alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

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Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


933 40 100
By dracoandfredownme

"Miss Takahashi!"

Oshun's eyes shot open and her head snapped up to see an impatient Lupin. Everyone's eyes were on her, causing the blood to flood to her head.

She suddenly felt lightheaded. "Sorry," she mumbled, abashed.

Lupin's eyes squinted at her, no longer impatient, but perhaps worried. "Please stay behind after class," he said before getting back to his lesson.

She straightened herself in her seat and blinked hard a few times to adjust her bleary eyes. Her eyes shifted towards the blond sitting in the middle row of the opposite side of the classroom as her.

His eyebrows furrowed in question with his back in his seat with knees wide.

She nodded, flashing him a reassuring smile.

He narrowed his eyes at her, skeptical.

"I'm fine," she mouthed to him as her forearms folded over the desk.

He stared intently for a moment before nodding and then turning his gaze to the Professor.

When class was dismissed, Oshun packed her things and stayed behind as demanded. Once all the students left and the door to the classroom was shut, she rose from her seat and walked to Lupin's desk.

"Oshun, that was the fourth time you've fallen asleep in my class." The Professor's eyes lifted from his paperwork to the student, staring at her above his glasses that rested on his nose.

"I apologize," she said sincerely whilst she fiddled with the strap of her book bag.

"No need for the apology," he said kindly, looping his finger upon his desk. "I'm concerned. That's all."

She blinked, unsure of what to say.

He noticed, clearly. "Is there anything going on with you, Oshun?" His tone was patient and warm. "Your work and grades haven't slipped, but you've been falling asleep during my class repeatedly."

"I'm okay." I'm drained, Professor.

"How many hours of sleep do you get at night?" he pressed as he took his glasses off and set them aside on his desk.

"Enough." More than you'd expect.

He picked up that she didn't want to talk, so he offered a kind smile. "If there's anything you need, let me know, alright?" he said in a low tone. "I won't keep you any longer from your next class. Go on."

She nodded and left the classroom.

"Oh, fuck— shit." She flinched when the blond appeared right next to her when she walked out. "Draco, you fucking weirdo. Warning next time, okay?"

Draco pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and grabbed her book bag, hitching it over his shoulder. "What did he want to talk about?" he asked, and laced their fingers.

"Me," she answered as they began to walk down the corridor.

"No shit, really?" His tone was fused with sarcasm, scoffing. "I thought he'd want to talk about the new wrinkles Dumbledore's got."

She snorted a laugh, tipping her head back to see his face. "Seems like you certainly know about his new wrinkles, don't you?" she retorted.

He rolled his eyes at her and shook his head. "What did Lupin talk to you about?" he asked again, and caught her gaze.

"Me falling asleep in class," Oshun muttered, and looped her other arm around his to hug it as they walked.

"Yeah... I've been wondering about that too," he said tentatively, giving her hand a soft squeeze. "Is everything okay? You've been more tired than usual, Takahashi."

"It's a crime for a girl to be tired?" she said in disbelief, and shook her head. "I'm just more tired today, no big deal. I threw up this morning, so perhaps I'm just under the weather."

His pale eyes sharpened. "You threw up this morning?" he echoed in alert.

"Yeah." She nodded stiffly.

"Did Weasley take care of you? You spent the night with him in your dorm, did you not?" His tone hardened as he examined her carefully.

"He did," she said, and flicked her eyes up to his. "He took care of me. He brought me tea and helped me clean myself up." Lie. She didn't want Fred seeing the colour of her chunky vomit.

"Good." Draco nodded curtly and his jaw set hard. "Do you puke often? In the mornings? Afternoon? What about at—"

Her patient ran low. "Again with this shit? Are you kidding me?" She let go of his hand, irritable.

"No, give me—" He cut himself off and aggressively grabbed her hand to entwine their fingers. "I'm just worried, Takahashi. You're always tired, you get random bruises, your hands tremble sometimes, and now you're puking."

"Those are all normal things that happened to people," she countered, unable to take her hand from his since he was holding her hand too tightly.

"Not at the same time, no," he protested, baffled.

She gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. "You know what the cause of all this is?"

He was hyper aware now. "What?"

"Your nagging," she deadpanned.

He rolled his tongue over the top row of his teeth. "Get your fucking ass to class," he drawled, and jutted his chin towards the classroom they stopped at.

She smiled up at him and curled her hand in the back of his neck to pull him down to her height. She gave him a lingering kiss on the lips.

He kissed her forehead before she went into the classroom.


"Malfoy told me you fell asleep in class again," Fred mentioned, and flicked his eyes over to her.

Oshun nearly choked on her piece of meat.

"Try chewing, angel." He rubbed her back and kept his golden eyes upon her.

"Since when do you and Draco talk?" she asked after swallowing her food.

"He also told me that I should have told you to skip classes since you puked this morning," he said slowly, dropping his hand to her thigh.

She fell silent and looked down at her dinner plate.

"You puked this morning?" His voice lowered for her ears only.

Her eyes lifted to see Forest, Joaquin, George, and Lee all in a serious conversation about the best Quidditch match to ever happen. Forest sat on Oshun's free side and the other three boys in front of them.

"Oshun?" Fred's voice was warning, though still patient.

She hummed and nodded. "The beef is so tender," she said as she jabbed another piece of meat with her fork. "Have you tried it yet?"

Without giving him time to speak, she guided the fork to his mouth and shoved the piece of beef between his lips.

