Izuku, the Gentleman Bounty H...

By JasonNava7

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I am not good with descriptions. Characters, settings, images and Videos belong to their respective owners un... More

Chapter 1: Spike's Farewell, Izuku's Lonesomeness
Chapter 2: A New Job? Becoming a Bodyguard
Chapter 3: Izuku's Standoff; Commencing Momo's Training
Chapter 4: Things Are Getting Intense
Chapter 5: Time to Take It Up A Notch; A Fated Fight
Chapter 6: Izuku, The Mack Daddy of Heroism
Chapter 7: It's Loving Time; Ambushed
Chapter 8: Time for the Festival; The Facts of Life
Chapter 9: Planning Against The Opposition
Chapter 10: Interning with An Elderly Night Owl
Chapter 11: Darkness within the Woodlands
Chapter 12: Marked Hostility; Momo Unhinged
Chapter 14: The Narcissist of Class 1-B; Eri's Quirk, and Family Time
Chapter 15: Sparring with. . . .The Big Three of UA!?!?
Chapter 16: Sights For Sore Eyes
Chapter 17: Making Amends
Chapter 18: Raiders of Shie Hassaikai; Epilogue

Chapter 13: Never Fight Out Of Fear, Never Fear To Fight

734 21 13
By JasonNava7

Izuku: Hey, It's a bit dark in here. Can someone turn on the lights?

Just then, for a moment, Izuku was blinded by shining light. It took his eyes a minute before they adjusted and he saw two villains, a man with lips that looked eerily similar to someone he knew and a green reptilian. He hadn't seen them before and on his right was a TV with the other villains.

He also realized that he was cuffed and chained to a chair.

Shigaraki: Hello, Izuku Midoriya, We are. . . . .

Izuku: The League of Villains. I get it. Couldn't you guys have come up with something original? Seriously? Meh, but I guess the name suits you guys. Absolutely boring and plain as hell. Also why is there a beast in front of me? Oh and also a lizard.


Magne was about to attack

Izuku: You look the child of Sasquatch and Bigfoot with the lips of Mr. Popo. What an ugly baby they have birthed. Are you a prom night dumpster baby? Is that why you're a villain? Damn, bitch. Your standards are low.

Shigaraki then revealed his by taking of the hand that was on his face. Izuku acted in over exaggeration.


Shigaraki: Keep making jokes. They will be the end of you.

Izuku: And the lack of chapstick was the end for you mouth, Reject Near. Ey, Lizard Boy.

???: The name's Spinner.

Izuku: You're a fucking lizard. Why did you name yourself Spinner. Why not use Gecko as a codename? Dumbass.

Spinner was about to retort until he began to think about it and the more he did, the more stupid he felt.

Spinner . . . . . . . I'm just gonna go sit myself in the corner.

Izuku: I think I'm going to enjoy myself a bit here.

Just then Dabi walked through the door and he stood right in front of Izuku with his hands in his pockets.

Izuku: What about you? Why did you become a villain?

Dabi: Revenge on Endeavor. So shut the HELL UP!

Dabi then punched Izuku as the corner of Izuku's lip was bleeding, but it curled into a smirk.

Izuku: I might actually enjoy after all, little bitch.

Dabi then delivered another punch.

-Meanwhile At UA-

Momo was enraged at All Might and Nezu's choice as the students were listening in.


Nezu: Midoriya is a loose cannon, Yaoyorozu. He takes after his uncle.

Momo: Uuggh, so what!? You just going to just leave him there with THEM!? You nothing but GODDAMN COWARDS!! All for the simple fact Izuku's uncle kicked many of the Heroes' asses!! Fine then, if you won't help me, I'll go by myself!!

Nezu: Well then don't expect to coming back to UA if you are, Ms. Yaoyorozu.

Momo stopped in her tracks and gave them a deadly glare.

Momo: It's Mrs. Midoriya Yaoyorozu to you, fuckers and to that I'll say I'll take my chances. Sayonara.

She then left Nezu's office as her classmates stepped aside as she was formulating a plan to rescue her one and only.

Momo's mindscape: Don't worry, Izu-baby. I'm coming for you, my sacred treasure.

Just then she heard someone laughing as she got pinned to the wall by none other than Bakugou.

Bakugou: I could use a hot woman like you. Maybe then we'll have powerful babies. That quirkless shit is nothing compared to me. So dump his ass.

Everyone was shocked and attempted to stop Bakugou. Momo meanwhile smirked as she remembered what Izuku had told her.

'Izuku(memory): If he ever, EVER tries anything on you, inflate his ego, he'll drop his guard immensely. Even if it might hurt me emotionally.

Momo(memory): You know I'll always love you right, Izuku, darling.

Izuku(memory): I'll never stop loving you, either, Momo.

