alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

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Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


1.1K 46 101
By dracoandfredownme

"Did he tell you why he wanted you to stay away?" Fred asked as he poured water into his goblet at their table.

"No." Oshun shook her head, eyes reading over the redhead's essay for one of his classes. "Freddie, did you change what I suggested? Because you didn't have to. It was just a suggestion."

"I changed it, yeah." He nodded and peeked over to look at his essay. "The suggestion you made makes the essay sound more professional."

"Oh, okay." She continued to read through his essay.

"So you told him that you love him?" he muttered, and put a piece of toast onto his plate. He grasped the knife and scooped some butter from the dish before spreading it on.

Her eyes lifted from the essay and flicked over to him. "Fred, we talked about this," she crooned, and lifted her thigh over her opposite one.

"But it doesn't make it any easier for me because the girl I'm in love with is also in love with someone else," he said rudely as he dropped his toast on the plate. His hands brushed together to dust off crumbs as he propped his elbows on the table.

Oshun's hands lowered his essay upon her lap. "I don't know what you want me to do about it," she said in a firm tone. "I never intended to be in love with two people."

"The one-year deadline in almost here—"

"No, it's not." In agitation, she put his essay on the table and stood from her seat. "It's not even close. Stop fucking talking about it."

Without giving him time to speak, she walked out of the Great Hall.

But it was coming faster than anyone would ever expect, the deadline. She just hated talking about it because she wouldn't be able to choose.

And the fact that the one-year deadline was coming closer also reminded her that her time was also getting closer to an end.

Though, Fred didn't know that. Which was why he always brought it up even though he knew she didn't like talking about it—because he thought she was going to be choosing soon.

But she wouldn't be. She'd be dead.

"Oshun!" came Fred's voice from behind.

"No!" she angrily shouted as she strode down the corridor. "I told you to stop bringing it up, but you never listen to me."

She was stopped short when his large hand closed around her upper arm and spun her aggressively to face him. He pulled her in until she was directly in front of him, his head tipped forward to hold her gaze.

"When I speak to you, you fucking look at me, Oshun." His voice lowered throatily. "Am I clear?"

"Let me go." She tried wrenching her arm from his hold, but he only gripped harder, which made it difficult for her to get loose.

"I said, am I clear?" His head inched closer down to hers, jaws tight.

"I— you— we— I can not fucking stand you right now," she gritted through her teeth, head angled back to hold his stare.

"Then sit on my face."

She actually gasped at his words and threw a hand over her mouth. "Fred," she hissed sheepishly, gaze darting around them to make sure no one heard his choice of words. "Goodness."

"What?" He looked around too and let go of her arm, nonchalant.

"Y-You can't say that." Heat rushed to her cheeks as she whispered the words.

"Why not?" He blinked at her.

She stammered, unable to even string together a sentence. She inhaled a breath and huffed it out, frustrated. "I'm leaving."

"Okay, go. Sit on my face tomorrow." He nodded rudely at her, tossing an arm out ahead out for her to go. "Go be dramatic."

Her mouth gaped open and her eyebrows knitted together in even more frustration at his casual rudeness.

She turned on her heel and stormed off. But then she turned back to him. "Give me a hug," she demanded. "I need a hug first."

"Fine," he replied firmly back, and stepped in to give her a tight hug, along with a kiss on her head.

She gave him a tight squeeze and he held her. They stayed like this for a few moments, just for their heartbeats to fall in sync.

"Thank you," she spat harshly, tipping her head back to catch his hard gaze.

"You're welcome," he said as the muscles in his jaw contracted. "I love you."

"Good. I love you more." She furiously let go of him.

"Not possible." His eyes sharpened as he crossed his thick arms over his chest.

"Possible!" she shouted as she annoyedly marched away from him.


"Your rose is dying," Forest pointed out with a frown, jutting her chin towards her roommate's withering rose in the glass dome.

So am I. "I know," Oshun muttered, and packed a small bag. "I'm spending the night at Draco's, so you have the dorm to yourself. But no sex on my bed. Keep your freaky selves to your own bed."

"Did I tell you how good sex has gotten between Tavius and I?" Forest grinned as she stretched out on her bed, wearing shorts and a tank top. "It used to be a bit of a joke between us—the whole sex thing—but now we're good. Sex is amazing."

"Have you ever tried knife play?" Oshun asked as she rummaged through her underwear drawer for her favourite pair of underwear.


Oshun's eyes peered over her shoulder to see her roommate looking at her, stunned. "Forest?" she uttered, eyebrows knitted together.

"You've done knife play?" Forest was in shock, eyes wide and everything. "I'm shocked. You used to be so innocent, Oshun."

"Yeah, because before, I did not have Fred Weasley and Draco Malfoy in the bedroom," Oshun clarified with a smug smirk.

"You're pulling out a lingerie set..." Forest's lips stretched into a sly smirk. "Expecting something hot and heavy, are you?"

"I don't know. I just like seeing the look on Draco's face when I wear something sexy and tell him not to touch me." Oshun laughed heartily.

Forest propped herself up on her elbows. "I've never seen you this deep with someone—let alone two people." A heartfelt smile appeared on her lips. "And that's not just because you never had a boyfriend."

"I like being in love," Oshun said earnestly, and zipped up her bag. "It makes me feel like I'm on a happy-high all day, every day."

Forest had a look on her face, like she didn't want to burst her friend's bubble. "Oshun, I'm happy for you," she said instead, but Oshun knew what she was going to say.

You'll have to choose between them soon. Everyone thought that, but that was where everyone was wrong.

