Bright Side | SOPE ( Book 1)

By kim_Chiisdelicious

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~You bring out my bright side~ ♧__________________________________♧ Min Yoongi, the basketball captain wh... More

Happy introduction
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Self promo
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
self promotion- 2

chapter 42

150 5 2
By kim_Chiisdelicious

"Jimin. H- hey."

Jimin's breath hitched at the similar yet distinct voice reached his ears.

"Can you pass me the bottle of water."

The voice said again. Jimin took a quick glance at the person who had abruptly approached him.

"No. I cannot."

He replied. Brief and clear.

"Well.. okay. I'll take it myself then."

The voice said.

"No you cannot. This is my water. Go get your own. This stock is for the cheerleading team. Go to your coach to find out where is yours. If you are out of it, its not my problem."

He replied. Again. Sharp and clear.

"Really? So petty over water? "

The other person teased with a slight hint of disbelief in his voice. Well, it wasn't Jimin's fault to act like that. He was the sweetheart everyone loved. But when a certain male you were sure you did not like, kept bothering you; i'm sure everyone would try to maintain a little distance.

"Whatever. Take it."

He answered after a second of thinking. He wanted the male gone. If a water bottle is what it takes, then okay.

"Can i keep it?"

The other male enquired again.

"Well. Do whatever you want Jeon Jungkook. Does it look like i care?"

He huffed glaring at the man a little.

"Well ofcourse you do. By the way you were putting team tags on it just a while ago."

Jungkook really didn't mean to piss off the other. He just wanted to see where a normal conversation would go with the other male. He wanted to be close to the other yet he didn't. So he used the old school- ' i am out of water. Please give me yours.' technique.

Clearly by the way the conversation was progressing, he knew he was in for a long time of efforts to impress the other. Every time he opened his mouth to say something, his smartass bad boy mouth said something he'd not wanted to say. That's how he always got into arguments with people who didn't know him well.

"I do not have time for this. I do not have time for you."

Jimin replied. Clearly disinterested in wherever this talk was going. He was done for the day and wanted to leave in peace so he could go home and sleep. His social battery was out and the sudden Taehyung situation had given him a nostalgic depression he did not want to talk about.

"Why? Do you have an inhouse appointment with Taylor Swift or something?"

Jungkook added. He hated his sass at times.. but this is what he was.

"Yes. Do you mind?"

The other replied with equally troubled.

"Really? Can i come with you then? Huge fan."

He smiled at his own joke while the other just rolled his eyes.

"And? Why will she meet you? She has millions of fans. You are a nobody to her. Her house is no charity. Not everyone gets to be there."

Jimin scoffed. The audacity. Even if he had an appointment with The Taylor Swift, why would he take this baboon with him. He'd rather find someone close to him if not go alone.

"Why would i want to go her house? I asked can i come to yours? Huge fan."

He blurted out. He swore he was to puke out of excitement with how Jimin's eyes went wide as he looked at him a bit intimidated but a little confused. He needed to run. He really did. Just now, after everything said and done, he had realised he went a bit too far. Not for Jimin's sake. But for his own. He had beem going through disgustingly cheeky lines online in the hope of using one on Jimin if he ever gets a chance. And after a year and half of his little love, could he gather enough courage to do what he did.

The corners of his eyes had started watering with how much he wanted to scream in excitement but had to keep a straight face. His heart beat picked pace as he thought of something else to say, in case the situation gets anymore awkward. And it did. Jimin turned a light shade of red for some reason Jungkook was glad about.

"Oh you wish. Look at you all red. Do you like me that much? I was just joking."

He added after a little thought. He didn't want to come off as weird in a single day. He'll ease Jimin into it. They had a lot of time, isn't it?!

"Oh fuck you."

Jimin answered exasperated. The audacity, again. Jimin really had thought the kid had lost his mind. Jungkook would never leave a single chance to pass comments and bully him. He always had something weird and out of the blue to say. And it always left Jimin speechless. He couldn't put a finger on what the younger wanted from him.

