alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

130K 5.2K 6.5K

Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


775 41 80
By dracoandfredownme

"Morning, my darling."

Oshun's fingers moved as she finished off the French braid on the left side of her head. "Good morning, Draco." She used a small elastic to tie off her braid.

"I said morning." Draco stood at the bathroom doorway of her dorm, shirtless and in his grey sweatpants. His hair was untidy. He had sexy bed-head and morning voice.

"Mhm. I heard. I've got ears."

"Don't you wanna know why I said morning instead of good morning?"

"Not really."

"I'm gonna tell you anyway. "


"You left me."

"I'm right here."

"But you left me in bed alone."

"Only for, like, ten minutes."

"Yeah, whatever. Now boobies."

"What?" She stared at him through the mirror, carefully brushing out the right side of her hair.

"Can I see them please?" His lips upturned into an innocent smile as he held her stare through the mirror.

"My boobs?" she uttered as she began to French braid the right side of her head.

"Yep." He nodded gleefully, hands behind his back as he eagerly stood there.

"Can it wait a moment, lovely?" she asked softly, still holding his gaze. "I'm in the middle of braiding my hair."

"I didn't want you to find out this way." He sighed grimly and shook his head, tearing his grey eyes from hers. "But if I don't see your boobs right now, I'll die."

"Die of what?" Her eyebrows shot up, biting back a laugh.

"Lack of boobs." He nodded importantly and inched closer to her until he was right next to her. "So... I need to see your boobies."

She tilted her head at him, turning to look at him. Her fingers were still working as she braided her hair since it was greasy and she didn't feel like washing her hair the night before—too much work.

Forest was spending the night with Tavius, like she had been for the last couple of days. So Oshun and Draco had the dorm to themselves.

"Pretty please?" Draco smiled happily, rocking his body forward and backwards, subtly so.

"Okay." Holding the three parts to the braid with one hand, she used one hand to lift the bottom hem of his Quidditch jersey, which she wore. She then lifted her sports bra up to expose her boobs.

His face and eyes lit up, like a kid in a candy shop. He very quickly leaned in and held her waist as he brushed his lips over her bare breasts. "So bloody beautiful," he murmured, and hummed in satisfaction.

Oshun laughed softly as she continued to braid her hair, head turned to look at her reflection in the mirror. "You really couldn't wait until I finished?" she asked as she nearly shivered at his breaths against her bare skin.

"Mm-mm." He kissed her breast lovingly and used one hand to cup one of her breasts. The pad of his thumb swept along her skin. "I told you, I would've died if I waited until then."

He picked her up by her waist and set her on the cold countertop. He turned her as she crossed her legs, so she was facing the mirror.

As she braided her hair, he stood behind her with his front pressed into her back and played with her boobies. She would never get over the fact that guys were so easily entertained by boobs.


"Mhm?" His face hid in the back of her neck.

She hesitated. "Do you think my boobs look weird?"

His face lifted from its spot behind her neck, looking confused and insulted. "Excuse me?"

"Move your hands from my boobs for a moment," she commanded, and scooped hair up to add to her braid.

He did as he was told and he searched her face through the mirror. His eyebrows were pinched together tightly.

"Look," she said, jutting her chin at her reflection. "I sometimes see these other girls' boobs and they sit so nicely and they're perky. They don't sit spread apart. Mine sit, like, spread apart. They look weird. They're not perky either. They sit—"

"They sit so motherfucking perfectly," he finished off firmly. He looked angry with her negative talk. "They sit beautifully, Takahashi. My face fits so perfectly between your tits. Your boobs were made for me."

"But they—"

"Stop it." He shook his head and silenced her. "No one's boobs sit 'perfectly,' okay? Your definition of perfect may differ to someone else's. And to me, your boobs are beyond the word perfect. So don't you dare insult me by saying what I think is perfect is weird to you. You're literal perfection, you idiot."

She was quiet because she was smiling demurely at him. "Thanks, Draco."

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true." He gave her a firm kiss on her cheek when she turned to look at him.

She continued her braid as he admired her boobs with his hands and eyes.

"Are you almost done?" Draco mumbled after several moments as his cheek pushed into her upper back. He had put her bra and shirt down, so he could hug her from behind. "I'm lacking cuddles now. You got out of bed too early."

"Go back to bed and wait for me then," she softly said as she gathered the last bit of hair before finishing off her braid.

"We came to your dorm late last night after being at the Astronomy Tower, and then we just slept. We didn't even talk before bed or read. You fell asleep on me." His voice hushed down as he exhaled lightly.