"Thanks, Forest." Oshun smiled at her friend before going to the bathroom to put the lingerie set underneath.

"And by the way, I would never have sex on your bed," Forest said sharply, dropping back onto the bed. "And you best have not had sex on mine."

"No, never." Oshun chuckled as she took her shorts off.


"I'll see you tomorrow." She blew a kiss to her friend after she finished before she was off.

She was still angry with Fred—not really, but she wanted to be because being angry was one of the things she wouldn't be able to feel soon—so she avoided him all day. He was letting her have her moment because he was just like that.

Her whole mind was sort of complicated at the moment. She wanted to feel everything now, but she also didn't want to waste time on negative energy. It was so confusing.

Oshun let herself into the blond's dorm since he told her to do so earlier that day. "Draco?" she called as she closed the door gently behind her.

No answer.

"Hello?" Her eyes scanned over his dorm and everything looked normal.

His lights were on, the bed was unmade, the bathroom door was open, the desk chair tucked in, everything was clean and organized.


"Okay..." She gaped and put her bag onto his armchair.

Her dark eyes dragged to his clock on the wall and it was just past ten at night, so he couldn't have been anywhere around the castle. She strolled to his bed and climbed onto it.

She dropped back onto the mattress and the silky sheets, feeling soft against her skin. She lay there for a while, wondering what to do until Draco walked through that door.

The door opened in what felt like thirty minutes later. "Takahashi?" Draco's voice was low and a little surprised. "How long have you been here?"

Oshun sat up to see the blond in a tight T-shirt and pajama pants. She propped her hands behind her. "Half an hour, I think," she said as she slid off the bed, noticing his worn out expression. "Bad time?"

His head shook as he crossed to the bed and lowered onto the foot of the bed. "No. Just let me know what time you're coming next time, okay?" he said in a patient tone, elbows on his knees and head in his hands.

"Draco, what's wrong?" she asked softly, and gently peeled his hands from head. "Look at me."

His head tipped back to meet her eyes. "Nothing." He shook his head and slid his hands under her T-shirt to touch her bare skin, circling around her waist. "Just tired and stressed."

"Yeah. You look like it too," she pointed out as he drew her in for her to stand between his legs. "Are you sure you don't want to talk?"

A pent-up sigh fell from his lips as he shook his head and pulled her closer, so he could rest his forehead against her stomach.

She brought her hands to his head, running her fingers through the back of his hair. Her head leaned down to kiss his head ardently.

His grip tightened possessively around her as he buried his face in her stomach, holding her. One hand rubbed up and down her back, and she could sense his eyes were shut.

"Where were you?" she murmured, running one of her hands down his muscled back. "Something happened?"

"I just needed to do something," he muttered shortly. "Can we not do this right now, please?"

"Okay, sure." Her tone hushed as she nodded and rubbed his back softly.

His hand ran higher up her back and then he paused. He peeled his face from her stomach and his eyes narrowed at hers.

"What?" Oshun blinked at him, her hands on his broad shoulders.

Draco's hand fell to her waist and the other grasped the bottom of her shirt. He lifted her shirt up to see her bra—the dark red lace bra from the lingerie set.

He dropped her shirt and then two of his fingers hooked at the front of her shorts. He pulled the waistband down just enough to expose the matching dark red lace thong from the lingerie set.

His eyes pierced hers. "You were going to do it again, weren't you?" A dry scoff escaped his lips as he pulled her waistband back up.

"Do what?" She played dumb.

"Wear this in front of me and to sleep, and then proceed to tell me not to touch you," he bit out irritably as his hands circled around to the back of her bare thighs.

"I wore this for myself." Her fingers brushed back his silky hair.

"My sweet girl, you wear whatever the hell you want," he said coolly, "But just know that whatever you wear for yourself, I benefit from it too. So keep wearing sexy things like this for yourself, please do."

"But you don't benefit from it when I tell you not to touch." She smiled sweetly at him.

His hands ran brushed up and down the back of her thighs, sending a bit of shiver down her spine. "I can look at you and wank one off," he said with a plain shrug.

Oshun's face reddened. "Draco, do you do that often?" she asked quietly as her hands positioned on either side of his neck.

"What, masturbate to you?" A smirk climbed upon the corners of his mouth. "Only when I can't take you because you're not with me."

"Oh." The blood rushing to her head was making her a bit dizzy. "That's so strange."

"Why's that?" The amusement danced in his eyes like flames as his hands slid back up her shirt.

"I mean, I kind of expected some people to masturbate to thoughts of people," she said, and tried not to let her voice falter at the feeling of his hands running up to palm her breasts. "But hearing it firsthand right here is strange."

"Does it make you uncomfortable that I've wanked it off to you before?" His brows bunched together in question as he knowingly let his hands roam her body.

"No..." She nearly shivered as his cool rings pressed against her sensitive skin. "It's kind of flattering... in a way, I think."

"Yeah?" He hitched her shirt up over her breast and his hands moved around to her lower back. He leaned in and pressed a line of soft kisses up her stomach.

"Mhm." She was rather breathless as her head angled down, watching as he kissed up her tummy.

His mouth kissed past her sternum as he smoothly rose from the bed. He kissed up her collarbone, up her neck, and to her lips. "Say it," he murmured against her bottom lip.

"Say what?" she whispered as her hands held his hips.

"You know that," he mumbled, bringing his hands higher up her shirt to caress her sides.

She smiled because she did know what. "Draco Malfoy, I love you." Her voice hushed.

Against her mouth, she felt him smile shyly.

