alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

131K 5.2K 6.6K

Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


1.1K 41 68
By dracoandfredownme

Oshun sobbed in the shower, thankful the water would run over her sobbing.

It was her routine now. Ever since she found out she'd die. She cried behind closed doors or when she was alone. Then, she'd smile like the happiest girl in the world out in public.

She still never got used to the idea of dying because as much as she was grateful she didn't have to pick, it meant she had a time limit with Draco and Fred.

Her time was running low.

She finished with her shower and her cry. She then enevloped herself in her bathrobe before going to do her hair.

She put her hair product in before diffusing. She brushed her teeth and moisturized herself before opening the bathroom door.

"I'm going for a run," Forest said, tying her sneakers as she sat in the armchair. She was in a tank top and track pants with a zip-up hoodie on top. "Want to come?"

"I don't run. I walk," Oshun clarified as she went to her dresser to grab her undergarments. "Occasionally, jog."

Forest chuckled in a low, amused way. "Right, right." She got to her feet and headed for the door. "I'll see you later."

Oshun waved her friend bye before the door shut and her friend was off for a run.

She set her undergarments on her bed before going to find an outfit. She was thoroughly enjoying the fresh breeze under her bathrobe, so she was taking her time.

A knock on the door nearly startled her.

She strolled to the door and with a turn of the knob, pulled it open. The air vanished in her lungs at the person standing before her, completely surprising her.

But as her mouth gaped to try to form a sentence, his mouth met hers so tightly.

Oshun was stunned into silence as her lips instantly moved with his.

He took steps forward and she took some back. He smoothly kicked the door shut and locked it before his hard hands grasped the back of her thighs to hoist her onto his hips.

"I don't care. I don't care at all. I love you and I won't tell anyone. I love you. I love you," Fred whispered in a single breath, mouth grazing hers. It was the best sound in the world right now. "Fuck, I love you so much."

Her heart was doing somersaults in her chest as her arms clung around his neck. "I love you," she murmured before his mouth covered hers.

She felt his mouth turn up into a heartfelt smile as he kissed her. He walked to her bed and lay her down, head upon the pillow.

She pulled his T-shirt off and tossed it aside before tugging him down closer to her. Her fingers fumbled with his belt as they kissed slowly.

Their kiss wasn't heavy-breathing and lustful and full of sexual desire. It was raw and loving and warming and longing.

She undid his fly and pushed his trousers down at the same time as he tore her robe open, exposing her bare body. A shiver ran down her spine at the cool breeze hitting her skin.

He helped her take off his clothes and when he was stripped, he got between her legs. Wordlessly, he kissed her and lined himself up.

Her arms curled around his neck and she greedily pulled him as close to her as possible. She was desperate for his warmth and for his love and his comfort. She sought it for over a week.

He slid inside of her in one go and they moaned softly together in each other's mouths. He began to stroke inside of her, slowly and so full of fiery passion.

His hands found hers and he laced his long fingers between hers. He pinned her hands above her head, keeping his thrust deep and slow.

Their bare skins brushed together and their bodies moved as one. In sync, their breathing became heavy, but so light and airy.

They never tore each other's eyes from each other's. They both watched each other's facial expressions, pupils dilated until there was a mere thin rim of their natural eye colour.

Oshun moaned breathily into his mouth, not a gasping moan. But a smooth, angelic, soft moan. Her knees rose in the air and she squeezed his hand as his tip hit her deepest spot with every controlled stroke.

"I love you, Oshun," he rasped into her bottom lip.

"Say it again, Freddie," she breathed.

"I love you."


"I... love you." He pushed deeply into her. "I love you so much."

Such simple words, but felt so very different when said as their bare skins melted together with tenderness. Felt so much more magical and fairy tale-like. She felt like she was floating.

"I love you so much, I just want to pop your head like a pimple," he breathed as he moved.

She giggled at this and he giggled back. A small bubble of loving and gaily giggles that only made this moment more special to her heart.

He didn't speed up at all or caress her aggressively on her skin. He didn't fuck her as he usually did.

He didn't kiss her with such hunger and desperation for pleasure. He didn't lasciviously groan or growl into her mouth and press his body into hers messily.