"I'm sorry, Draco," she apologized, and tugged on her hair to ensure the braid was tight. "I was really tired. But we can stay in bed longer after I finish this. We can cuddle and talk and skip breakfast, hm?"

"I don't want you skipping breakfast."

"Okay, we can cuddle for fifteen minutes before we go down for breakfast," she suggested. "Just go back to bed and wait for me."

"No." He shook his head and shut his eyes, the coolness of his hands running up and down the rolls of her bare tummy beneath the jersey she wore. His fingers captured a small roll and he squished it, a gesture she noticed he did often because he adored her rolls. "I want to go to bed at the same time."

"I'm almost done." She tried to finish the braid off quickly, her body molding into his.

"Mhm." He nodded, sounding like he was in a small gaze of his own.

When Oshun finished, she and Draco both got back into bed and cuddled beneath the sheets. They never really cuddled in certain positions. Usually they'd just tangle limbs and try to fuse into one.

He was telling her a story about how he got stung by a bee at the age of twelve when she found her eyelids growing heavy again. It was morning and she'd woken not even two hours ago, yet she was tired.

Stupid sickness. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Her head was resting on his bicep, face hidden under his under arm. Her one leg draped over his waist and her arm over his chest.

His arm was circled around her waist, lips skimming against the very top of her head as he spoke. One of his legs was between her thighs, their legs tangling together.

She was about to fall asleep again after a bit of silence when he suddenly shifted in his spot. Her grip tightened around him, using the leg draped over his waist to lock him in place.

"Takahashi." He grinned amusedly and kissed her head. "We have to get up now."

"Mm-mm." She shook her head.

"We'll miss breakfast," he murmured, running his hand up and down her back.

"Fine." She let go of him and turned away, back facing him. "Go get your breakfast."

He didn't move. "I meant for us to get breakfast," he said neutrally. "You know? We go down together?"

When she didn't answer, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He took about five minutes before the door opened. His footsteps stopped at the side of the bed, now staring at her back.



"We should get some food inside of you."

She wasn't ready to get out of bed yet. She felt so tired. This was unusual because she'd only just woken less than two hours ago.

"My sweet girl?"

She shook her head, which he was able to see even though she was facing away from him.

Draco crawled onto the bed and swung a leg over her body, so she was strapped between his knees. He was propped on his knees, using his hand to turn her face to him.

Her dark eyes met his and she smiled at him.

He smiled back. "Hi, you're pretty."

"You're pretty." Her smile widened.

"No food?" he asked softly.

"Not yet." She shook her head and turned to lay on her back. "Five more minutes."

He gave in and dropped on top of her. He cuddled her again, weighing her down with his weight.

She loved it when her boys did this. When they pinned her down with their weight during cuddles when they were on top. It made her feel safe. Felt comforting.

She grunted as she switched their positions, so they were laying on their sides, facing each other. Her nearly black eyes scanned over his face, adoring.

Though she was gazing all over his face, his fervent eyes stayed locked on her eyes. His hand ran up and down her side, caressing her soft skin.

Her fingertip traced up his jawline and she felt a subtle stubble. She smiled as she squished his cheeks and touched his face softly.

"I would never let anyone touch my face this much." Draco's eyes shut as her fingertip glided over his eyebrow.

Oshun dropped her hands, cradling them to her chest. "Sorry."

His eyes opened. "But you're an exception."

Another smile. "Am I?"

He matched her gaily smile. "Of course."

"But do you not like it?"

"You wouldn't be an exception if I didn't like it," he said, voice just shy of a whisper. "Feels relaxing when you do it."

She cupped he jaw and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. And another one.


"Fred, over there." Oshun pointed at a spot.

Fred nodded and with her on his back, he strolled to where she pointed on the Gryffindor stands.

He'd given her a piggy-back ride because she was too tired to walk herself and she'd thrown up again when she woke up. Though Fred did not know that.

The sun was beaming and the clouds were misty as they moved along the bright blue sky. It was a beautiful, beautiful day, and also the day of a Slytherin versus Hufflepuff Quidditch match.

Fred crouched lower to set her down before he sat next to her on the lowest level on the stands. "Where's Forest and Joaquin?" he asked whilst he looked over her head, down the aisles of the stands.

Oshun's head turned in the same direction. "I thought they were following us," she mused.

"George and Lee are coming." He grabbed her hand from her lap to interlock their fingers.

"Okay." She nodded and inched closer to the redhead next to her.

"You alright, angel?" Fred asked softly as he brought their joined hands to his lips and softly kissed the spine of hers.

Her eyebrows drew together in slight confusion. "I'm great. Why?" she said as she met his gaze.

He tossed her a little smile. "Just checking," he said, and used his free hand to hoist her thighs over his singular one, so her legs dangled between his legs.