She was wrong. She had thought that those three words would scare him, but it seemed like those three words gave him more light in his eyes and his heart.

"That gives me butterflies when you say that," he muttered as he stroked her curls from her face. He cupped her cheeks and then kissed her so softly and so richly that it weakened her knees.

She inched closer to him until there was no space between them. Her head tipped back and his bowed forward as they kissed.

But when she felt him trying to make their kiss rise to more, she pulled back slyly with a composed expression. She wanted to have sex, of course, but she'd recently become obsessed with taking the control and having power over the two boys.

Perhaps she wanted to see how fast she could make Draco crumble at her fingertips.

"Are we reading our book tonight? We have a few chapters to catch up on," Oshun said as she walked around the bed to his nightstand.

She smiled at the snow globe on the nightstand—the one she got him months before.

"Read?" Draco uttered, and turned around to see her. "You want to read?"

"Unless you'd rather go to sleep now." Her brows shot up at him in challenge. "You know me, I'm tired all the time, so I can sleep now."

He shook his head quickly. "No. We can read," he said as he approached her, reaching behind her to grab their book off the nightstand. "Let's read a few chapters, come on. Get on the bed."

She hid her smile and sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. She climbed onto his bed and he made his spot behind her, resting against the propped pillows behind him.

She lay between his legs and got comfortable. He used one hand to hold the book, thumb and pinky to separate the pages and three fingers behind. His other hand went under her shirt and under her bra to cup her bare boob.

She waited a bit and listened to him read before she sat up. "I'm hot," she mumbled, and pulled her shirt over her head.

She tossed it to the side before laying back down on him. She felt him tense underneath her as his hand snaked under her bra to hold her boob again.

It wasn't an unusual thing for her to get hot when they cuddled, so it was perfect. She often cuddled him in her undergarments only because she got overheated quite easily.

He shifted slightly underneath her. "Better?" he said, clearing his throat.

"Mhm." She nodded and snuggled more into him. "Are you alright? You seem tense."

"No." His voice lowered as his thumb caressed over a spot on her boob. "I'm fine."

She waited another twenty minutes until she deliberately stirred around, which she knew he would take as her being hot. She huffed and reached for her shorts, pushing them down her thighs.

She kicked them all the way down to her legs and pushed them aside with her shirt. She tried not to smirk when she felt him tense once more as she lay back on top of him.

He cleared his throat subtly and continued to read, his hand running up and down her soft stomach.

Oshun picked at her nails as he read, feeling him grow against her lower back. "Draco, do you have a nail filer?" she asked as she planted her hand high up his thigh and near his crotch to help her sit up.

She felt his entire body stiffen as he said, "Bathroom," in a rather hoarse voice.

She nodded and slid off the bed.

She tossed her curls to one side and adjusted the waistband of her thong as she strolled to the bathroom. She smirked when she felt his eyes burning into her back, trailing up and down her.

She opened his top drawer and plucked the nail file from his little bin. She bent over the counter to rest her elbows on the table as she filed down the rigid nail she'd been picking on.

Not even a minute she waited until she felt him walking to the bathroom.

Her eyes stayed on her nails as she filed them and she felt his large hands grasp her waist from behind. She nearly breathed out a moan when he purposely rubbed his bulge against her bum as he passed by her to stand next to her on the other side of the counter.

He stood next to her, leaning against the counter with his arms folded over his chest. He had taken his shirt off as well.

Oshun's eyes lifted to see him. "Yes?"

Draco's jaw was visibly clenched, tightly so. "You're fucking infuriating, you know that?" he said sourly.

"If you didn't want me to use your nail filer, you could've just said so." She scoffed and stood straight to put his nail filer back into the bin in the drawer.

His hand reached out to hers and grabbed her hand. Her breaths hitched in the back of her throat as he guided her hand to his crotch and she cupped his bulge.

"Do you see what you do to me?" he said huskily as he smoothly drew her in closer. "You see how hard you make me, Takahashi?"

She was hypnotized by his heavy stare as her lips parted, feeling flustered.

"Come on..." He pushed his pajama pants down and his boxers, just enough to free his erection. His hand brought hers to his pulsing cock. "Don't you want to feel good too, darling?"

Her breaths quickened as she stroked him softly, chuckling breathily at his doings. "Quite persuasive," she said as her other hand gripped tightly onto the edge of the counter.

She had a little plan, but she was going to let him think he won her over. Just for a little bit.

"Yeah?" His voice got raspier as she continued to stroke him.

"Uh-huh." She nodded with a curving smile.

His hand cupped her jaw and he lowered his head down to kiss her through his breathing that was getting heavier. As she kissed him slowly and fervently, she rubbed her thumb over his tip and earned a soft grunt from him.

He thought he was sneaky as he rounded behind her whilst kissing her, but she read him like an open book. She was just letting him have his moment before she was going to have him begging for her.

"Let me take you right here," he panted as his fingers slid under her waistband, gliding down to push her thong aside. "Let me make you cum right here."

Her body twisted to hold their kiss as she nodded and let her desperation show just for this moment. She'd gotten better at composing herself and her desires—considering she loved having dominance and doing the teasing.

She'd thought he was going to thrust himself inside of her, but he didn't.

Instead, he buried his hand between her thighs to collect her wetness and used it as lube to stroke himself. He jerked him off quickly, his cock glossing over with her arousal.

He used his other hand to press her thick thighs back together. "Your fucking thighs... fuck me," he said breathily. "They're everything."

She was taken aback when he slid his large cock between her thighs and his length rubbed against her from underneath. She whimpered and her forearms held her up, resting over the cold counter.