He stroked inside of her with such precise movements. He praised her body with his loving eyes and his warming skin. He loved her and he appreciated every inch of her.

She whimpered under her breath beneath him and lost herself into him, her entire world shifting below him.

Now, she knew in her heart that she never lost Fred. She never would.

He was always hers even when he was physically away from her.

This was them. Oshun and Fred.

Her yin to his yang. They matched each other so perfectly, yet balanced each other out flawlessly.

"Fred, I'm sorry," she said as they were tangled in each other's bodies under her cold sheets.

He was lying lazily against the propped pillows. "For what?" His lips brushed over her temple, rubbing her bicep softly.

Her finger flittered down to caress the line of red hair that trailed down his belly button below. "For... er, scaring you by taking Romilda's heart from her chest," she said gingerly, cheek pressing into his freckled chest.

Something rattled in the back of his throat as he cleared it. "You didn't scare me. I know I said that I don't care, but can we not talk about how you did it? I don't really fancy the details," he mumbled, and buried half his face into her soft curls. "I also don't want to talk about Hermione's suicide. I've nothing to say about it."

She angled her head up to see his face. "Why aren't you scared of me? Why are you still here?" she asked in a mere whisper.

He studied her with such intensity, caressing the side of her face with the back of two fingers. "I had quite a bit of time to think," he said at last. "And as horrible or cliché as this may sound, I love you too much to let you slip away. I mean, your intentions were... they were there. Good intentions, but, um, bad execution."

Her hand came up to his chin, gently tracing her fingers over the stubble she felt under her fingertip. "So you didn't tell anyone or run because you love me too much?" she whispered.

"Because I love you and I want to be with you for as long as our density plans," he said with a gaily look in his eyes.

Isn't for too long, Oshun said in her head.

"Oh my fucking hell." A laugh drew from his lips as he shook his head. "What I'm about to say is going to be the most corny—most cheesy shit I've ever said. Ready?"

The corner of her lip twitched into a smile, nodding. "Go on. Let's hear just how cheesy the infamous Fred Weasley can be," she razzed.

"Love can make a person do crazy things," he said in an attempt at a romantic and oozy voice. "Love can drive people mad. Love can turn someone into a whole new person. Love can—"

She laughed heartily as her palm pressed over his mouth to make him quiet. "I got it. I got it."

Against her palm, she felt him grinning at her. His mouth planted a soft kiss on her palm before she dropped her hand to his chest.

"In all seriousness," he said in a low tone. "I don't know. I don't know why I'm so okay with the fact that you killed Vane for me. Perhaps it's love and the fact that you did it for me. That's the only answer I could come up with."

She nodded with her chin nuzzled into his chest. She just admired him and his beauty, catching herself smiling vulnerably at him. "I missed you, big head," she murmured. "I missed you so, so much."

An exhausted sigh escaped his lips as he nodded and held a hand on the side of her head. He leaned in to press his lips to her forehead. "I missed you more," he said, pushing the words into her skin. "Oh, you've no idea how much I missed you, Oshun."

She melted into his forehead kisses, enjoying the way her heart was skipping.


Oshun had followed Fred like a lost puppy to his spot at the table. Though, it wasn't as pathetic as it sounded.

Neither of them wanted to let go of each other or to untangle their fingers from one another's.

They'd walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast before classes and she suggested that they could sit with his mates.

He had suggested they could sit with her mates. Then she insisted. Then he insisted. Both unwilling to depart from each other until they really needed to.

They both settled on sitting with Fred's mates.

"Hey," he greeted his twin and his other best friend, who sat across from them. Oshun sat next to him, her body unconsciously angled towards him.

George's eyes darted between his brother and the girl. "It's about fucking time," he said exasperatedly, tossing a grape into his mouth. "Oshun, I apologize for how dramatic my brother is."

Oshun only smiled, shaking her head.

Fred scoffed and let go of her hand to lift her thigh to sit over his before he entwined their fingers once more. "Thanks, Georgie." His tone was sardonic as he poured water into his goblet.

"What's that?" Lee's chin jutted towards Fred's wrist.