She inched closer to him and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I'm bloody fucking fantastic." He grinned down at her.

A lie. He just lied to her.

She knew he wasn't "bloody fucking fantastic." She knew this because he made three jokes already, and it wasn't even noon yet. He always made more jokes when something was off.

She didn't know why he was in an off mood, but he was in an off mood. Actually, she had a feeling it was about his joke shop. He and George had been doing a lot lately for it and the pressure was heavy on both of them.

She didn't want to interrogate Fred or press him to speak about it if he didn't want to.

So she went for the safest option and stood from the bench. "Fred," she said quietly, and moved to stand between his legs.

"My love? What's wrong?" His eyebrows frowned in concern, head tipped back to hold her stare within his own.

She held her arms out. "Can I have a hug?"

He nodded quickly with a soft expression. He rose from his seat and engulfed her in his safe arms.

His face buried in the crook of her neck and she smiled when he breathed her scent in. He relaxed against her and his eyelashes brushed her skin as he shut his eyes.

She felt it. She felt that he needed a simple hug.

Her arms were tightly circled around his torso. "I love you, Fred," she whispered, just to remind him.

"I know," he mumbled against the soft skin of her neck. "And I love you more, Oshun."

She kissed the side of his head multiple times before he pulled back. They both lowered back into their seats and entwined their fingers.

She raised their locked fingers in the air and over her head, so his arm was around her shoulders. He gave her a kiss on her temple and she aimed her body to face his even more.

She rested her head against his frame as she kept her grip tight around his hand, patiently waiting for the game to start.

George, Lee, Joaquin, and Forest all showed up together and made their spots around the two. Forest sat next to Oshun and the three boys in the row behind them.

The Slytherin players soon flew out of their boxes and Oshun couldn't compose her smile as she watched her blond boy fly into the air in his Quidditch gear.

He caught her gaze and sent her a swift wink.

She flushed pink as she smiled back at him.

The Hufflepuff players then left their boxes and flew around. All the players circled around the pitch before they got settled into their positions.

The Snitch was off and the Quaffle was up.

Oshun watched the match as best she could, ignoring the sleepiness that caused her eyelids to feel heavy. She leaned on Fred for support because she was too tired to sit up straight.

She clapped and cheered for Draco, Giovanni, and Tavius as loud as she could.

When the Slytherin team scored another goal, everyone roared and clapped. Oshun tried to ignore the ringing in her head caused by the loud noises around her.

The heat was flooding her to her head, which made her feel lightheaded, and the anxiety was clouding her vision. Her hand tightened around Fred's as she attempted to sit up straight.

She took deep breaths. Everyone around her cheered for the winning team.





Her eyes were blurring and her head was throbbing painfully. She unsteadily rose to her feet, fingers falling loose around his hand.

"Freddie?" Her voice was barely heard over the noise as she wobbly turned to him.

He was already looking at her with alarm and he quickly got to his feet before she was engulfed in complete and utter darkness.


Oshun's eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of voices drowning in her head like background noise.

She felt a cold hand in hers and felt several presences around her. Her eyes opened completely and she looked around, bleary-eyed.

She took note that she was in the Hospital Wing, laying in a cot. She saw her mates around her and Fred, all of them listening to Madam Pomfrey as she spoke.

Draco was seated in the chair by her cot, holding her hand tightly. He stared down at the floor, head hung low.

His knee was bouncing and his legs were wide with his elbows resting upon the edge of the cot. He was still in his Quidditch gear.

Oshun blinked a few times, slowly. She took in the fact that all her mates were here and the two loves of her life.

They were here, with her, after she fainted.

She was dying soon and seeing the people she loved around her like this—worried for her and there for her—did something to her heart.

It made her heart wilt in her chest.

Soon enough, she wouldn't be able to see these people again. It made her want to cry at the thought of them being told the news of her death when the time came.

If they were this worried and scared about her simply fainting, what would her death do to them?

She shook off those thoughts for a moment and swiped her tongue across her lips, wetting them. "Draco?" Her voice came out as a rasp as she squeezed his hand.

His head shot up and everyone's heads whipped to her simultaneously. "How are you feeling?" Draco asked softly as he cradled her hand between his large ones.

"I'm okay," she said, because it was true.

She felt okay. Her head wasn't spinning, her stomach wasn't turning, her ears didn't ring. She was okay, despite her dry throat.

She slowly sat up against the propped pillows behind her. "Can I have water?" she asked hoarsely.

Fred nodded quickly and reached over Draco to grab the glass of water on the side table. He handed it to her and she took it with her free hand.