"Keep your thighs together," he told her firmly as he began to thrust himself between the thick flesh of her thighs, trailing off with a groan. "Fuck..."

The side of his cock rubbed against her clit and it was making her whimper and fall apart. She was dripping with more cum and it only helped to act as lube between her thighs.

His large hands grasped her hips and he started off slowly, his dick moving in and out of the spot between her thighs. She pressed her thighs tighter together and it made a shaky moan unleash from his lips.

The rubbing of his cum-slicked cock against her clit pleasured her tremendously in a way that left her wanting even more. The skin of the inside of her thighs were wet with her own arousal as he continued to move slowly.

"Feels so... good," she breathed as her stomach pressed over the cold edge of the counter, erupting goosebumps on her skin. "Faster... go faster."

"Aren't you needy?" He grinned as his hips thrust forward and kept his slow pace. "You think you deserve to bark commands after the shit you pulled earlier?"


He met her eyes through the mirror, brows arched. "Why's that?" His tone was taunting.

"Because I'm your sweet girl." Her eyelids were heavy with bliss as she exhaled breathy moans.

The corner of his lip lifted into a smirk as he nodded and glided his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "You're right. You are," he allowed, "But right now, you're just my pathetic fucking slut."

She had no chance to respond as his thrusting got quicker and made the pathetic sounds of whimpers fall from her lips. Her cunt was throbbing and she felt his cock pulsing against the inside of her thighs the quicker he went.

These sounds coming from his thrusting between her wet thighs were sloppy and nasty, but she was falling into a drunken haze of sweet pleasure.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath as he held her hips and moved her in sync with his thrusts. "Tighten your thighs, darling."

She did as she was told and pressed her thighs together even more, which made him breathe out a throaty moan.

"That's it..." His voice was breathy and sensual. "So fucking good..."

He ran his cold hand up her spine and to her neck as she bent over the counter. His fingers clasped around her neck as he continued to move quickly.

She moved herself with his thrusts and rubbed her own clit against his cock. She was panting out moans and whimpers, the rubbing causing her knees to weaken.

He pulled his cock out from between her thighs abruptly. Swiftly, he lifted her and placed her on the counter before getting between her legs.

He grasped his cock and captured her eyes. "Can I?" he murmured through his heavy breathing.

"Yes," she said quickly, nodding.

They both watched as he pushed inside of her before he leaned in to kiss her. Once he pushed all the way inside of her in one swift movement, they both groaned longingly into each other's mouths.

Her face twisted in pleasure as her hands propped behind her upon the cold surface of the counter. "Oh...." she moaned, and her head knocked back.

His lips brushed down her exposed neck as he thrust slowly, purposely so. Through his parted lips escaped hot breaths and it bloomed tingles all over her skin.

Draco's large hands grasped her thighs as his hips moved back and forth. She spread her legs wider as her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Oshun lifted her head and palmed his jaw, tipping his head up to kiss him. Their kiss was slow and so full of need that it sounded sloppy.

She winded her arms around his neck and tilted her head in all sorts of directions as their kiss grew quicker, more aggressive. Her hips were rolling forward, meeting his thrusts as they kissed.

They both looked down at where they were connected and watched as his thick dick slid in and out of her, controlled and precise. His breaths were strained and laboured, sounding sexy in her ears.

He tightly gripped onto her thighs and due to him hoisting her upon his hips, they grunted both into the kiss. He carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed, still inside of her.

He pulled out, so he could lift her higher up the bed. He got between her legs and pushed right back inside of her, which made her gasp.

Her arm stretched out to the nightstand to silence the door before his wand clattered to the floor. She kissed him as her hand glided down to his lower back, pushing him deeper inside of her.

"Mmmm..." he hummed into their kiss as his hands planted on either side of her head. "Fuck..."

She noticed this was her chance because by the look in his glazed eyes, he was in a haze of ecstasy.

She swiftly flipped their positions, so she was on top and straddling him. Her palms pushed down on his chest to keep him laying down.

His brows drew together, aroused and slightly agitated, as his hands fell to her hips. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he growled.

She smirked lazily and pulled him out of her. "Just relax, my lovely," she soothed, and reached over to grab her wand from the other nightstand.

He tried to sit up hastily. "Takahashi, don't you fucking dare—"


Thick ropes appeared and bound around his wrists. The ropes were long and tied around the top bed posts.

Draco's features hardened in fury as his jaw ticked.

Oshun smiled sweetly at him and her fingers hooked the waistband of his pants to pull them off. "Something the matter, Draco?" she razzed, and took his boxers off. "You look pissed."

"This isn't fucking funny. Take these ropes off." His voice was harsh and rough as he tugged at the ropes that tied around his wrists.

"You think you can bark orders at me when you're the one tied up?" She lifted a provoking brow as she sat with her legs tucked under her bum between his legs. "Come on, Malfoy... you know better than to think you have full control over me."

He was visibly enraged as his eyes got three shades darker. "What the fuck do you even plan on doing, Takahashi?" he said, nearly spitting the words out. "You think you'll have me begging for you?" He huffed a dry laugh. "Fucking pathetic."

"Yes. It will be fucking pathetic for you by the time I'm done," she said with a sardonic smile, her hand wrapping around his cock. "You're going to be a good boy for me, huh?"

He stayed silent, staring at her with siren eyes.

She nodded and her smile only grew. "Alright," she said softly as she stroked him slowly. "Have your moment now because soon, you're going to be pathetically begging for me."

