alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

Por dracoandfredownme

130K 5.2K 6.5K

Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... Mais

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


1.2K 53 107
Por dracoandfredownme

"I'm so proud of you," Draco beamed, and picked her up by her waist to twirl her around. "Did you make her bleed?"

"Draco, calm down," Oshun said through a soft chuckle, her hands on his shoulders.

"Come on," he encouraged eagerly as he set her back on the floor. "Tell me the details. Did she bleed? Did she cry? Did she run?"

She was finally confessing to Draco about her actions the other day. "Actually, I was the one who ran," she said slowly.

"You're kidding." His jaw hung low.

Abashed, her face flared with heat and reddened. "Why does everyone keep— what's wrong with running away?"

"It shows weakness, my sweet girl." He gazed at her in fondness, despite her embarrassment. "You never run from a fight."

"Okay, but it wasn't a fight," she clarified, braiding their fingers before they strolled out of the book aisle. "I just accidentally bashed her head in the wall."

"Don't say 'accident.'" His head shook, bringing their locked fingers to his lips to brush a kiss on the spine of her hand. "Leave that word out when you tell people."

"I'm not telling people." Her eyes were saucers, veering her eyes at him. "Are you kidding? I don't want people to know I did something violent."

"Well, I'm telling people." He scoffed through a triumphed smirk at her. "My girl fucking bashed
someone's head in the wall."

My girl. My girl. My girl.

Even though she wasn't technically his or Fred's, she liked when they said 'My' before their usual term of endearment for her. Made her feel foolishly giddy.

"No, no, no." She shook her head frantically and fought to ignore the butterflies in her tummy. "Don't tell people. Please. Don't tell people."

He was silent for a few moments, his smirk growing wider. "Fine," he said at last, nodding. "I'll tell no one."

"Thank you." Her shoulders relaxed visibly.

"I'm going to ask you something," Draco said quietly for her ears only, "And if it upsets you, feel free to bash my head into a wall."

"What is it?" Oshun's head tipped back to look at his gorgeous face.

"If I left you like Weasley did, would you cry over me like you did him that day outside of the Great Hall?" His tone hushed even more, holding her stare. It was almost like he was careful with his words. "Because I'd never seen you cry that hard before and you were practically shaking in my arms."

She gaped for a moment. "Of course," she said even though that day she didn't cry because of Fred. Seeing him do that just upset and broke her even more—adding to the news she got. "Yeah. I'd cry over you. You mean so much to me, so of course."

He smiled a soft, sincere smile. It made her smile right back at him because he was happy. His lips inched to her temple to drop an ardent kiss on her skin.

She nearly tripped on her face when she stumbled over her undone shoelace, but he pulled her back by their entwined fingers to keep her up. He slung their bags over his shoulder before he went in front of her and knelt down to tie her sneaker.

Oshun was stupidly mesmerized by the sight.

If there was one thing everyone knew, it was that Draco Malfoy knelt for no one. Yet here he was, kneeling in front of her like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Be careful, you idiot. You already bruise easily," he said whilst he double-knotted her shoelace. "Can't imagine how easy you would break with a fall."

"I can handle sex with you, can't I?" she retorted as he stood straight, suddenly towering over her. "If I can handle sex with you, I can handle a fall."

He narrowed his eyes at her as he shook his head. "We shouldn't test it out." His fingers threaded back through hers. "Come. I'll walk you to class."

As Draco talked to her about the properties of a good fist-fight, Oshun hugged his strong arm instead of holding his hand to be closer to him.

She wanted to tell him she loved him since she didn't have a whole lifetime to tell him. She only had a couple of months.

She wanted to say it to Draco, she really did. But she was afraid it would make him run.

He just didn't seem like the kind of guy to evolve around love or to be tangled within love.

Instead, he actually seemed like the kind of guy that was afraid of love.

She didn't want to scare him by telling him she loved him. She didn't want to ruin what they had, because what they had was good.

For the first time, they were both good. Together and for each other.


"Why are you running away?!" Fred called out as he chased her down the empty corridor.

