from the mattress and she moaned into Draco's mouth.

As the ginger's tongue worked magically inside of her at a pace quick enough to make her moans reckless, the blond's hand found her clit and began to play with it.

This intensified her pleasure and caused her spine to twist tightly in ecstasy. Her body writhed and twitched as she continued to moan into Draco's mouth.

As if the two boys communicated without speaking, they both pulled away from her. She felt Fred sink off the bed and Draco prop onto his knees on either side of her.

He removed the tie from her eyes and she squinted as her vision blurred for a moment. He muttered the counter-curse for the ropes and unbound her wrists.

When Oshun's vision adjusted to the light, she helped Draco discard the last piece of clothing on himself. Fred had removed his boxers and they were all completely naked.

"Come on, my dirty slut." Draco's veiny hands clutched her waist to flip her onto her stomach in the middle of the bed. "Get on all fours."

She did as she was told and got on all fours. Her heart was beating triple-time in anticipation as Fred got onto the bed, going in front of her.

Draco knocked her legs further apart with his own as his one hand came to his erection to line himself up, where she dripped with arousal. "Can I?" he rasped, and planted his free hand on her spine.

"Yes," she breathed, her fingers clenching the sheets into her fists.

Fred was jerking himself off as he watched Draco push every inch of himself inside of her.

Oshun gasped out a moan as pleasure struck her bones like fire. Her head knocked forward, her weak arms trembling at her own weight to hold herself up.

Gosh, she'd become so weak lately due to her sickness.

Draco began to move, grinding against her ass slowly at first. Each stroke was deep as his eyes intently watched where they connected.

"Fuck," the redhead cursed under his breath, panting heavily. His voice was sultry. "Fuck, angel, take me in your mouth."

She lifted her head and he slid his cock inside of her parted lips.

"Good girl," he rasped as he watched her lips around his cock. "Such a filthy angel, isn't that right?"

She moaned as Draco plunged balls-deep inside of her. Her moan vibrated around Fred and he groaned throatily.

He tangled his hands in her curls, brushing them from her face as he watched her suck his dick. He watched in an appreciative daze, mesmerized by her.

Draco's hand ran up and down her spine as he kept his thrusts thorough. "Ugh, fuck," he hissed as he snaked his other hand around her waist to her clit.

Oshun swirled her tongue around Fred's cock as Draco played with her clit whilst grinding against her. She moaned yet again, still against his large cock.

It was like a domino effect. Draco moaned as he fucked her from behind, she moaned with Fred's dick in her mouth, and he moaned at the feeling of her moan waving through him.

With one hand holding her curls back, Fred stretched his free arm out to curl his fingers around the back of Draco's neck. He drew him in to kiss him over Oshun's body.

So much was happening at once and she was weak under the overwhelming pleasure. She breathed heavily through her nose since her mouth was occupied with Fred's erection.

She sucked his dick, hollowing her cheeks each time she bobbed her head. She applied pressure against him with her tongue and sucked hard as she slipped him out of her mouth.

He groaned into his kiss with Draco, his breaths exhaling shakily. She put his cock back into her mouth and continued to suck him off.

Draco's fingers rubbed her clit as his thrusts became more than just thrusts—more into pounds. His grunts were raspy and low, sending tingles down her spine.

In all honesty, she was struggling to hold her weight up. Her arms were trembling and her body threatening to just fall onto the bed.

She'd tried so hard to eat and gain strength, but her sickness was insidiously killing her.

Draco had to break the kiss since his pounds became brutal against her, skin slapping hers. With every thrust, her body lurched forward and her mouth slid up and down Fred's cock.

"Just like that..." Fred's head tipped back in ecstasy, a longing groan streaming from his lips.

Oshun moaned, recklessly so. She was having trouble breathing and due to that, she removed him from her mouth.

He didn't force her to take him back in. He wrapped his hand around himself, slowing stroking his cock as he watched Draco fuck her.

She was gasping out moans and for breaths of air, her arms giving out. She dropped onto the bed and her back arched, ass pressed into Draco as he hammered into her.