He was still silent and the anger poured out of him in waves.

"You look good like this, Draco," she said with a chuckle as she appraised him, all tied up and helpless.

He was leaning against the propped pillows, his body causing her core to weaken. His platinum hair was untidy and a few strands fell over his forehead.

His breathing grew heavy yet again as she continued to stroke him, all the way up and all the way down. She flicked her thumb over his tip and his thigh twitched at her sides. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and he watched as she sucked his precum off her thumb.

Oshun held his gaze as she lowered down and put him into her mouth. Her hands glided up his abs as she slowly bobbed her head, swirling her tongue around his cock.

She saw his jaw clench, stubbornly refusing to let the pleasure show. She smirked with him in her mouth and continued to bob her head. She went all the way down and sucked as she removed him out of her mouth.

A groan he failed to contain made her heart skip a beat. She saw the way his fingers closed around the thick ropes, gripping onto them as his eyes rested upon her.

She did it again, putting him all the way into her mouth and sucking hard as she removed him.

Another groan fell from his lips as his chest rose heavily.

She repeated this a few more times before she bobbed her head repeatedly. Her cheeks hollowed each time she went and her teeth grazed him every so slightly.

"F-Fuck..." he cursed as his stomach sucked in, head tipping back.

She removed him from her mouth.

She kept her eyes on him and he lifted his head back to meet hers, eyebrows drawn together. "Fuck you, Takahashi," he bit out through his pants.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, Draco?" She grinned as she pressed her tongue flat against his base and licked up. 

She noticed as his hips subtly bucked up, inching his cock closer to her lips. "Needy, are we?" she mocked him back with another raised brow.

He looked livid, nearly shaking.

But she grinned wider because someone like Draco would never admit to being a submissive or a good boy without more effort and convincing.

She teased him by wrapping her lips around his tip and gliding her tongue over the bit of arousal that spilled from his tip. Her fingers caressed his abs and she kept her eyes locked with his.

Once more, she slid him into her mouth and repeated the same work she did moments before. Except, she continued to do this until she felt him twitch inside of her mouth.

Draco had lost control, moaning and groaning and praising her. His breaths went impossibly erotic and heavy, knuckles white at how tightly he was gripping the ropes.

He repeatedly kept trying to tug his wrists from the rope and failed every time. She didn't think he knew how loud he was as she sucked his cock.

When she felt him twitch, it was a sign that he was close, so she removed him from her mouth.

She crawled to him and his eyes were piercing into hers. She planted her knees on either side of his hips, so his erection was below her, and she leaned down to his lips.

Her palms rested on his toned chest. "You look very sexy tied up like this," she purred, and brushed her lips side to side from his. "Perhaps I should do this more often."

"Ha ha," he drawled as his breaths drew shakily against her mouth. "Very fucking witty, Takahashi. Now untie me."

"Still barking orders, huh?" She smiled delightedly and pecked a soft kiss on his mouth. "You're very obstinate, Draco."

"You're very insufferable," he snarked back, despite the tremor in his voice.

She kept smiling because seeing him like this just gave her a thrill. Her head dipped down to kiss his lips teasingly and she quickly moved down to his neck.

As her lips lowered down his body, her hands brushed down his sides. She nipped softly at his pale skin and kissed every inch of him.

"Should I try sucking and kissing your nipple?" Her eyes flicked to his. "You do it to me all the time."

Now this, he found amusing. "Okay," he said with a chuckle.

She pushed her parted lips into his nipple and her tongue swirled around softly. This earned a sharp inhale from him and a squirm.

She pulled back. "You don't like it?"

"It tickles." His cheeks flushed with a rose tint.

She laughed through a smile and he actually smiled too, in spite of his frustration from three minutes ago.

She continued to kiss done his body. When she got to the bottom of his abs, she lay her tongue flat and licked a stripe up his beautiful abs. She heard the breath he sucked in at her doings and she kissed back up his body.

She felt his cock throbbing against the inside of her thigh and she chuckled as she kissed his neck. She didn't know if he realized he was tilting his head to give her more access. She kissed his sweet spots and nipped at his skin with her teeth.

On his pectoral, she left multiple hickeys. She sucked and bit and nipped, tugging at his skin. She did it multiple times until the initials O and T were dark purple on his skin.

She smiled, triumphed.

Draco just rolled his eyes.

She pulled back and with one hand on his chest, she grabbed his cock with her other. She held his stare as she rubbed his tip against her clit through her arousal-soaked thong.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath, and his hips bucked up.

"Does this feel good, Draco?" she softly asked, and continued to rub his tip against her clit.

He stubbornly went silent and set his jaws hard.

She bit her lip to hide a small smile. Her other hand pushed her thong to the side and she guided his tip to her entrance. Her breaths were lustful and heavy as she teased him, ignoring the sparks it was sending down her spine.

"Takahashi," he said breathily, and his hips bucked yet again.

"Yes, pretty boy?" Her eyebrows frowned, haughtily feigning sincerity. "Is there something you want?"

"Go all..." He drew off with a light groan when she rubbed his tip across her entrance yet again. "All the way. Go all the way."

"I can do that." She nodded subtly as a sly smirk etched upon the corners of her mouth. "But all you gotta say is that you'll be a good boy for me—that you'll be my good boy."

"No," he spat firmly as a flicker passed his eyes. "Like hell I'll say that."

Oshun shook her head, disapproving. She let go of his cock and crawled to the opposite end of the bed to her bra since her thong was left in the bathroom.

She tossed her bra to the floor and stayed on the end of the bed. Her eyes captured his pale ones, which have not left her for a second.