"I didn't mean to bash her head in the wall!" Oshun tried to run faster, but his long legs were catching up to her easily. "It was an accident!"

"Oshun!" His hand caught her upper arm and he stopped her from running any further. He forced her body to face him and while she was panting heavily, he seemed composed. "Why the hell are you running? And why have you been ignoring me?"

She planted her hands on her thighs, back hunched as she tried to catch her breath.

"Breathe," he soothed, rubbing her back with his free hand. Apparently he seemed afraid that if he let go, she'd run again.

She actually would though.

"What the fuck is up with you?" Fred asked once she was breathing regularly. His expression hardened with one flicker, equally bewildered and seriously curious. "Why've you been ignoring me?"

She blinked. "Ignoring you?" she asked, infuriated. "I've not been ignoring you, Weasley. You've had your tongue down some other girl's throat!"

A pause. "What?"

"Yeah," she spat harshly, and her palms shoved him away from her. "You betrayed me. You left me! You hurt me!"

He stared at her silently as she hit his chest.

Now she was getting her anger out, nearly in tears of frustration. "You hurt me," she said again. Her eyes squinted to stop tears from falling and her face was twisted in fury. "You left me when I needed you most!"

His hands grasped her wrist to stop her when her breaths were becoming staggered. "Oshun, breathe," he said soothingly, holding her wrists in his hands as his eyes glued to her. "Breathe. Deep breaths in. Feel it in your belly. Deep breaths out. Steady your breaths, come on."

Despite her mixed emotions of wrath and hurt, she took deep breaths. She inhaled through her nose, felt it in her belly, and exhaled through her lips.

She did this until her breaths were steady once more. Until her heartbeat was normal and not racing in her chest.

"It was the chocolates," Fred said in a low tone of voice, his expression blank.

"What chocolates?" Oshun took her wrists from his hold, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The ones you— well, actually, now I know it wasn't you." He rubbed a weary hand over his face. "It was Romilda. There was a heart-shaped box of chocolates left in my dorm and I'm almost positive they had a love potion infused inside of them. There was a card with a heart and it was signed by you."

"How do you not know what my bloody handwriting looks like?" she drawled, but a visible weight lifted from her shoulders.

"The card was written with a typewriter, it looked like." His shoulders shrugged as he slid his hands into the back pocket of his trousers.

"Fred. When have I ever used a typewriter?" she said exasperatedly, cocking her head to the side at him.

"I thought it was a nightmare," he confessed as his features softened on his face. But there was a glint of shame in his golden eyes. "I thought it was all just a bad dream—the days I spent with Romilda. It felt like a dream. I didn't know it was real."

Her dark eyes studied his freckled face. "Fred, she didn't do anything with you, did she? Like sex or kissing? Because you were drugged and that would be..." She didn't need to say the last words as she let them hang in the air between them.

"No. We didn't do anything." He shook his head quickly, a startled expression upon his face. The colour drained from him. "I think I'm going to be sick though."

Romilda wasn't a monster. Desperate? Sure. But she would never do anything with Fred while he was drugged. Even Oshun knew that.

But she still drugged him.

"Why did it last for so long?" Oshun reached into her book bag to get her bottled water. She handed it to him.

He took it gratefully and downed the rest of her water. "There were twelve chocolates in the box. I ate a couple each day, so that's probably why," he said as he screwed the lid back onto the empty bottle. "I ran out yesterday morning."

"Are you okay?" Oshun's brows pulled down into a frown of concern.

"Yeah..." Fred sounded dubious, rubbing his jaw with his large hand. "Yeah." He became more confident. "Yeah. I'm fine. Everything feels real now—not like a bad dream."

"Alright. Well, I'm here if you want to talk about anything, you know that," she assured him.

He nodded with a grateful smile.

"Let's go take a nap." She held her hand out, knowing naps were his favourite thing. "My dorm."

He always slept and took naps when they were together, and she didn't mind. Because it meant his inner child felt safe with her. In a way, she was home to him.

She thought maybe a nap would make him feel better and she could comfort him by just being there with him.