He stared at her unamusedly as he chewed the piece of meat. "Oshun," he said after he swallowed, "Why didn't you tell me you puked this morning?"

"Because it was no big deal." She shrugged her shoulders and went to scoop some more potato mash on her plate. "The real question is—"

"Do you puke often?" He never tore his eyes off her as his veiny hand rubbed her thigh gently. "You know, I had to act like I knew what the hell he was talking about when he mentioned it."

"Since when did you and Draco start talking?" she interjected, and used her fork to eat the potato mash.

"We talk sometimes when we have practice together." Fred's shoulders lifted in a shrug as he grabbed his goblet. His head tipped back as he downed the rest of his water.

"Since when?" she asked again, blinking at him in confusion.

His eyes averted from hers. "It's nothing deep. It's just conversation about you or—" he halted, and shoved a piece of his bread roll in his mouth.

Her brows shot up. "Or?"

"Or other stuff." He shrugged again and went in for another serving of roast beef.

"Like...?" She inched closer to him and lifted her thigh over his, her leg dangling between his legs.

"Quidditch, my joke shop, his mates... stuff." He took her half eaten bread roll and took a bite out of it.

No one would miss the wide smile on her face. "So you guys are getting close?" she asked in a bright tone.

"He's not the arrogant prick I thought he was." Fred met her eyes and held a piece of bread to her lips.

She smiled wider and used her teeth to take the bread from his fingers.

Fred leaned in and kissed her crown when she turned to grab her goblet as his hand caressed her thigh affectionately. "So. You. Puking. Explain." His tone was hard with an undertone of worry.

"I was just feeling under the weather," Oshun replied, and went in to plop some more roast beef onto her plate.

"You're okay now?" he asked as he poured more water into both of their goblets.

"Mhm." She nodded and smiled at him.

"And that time you puked when you were packing for the weekend at the suite?" he pressed on subtly. "What was that about? Under the weather too?"

"Fred." There was an edge in her tone.

"Right. Sorry." He cleared his throat. "No more."

She looked away from him and down at her food.


"Have you got a slap kink?" Draco asked as he kissed the top of her breasts.

Oshun blinked slowly as she lay shirtless and comfortably on his bed in his dorm. "I don't know," she said, uncertain. "Do I?"

"Do you want to try?" His head lifted from her boobs as he sat on top of her, legs on either side of her hips.

"Okay." She nodded as her hands ran up and down the sides of his torso from under his tight T-shirt.

He raised his hand and she sucked in a breath, holding it in as she prepared. His palm struck her cheek, not too hard, but hard enough to cause her head to whip to the side.

She gasped as her cheek stung, her hand going to touch her reddened cheek. "No. No. I don't have a fucking slap kink—not in the face," she said annoyedly, glaring at him. "That hurt, you fucking git."

She raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

His head whipped to the side and his cheek bloomed red, but he turned to her with a devious smirk.

"You have a slap kink," she said slowly, amused.

"Don't take it as an invitation to slap me whenever you please, alright?" he said firmly as his hands palmed her breast through her bra.

A smile spread across her lips. "Why not?" she mused, and snaked her hands under his shirt again.

He snorted a laugh. "Because if you slap me in the middle of a corridor, I will not hesitate to fuck you against the wall in the corridor—despite whoever is there."

"Hmmmm..." She grinned as her fingers brushed over his abs.

Draco lowered down until his mouth brushed over hers and she used the opportunity to flip their positions. Her legs fell to straddle his thighs as her curls spilled around their faces like a curtain.

"My shirt's off," she purred into his parted lips. "Only fair if you take yours off too."

He hummed lowly as his hands slid behind her and with one hand, he unclasped her bra. "I suppose you're right," he murmured as he smoothly removed her bra from her body and let it slip to the floor.

She smiled as he sat up. Their lips broke apart when she pulled his T-shirt over his head and threw it behind her onto the floor.

Her head tilted as he began to ghost his mouth down to her neck, littering light kisses.


"Yes, darling?"

"Stop looking for bruises."

He drew back with lips pressed into a firm line. "I just want to see," he insisted whilst his hands held largely on the curves of her waist.

Her arms winded around his neck. "See what, exactly?" she asked with a light scoff.

"How many you have this time," he told her, and caressed his hands up and down her bare back. "I doubt anyone that bruises easily gets this many bruises on them, Takahashi. You breathe and you get a new bloody bruise."

"How many times are we going to have this discussion?" she drawled in clear annoyance. "Every time I'm with you, you just have to bring up my bruises or fatigue. Honestly, Draco. Just drop it."

His jaw ticked. "I'm worried about you, for fuck's sake," he countered in a hard tone.

"Draco," she warned as her arms loosened around his neck.

"No, do not fucking take that tone with me," he snapped angrily, and brushed her curls behind her ear. "You're bruising easily, you're always tired, and now you're fucking puking. The fuck's up with you?"



"Living can really take a toll on a person," she told him promptly.

"Yeah?" His brows arched at her. "What does Weasley say about this?"

Her jaw went slack.

She stammered for a moment. "What the hell? You want to know Fred's opinion? Are you guys best mates now? What the fuck is going on?" she asked all at once, perplexed.

"What does Weasley say about your bruises and puking and fatigue, Takahashi." This time, Draco was not asking. He was demanding.

"He doesn't fucking interrogate me like you do," Oshun spat harshly. "Can we stop talking about this? You just killed the mood, Draco."