"Takahashi, the joke's over. Untie me now," Draco said impatiently, tugging at the ropes.

"This is not a joke, Draco." She stifled a laugh and spread her legs, raising her knees in the air.

She saw the way his sharp expression fell and his eyes got hypnotized as she did this.

"Since you're being a bad boy, I'm just going to please myself and call it a night," she said simply as she propped one hand behind her.

His eyes went alert, slightly wide at her words. "What?" He sat up straighter, pulling at the ropes once more.

She did not respond, but instead brought her free hand between her legs. She had made sure to give him a clear view of her pleasing herself.

Her thumb rubbed her clit as her breathing got more heavy. She did this for a few moments before she slid two fingers inside of her wetness.

"Oh, fuck," she moaned, and dropped back onto the bed.

In her peripheral view, she saw Draco trying to tug his wrists from the ropes, despair glinting his eyes.

Her bottom lip got caught between her teeth as she arched her back. She thrust her fingers in circular motions, slow circles.

She brought her other hand to her boob and squeezed it roughly as she quickened her own pace. "Fuck, Draco," she gasped as her legs spread wider. "Feels so good..."

"No, no, stop," he blurted, and he was desperately yanking at the ropes. "Stop, stop, Takahashi."

Her fingers thrust inside of her rapidly as she clamped her hard nipple between her fingers. Her head buried deep into the mattress and her moans were getting louder.

"Stop, please. Stop, stop. Please. I'll be a good boy," he said urgently as he continued to struggle against the ropes.

She turned her head to catch his eyes. "Come again?" she asked through her heavy pants.

"I'll be a good boy," he said in a breath, his platinum hair tousled. "Just please stop and untie me."

She smirked and removed her fingers from herself. She crawled to him and planted her knees on either side of his thighs, holding her two fingers to his lips. "Suck," she demanded.

He leaned in and closed his lips around her fingers. He held her stare as he sucked her arousal off her fingers.

"My, you are a good boy." She was absolutely mesmerized by the sight of him obeying her and sucking her fingers.

He said nothing as his tongue swirled around her fingers to get every drop of her arousal. At last, he pulled his lips from her fingers.

She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her wand. Under her breath, she uttered the spell that vanished the ropes.

Before he had the chance to do anything, she pushed her palms into his chest to force him down. She lined his cock up at her entrance with one hand before placing it upon his chest.

"Say it again," she demanded firmly as she straddled him.

"Say what again?" He lifted a taunting brow.

"You know what." Her tone was firm and her legs nearly trembled for pleasure.

He sucked his cheeks in, hands on her waist, as he remained silent.

"Come on, Draco." Her voice nearly shook as she pushed harder down on his chest. "Say it."

In a quick move she barely registered, he sat up and whirled her around, so her back was to him, and he got low on his knees as her legs tucked underneath him, her thighs spread.

His erection was lined up at her entrance and one hand tangled in her curls, the other circled around her waist to her chubby stomach. "I'll be such a good boy for you, my sweet girl," he breathed in her ear before thrusting up to push into her.

Oshun moaned so roughly, yet so angelically at this position. Her hands reached behind to entangle in the back of his hair, her back arching from his front.

He kept his hand on her lower stomach as he thrust into her from behind. He was moving slowly inside of her, grinding his hips against her bum.

She turned her head to skim her lips against his, her curls spilling to one shoulder. "I like this position," she whispered shakily.

He grinned. "Yeah?" he murmured, his hand gliding up and down her stomach. "You like that, don't you?"

She nodded and exhaled a moan, relaxing her body against his. "Feels really good," she breathed. "Don't stop..."

He kissed her hard as he stroked into her, the hand in her curls sneaking around to her breast. His fingers closed around her boob and he massaged it as he kissed her.

Her hands dropped down to his muscular thighs, gripping onto him as his thrusts became a little more fast and aggressive. The control she had over her voice soon got lost as his thrusts turned into pounds.

"Fuck," she moaned as her head knocked back against him. "Oh my... feels fucking amazing."

"I'll admit it to you." His voice was raspy and low in her ear, his pounds not wavering. "I am a good boy and I'll only be a good boy for you. Understood?"

She moaned through a smirk. "Understood."

"But you pull something like that again next time, there'll be consequences," he growled into her ear as his hand slid lower down her stomach to her clit. "I'll have you in fucking tears, Takahashi."

She gasped out a moan when his thumb rubbed firmly over her clit. Her nails dug deeply into the flesh of his hard thigh as her body threatened to fall forward, to get on all fours.

"That's right..." he whispered huskily at her falling apart. "Fucking pathetic of you to think you have that much control over me."

She didn't even realize he had positioned them in front of the mirror at his dresser until her gaze went straight ahead. She saw the way their bodies fit and moved perfectly together, and the way his eyes drank her in appreciatively.

Draco's lips ghosted down the shell of her ear and down her neck. He planted hot, open-mouthed kisses on her shoulder as his hand kneaded the tender flesh of her boob. He slowed his thrusts and stroked deeply into her before he picked up the pace once more.

She was melting against him as she felt him so vividly inside of her. Her head lolled to the side to give him more access to her neck, her silky hair spilling away from the opposite side.

He kissed up her neck and shortly stopped, using the hand on her breast to trail around to the back of her neck. He forced her down on all fours, still in front of the mirror.

He shifted his position, so her legs were no longer between his and he was propped on his knees between her legs. He had spread her legs further apart and he removed his hand from her clit to bring it around to her ass.