They then kissed as she tossed him onto her bed and together shared a night of passionate lovemaking.'

Momo then kissed him and this caught everyone, including him, surprise. But things took a dark turn when she bit his lower lip at full force and yanked her head back causing his lips to bleed, making him yell in pain as she headbutted him, making his nose break. She then slammed her knee into his groin as she threw him to the ground and began her relentless and merciless assault as she began to punch the brash blonde without remorse.

Momo: YOU. . . .THINK. . . .THAT. . . . JUST BECAUSE. . . . .HE'S . . . .NOT. . . . .HERE. . . .YOU THINK. . . . .I . . .MIGHT. . .LEAVE HIM!?

She then grabbed the bloody Bakugou and stared him directly in the eyes.

Momo: You're dead wrong. He is MINE!! I am his!!

She then threw him the the office door where All Might and Nezu where spooked as Bakugou broke through the desk.

Momo: You should really put a leash on that damn animal.

Tenya: Yaoyorozu, what kind of behavior is that?!

Kirishima: Come on, I'm sure Bakugou didn't mean what he said about Midoriya.

Momo: . . . . . . Are you two trying to defend his actions?

Kirishima: Technically, you did kiss him, so. . . .


Enraged by her classmates, she ran out of the building and pulled out the tracker and found Izuku's location.

Momo: Please be okay, My darling husband. I need you and Eri needs her Papa.

-Bat at the LOV hideout-

Izuku was humming to himself Calendar Girl by Neil Sedaka cause it reminded him of Momo.

Just thinking about her made his heart aflutter. He had to hold out long enough for her or the heroes, if willing, to find him.

Shigaraki: After having consulted with our great leader, he said to release you of your cuffs.

Everyone was shocked at this, but they knew he had a plan. He was the oldest villain in history after all.

Izuku: That's a mistake you are definitely going to regret.

Shigaraki then released him from bondage as Izuku stood up calmly and moved his wrists and looked at them.

Izuku: I appreciate the "Get out of Jail" card, but I have zero reason to be here.

Just then he heard something race past his head as he moved his head slightly and it missed and he smirked.

Izuku: Well then, I guess my hands are tied.

He then turned around as he saw the villains prepared for battle as he took his battle stance.

Izuku: Who's up first?

Magne wasted no time in attacking Izuku as she attempted to deliver a punch, but failed to do so. Izuku then got kicked behind the knee by Dabi as Shigaraki clawed at his face but Izuku evaded it as he rolled backward and was about to pull his pistols until he realized that they must have taken them as well as his Bowie Knife.

Shigaraki: You didn't think we were that stupid, did you?

Izuku: My honest answer given the time at the USJ, I would most certainly say yes.

Shigaraki: You beginning to annoy me, scum!

Izuku: If only I had a dollar for everytime I heard that one.

Izuku then grabbed the knife Toga threw and used it to his advantage.

Toga jumped up and pulled out two knives as she tried to slice his skin.

Toga: Let me suck you dry!

-With Momo-

From afar, Momo immediately felt a disturbance and her abilities tripled after that as she began to run faster.

Momo: Whoever touches my Izuku will pay dearly!!

She then made it to the location that was on her tracker. She then destroyed it so it didn't alert them in case they had some sort of technology to detect them. Momo then saw several Nomu patrolling the hideout and a dog like Nomu with the upperpart of it's head was walking around and it let out roar as it tongue flickered and saliva was spat everywhere.

Momo: Nasty. I have to sneak around them then to reach Izu. Luckily it has no nose and it can't sniff me out.

But her movement were soon detected after rustling bushes. The dog snuck out it's tongue as it caught an unknown scent and it was walking to it.

Momo immediately had to think of something quickly. She decided to created a smoke grenade and she threw away from where she was and it was attached to a cymbal monkey and she threw it.

When they got set off, the dog was successfully distracted as she made her way to the hideout. She saw some pipes and using what Izuku had taught her, she climbed up without making much noise. She then saw the dog swallow the smoke grenade as it began to drool white foam and it fell.

She turned around and then saw the battle happening and she was mesmerized by his seemingly graceful movements as she silently cheered him on to not get caught. Her eyes were them locked onto Toga as she saw that she was about to attack Izuku.

Momo then decided to create an EMP using a Matryoshka doll. She and Izuku knew that her quirk had more potential.

She then created a Matryoshka doll of her Izuku and Eri as she hugged them deeply and continued to look on. Aiming for the right moment to strike.

-With Izuku-

Izuku: Sorry, thot! No free dick today!

He then uppercutted Toga's stomach in midair and Toga spat out blood and her eyes whitened as she fell down face first.