"I can put you in the mood as fast as I killed it," he said dismissively with a sharp expression upon his face. "Takahashi, what are you not telling me?"

She stared at him, lips pressed together.

He waited, looking quite impatient though.

"Fine," she said, giving in. "I ate four pieces of toast for breakfast with eggs and that sausage patty stuff. Then I ate two full plates for lunch."

He blinked at her. "Why is that relevant?"

"Because you asked what I wasn't telling you, so I told you what I didn't tell you," she answered simply, towing his hair from his face.


"Draco, I'm not having this same discussion again." She got off his lap and slid off his bed, frustrated. "It's getting really fucking tiring."

"Where are you going?" Draco groaned as he got off the bed.

"Away from you."

Before she could even pick up her shirt, he got hold of her and chucked her back onto the bed like she was a doll.

"My titties!" she exclaimed, cupping her own boobs as she landed flat on her back.

"My titties," he corrected, and went on top of her between her legs.

"Draco, get off of me." Oshun's tone was firm as she wiggled under him.

He knew by her tone, she wasn't joking. A slight frown pulled onto his lips as he got off of her, heavily staring at her.

She slid off the bed yet again and reached down for her bra and T-shirt.

"Takahashi," he called from the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?"

"I told you I'm not having this discussion anymore," she said while putting her T-shirt on. "So if you want to keep talking about it, then talk about it with the wall because I'm leaving."

"No. I'm sorry. I'll stop." He got to his feet and rushed to her. His hands grasped her waist to turn her to face him. "I'm sorry. Please don't leave."

"You always say that, and then you bring it up again." She pushed his hands off her and turned to walk away.

"No, stop. I'm sorry," he pleaded, and followed her to the armchair where her bag was. "Please stop gathering your belongings. I'm sorry. I'll stop bringing it up, I swear."

He took her bag out of her hands and smoothly stepped in front of her, so he was blocking her from packing her things.

Oshun angled her head back to catch his gaze, an irritable expression darkening her face.

"I'm sorry. I'll stop," Draco said softly, holding her cheeks largely in his palms. "No more questions and interrogation. I promise."

She nodded tersely.

"Come." His large hand slid down into hers.

He guided her back to the bed and he lowered onto the edge of it. His hands found her waist and he drew her in, one of his muscular thighs between her legs.

She stood, staring at him with a blank expression.

He noticed her annoyed demeanor. "Did you finish the book I suggested to you?" he asked cheerfully as he slipped his hands under her shirt to feel her skin.

Her eyes lightened. "Yeah, I did," she beamed. "I finished it in two days."

"Yeah? How'd you like it?" His hands caressed up and down her torso.

She ushered him to go up the bed to lay down. They both lay on the bed together, facing each other as they talked about the book.

Oshun loved talking about books with Draco because he was always ecstatic and enthusiastic to talk about it with her. He always showed genuine interest and he listened so intently when she spoke so passionately about the book.

"I think this book was definitely one of the best," Draco admitted as he sat up to lean against the propped pillows behind him.

Oshun sat up too. "But nothing can beat that last book I recommended to you," she said, and climbed onto his lap to straddle him. "It was a page-turner."

"I mean, I get why you'd think it was better," he said tentatively, and tugged her in closer by her waist. "But when you look at the actual plot, this one was more well thought-out and mind-boggling."

Her palms rested upon his bare chest. "I suppose," she allowed.

He brought his hands to hold her head between them. He leaned in and drew her head closer to kiss her.

"I really like your lips," he mumbled, and pecked her mouth multiple times. "So soft and so sweet."

She smiled coyly and her hands smoothly slid to either side of his neck.

He slanted his forehead against hers, his lips skimming hers. "I like your hair..." he murmured as his hands moved up to push her thick curls away from her face.

"I like your skin." He brushed the back of two fingers across her cheek.

"I like your eyes." His eyes intently locked with hers.

"I like everything about you..." he whispered, and dropped his hands to her hips. "A lot. I like you a lot, Takahashi."

She blushed profusely, visibly so. "I love you a lot, Draco," she crooned, and leaned in to kiss him.

He smiled shyly and matched her loving energy in their kiss.

Her hands glided to curl in the back of his neck as she bucked her hips to inch closer to him on his lap.

"Say it again," he mumbled into her parted mouth.

"I love you," she whispered as her fingers played with the hair on the back of his head.

He exhaled a dazed sigh. "I like hearing those words come from you," he crooned, and smiled wider.

She smiled and kissed him more, greedy for the warmth of his mouth pressed into hers.

Draco's veiny hands slid beneath her shirt to grasp her hips. His cool rings pressing into her sensitive skin made goosebumps trail down her spine as their kiss grew to more.

Beneath her, she felt him grow in his trousers. Her tongue thrust into his mouth and something like a groan rattled in the back of his throat.

She kissed him harder and he kissed back even harder. Their chests were falling in sync with their heavy breathing and their kissing got slower, more sloppier.

He pulled away, abruptly.

Her brows frowned. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly.

He shook his head as his pale eyes admired her. "I just wanted to look at you for a moment," he replied in a mere whisper.


He noticed her sudden flushed self and he smirked in clear amusement. He leaned in to connect their mouths once more.

As their lips entwined, he used his hands to roll her hips over his bulge. This caused her breaths to exhale short and quick through her lips and into his parted mouth.

Against her lips, she felt his breaths hitch in the back of his throat as he continued to roll her hips over his bulge. She was dripping wet, dampening the thin material of her thong.