"Wait. Let me just..." His fingers tucked a loose curl behind her ear before he smoothly rested his hand on the side of her neck and his thumb pulled down the skin of her chin to part her lips.

His other hand grasped her waist to pull her closer. He dipped his head down to meet her lips in a sweet kiss.

This kiss was pure and sweet and so wholesome. He hummed so softly against her lips and it weakened her core as her fingers slipped into the front pocket of his trousers to pull him in closer.

Her head angled back as his mouth pushed ever so slightly harder against her lips. She went on her tiptoes to get as much of his lips as possible.

Their mouths moved slowly and gently together. It wasn't a wild and messy kiss. It was a loving and affectionate and warming kiss that made her heart feel so safe.

"Those are more of the lips I love," he mumbled. "The only lips I want to be kissing." The pad of his thumb caressed below her bottom lip.

Greedy for his touch, she curled her arms around his neck and hopped off her feet to wrap her legs around his waist.

As expected, his well-defined arms sealed around her body and he gave her a squeeze. He planted a chaste kiss on the side of her head.

His bear-hugs were always her favourite. Always would be.

"You know I'd never leave you, my pretty angel," he murmured into her curls after a moment of silence. "You're my only."

"I want to be your only," she whispered as her face buried into the curve of his neck.

"You are," he crooned as his arms tightened possessively around her. "My only angel. My only girl. My only light. The only one I'd catch a shooting star for."

Her heart was doing indescribable things.

They just stayed like that for a moment, hugging each other. A hug that she craved for because after the few days that passed, she finally got to have his comfort and his affection.

She got down from his arms and kissed him briskly on the lips again. She entwined their fingers and before they both walked to their tower.

As they walked, she got to tell him everything she wasn't able to tell him when he was under duress.

"If the last few days haven't been a dream," Fred said as his head peered over at her, "It means you really bashed Vane's head in the wall."

"Not proud." Oshun's face flushed as she shook her head. "It was an accident."

"And then you ran."

"And then I ran."

His head knocked back with a hearty laugh drawing from his lips. "You know—"

"Yes. I know. Running is not good for fights," she cut him off sharply, rolling her eyes. "I've heard as much, but it wasn't a fight. It was an accident."

"She actually went to the Hospital Wing, but she told Pomfrey that she fell down the stairs," he mentioned as they turned a corner to the moving steps. "Probably to save herself the time from explaining why such a timid and quiet lady decided to bash her head in the wall."

"I'm not timid."

"You're timid."

She suppressed another eye roll at him. "Freddie, can you give me a piggyback ride up the moving steps?" she asked as they stopped in front of the first staircase. "I'm breathless after going up them." And because her sickness was making her more exhausted.

Piggyback rides weren't unusual for them, which was why he said, "Anything you want."

She took both of their book bags to hold and slung them over her shoulder as he crouched down in front of her. She got on his back and winded her arms around his shoulders.

His large hands gripped her thighs securely on either side of him as he stood. "Good?" he mused, his eyes flicking over his shoulder.

"Mhm." Her chin rested on his broad shoulder.

He walked up the moving steps and they talked a lot as he did so.

"Have you spoken to Romilda since... I don't know, whenever?" she asked curiously as he stopped and waited for the staircase to stop in front of them.

"She offered me sweets this morning, after the love potion she used on me wore off. I said no. She's been avoiding me ever since," he explained plainly, going two steps at a time. "I think I'm just going to leave it be. I don't know what to do, so I don't think I'll do anything about her."

"It's up to you, big head," Oshun said indulgently.

"Oshun, you said..." He paused for a quick moment. "You said I left you when you needed me most earlier."

"I did."

"What happened?" The concerned words matched his soft tone of voice. "What happened that made you need me most?"

I'm dying, Freddie. "Just had a couple of bad days."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He sounded sorry too, so sorry.

"You're here now." She buried her plump lips into the back of his ginger hair. "I just need you to be with me."

"There's no place I'd rather be, my angel."

She breathed his scent in again. It felt almost criminal that she hadn't smelled him and held him so close like this in what felt like the longest days of her short life.