Oshun's eyes went to his wrist to see a beaded bracelet with bright colours—blue, yellow, purple, neon green, neon pink, and white. It had a star metal charm in the middle.

"I stole it from Oshun," Fred replied, shrugging his shoulders.

She blinked at him, not aware that he took it from her dorm. "You did?"

"I thought it looked cool with all the bright colours." His head turned to her, sending her a swift wink that made her internally swoon.

She smiled and let her head hang low to hide the blush that flared within the caramel colour of her cheeks.

"You guys are so cute," Lee said in awe before he bluntly said, "It makes me want to throw up."

"Sod off." Fred glared at his friend.

After they ate, he walked her to her first class. His hand cupped her jaw and his head dipped down to plant a light kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you later, hm?" he hummed.

Reluctantly, she let go of his hand and nodded.

He waited until she was inside of the classroom before he was gone. Oshun went to sit wherever she wanted since there were no arranged seats for this one class.

She dropped her book bag on the floor by her feet after she took out her books and needed supplies. She placed her textbook in front of her and put her quill and jar of ink in the corner.

She patiently waited for class to start. Slytherins and Gryffindors slowly poured into the room. Her elbow was on the edge of the table, her thigh over the other, and her finger tracing the cover of her textbook.

The scent of teakwood, cologne, and mint clouded her mind as the blond sat next to her. "You're early," he said as he pulled his own textbook out.

"Good morning to you too." Her dark eyes flicked towards him, a small smile on her lips.

He flashed his million-galleon smile and got his supplies out. Once he was done, he leaned to her to brush a kiss on her cheek and her lips.

Their hands found each other and their fingers braided through one another's. Every time they held hands in class, their locked fingers stayed on her lap.

The professor began to teach and demanded the students to open their textbooks to the needed page for the new lesson. Oshun flipped open her textbook and as she did so, she briefly saw something stuck between the pages.

She flipped back to that age and saw a thick folded card between the pages. Her fingers plucked the card and unfolded it with her thumb, pressing into the crease of the card.

Have a good class. Think of me, my pretty angel.
Freddie x

Oshun's mouth stretched into a smile as she stared at the note in a love daze.

Beside her, she heard a cold scoff.

Her head turned to see Draco shaking his head, staring ahead.

"Is there a problem, Malfoy?" she asked, stuffing the note back between the pages of her textbook.

He met her gaze. "You're talking to that fucking redhead again?" he hissed in clear irritation.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"What, he goes to you with an apology and then you just take him back?" His voice drew like ice, features darkened with derision. "Fucking pathetic."

Her face screwed up. "What, like I took you back with every half-assed apology you gave me?" she shot back with arched brows.

"That's different," he drawled, and tucked his free hand under his arm, leaning back in his seat. "And they were not fucking half-assed."

"Different, how?" Her tone hushed as her eyes hardened in challenge.

"Because I'm Draco Malfoy," he said, as if it was a rational answer.

"You can't say that every time I ask you a question you don't have an actual answer to." She huffed under her breath and shook her head at him.

"I can, and I will." He met her stare, clearly annoyed.

"Well, you only live once, so why can't I just enjoy the time I have with both you and Fred?" Her hard and forceful voice caused his jaw to tick once.

"Because, Takahashi," he said sharply, "You should be enjoying it with Draco and Malfoy. For example, me eating you out under the desk right now as you listen to the lesson or me fucking you against the wall in the library for everyone to hear. We should do those too while you're in this you-only-live-once debacle."

She rolled her eyes at him in disbelief. "I don't understand your way with words sometimes."

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mister Malfoy and Miss Takahashi?" The professor said loudly, drawing all heads to the two.

Oshun's face turned red as she dropped her gaze down at her desk. She ignored all the eyes on her and felt her skin crawl in discomfort.

"No, Professor. I was only asking Miss Takahashi a question about something I don't quite understand," Draco replied smoothly, and gave Oshun's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Miss Takahashi?" The professor's pointed voice caused the girl to glance up.

Her stomach clenched and she swallowed hard. But she said nothing at the professor's raised eyebrow.