His spine-tingling breaths were doing unexplainable things to her. Her core was weakening and her body was giving into him.

Their kissing had paused, now exchanging vehement breaths into each other's mouths. She grinded against him as her fingers threaded through the back of his hair, her other arm draping lazily over his shoulder.

"How's this feel, Takahashi?" he rasped as he pushed her harder against him.

"Good," she breathed, but barely. "Feels good."

"Yeah?" He grinned and leaned in to give her a tease of a kiss, ghosting his sensuous mouth against hers.

"Mhm." She nodded as her forehead rested against his.

Draco's striking eyes watched her every move, appraising her as she nearly got lost in the heat of friction happening between their crotches. It was sending waves throughout her blood and bones.

Oshun's head fell into the crook of his neck, biting her bottom lip.

His one hand snaked to the small of her back as his other left her hip. He used his hand to cup her jaw, peeling her head from his neck.

He smoothly dropped his hand down to her chin and used the side of his index finger to lift her chin up to make their gazes meet. He was using his other hand to push her against him, his hand sprawled largely on her lower back.

"Look at me," he demanded huskily. "If you look away, I stop."

She nodded.

"Use your words. I need words." His voice dropped lower.

"Okay," she panted as her back arched, her front brushing his.

He nodded in approval and continued to roll her hips against him.

No words could explain how much she loved when he did this while making out. It unleashed butterflies everywhere... everywhere.

"Let's try something, hm?" Draco mumbled as his hands fell to the curves of her waist. "Try something new?"

"Okay," she murmured, and nodded

"Here." His cold hands gripped her waist tightly as he lifted her slightly off his lap, over one of his muscular thighs only. He grabbed her thighs and adjusted them to straddle his single one.

"What is this?" she asked as her arms winded around his neck.

"Ride my thigh," he replied evenly, and watched her heavily.

"Ride your..." she drew off, confused. "How does this work? Would it feel good for me?"

"You'll have to wait and see." His hands fell under her shirt to grasp her hips.

"Don't tell me you have a penis on your thigh, Malfoy," she muttered, and stared at him with raised brows.

"Want to check?" he asked with that charming smile that made every girl swoon.

"Not really, no." She shook her head slowly.

He chuckled roughly through a grin and inched closer to close the gap between their lips.

As they made out sloppily and messily, he rolled her hips now over his thigh. Oshun herself was unsure of how this would feel good, but kissing him was sort of distracting her from focusing on that.

She nearly gasped at the friction going on between her cunt and his thigh, her lace thong rubbing against her cunt. It felt good, something she didn't expect.

"Oh." She gaped at the fluttering feeling between her legs. "It feels good..."

He smirked devilishly. "Yeah? You like this, don't you, darling?" Amusement and delight was unmistakable in his tone.

"I like it," she breathed, pressing her forehead against his. "It feels amazing."

Draco pushed her against his thigh, hard. His movements were hard, slow, and controlled. He knew what he was doing. No surprise there.

"But it doesn't feel good for you?" Her hips began to grind against his thigh.

A lazy grin hung on his lips. "Don't worry about me," he insisted as he pecked her mouth, one, two, three times. "I want my sweet girl to feel good."

She blushed and continued to grind against his thigh, her breathing tattered. She closed the space between their mouths once more and pushed the back of his head more into hers to press their lips harder together.

Lazy and sloppy kisses were her favourite when doing sexual intercourse. It was just the feeling of it as she got pleasured—it made her weak in every place on her body.

Soft, breathy moans escaped her lips and into the kiss every so often as she attempted to grind harder.

He broke their kiss to haul her shirt over her head. He tossed it aside before he immediately went to her bare breasts.

One hand cupped largely over one breast and he covered her areola of the opposite breast with his mouth. He hummed and it sent a wave of vibrations through her body. He brought his other hand to her neck and closed his fingers around her throat.

She gasped a moan when he sucked her nipple hard and squeezed her other just as hard. Her fingertips gripped his shoulder blades as she continued to ride his thigh.

Her head tipped back and her back arched. His tongue whirled around her boob as he was tranced in his own world—he had quite the obsession with her tits.

Oshun brought one of her hands down to his crotch. She palmed his bulge through his trousers and he groaned with her boob in his mouth. His teeth clamped down on the tender flesh of her breast as his forehead knocked forward into her chest.

She massaged his bulge through his trousers, wanting him to feel good as well. Her free hand laced in the back of his hair, nearly tugging at his locks as she felt her climax reaching.

She was grinding furiously against his thigh as his face peeled from her chest. His lips latched onto the skin of her collarbone, planting sloppy and firm kisses.

"Fuck, Takahashi," he growled into the skin of her neck, a groan trailing out right after.

She added more pressure onto his bulge, breathing lustfully in his ear. "Does this feel good, Draco?" she whispered softly.

"Don't stop... fuck, it feels so good," he panted, and his hot breaths fanned alluringly against her skin.

She felt her release getting closer as she continued to massage his bulge. "Draco... I'm coming," she breathed, and drew out each grind against his thigh.

He lifted his head from her neck and immediately grabbed her waist, lifting her up to hover over his thigh.

"What the hell, Draco?" she said annoyedly.

"I don't want you to cum yet," he said simply through his irregular pants.

"Fuck this." She scoffed and let go of his trapped erection.

He stammered for a moment, jaw hanging low. "Wait— I didn't say that I couldn't cum," he blurted out, and grabbed her hand.