When they arrived at her dorm, Fred didn't put her down until they were inside. He set her down on her bed before he grabbed their book bags and put them aside.

Forest was in detention with Joaquin for disrupting the class with their bickering, so the dorm was empty. Baloo also walked out of the dorm when the two had walked in.

They'd kicked off their shoes at the door, so they wasted no time spooning on the bed, ready to take a nap. She was usually the little spoon and he was the big spoon.

His arm was looped over her waist and his other arm was under her head as she used it as a pillow. His face was stuffed in the back of her curls, inhaling her scent.

She was inching back, greedy to be closer to him and their bodies fit like a puzzle. She was holding his hand that was looped over her waist and turning her head to push a kiss into the inside of his bicep.

He kissed the back of her head before he rested his head on the pillow, his breaths blowing softly into the back of her hair.

Her eyes briefly glanced at the rose inside of the glass dome—the gift Draco got her. The petals were beginning to wither.

It reminded her of her life, the rose.

Now, to her, that rose symbolized the time she had left of her own life.

When every petal was resting on the gold base of the dome, she expected herself to be dead too.

Just like the rose.


Oshun's eyes fluttered open by the constant shifting around by the boy behind her.

"Freddie, are you alright?" Her eyes shut as her voice quieted down.

"I'm okay." He was still squirming behind her as he said this, his arm moving beneath her head. "Go back to sleep."

"You keep moving," she said in a mere whisper, nearly falling asleep. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He kissed her shoulder through the material of her uniform. "Go to sleep."

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything," she encouraged quietly.

"Um—" His voice came to a halt and he was still moving behind her. "My arm fell asleep and it's gone numb."

"Oh." She opened her eyes and lifted her head from his arm. "Here—"

"No, no." He quickly used his other hand to lay her head back down on the inside of his bicep. "It's okay, go to sleep."


"Go to sleep, Oshun," he said softly, but in a solid tone. "I can deal with a numb arm. I didn't mean to wake you though. My apologies."

"But I don't want to sleep if you're uncomfortable." She looked at him through the mirror across from her.

"I'm not uncom—"

"A numb arm is a bit uncomfortable in my opinion."

"Well, I didn't ask for your opinion."

She glared at him through the mirror. "Let's switch to a different position," she said, itching her arm.

"Alright then." He tightly looped his arm around her waist.

She gasped in surprise when he turned over, his arm clutched around her waist to flip her with him—over his front. Still spooning, but they were facing the other way. Her head rested upon his other bicep and he smoothly laced his numb arm over her body.

"Go back to sleep." He kissed the back of her head affectionately.


Fred had flipped them back to their original position, which woke her. He was moving behind her, adjusting as she lay limp.

She waited for him to stop moving. When he did, she closed her eyes again.

But then his chin nuzzled into her bicep. "Are you awake?" His whisper tickled her cheek.

"No." She kept her eyes closed, but she was fully awake now.

"No?" His large hand untucked her shirt from her skirt before smoothly sliding under her shirt to touch her bare skin. "How about now?"

"Mm-mm." She shook her head, still using the inside of his bicep as a pillow.

"Uh-huh..." His tongue glided on the inside of his cheek as his fingers moved to clasp the zipper to unzip her skirt. He snaked his hand inside of her skirt to cup her cunt at the same time as she felt herself pool in her underwear. "And now?"

"Nope." She shook her head yet again even though her eyes were open now. She stared at the dresser before them, the mirror giving them a direct reflection of their doings.

But his eyes didn't go to the mirror. They stayed on her and studied her side profile as he applied pressure on her cunt. "I didn't know you sleep with your eyes open. I learn something new about you every day," he razzed in a sensual tone.

She couldn't stop the small giggle that escaped her lips as she kept her eyes on their reflection. She was absolutely hypnotized by his tousle of ginger hair and his sleepy voice. It made her weak everywhere.

"When's Forest supposed to be back?" Fred murmured as his lips brushed up the crook of her neck, sending electric spirals down her joints.

Lazy and sleepy neck kisses made her go feral.