After several more attacks from Shigaraki, Izuku then managed to cut off Shigaraki's thumb on his left and his middle finger on the right. Izuku ran and grabbed them and when Dabi threw a cremation orb at him, Izuku threw Shigaraki's cut off fingers in and the instantaneously burned into nothing.

Shigaraki: Noo! It's not fair!!

Izuku raised his leg up high and sent it downward onto Shigaraki's left shoulder blade as it popped out of it's socket. Magne then used a giant rectangular prism and smashed to against his back as Izuku fell and although he struggled he managed to get up on one knee and dodged another one of Magne's attacks.

Spinner used camouflage as he crawled up behind Izuku and locked him in place as Shigaraki grabbed Mustang and Sally and aimed them both at Izuku. Everyone was already beaten up by just one bounty hunter.

Shigaraki: How!? You cheater! Tell me HOW!!

Izuku: Simple. You just don't know very well.

Momo gently opened the window as she was prepared to toss the EMP.

Shigaraki: Well, then. At least you'll die knowing that you were killed by your own weapons.

Izuku: Bet.

Momo's mindscape: Now!!

She threw the EMP and when it hit the ground, it cut out out all of the electricity and it was soon pitch black. Dabi lit his hands up, but his bicep was cut and it distracted him as Izuku saw Momo with what little moonlight there was and she gave him some night vision goggles as the first took out Spinner by smashing his head through the window followed by Magne and they threw her right outside where she crashed with the Nomu. Momo decided to take out her vendetta against Toga by using one of her knives and stabbing it in her feet, followed by Momo using a chair to knock Toga out cold. Momo then spat on her unconscious body.

Momo: Take that, you bitch.

Izuku grabbed Shigaraki and body slammed him through the counter as Izuku got his Bowie and his Mustang and Sally.

Izuku: I believe this is mine, Shigs.

Izuku kicked the Decay user in the head temporarily making him lose all brain functions. Momo gladly took his hand and she kicked down the door and were immediately met with Nomu charging at them.

Izuku dodged the Nomu's punches and with new unbridled fury and strength as well as resolve he punched the Nomu's head clean off as Momo created a sword and cut the Nomu's arm and created a grenade and ran at it as she kick flipped it in the chin followed with Izuku shooting Mustang and Sally at it's knees, making it kneel as Momo created a sledgehammer making half of the Nomu's face fall off and it only hanging on by a strand of mutated flesh.

Momo then pulled the pin and shoved the grenade down the Nomu's throat as she was immediately grabbed bridal style by Izuku and they ran as far away as they can and they jumped into a hidden ditch as the Nomu's entire body exploded with charred bits spewing everywhere.

Izuku: Holy shit! That was inte-MMPH!!

His sentence was cut off midway as Momo shoved her tongue into his mouth as she began to passionately kiss him while tears rolled down her eyes.

Momo: I. . . thought . . . . . . I was. . . . . . .going to. . . . .lose you!!

She aligned her womanhood with his manhodd as she began to hump him, making them both release moans of pleasure. Izuku gladly kissed back, grinding her as well. The couple were happy to be in each other's arms again. They stopped the kiss with a trail of saliva connecting them as the smiled at one another with Momo having hearts for eyes and Izuku smiling at her.

Izuku: So, did anything while I was gone.

Momo: I found out how much the pro hate you and your uncle. Bakugou was being forceful with me, so I manipulated by tragically kissing him, then tearing off his lower lip followed by kneeing in the dick and began to ruthlessly lunch him. All in the fact that he was my husband, my Izuku. Then Iida asked my what was that for and Kirishima tried to defend Bakugou's actions and. . .

Izuku kissed her as she reciprocated it almost immediately.

Momo: I love you so much, My Darling Izuku.

Izuku: What do you want to do after this?

Momo: You know exactly what I want, what I crave, what I desire, My love.

Izuku: Say it. I want to hear you say.

Momo: I want my Daddy Izu to fuck me and make me mother. I am his only and only his.

Izuku: There is no other woman I want and desire more than you, My Creati.

As they were about to share another kiss. The ground began to shake as they saw trees flying and dirt being pushed around.

Izuku and Momo crawled up from the hidden ditch and stood up and saw why the ground was shaking.

Izuku: Isn't that always the way. . .

Momo: You and I get in the mood and villains and other heroes always show up. Should we help them?

Momo and Izuku looked at each other and gave the same response.

Izuku/Momo: Nah!

Izuku wrapped an arm around his waist as Momo hugged tightly while smiling.

Izuku: Let's go home, Momo.

Momo: Okay, Darling!

She then giggled, happy and ecstatic to have her husband, her Izuku in her arms once more while the pros dealt with the villain.

-End of Chapter-

Another one in the book. Hopefully, I can update the Much Needed love Remake soon. Anyway, I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to give my other stories some love too and as always I'll see you guys soon in the next chapter. Peace!

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