She took her hand from his grasp and got off his lips. "You didn't say it, but I did." She slid off his bed and headed to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" he droned, and lay on the bed, arms behind his head, relaxed.

"I'm going to shower." Her eyes veered over her shoulder. "Coming?"

Not even a second and he hopped off the bed, undoing his belt and fly.

When she got inside of the bathroom, she pulled down her shorts and thong, stepping out of them.

Draco waited, standing in front of her.

"You can't shower with clothes on, Draco," she told him as she stood before him, naked.

He nodded and then with one swift movement, shoved down his trousers and his boxers to his ankles, exposing his large erection.

Oshun's face reddened as her eyes stared at his huge cock.

"My eyes are up here." He used two fingers from the same hand to point at his eyes.

Her eyes snapped up to his, feeling flustered. "Sorry," she blurted.

But the handsome boy only smirked, tilting his head at her.

She stared at him and forced her eyes not to lower down.

His eyebrows arched. "I thought we were going to shower," he said slowly as his smirk grew.

"We are," she blurted out, and turned to open the glass shower door.

Ignoring his eyes trailing all over her exposed body, she turned the shower on to a warm setting before stepping over the threshold.

He stepped in after her and closed the glass door. His shower was fancy with the built-in seat on the opposite side of the shower head and the built-in shelf in the wall.

She went under the water and her eyes shut as the warm water hit her skin. The water ran down her contrasting body in beads and lines, soaking her curls and sagging them down.

Draco's cold hands circled around her waist, his tip rubbing against one of her buttocks.

"Draco." She laughed coyly as she turned to face him. "Your thing is touching my bum."

"I can't just make it go down on demand." He grinned curvingly at her and dipped down to plant an ardent kiss on her wet forehead.

She melted under his soft kiss as her hands rested on his hard chest.

He drew back and studied her with glazed eyes. "You look so pretty when you're soaked like this, you know that?" he said in a murmur. "Really pretty."

"Thank you," she said with a soft smile.

He went down to kiss her mouth as they smoothly switched spots, so he was under the water. "I got you more of your usual unscented body wash, okay?" he crooned, and pushed a wet curl behind her ear. "Because I know your skin is too sensitive for my scented stuff."

"Thank you." She pulled away to reach for the shampoo on the shelf in the marble wall.

But she stopped in a drunken gaze when she watched the blond tip his head back with his eyes shut. His slender fingers ran back against his scalp to brush his hair back as it drenched under the water. The water drops rolled down his pale skin, running down the dips of his abs and toned chest.

"How are your parents?" He rubbed a hand over his face to wipe off the water as his head tipped forward, eyes opening to meet her stare. "You wrote to them last night, didn't you?"

She blinked quickly out of her trance. "Um, y-yeah," she blurted out. "They're good. I wrote back to them this morning and they're excited to have me home for summer."

"Speaking of summer," he said as he took the shampoo bottle from her hands. He spun her around, so her back was to him as he stayed under the water. "You want to come stay at my manor—"


"Let me finish talk—"




"But I want to spend some time with you during the summer," he said as he put the shampoo bottle on the shelf after squirting some into his palm.

"I'm not going to your manor, Draco." Her tone was clear as the water splashed onto her from his body.

"But my mother would want to spend some time with you too." His palms rubbed together before going in to scrub her hair. "I tell her a lot about you now in my letters, you know. You're frankly all we talk about because of how distant we are now."

"Look, I have no problem with your mother," Oshun said honestly as her head knocked back, relaxed at his fingertips massaging her scalp. "But it's your father."

"I know." His voice quieted down as he held her waist to switch their spots. "Trust me, I know."

Since the shower head was on the ceiling of the shower, he was able to wash the shampoo out of her hair with ease.

Her heart felt heavy at the change of his tone because of all the trauma he had from his father.

"Draco, how's this," she said indulgently, "I'll go to your manor, but when your father is on a business trip, okay? So then I'll actually be able to spend some time with your mother."

As much as she didn't want to say things like this when she knew she wouldn't make it for summer, she wanted to make him happy.

She could sense he nodded. "That's good, yeah," he said in a brighter tone of voice. "Yeah. I'll just have to ask my mother about my father's business trips during the summer."

"Did Theodore write you back?" she asked as he wrung her hair out and the water ran clear.

"Yeah." He moved her out of the water by her waist, now he was under the water. "He told me he has a cellmate now."

"Oh, yeah?" she mused, and he turned her away from him.

He grabbed the conditioner bottle. "He has someone to talk to now, so that's good," he muttered as he squeezed some conditioner into his palm.

"I suppose," she said tentatively as he lathered the conditioner onto her hair. "Did Dumbledore approve of the psychiatrist you found for Theo?"

"The wrinkly shit told me that I need to talk to Theo's dad first," Draco said bitterly as his fingers ran through her wet hair. "Which I think is stupid because his dad isn't going to do shit. He never liked Theo. He only kept him around for the name, but now that Theo's in Azkaban, he doesn't give a shit."

"That's horrible." Oshun frowned deeply.

"It is, I know." He nodded as he switched their places, so he could wash her hair. "But Theo's an adult, so I'm going to see if I can rearrange some things to let him have even one session with the psychiatrist."

"You're a good friend, Draco," she murmured sweetly.

"I try." His fingers stroked her hair under the water as he washed out the conditioner.

"Can I tell you something?" She turned around to face him after he finished washing out her hair.

"Anything." He nodded and circled his hands around her waist to her lower back.