Her breathing was nearly trembling. "I don't know. She had detention, but I reckon that finished," she said in an involuntary quiet voice.

"If she happens to show up, she'd get a show, wouldn't she?" The teasing of his lips only skimming and not kissing her neck was driving her insane.

Oshun felt every drop of blood rush to her face. "Can we lock the door?" she blurted, hands tucked under the pillow. "Walking in on sexual intercourse is a bit traumatizing—especially walking in on a close friend."

He chuckled lowly against her neck and nodded. "Whatever you're comfortable with."

She reached for her wand on the nightstand and flicked it before dropping it lazily on the floor. Her hand came up to tangle in the back of his hair as his lips finally kissed her neck.

She turned on the bed to face him, her head still resting upon his bicep. His hand still cupped her cunt as she turned and his lips were grazing hers.

He slid his arm out a bit from under her, so her head rested on his forearm. He lifted himself to prop on his elbow, the warmth from his hand seeping to her skin through her underwear.

"How was the rest of your day?" he murmured as his fingers ran across the thin waistband of her underwear.

She inhaled a sharp breath at the tease. "I got two more assignments today, which is annoying," she said, unable to tear her eyes from his. "I got an exam back today and I passed with a ninety-four percent."

"That's brilliant," he told her in a mere whisper as his stare became more intense. "Good job. I'm so proud of you." His fingers smoothly got between her underwear and her skin.

Her heart was racing and her breathing was getting heavier as she unconsciously leaned more into him. "Fred, more," she breathed.

"Aren't you needy," he teased as his hand slid down to her cunt. "You're wet, angel."

"I am," she whispered as one hand gripped his shoulder and the other grasped his shirt. "And all for you."

"I don't think you understand what your words do to me, Takahashi." He moved the pad of his thumb to rub firmly on her clit, causing her to exhale a breathy sigh.

She hummed and smoothly slid one of her hands down his chest and down his abs to his crotch. She smirked. "I think I might have an idea," she purred as she palmed his bulge.

She unzipped his fly and pulled down his trousers just enough to get to him. She pushed her palm against his bulge through his boxers, earning a hushed groan from him.

She pulled down his boxers as his breathing got more erotic and heavy. But she held his gaze and ran her fingers provocatively along his V-line, which made his breaths hitch.

She freed his erection. Her fingers wrapped around his erection and she began to stroke him at a slow pace with the perfect amount of pressure she knew he enjoyed.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath as he smoothly slipped two fingers inside of her.

She gasped softly against his parted mouth and felt pleasure struck her spine. Again, she inched involuntarily closer to him as she continued to stroke him.

Between their lips was merely an inch, exchanging erotic pants through each other's parted lips. The way his hot breaths fanned against her lips and into her mouth made her heart melt into candle wax.

"Faster," he panted as a muscle in his jaw twitched.

"Only if you do," she said breathily, hips bucking into his fingers. She moaned at her own doings.

"Deal." He nodded and per request, he pumped his fingers inside of her at a quick pace, but not too quick.

She did the same and stroked him faster with the same amount of pleasurable pressure. His eyes got heavy and a near grunt rattled in the back of his throat when she rubbed her thumb over his tip before caressing down.

His fingers thrust inside of her hard and deep, but not rapidly. He kept the pace he knew she'd enjoy, but also made her ask for more. As his fingers moved in and out of her, his thumb pressed circles into her clit.

"Fuck.... Fred," she moaned shudderingly into his mouth in pleasure. "That feels so fucking good."

"Yeah?" he groaned into her lips as his forehead slanted on hers. "Does it feel good?"

"Ye..." she drew off in a rough moan as his pace abruptly sped up before slowing down.

"Sit on my face, Oshun," he said, breathless. His eyes were blazed with fire. "Please bless me and sit on my fucking face."

"Mhm. Yeah. Okay." She nodded vigorously, eager to be pleased by him. "But I don't know what that means. I've never done that before." She let go of his cock.

"Malfoy didn't show you this, huh?" He smiled sardonically against her mouth and leaned in to kiss her before he pulled back, licking his two fingers.