She lifted the rim to her lips and took a generous gulp until her throat was no longer a desert. "What happened?" she asked as Draco put the glass of water on the side table.

"You fainted, Oshun," Forest said apologetically, standing behind the rail of the foot of the cot. "Do you feel okay?"

"I feel fine," she replied whilst she licked her lips.

"Really?" Mavi looked unconvinced and she settled at the foot of the cot. "Because you've been out for a few hours."

"Oh." But she felt fine.

Giovanni and Tavius stepped aside to allow Madam Pomfrey to get closer to the cot. "Have you eaten, Miss Takahashi?" the lady asked in a patient tone, eyebrows pinched together.

"I did." Oshun nodded and held Draco's hand on her lap. "What... er, what did you check? Or, um, do to me?"

Madam Pomfrey checked the sheet on her clipboard. "Mister Weasley brought you in, so I just injected a calming draught into your veins since you were shaking," she said, and met the girl's eyes.

"So I can leave?" Oshun asked slowly.

"I just need to keep you in here overnight for a check up in the morning," the lady responded kindly. "I've checked you already and you seem fine. But I do have a few questions."

"Okay." Oshun nodded.

Madam Pomfrey's eyes bounced to all the people around her. "Do you mind if I speak to her alone? They're rather... personal questions," she said in a kind tone.

Draco's brows bundled together. "No—"

"Malfoy." Fred patted a hand on the blond's shoulder. "Come on, mate. Let's just wait outside and let Madam speak to her. Then we can come back when they've finished."

Draco's jaw clenched as he reluctantly rose from his seat. He hesitantly let go of Oshun's hand.

All her mates and the two boys left the Hospital Wing, supposedly waiting outside of the room.

Madam Pomfrey turned to the girl after everyone left. "Oshun, dear, if you're uncomfortable with the questions I'm about to ask you, tell me, okay?" Her tone was hushed.

Oshun nodded.

"Those bruises..." The lady was tentative as she hugged the clipboard to her chest. "You've got many of them. And your hands are slightly trembling despite the calming draught I gave you. Your stats tell me that you're fine, but you look beyond exhausted."

Oshun didn't realize it was that obvious.

She'd looked in the mirror and saw herself looking perfectly normal. But perhaps she was just used to it.

"You look perfectly fine, but your demeanor and your posture is what's giving it away," Pomfrey said, as though she read Oshun's mind. "Are you alright? Mentally? Emotionally?"

"I'm okay," the girl said quietly, nodding subtly.

"And those bruises?" The lady was patient, so clearly worried for the young girl.

"I bruise easily," Oshun said simply with a fleeting smile.

"Your shaking hands?"

"Bad anxiety."

"Your exhaustion?"

"I'm a student with homework and responsibilities and a pathway to build a good future."

Madam Pomfrey observed the girl before she let it go. "Alright," she said softly with a smile. "Is there anything you want me to prescribe you? For your anxiety?"

Oshun shook her head.

"You're sure?" Pomfrey pressed on out of the kindness of her heart. "Dear, the health of the students is my priority. If a student is dealing with something very difficult, I want to help. I'm a Healer, but I can also be there emotionally and mentally."

"I'm okay, Madam," Oshun said softly, a grateful smile glinting her lips.

"Do you want to set up sessions with a counselor?" Pomfrey went on, still so concerned. "I can be your counselor."

"I'm fine, thank you. Truly," the girl politely declined.

Pomfrey eyed the student with vigilant eyes before she nodded, letting it go. "But, please do stay overnight, alright? I want to do another checkup in the morning."

Oshun nodded.

"And if there's anything you need at all, reach out to the professors or myself or your friends, yes?" the lady said sweetly as crinkles appeared by her eyes from her soft smile.

The girl nodded again.

As Madam Pomfrey left, Oshun's mates and the two other boys all came back into the Hospital Wing. Though, Fred and Draco didn't utter a word at all. Only her mates talked to her and checked up on her.

Fred and Draco were dead silent, simply observing her.

She didn't know why her sickness didn't show up on her stats. She couldn't even guess because she had no clue.

Perhaps it was because of the way the sickness was running through her actual veins like blood? It was tricking even the systems of the Healers.

It was an imitation of her blood.


When they were alone in the middle of the night, that was when Draco and Fred decided to talk.

Oshun was "asleep" while the two boys talked. Her hands were tucked beneath the pillow as her body turned to face Draco.

She hadn't asked them to stay with her, but they'd strongly insisted.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't push her," Fred was saying as he leaned forward in his seat, elbows resting upon his knees.