She let her forearms rest on the mattress and she arched her back down, unable and unwilling to hold herself up.

"Fucking..." he cursed under his breath as he ran his hand up her arch. "Merlin's titty, you're sexy. Look at this fucking arch..."

She blushed, despite the heat she had already been feeling in her cheeks.

She cried out a moan when his palm struck her ass hard as he began to hammer furiously into her. Her back arched even more and her ass was in the air, her skin stinging from his harsh slap and thrusts.

She sprawled her hands on the sheets and gripped them into tight fists. Her eyes screwed shut and her face buried into the sheets, her moans and screams muffled.

His one hand stayed sprawled on the back of her neck as his other aggressively kneaded the flesh of her left butt cheek. He dipped down to skim his lips up her spine, murmuring praises against her skin.

He pushed her face deeper into the mattress as his pounds became painful, but pleasurable. Her body was weak and shaking as he fucked her from behind.

"Fuck, Draco!" Her voice was muffled in the sheets as her knuckles ached. She turned her head to be able to actually breathe, her cheek pressed into the sheets. "Right there! Right there! Fuck me right there, Draco!"

"Fuck you right there?" His tip slammed hard into her most sensitive spot, the spot that made her eyes gloss with pleasured tears. "You like it when I fuck you right there, don't you, my beautiful little slut?"

She nodded with a high-pitched moan, unable to form any words.

His fingers threaded through her curls and he aggressively yanked her head up, so her eyes rested upon the mirror. "Use your fucking words, Takahashi," he said in a dangerously low voice, gazes colliding through the mirror.

"It feels so good ri—" A moan interrupted her sentence. "It feels so good right there... don't stop..."

"You like it when I fuck you right there, yeah?" His voice was nearly strained and huskily deep.

"So fucking much," she gasped out, trailing off with a moan.

"Good girl." He let go of her hair and pushed her head back down into the silky sheets.

But instead of taking his arm back to himself, he slid it around her neck and lowered his body over hers from behind, forcing her gaze to lift from the mattress. His bicep and forearm trapped her neck in between as he applied pressure to cause her to wheeze and moan at once.

He planted his other hand on the mattress by her shoulder, his thrusts becoming impossibly more animalistic. Her eyes rolled back as she grunted and moaned and enjoyed the pressure he choked her with.

She brought her hands to his bicep and squeezed his arm. Not to tell him to let go, but to tell him to squeeze harder around her neck with his muscled arm.

He got her gesture and applied more pressure around her neck, but not enough to hurt her. He was tender like that. He was always up for risky and thrilling and wild sex, but he always made sure it was okay and safe for her.

He abruptly pulled out and by her waist, he flipped her onto her back. His fingers grasped the sides of her thighs and he yanked her closer to him.

He spread his own knees further apart to let her thighs rest over them, her legs spread wide. With one push forward, he was inside of her and they groaned together at yet a new position.

Oshun's hands fell to the bottom of his thighs, gripping tightly as her body jolted with every vicious thrust. The pain and pleasure was shifting her mind to an alluring haze as more tears glazed her eyes.

Draco hungrily took her in in this position as he held her thighs tightly over his, furiously fucking her from his angle. His thrusts didn't slow down or falter, making her climax reach quicker than she could process.

One of his hands slid up her body to her throat, tightly gripping it. Not enough to hurt her, but enough to make her feel butterflies. His other hand glided down to her breast, massaging it furiously as he pounded into her.

"Draco, I'm coming," she gasped out as her back arched from the bed.

"Hold it," he commanded, and clenched his jaw to hold his own release since she could feel him swelling inside of her.

"I can't, I can't." She was shaking her head vigorously, her chest panting heavily. "Draco, I can't."

"Hold it, Takahashi," he demanded again, more firmly through his ragged breaths and grunts. "Hold it. I promise it'll be worth it."

Her eyes screwed shut as she gripped tightly onto his thighs, begging for her release to compose itself. The moans that were unleashing from her lips were reckless and messy, loud and shameless.

"Please, please," she cried out as her stomach sucked in, a useless attempt to prevent her climax from unfolding. "I can't hold it, Draco!"

"A little longer, darling," he soothed in such a rough voice, it wouldn't be recognized as soothing. "You're doing so well for me, okay? Just a little longer. You can do it."

Holding her climax was actually causing her pain as she forced herself not to shatter on the bed. Every cell and atom in her body was holding in a tremendous amount of tension, desperate to feel ecstasy.

"Okay, go on," Draco said after a few moments. "Cum, Takahashi."

And she did, hard. They both finished together with rumbling moans, his warm cum filling her up.

The wave of euphoria washed over every inch of her like a tsunami. Her whole body exhaled at once, melting into the silky sheets.

He slowed his thrusts to coax them through their climaxes until he stopped completely, his chest sexily sheened with sweat. It rose and fell heavily as he stayed there for a moment, his eyes speaking nothing but ecstasy.

Oshun's hands released from his thighs as she panted with a sprinting heart. Her eyes flitted open and her lips gaped.

His eyes watched as he pulled out of her slowly and stretched his arms out to haul her up by her waist. He brought her higher up the bed and pulled the sheets over their naked bodies, so they could lay together with their heavy breathing in sync.

She felt like she was fucking dying. Her insides were fucked and her legs shook and her heart was pulsing in her ears.

Lately, it was getting harder for her to catch her breath after sex or even just running away from Fred.

She knew it was because of her sickness and there was also nothing she could do about it. It always took her longer to steady her heart and her breathing after sex.