A lock or two dangled before his eyes. "Fuck, you feel so good," he moaned roughly through his parted mouth.

Pleasure scored her blood and bones, but her lungs were begging for air. Breathe in, Fred always told her. Feel it in her belly. Breathe out.

She did this a few times as her knuckles bloomed white from her tight grip on her sheets. Moans were annoyingly interrupting her breathing, but the pleasure and euphoria was so fucking good, she didn't want to tell Draco to slow down.

When she finally pulled herself together, gasping out messy moans, she propped herself back on her palms.

Fred's fingers glided under her chin, tilting her head to meet her eyes. "Can you be a good girl and take me in your mouth again, my love?" His tone was soft, yet so rough.

"Yeah." She nodded quickly and he smiled at her. He guided his cock to her lips and she put him inside of her mouth.

"Such a good fucking angel..." Fred groaned as she applied pressure on his dick with her tongue.

The sounds of Draco pounding into her were wet, sloppy, and loud. His hands slid around to hold her waist firmly, keeping her up.

She sucked Fred's dick as best as she could while getting fucked from behind from Draco. Her sounds of pleasure were muffled by his cock and his eyelids were heavy with pleasure.

Draco soon pulled out of her and gave her ass a slap. "Get up the bed, darling," he demanded, and apparently Fred knew where he was going with this too.

The redhead slid his cock from her mouth and lay on the bed, using his hands to guide Oshun on top of him. "Come up here, pretty," he murmured through his heavy pants, and shifted her legs on either side of his muscular thighs.

His thick cock was beneath her, the tip brushing against her throbbing pussy. Her palms were planted on either side of his head on the pillow his head rested upon.

Draco inched closer to them from behind with his knees propped on either side of Fred's legs and he bent her over, so her body was hunched over Fred's. The redhead lifted his head just a bit to meet her lips in a kiss and she kissed him back hard.

"You're alright with this, yes?" he murmured sweetly into her gaped lips.

"Yes, yes." She nodded and kissed him as Draco's hard body hovered behind her.

His two slender fingers slipped underneath her and collected her arousal. He used her arousal as lube for her anus as his cock was already soaked with it.

"Good?" Fred muttered to Draco, but still kissed Oshun.

"Yeah..." Draco eyed her lubed entrance from behind and stroked his cum-covered dick. He leaned closer, so his abs brushed over her spine. "You're going to take both of our cocks like a good fucking slut, isn't that right?"

Oshun shuddered as his breath fanned the shell of her ear. "Yes, Draco," she breathed, and looked over her shoulder to kiss him.

Her curls spilled over her shoulder as she kissed the blond sloppily. Fred's hands guided her down and lowered her onto his monstrous dick.

They both groaned thunderously once he was all the way in and her body had a wave of a tremble run through it. She exchanged hot and heavy breaths with Draco as he rubbed his tip against her anus.

She whimpered at his doings and her head fell forward, lips hovering over Fred's. His golden eyes flicked to hers to catch her gaze sharply through his heavy eyelids.

Draco let go of his cock and sprawled his large hands on her buttocks. He spread her buttocks and lined up his thick cock at her back entrance. "Takahashi, are you ready?"

Over her shoulder, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

At her word, he slid himself inside of her anus and she let out a strangled sound as her face fell into the crook of Fred's neck. Draco stopped halfway through.

"Are you alright?" His voice was breathy and thick.

"I'm okay." She nodded against Fred's neck before she lifted her head. "Keep... keep going."

Again, at her word, Draco pushed himself all the way inside of her and with ease due to her arousal as lube. He and she both moaned together and his hands held her hips.

Fred's hands fell to her contrasting thighs and he covered her mouth with his. He kissed her. An uncoordinated and messy kiss.

Draco's gaze dropped to where he was connected with Oshun and he watched as he thoroughly stroked inside of her. Sharp and throaty grunts rasped from his lips with every movement.

Oshun had never done anal before they became them and in normal circumstances, she wouldn't have done it. But she was dying, so might as well just give it a go.