"You had a good heart to begin with," she told him gently as she combed back his wet hair with her fingers. "You just had a— a wall up, so no one ever really saw it. But lately, your wall has been down and now you show kindness without even thinking."

His shoulder lifted in a shrug. "Well, I have you to thank—"

"No, my lovely." She shook her head immediately. "You improved on your own. All credits go to yourself."

A small smile broke onto his lips. He angled his head down and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

She kissed him softly for a few moments before they both pulled back. He grabbed her personal loofa and her body wash.

He squirted some body wash onto the loofa as they switched spots once more, so he was under the water. He kept her turned away from him, so he could scrub her body after putting the bottle back on the shelf.

His hand pushed her hair over her shoulder before resting upon her hip. He used his other hand to hold the loofa, running it up and down her back to scrub her body.

He soon turned her around and brushed her hair away to fall down her back. He scrubbed down her arms and her stomach and the curves of her waist. He scrubbed over her breasts and under them before her chest.

"Hey, your thing went down," Oshun pointed out as her hands held his wrists as he scrubbed her.

Draco looked down at himself before her eyes. Then his gaze dropped to her bare boobs that were covered in suds.

Her lips slightly parted when she saw his cock slowly grow hard once again.

"I reckon you spoke too soon," he said as his eyes captured hers.

She stammered, unable to form a sentence.

"Your tits covered in soap looks fucking amazing," he said as he shamelessly stared at her boobs. "I could cum right now."

She burst out laughing at his words, her hands falling to grip his hips.

"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious." He stared at her, serious.

She switched spots with him to wash off the soap on her own.

"Wait, no." He grabbed her wrists quickly. "I want to do that."

She peered up at him and nodded slowly, feeling the throb between her legs become difficult to ignore.

He glided his hands all over her body to wash off the soap, taking his time. She watched him lovingly the whole time, mesmerized by the way he himself was mesmerized by her body.

When he finished, his hand slid up to her neck and used his index finger to lift her chin. He angled his head down to connect their lips in a kiss.

Oshun went on her tiptoes a little bit, eager and hungry for more of his lips. She kept herself stable by wrapping her arms around his neck.

As their kiss grew more aggressive and slow, Draco slid one strong arm around her waist. "Jump," he muttered into her bottom lip.

She jumped and he caught her easily with his free hand clutching the bottom of her thick thigh. Her legs winded around his waist as she continued to sensually make out with him.

The warm water rained upon them as he pressed her against the glass wall of the shower. She nearly shuddered at the cold glass pressed into her skin.

His hands slid down to grasp her thighs as his lips moved in sync with hers. She positioned her hands on either side of his wet neck as his erection rubbed against her throbbing cunt.

Her lips closed over his and his bottom lip got captured between her lips. She sucked his bottom lip before nibbling gently on it, earning a thunderous sound from him.

He slipped his arm from around her waist to grab himself, stroking his cock for a few short seconds. He shifted back just a bit to line himself up at her entrance before he whispered, "Ready?"

She nodded eagerly.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath. "How many times do I need to tell you to use your fucking words? I want to hear your voice, Takahashi."

"Yes," she breathed. "I'm ready."

"That's a good girl..." he murmured as he pushed every incredible inch inside of her and trailed off with a throaty groan.

She gasped loudly at the position and how vividly she felt his cock tight inside of her. Her one hand glided over to close her fingers around his broad shoulder and her other gripped the base of his throat.

He began to move, deep strokes at a slow pace. Their forehead against each other as they panted into each other's parted mouths. The water continued to rain upon them.

As Draco's thrusts quickly began to turn into fast strokes, her hand unconsciously tightened around his throat. Her nails dug into the flesh of his shoulder as her head knocked back.

"Ugh... that feels so good," he moaned roughly as his head tipped back. "Tighter, Takahashi."

Not because he said so, but because of the way his hips bucked and battered against her caused her to tighten her grip around his throat.

Her legs loosened around his waist and he quickly grasped the sides of her thighs to hold them upon his hips. The sounds were sloppy due to their wet bodies and arousal.

"Shit," she gasped out as her eyes rolled back. "Just like that... oh, right there."

"Right there?" he mused in a near growl as he slammed in the spot she cried out for. "How's this feel, my gorgeous slut?"

"Fucking amazing," she moaned.

Her body slid up and down the wet glass in sync with each of his animalistic thrusts, condensation fogging it up.

Draco's moans and groans were raspy due to the tight grip around his throat. She let go of his neck to snake both of her hands around to the back of his head, her fingers clutching at his wet locks of hair.

Oshun lifted her head and pushed his head closer to hers to meet his lips in a chaotic kiss. His wet body pressed firmly into hers as his thrusts did not waver, remaining deep and quick.

She lost full control of her voice. Her moans and cries of pleasure echoed in his fancy bathroom, louder than the pressure of the shower head.

"Holy hell," she gasped into his mouth. "You're so fucking good..."

He grinned with a gaped mouth against her lips as his eyes tightly locked with hers. "Oh yeah?" His voice was a rasp. "How good is this, my sweet girl?"

As he spoke, he pulled himself out and slammed back in, his tip hitting her deepest and most sensitive point.

"Fuck!" Her voice rose in ecstasy, her teeth clamping his bottom one between. "That's fucking... oh, don't stop."

She leaned back to tug on his lip before letting go and aggressively colliding her mouth into his. She wasn't able to kiss him for long due to the moans she was unable to contain.