She felt Draco place a gentle hand on her shaking thigh, turning his head to her. She turned to him too, their gazes meeting.

She caught herself smiling, simply at the sight of him. Unable to resist, she inched closer and pecked him softly on the lips.

"You're happy," he murmured, and brought his hand to brush a curl from her cheek.

"I've got several reasons to be," she whispered with a wistful smile.

The edge of his lip lifted into a small smile. "I'm happy too," he crooned, and kissed her mouth affectionately. "But I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead." She nodded and turned on her side to face him.

He copied her actions. "Where—" He halted, thinking hard. "Who do you think you'll choose in the end? How do you feel right now?"

A muscle in Oshun's jaw twitched as she lay on her back once more. "I don't know, Draco," she plainly answered.

"You don't know or you don't want to choose?" His eyes studied her side profile as he captured a thick curl between his fingertips. He pulled it to unwind it before letting it go.

"I don't know," she said again, more sharply. She turned away from him. "I'm tired."


"Have I upset you?" His voice hushed down and she could feel his eyes on her.

"No. I'm just tired." She didn't mean to sound so harsh as she spoke.

"But you're not cuddling me."

"Because I'm sweating."


She felt the bed shift and she could feel that he was sitting up, leaning against the pillows. "Takahashi, I just need to know where your head's at," he said exasperatedly. "I know you and I started off a bit rough, but we're good. Aren't we?"

"Draco, I don't want to talk about choosing, please," she said with a slight edge in her voice. "Just drop it."


"If you don't want to talk about where you were earlier and what has been stressing you out, then we won't," she countered as lightly as she could. "But don't push me to talk about things I don't want to talk about. It's hypocritical."


"My apologies," he mumbled, and she felt him lay back down.


She felt him inch closer to her and his arm looped over her waist, but she interrupted his doings by turning to face him.

Her dark eyes captured his. "I don't mean to sound so harsh, but I just don't want to talk about it, okay?" she said softly.

He nodded and his eyes fell to her lips. "We won't talk about it then," he murmured. "But I need to ask you one more thing."

"Alright..." She nodded subtly.

"Do you feel like this with him too?" His hushed voice was gentle and his eyes were raw as he met her stare.

"You mean if I love Fred?" she whispered, brushing her fingertips down his jawline.

He nodded and turned his head slightly to feather kisses on her fingertips.

"I do," she admitted, hesitant. "I love him."

His jaws worked as the faintest flare flashed in his eyes.

"But not the same way I love you," she told him in an earnest tone, palming his cheek and he almost instantly leaned into her touch. "I love you differently than I love Fred—but both kinds of love still mean a lot to me."

"But it's still the same. You still feel it with him," he muttered, though he melted against her touch.

"It's not the same, Draco." A soft sigh escaped her lips.

"Do you feel it more with him?" His voice was surprisingly small.

"Do I love him more, you mean?" she asked in a mere whisper.

He nodded as he palmed her breast, caressing her skin with his thumb.

"My heart beats unconditional love for the both of you," she said because it was the truth. "And at this point, I can't imagine a single day without either of you in it."

"Do you want to choose?" He was wary when he asked.

"No." The answer was a reflex for her. "I don't. I don't want to choose."

"So when you said you wanted both of us, realistically speaking, that was the truth?" he murmured, and slid his hand down her waist.

"Nothing but the truth."

"Oh." His eyes stared all starstruck into hers.

"Can I ask you something now?" Oshun's fingers combed his hair back from his forehead.

"I suppose that's only fair, so sure," he allowed, nodding subtly.

"When you and Fred kissed on the night of the ball in my dorm, how'd you feel?" she asked tentatively, studying his face for any reflex.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking if I'm embarrassed to have kissed him? Another guy?"

"No." She shook her head. "I asked Fred this already. I just want to make sure you wouldn't have regretted what could have happened. You know, since you guys don't get along very well."

"Nothing happened though," he replied slowly, a little confusedly.

"I know, but still." She shrugged one shoulder.

"I don't think I would've regretted it," he honestly said. "A threesome is a threesome. If anything, I would have thoroughly enjoyed fucking you right in front of his fucking fac—"

"Okay, Draco." Her eyes rolled at him. "Can I ask you one more question?"

He hummed and tugged her in closer by her waist. "One more," he agreed.

"Why'd you want me to stay away from you?" She really wanted to know the answer to this.

He yawned deliberately. "Would you look at the time? My, it is late," he mumbled, and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, my beautiful girl."

She slapped his shoulder with a laugh. "Draco, come on," she pleaded. "Just tell me if it was because I did something that upset you or not."

His eyes opened gently and he shook his head. "It wasn't because of you. You didn't do anything," he answered in a patient tone. "It was something else and I'd rather not get into it, alright?"

"Okay," she said in understanding.

His eyebrows pulled into a slight frown. "I apologize for what I said to you... about being a sleazy whore," he said quietly, nearly whispering. "I just—"

"Wanted to make me go away, so you used what you knew would hurt me most," she finished for him.

He nodded, guilty. "It wasn't nice, I know," he admitted, "But I needed to do it."


He inched closer to plant a sweet kiss on her lips. "I don't want to get into it, I said," he cut her off sharply, but softly.

She nodded and held his stare for a beat. She loved his eyes so much.

She then curled into his chest. He wrapped her possessively in his strong arms and buried the bottom half of his face into her curls, breathing in her scent.

Oshun wanted to stay in his arms forever. She felt so safe in his arms and so comfortable.

Perhaps she would die in the arms of the two loves of her life. Wasn't that a bittersweet thing to ponder about?

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