If Jimin didn't know any better, he would think the younger is flirting with him. Which he was sure, wasn't the case. Because trust me, that's the worst way to do it. Atleast for Jimin. He agrees, he said he liked badboys. But that was Min Yoongi types- you know.. sweet, caring, a little cold but still bearable. Someone like Yoongi, not Yoongi though. Since Jimin had bro-zoned him a longtime ago.

But Jungkook? He was a straight up a** hole. He would never flirt with Jimin right? Not after being close with Taehyung. Most people close to Taehyung, hated him.

"Not today love. You look kinda out of it. Maybe some other day. Maybe the weekend?"

Jungkook winked. He had a cool face but he could promise he was dying on the inside.

"What is wrong with you? What weekend weirdo?"

He couldn't believe Jungkook had been crossing limits of his stupid bullying. He would come up at odd times of the day and say wrong suggestive things right in front of an audience and everyone would have a good laugh out of Jimin's flustered face. If he so much wanted to be a clown to make everyone laugh, why not join a circus?!!

"Sweetheart, don't be mad at me. I understand i am hot but this weekend is the most i could say. I am a busy person like that. Since its you, i can make an exception but you look hella tired today. I don't mind though."

Jimin couldn't help but stand up from his seat. This was going a bit too far today. Certainly something was wrong with this guy. He had openly scoffed when Yoongi's friend had called him pretty a while ago, and now this. Plus the fact that Jungkook could clearly see he was mad tired and just wanted to go home. But he never said it out loud right? Nor did he show it on his face. Does Jungkook think he is weak? Not to forget how everyone teases him about being cute and a baby. Not to forget how people just tagged him a bottom because he tries to act more civilised and calm.

It infuriated him, how people looked down on him. Was it that about him? That people could see right through him. They could see how weak he was. Is that why they leave him behind in life? He knew Jungkook didn't really imply on anything in particular. But the mere thought of something suggestive triggered Jimin. He didn't know why. But he couldn't help himself from smacking the younger.

A loud slap echoed in the space as the people who were previously giggling at the encounter went quite with saucer eyes. Jimin never understood why he was so sensitive about that topic, but he was. Everyone around them knew how the two bickered back and forth once in a while, some could even see Jungkook had something for the elder. But the lack of moves from the younger was always a questioning factor.

Jimin could never see that people weren't laughing at him, or making fun of him. It was his insecurities that fueled this thoughts.

Jungkook blinked a few times in his daze as his hand subconsciously touched his face where he had been hit. He knew he was taking it too far. Not only had he embarrassed himself but Jimin had went so far as physically hitting him, which meant he had been hurt beyong words.

"Dont.. don't talk to me e-ever again."

Jimin whispered but the other heard it clear. He himself could not believe how he had gone so far as to lose his calm in front of a crowd or physically hurt something. He was sure Jungkook was embarrassed and probably mad by how he stood still. If anything he was expecting a smack back. You cannot just abuse someone and get away with it just because you have a weak heart and get butt hurt over some silly teasing.

Jungkook had always been like this right? But did that give him the right to use words he wasn't supposed to? Even if he didn't mean it, even if it was a joke.. words can be hurtful.

Was he wrong to react so harshly to a joke? But that's what leads to bullying. Someone's stupid stupid jokes that they think are harmless. Should he have reacted this way before for Jungkook to stop bothering him. He had no idea. Its just that his eyes blurred with tears and he felt overwhelmed.

His feet moved on its own walking down the stairways. He couldn't hear another voice calling his name. It was Taehyung, who soon realised that the other was out of it so he dragged the smaller by his arm to the side hugging him in comfort later.

That's the last thing Jungkook saw before he could feel the world spin. What just happened?


Long chapter y'all.

Wth yooo.. too much drama for the day. Too much drama. Also.. my heart hurts for the two.

Sorry for portraying Jungkook the way i did. He is just a dumb lovely teenager who is yet to learn that flirting and unknowingly harassing someone with words, because you think its a mere joke or tease; are two different things.

Also.. make sure to vote and comment.


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