Her chest heaved as she found the courage to put her legs down from his hold. She pulled him out of her and his brows bunched together in confusion.

Before he could utter a word, she placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back to the built-in seat for the shower. Once he was seated, she lifted her thighs on either side of his thighs to straddle him.

Holding his intense stare, she grabbed his cock and lined herself up before lowering herself onto him. They groaned yet again together once he was all the way in.

Her arms draped over his shoulders as she kept eye contact and began to grind against him. He grunted lowly through his gaped mouth as his hands glided over her waist and down to her ass.

"Faster, Takahashi," he said breathily, and made an attempt to push her against himself. "Fuck, go faster."

She clamped his mouth shut with one of her hands and refused to go along with his attempts. "I'm on top, Malfoy," she said softly. "I'm in control right now, alright? Don't be pathetic by barking orders at me. Understood?"

She saw his Adam's apple shift as he gulped and nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he muttered against her palm.

"Good boy," she crooned as she let her arm fall back over his shoulder. "You're such a good boy for me, isn't that right?" Her hips rolled over him, grinding slowly, but deeply.

He suppressed a groan as he nodded. "I'm a good boy for you only," he rasped, and glided his hands back to grasp her waist.

"Mhm." She smirked as she upped her pace ever so slightly.

Draco inched closer to kiss her sloppily as she continued to fuck him. Progressively, her pace quickened until she was practically bouncing on top of him and remained hard.

Their skins clapped impossibly loud together as she moaned into his mouth. Not only did she lose control of her own voice, but his sounds of pleasure were streaming messily from his lips.

"Shit, you fuck like a nasty slut," he groaned, nails digging into the tender flesh of her waist. "Ah... shit, I could do this forever."

She gasped a moan through a smirk as her head tipped back. Her moans were getting more high-pitched and louder as her high was approaching.

He leaned in and pressed his lips on her neck. He trailed soft, but hot kisses along her neck before he sucked the skin of the base of her throat.

His face buried between her breasts, praising them and appreciating them. He took her nipple in his mouth briefly before his lips kissed and his teeth nipped at her sensitive skin.

Her back arched into him as he hugged her body closer to his, strong arms tightly enveloped around her. His groans vibrated against her neck and it sent a wave through her.

She lifted her head and cupped his jaw. Her head angled down to kiss him more as she rode him furiously.

As his hands gripped her waist, he pounded upwards into her as he circled her hips over him.

By the way she felt him twitching and pulsing rapidly inside of her, she knew he was going to cum.

"F-Fuck... I'm coming," he rasped into her mouth, and did one thrust upwards into her.

"Come on, Draco," she breathed softly. "Cum for me. Cum inside of me."

As she continued to move and with their eyes locked intently, he bucked his hips and thunderously moaned as he released himself inside of her.

His thighs clenched and his moan dragged out as his body melted underneath her. His eyes rolled back in pure bliss.

She moaned at his release and her high washed over her like euphoria. Her body tensed and then relaxed as she grinded slowly against him, her forehead resting against his.

His hands clutched her waist as he moved her hips in circles with him still inside of her. He did this slowly for a few moments, coaxing them through their highs.

Their chests heaved in sync and their heavy breathing filled the steamy air around them. Against her chest, she could feel his heart racing in sync with hers as their eyes remained locked.

Draco brushed his lips across hers before lowering his gaze to where they connected. She lifted herself up and gripped his shoulders.

He used two slender fingers to collect their mixed releases before using those same two fingers to push his semen back inside of her. "Mmmm..." he hummed as he slowly circled his fingers inside of her.

She whimpered at the overstimulation as she panted heavily. Her legs trembled as she tightly gripped his shoulders, attempting to get off him after he removed his fingers from inside of her.

He helped her and held her waist as he rose from the seat. His hands held her tightly to prevent her from falling.

Her knees nearly buckled beneath her, but she wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself up. She looked up at him and met his gaze.

He smiled and went to kiss her mouth gently. "Are you okay, my darling?" he murmured sweetly.

Despite her small struggle with trying to catch her breath, she nodded. "I'm great," she beamed, and tightened her grip around him.

Her smile faltered when something rubbed against her thigh.

She looked down and saw that he was apparently ready for round two.

"Draco." Her cheeks tinged red as she met his grey eyes.

He smirked with eyes darkened by desire. "Get on your knees, suck my cock, and make me cum," he said huskily in a near growl.

Oshun didn't have to be told twice as she dropped onto her knees in front of him. She closed her fingers around his cum-covered cock and stroked softly.

He tipped his head forward to hold her gaze as she did this. She rubbed her thumb over his tip and earned a grunt from his sexy lips.

As he hand slid down his cock, she went in to wrap her lips around him. She stroked whatever she couldn't fit in her mouth at the same pace and with the same pressure as she did with her mouth.

She swirled her tongue slowly against his tip, tasting their mixed cums on his cock. She slid both of her hands up his glorious abs as she attempted to fit more of him into her mouth.

She felt him melt under her fingertips as she bobbed her head slowly. Her tongue flattened against his cock with pressure and his breathing became even more ragged than before.

She still held his stare through her eyelashes. She applied more pressure and then sucked hard as she removed him from her mouth.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath, breathing thickly. "Do that again."

She did it again and earned a sexy moan from his lips as his hands gathered her wet hair. He pulled her hair back for her as she continued to suck his dick.