When they first did it, it hurt. She'd gotten used to it after the amount of times they'd all had sex together though and it was now just pure pleasure. Draco had even purchased a butt plug for her.

After noting she was good to go for more, Fred began to roll her hips against him. This moved her back and forth, which helped with Draco's stroking. Their bodies all easily fell in sync and moved so effortlessly in rhythm.

But it wasn't long before the two boys' movements grew animalistic, which made them fall out of rhythm. This caused her to drop her forearms onto either side of Fred's head, unable to hold herself up.

Oshun was unable to grind against Fred as Draco's thrusts turned into brutal pounds. Fred was bucking his hips upwards, thrusting up into her furiously.

She'd lost control of her voice and her sounds of utter pleasure were loud—very loud. Pleasure struck her bones and cells like a train, and her body was moving with every movement.

Draco's nails dug into the flesh of her hips as he continued to fuck her from behind, the sounds becoming sloppier with her arousal. He bent down to brush his lips up her spine, appreciating her.

Fred's hands were on her thighs, kneading and caressing the sweet and tender flesh of them. He kissed her through his grunts and groans and moans, but she was nearly unable to respond to the kiss.

Her body bounced with his upwards thrusts and jolted forward with Draco's pounds from behind. Her fists clenched the sheet of the pillow into her palms as her boobs bounced with her body.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she whispered, followed by a rattling moan as her legs weakened.

"Such a good girl," Draco murmured the words along the skin of her spine. "Taking both cocks like such a good, good slut..."

"That's right..." Fred's voice drew out lascivious and raspy in her gaped mouth. "Always such a good girl for us, isn't that right, my love?"

"Yes, Freddie," she breathed as her body continued to lurch forward and bounce.

"Ugh..." he groaned in ecstasy as his hips bucked quickly upwards. "My pretty angel is such... a pathetic fucking whore..."

Oshun's eyes watered at the overwhelming pleasure and she could feel both cocks pulsing inside of her as they both continued to fuck her.

Draco's lips ghosted up and down her spine. Once he got up her spine, he planted kisses over her shoulder and Fred turned his head to meet Draco in a kiss over Oshun's shoulder.

Her head fell into Fred's shoulder as her moans became strained. Unable to control her own reflexes, her eyes screwed shut and her grunts also became rough and throaty.

With their kissing, Draco and Fred's thrusts still did not waver. Their movements fell into sync and every stroke hit her sensitive spot.

Their kiss broke and Draco trailed skims of kisses up her shoulder to her ear. "How's this feel, my filthy whore?" he rasped into her ear. "How do both of our dicks feel inside of you, huh?"

She groaned against Fred's shoulder. "So fucking good," she gasped out as the redhead's lips ghosted down her arm. "Don't fucking stop..."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Draco deliberately brushed his lips over the shell of her ear.

"Feels so good..." Her voice was rough and trembling from pleasure.

He smirked devilishly and kissed back down her spine. His thrusts into her were causing her to push deeper against Fred, plunging him impossibly deep.

Oshun's body was shaking as she felt her orgasm reaching. She knew they were both close too with the way they were twitching inside of her.

"I'm— oh, gosh— I'm coming," she blurted out as her forehead rubbed against Fred's broad shoulder. "I-I can't hold— I'm coming."

"Do it," Fred breathed deeply into her ear as his nails dug into the flesh of her thighs. "Let me feel you tighten around my cock and soak me, Takahashi."

His words alone were enough to throw her over the edge with a shattering moan into heavy and hazing pleasure. A tremor ran through her body and her legs trembled at her sides as her orgasm waved through her bones.

Her moans were pained due to overstimulation and she whimpered as both boys continued to fuck her. It was only seconds when she felt both of them release themselves inside of her.

Both of their moans were rough and throaty and it was nearly better than sex to hear both of their moans together.

Draco's thrusts slowed from behind as Fred moved her hips over his slowly to coax them through their highs. They were all breathing heavily and panting and disheveled.

At last, Draco slowly pulled out of her from behind and dropped onto the bed, leaving a spot between him and Fred for her. He lay there, watching the other two as he tried to catch his breath.