Draco stepped in. "Professor—"

"I am talking to Miss Takahashi, Mister Malfoy," she said sharply, and shot him a hard stare. Her stare then shifted back to the girl. "Miss Takahashi, I'm speaking to you."

Oshun still didn't say a word. The thrum of her heart was making beads of sweat make her palms clammy.

Everyone was staring at Oshun and Draco. She even heard a few people whispering to their desk mates. It made her want to disappear.

Draco's jaws contracted agitatedly. "She—"

"Mister Malfoy, last warning." The professor tried him with a warning stare.

He didn't back down. "Forcing a person with social anxiety to speak isn't going to help anything." His voice nearly rose protectively. "You probably think forcing her to speak will help, but you're not helping at all. In fact, Professor, you're only making it worse by putting her on the fucking spot in front of everyone!"

Oshun inhaled a shaky breath, refusing to look up at anyone. Her hand had tightened around Draco's.

"Mister Malfoy!" The professor was astounded and her teeth ground. "That's it. Detention with me after dinner."

"Stop calling on Takahashi and stop making her uncomfortable," Draco shot back in contempt, furious. He grabbed Oshun's bag from the floor, along with his own, and rose from his seat. "You're not helping anything."

Oshun saw the professor look stunned before Draco dragged her out of the classroom in anger. The door slammed behind them and with big strides, he pulled her away from the classroom.

He stopped after they made a turn and dropped their bags on the floor. He turned to face her and his face softened.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, and brushed the curls from her face. "I'm really sorry about that."

She tangled her fingers together and shifted her weight from one foot to another. "It's okay." Her voice was hoarse and a mere whisper.

He sighed with a frown. "Fuck, I'm sorry." His hands smoothly palmed her cheeks and he leaned in to push an ardent kiss on her forehead, mumbling against her skin, "Why don't we go for a walk, hm? Until your next class? We can talk about how awful you think my book recommendation was."

She nodded. "Okay."

"Mhm?" He pulled back to look at her with his tender gaze.

She offered a wan smile. "Yeah."

He smiled and kissed her forehead one more time.


"Why me?" Oshun frowned confusedly at the Headmaster.

"I don't mean to put you on the spot, Miss Takahashi, but it's because I've noticed you're one of the only students who don't get involved in extracurricular activities," Dumbledore said as he sat at his desk, fingers looped upon the surface.

"It's not a requirement." Her tone was involuntarily short.

"No, but it is encouraged," the man said easily, warmly. "I also think it'll be a good way for my students to have a good time after the events that have just happened."

He was referring to Romilda Vane's death and Hermione Granger's suicide.

As expected, Romilda's case was declared unsolved and closed because of the lack of evidence they found when examining her body and the castle.

Oshun was smart enough to get away with murder.

"You can have some of your friends help you, if it makes it easier," Dumbledore allowed as he scratched his grey beard. "The masquerade ball should be a night of fun and memories. I've made a date for it to be on April twentieth. Is that doable for you?"

She nodded stiffly.

"Wonderful." The Headmaster looked pleased as he smiled. "Go on, get to lunch."

She rose from her seat and hitched her back higher up her shoulder. She strolled out of the office and down to the Great Hall.

But she was stopped short when she noticed no one was in the Great Hall. Her eyes veered to the large clock at the front to ensure she didn't get her time incorrect.

It was lunch time.

Her brows bunched together as she walked down the corridor gingerly. She made a turn and the noises of murmurs and whispers got closer.

She saw a large group of students huddled and crowding around a supply closet. Curious, she walked closer, but kept her distance from the crowd.

Her head peeked up and around, her neck stretching out to see what everyone was looking at. In glimpses, she saw someone laying on the floor in the supply closet...

She felt herself go pale.

That someone wasn't lying on the floor.

That someone was dead on the floor.

There was a puddle of blood forming around the person and blood scarily stained their uniform shirt. It looked like the blood was coming from a wound in the centre of his stomach. The body was lying on its side, arm draping over the chest area and the other arm sprawled over the head.

The colour was absolutely gone from the person's figure, a sickly grey instead. This told Oshun that they'd been dead for a while.

She finally got a glimpse of who it was.

Justin Finch-Fletchley.

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