Her hands ran up and down his abs as she quickened her pacing, deepthroating him until her eyes watered. She kept the perfect amount of pressure, her cheeks hollowing each time she bobbed her head.

Draco's sounds of pleasure were no longer low, but loud and clear. His head had knocked back briefly before he lifted it, biting his bottom lip as he watched her in a haze.

Her teeth grazed him slightly as she kept her tongue flat against him. She then swirled her tongue around him slowly and around his tip.

"Oh, shit," he hissed as his jaw clenched and unclenched. "You're so fucking good... such a dirty fucking slut." His chest heaved.

She went fast once more and then slow. She repeated this a few times before she felt him twitch inside of her mouth.

When she was going to continue, he pulled himself out of his mouth and she looked at him, bemused.

He smiled lazily at her and wrapped a large hand around his cock. He jerked himself off quickly before angling his tip downwards towards her tits.

She blinked and then felt his hot release squirt from his cock and onto her boobs. He groaned at his second climax as he continued to stroke himself, more of his semen shooting onto her boobs.

Oshun felt between her legs throb as she watched in a drunken gaze, hypnotized by this.

When his dick went limp, he hunched down to help her to her feet. His well-defined arm slithered around to hold her waist and his other palmed her jaw, using his thumb to pull down the skin of her chin to part her mouth.

Her dark eyes met with his and she smiled lovingly at him. "That was exhilarating," she told him, and threw her arms around his neck.

His eyes lowered to her breasts that were covered with his release as he smirked deviously and met her eyes. "Mhm," he hummed, and kissed her.

She kissed him back before he drew away and kissed her forehead. He ushered her under the water and he turned around to adjust the temperature.

Her eyes fell down to his bum and she checked it out really quick. "Draco."


"Can I touch your bum?"


She smiled and swung her hand to slap his bare bum. "Nice," she said approvingly. "It's firm."

"I know." He was smirking amusedly as he turned back to her.

She peeked her head around him to see his ass again.

"Oi." His hands held her head between them as a pink blush crept into his cheeks. "My eyes are here."

She smiled and chuckled at his blushed cheeks.

"You know what you are, Takahashi?" he said sneakily as his eyes stared deeply into hers.

"Fred's angel."

Something like irritation flashed in his features. "No." His tone was clipped and firm. "Not even close."

"Then what am I?"


"And Fred's."


"And Fred's."




"Sharing is—"

"Well, I don't care and I certainly don't share."

"That rhymed," she beamed up at him with a big smile. "But it's not entirely true."

"Says who?"

"That rhymed too."

"That one did too."

A bubble of laughter elicited from her lips as she gaily gazed at the gorgeous boy.

He grinned at her and kissed her forehead.

"Now." She grabbed his biceps and pushed him aside, so she could be under the water.

Being a drama queen, he exaggeratedly fell against the cold wall of his shower and made a sound, as though he'd been hurt. "Bloody hell," he said, offended. "Why so aggressive?"

"I didn't even— I didn't even push you that hard." She blinked at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I think you broke my back." He looked away from her and reached one hand to rub his wet back. "If you didn't look so beautiful, I would be real angry at you for breaking my back."

"You break mine all the time—"

"Actually, can you kiss it better?" He turned around, so his back was to her. "It's the least you can do."

The comment made her eyes roll as she leaned in a pressed her lips softly to the centre of his back.

"Another one."

She kissed a different part of his muscles back, her hands resting over his lower back.


She kissed lower this time and did one more while she was there.

"Ahh..." He exhaled and whirled around to face her. "I'm all healed now."

She really couldn't bite back her smile at him. No one would ever know how much he loved to be babied unless they knew him like she did.

The two of them finished up the rest of their shower and he washed her body once more. They got out together and wrapped towels around themselves.

By the time Draco was in bed, shirtless, and whining for her to join him, she was diffusing her hair after putting her curl products in. The bathroom door was wide open, so they could see each other still.

"Takahashi! I'm waiting!" came his voice once more, a whine.

"Waiting for what?" she droned as she used her hands to scrunch her curls.

"To be held," he called out in a singsong tone. "I want you to hold me, please. Let's sleep now. I want to be held. I want kisses and cuddles."

She stifled a laugh at how much of a baby he was when he let his heart on the line. "Hold on," she called back.

He made a sound of an exaggerated groan. "You always do this!" he whined again. "You don't even love me. You just... fuck! You don't prioritize my needs for affection!"

She shut the bathroom door.

She heard him gasp in offence. "Takahashi!" he shouted, though she could sense he didn't move from the bed. "You don't love me! You're such a liar!"

She rolled her eyes as she finally left the bathroom in her tiny shorts and his Quidditch jersey. "You're so bloody dramatic," she said as she limped to the bed.

His jaw clenched as he lay under the sheets, the silk sheets peeled next to him for her to join him. "Just get in bed and give me affection," he gritted, and slammed his palm upon the mattress.

She climbed onto his bed and crawled next to him. He wasted no time and moved on top of her, his one leg between hers and his arms wrapped around her waist.

She lay down and he snuggled into her side with his face buried in the curve of her neck. His cold hand slipped under her shirt—his jersey—to cup her bare boob. Her fingers threaded through his hair as her arms tangled around him.

She gave him a few kisses on his head and cuddled more into him. "I love you, Draco," she murmured. "How's that for affection, hm? Happy now?"

Against her neck, she felt him smile. "Yes," he mumbled as he relaxed and practically lay on top of her.

Draco Malfoy was a literal baby for love and affection.

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