Oshun needed a moment before she built up her strength to draw her body back from Fred's. She was breathing so heavily and her lungs felt like they were on fire.

Fred helped her rise from him and he slipped his limp dick out of her aching cunt. He helped her get off him and settle between himself and the blond.

They all got under the sheets and Oshun stayed seated up. Her heart was racing and her breath was lost.

Fred's face was flushed and his hair was untidy, as was Draco's. They looked so handsome after sex. She liked the sight of the two of them after the sex they had together.

"Oshun, breathe," Fred soothed after noticing she was still panting heavily.

She was sitting up straight, staring down at the covers as she tried to breathe.

Both him and Draco pushed off the headboard to see her, tending to her. "Remember what I always say?" Fred murmured, rubbing her bare back softly.

"In. Fee— Feel it in my belly. Out." She inhaled through her nose and felt it in her belly before exhaling through her lips.

He nodded. "Mhm. That's right," he said calmly.

Draco's hand soothingly caressed her thigh under the blanket, pushing her curls away from her face with his other hand.

She did several deep breaths as her hands trembled over the covers.

Unlike Fred, Draco always pressed questions about things she didn't like speaking about. Which was why when his hand found hers, he asked, "Why are your hands shaking?" He took her hand in his.

"It's nothing." Oshun tried to take her hand from his, but he didn't let her.

"Malfoy, don't," Fred warned behind her back, shooting him a hard stare.

"Her hands are shaking," Draco barked back, vexed. "She's got seven bruises on her body at the moment, and she's having a hard time catching her breath. Don't fucking tell me not to ask about it, Weasley."

"Draco, it's nothing," Oshun said in despair as she looked at him wearily. "It'll be gone in the morning. I just need rest."

"That's the thing, Takahashi," he bit out lowly. "You sleep and rest so much. Yet, you're still brushing it off like it's nothing."

"Malfoy, just drop it," Fred said in a harsh tone. "If tomorrow morning her hands are still shaking, ask her about it. Just not now. Allow her to sleep."

Draco's jaw clenched visibly as he stared at the other boy. "Fine," he said at last, smoothly threading his fingers through Oshun's. "Lay down, Takahashi. Get some rest."

She didn't have to be told twice as she lay down. He lay down as well and cuddled into her side, his lips brushing over the skin of her bare breast.

"Oshun, do you have water?" Fred got out of bed and walked to her book bag.

"Yeah. But there's not a lot, so just finish it all," she replied as she looped her arm around Draco's neck, running her fingers through his hair.

She and Draco watched as Fred, butt-naked, went to her book bag. "He's got a nice ass, doesn't he?" she whispered to the blond.

"I know," he agreed in a hushed tone, his cheek pressed into her side. "One of the best I've seen. Almost as lovely as yours, Takahashi—and your ass is fucking perfect."

Fred's head tipped back as he downed the rest of her water in the bottle. He tossed the empty bottle in the bin before walking back to the bed.

He slipped under the sheets to snuggle into Oshun. His face hovered over hers to give her an affectionate kiss on the lips.

Draco tilted his head up, a small gesture that he wanted one too. Fred kissed him on the mouth as well before he lay down. He draped an arm over her stomach and buried his face in her neck.

Draco tilted his head up a bit more for Oshun, so she could kiss him on the lips. She gave him a gentle peck on the lips. Pleased, he angled his head back down and snuggled more into her side. His hand closed over her boob, a comfortable gesture for them both.

This was the new normal for them—so new and heart-racingly magical.

They always tangled in each other's arms and cuddled. They'd fall asleep in one position and wake up in a whole new one, but still managed to be entwined in each other's bodies.

Oshun was always in the middle no matter what. She hadn't decided on it. The two handsome boys did.

They never talked about what would happen after the one-year deadline. They didn't want to.

For Oshun, there was no point.

It was quite easy for her not to think about it because the only thing on her mind was to enjoy what she had now with her boys—whether it be for one last day or three.

She was really elated that her last days would end like this. Whatever this was. She was happy.

Because this was them.

Oshun and Fred and Draco.

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