Draco's eyes rolled, she imagined. "Oh, who gives a shit. She's got millions of bruises and you're not the least bit concerned about why?" he asked in a husky whisper. "Tell me you've noticed the bruises, the shaky hands, and the fatigue."

"I've noticed it, of course," the redhead replied evenly. "But—"

"And now she fainted," Draco cut him off, heaving a sigh and she could imagine him leaning back in his seat. "What's going on with her?"

"I don't know," Fred said with a heavy exhale. "I just know that she doesn't like being interrogated or pressured to talk, so perhaps you shouldn't do that to her when she wakes up."

"So you're telling me that you haven't asked her about—"

"No. I have." Fred's tone was firm, but hushed. "And she didn't like it, so I try not to bring it up. When she's comfortable speaking about it, she will. Did she ever pressure you into talking about something you didn't feel ready to talk about?"

Draco fell silent.

"There you go," Fred said, making his point. "I can assume you know how she gets when she's pressed to talk."

The blond scoffed. "Yeah," he muttered, and she sensed he folded his arms over his chest.


Oshun reached behind for Fred's hand. "Back scratch," she mumbled as she guided his hand to her back.

He inched his chair closer and slid his hand under her shirt to scratch her back whilst his opposite elbow rested on the edge of the cot.

She lay back down to face Draco and closed her eyes, pretending to go back to sleep.

She felt the blond lean closer to drop an affectionate kiss on her forehead before he leaned back in his chair.

"Can I ask you something?" Fred asked after a bit of comfortable silence.

"Me?" Draco uttered.

"No, Oshun," Fred replied sardonically. "Yes, you, you dimwit. She's asleep." His fingernails ran up and down her back, scratching her sensitive skin with such delicacy.

Draco scoffed again. "Well, what is it then?" he asked with impatience in his voice.

"When she picks one of us," Fred began, wary, "Will there be bad blood between us?"

"You mean, you and I?" Draco uttered.

Fred drew out an edged sigh. "I thought you were supposed to be smart—"

"Okay, okay. Point taken. Fucking hell," Draco muttered bitterly.


"Well, are you going to answer my bloody question?" Fred's patience was running low.

Oshun was trying not to smile or laugh.

"I figured you'd repeat it again, so we could just restart," Draco answered blandly as he adjusted himself in his seat.

"Right, right. So you're booksmart, but—"

"Just repeat the fucking question, Weasley," the blond cut him off sharply.

Oshun could imagine Fred taking a few breaths to keep his frustration composed. "Will there be bad blood between you and I after she chooses?" he asked again, serene.

A long pause. "Do you want there to be bad blood?" Draco spoke at last.

"Do you want me to punch you in the face?" Fred spat nastily. "I asked you a question and you answered with a question. That's so fucking annoying."

"So Takahashi's never answered your questions with questions?" Draco asked, and she could imagine him lifting an eyebrow.

"There you go." Fred's tone was low and rough. "Answering another question with a question."

"How do you want me to respond to that?"

"There it is again."

"It's not like you're making this easier," Draco bit out in a low tone of voice. "I was asking if Takahashi ever answered your questions with questions."

"She has. Multiple times," Fred answered wryly. "Which is why it's become a pet peeve. But she does it anyway even though she knows it annoys me."

Draco chuckled under his breath. "Well, to answer your question," he said at last, "No. I don't think I want bad blood between us."

"'Think'?" Fred uttered. "So your thoughts might change? That's what you're telling me?"

"No. I don't want bad blood between us," the blond clarified. "You're a tolerable blood-traitor."

Fred scoffed, but she could hear it was a scoff through a grin. "And you're a pretty decent entitled piece of shit."

She could imagine Draco smirking as he shifted his hips forward in his seat, leaning back comfortably and toying with his rings. "I am pretty great," he said cockily.

"Don't be vain," the redhead said, and he moved to rubbing Oshun's back instead of scratching.

"If you looked like me, you would be too," Draco responded slyly with nonchalance.

Fred made an incredulous sound. "Are you kidding me? I'm the most good-looking lad there is, but I'm modest," he said simply. "You're a close second."

"Mhm..." Draco hummed slowly. "Modest, like you're being right now?"

"It's called self-love," Fred said indulgently.

Oshun suppressed a closed-eye eye roll at the conversation between them.

"Mate, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now." Draco lowered his voice.

"About what?" Fred asked slowly.

"If she breaks my heart and chooses you, I wouldn't care." Draco's soft tone was earnest. "I've always told her not to break my heart, but I don't think that applies anymore. She can break my heart a million times and I wouldn't give a shit. My heart is hers—only hers—even if it's only hers to break."

And there it was.

He just said 'I love you' towards Oshun without saying the actual words.

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