He turned to lay on his back and grabbed her waist to pull her onto him, so she had her legs on either side of him. "Straddle my head," he instructed as he guided her over his face.

His fingers tucked the bottom hem of her skirt at the top, so he could see her face. "Lower yourself onto my... yes, that's a good girl," he praised as she did what he said.

"Oshun." His voice was abrupt and a bit confused.

"Yeah?" She saw his gaze wasn't on her, but her thigh.

"What's this bruise?" His thumb caressed over a medium sized bruise on the inside of her thigh. He was only seeing it now because it was high on her thigh.

"I bruise easily," she told him, the same reason she told Draco. "Nothing to worry about."

"Are you alright? When did you get it?" Worrisome was unmistakable in his undertone as he leaned in to push a gentle kiss on her bruise.

"I woke up with it this morning, so probably yesterday," she told him evenly, casually.

His eyes eventually moved to hers. "You're not lying, are you?" he asked in a serious tone of voice. "Not lying to save someone's ass?"

Her brows knitted. "What... oh." She gaped at the realization. "No, no. I promise. Nothing like that."

"He's not hitting you, right?" Fred asked for confirmation, his features hardening. He was referring to Draco.

"No," she said calmly, shaking her head. "He's not."

"Good. Because if he is, I will fucking strangle—"

"Stop," she said even though she was chuckling amusedly at him. "It's nothing like that, I swear."

He nodded shortly. "You'd tell me though, right? If anybody was messing with you?" His bushy brow arched.

"Hey, did you see how hard I bashed Vane's head into the wall?" she retorted with a pointed look. "I can take care of myself."

"But you said it was an accident."

"Only when it's an inconvenience for me."

He chuckled at her, shaking his head subtly between her legs.

His veiny hands circled around her thick thighs after he pushed her underwear to the side and held her gaze. The way his hot breath hit her bare cunt was making her legs twitch.

Oshun's palms were on the headboard of her bed, her head angled down to hold his gaze. Her curls spilled around her face, creating a curtain.

She never did this before. It was making her blood race with anticipation.

Fred kept his eyes locked with hers as he inched his mouth closer to her. He planted firm kisses on her clit before his tongue flicked teasingly through her wet lips.

"Freddie," she pleaded, her voice trembling as her hips unconsciously rolled. "Come on. Don't tease."

Against herself, she felt him smirk. Nonetheless, his tongue dove inside of her and in unison, they both groaned—her out of pleasure and him out of his own ecstasy of pleasing her.

His groan vibrated down every part of her and her head knocked back. Her hands dropped from the headboard and tangled in his muss of hair.

He tightened his grips on her thighs, squeezing her flesh as he buried his face between her legs. His tongue swirled inside of her arousal, sounding slightly sloppy, but made her feel like she was in heaven.

She had to admit it. She was quite lucky to be stuck between Draco Malfoy and Fred Weasley, who both wanted her to themselves. She was constantly pleased by those gorgeous boys.

"Holy hell," she gasped out as her eyes batted closed.

Desperate for more, she grinded against his face and tried to get as much of him as possible.

His tongue moved fast and with experience. He slowed down from his quick pace and plunged his tongue deeper inside of her.

She moaned uncontrollably and felt a tremble run down her thighs. Her chest was heaving as her grip on his hair tightened, practically pulling his hair.

A mix of a moan and a growl drew from his lips at her doings, once again sending a friction throughout her body. He worked magically with his mouth and slid his tongue all around her folds.

His lips latched onto her clit and he sucked furiously. This made her cry out as her back arched. She was continuously rolling her hips over his face and he gave her what she cried out for.

"Th... oh, shit." She exhaled a moan as she grinded harder over his mouth. "Faster, please."

He obeyed her request and went faster. His tongue swept and hit all the right places with such ease—he knew her body and her sweet spots.

The sounds of his lips against her cunt were getting sloppier the faster he was going and the more arousal that was beginning to drip from her. He hummed in his own bliss, his hands rubbing up and down her thighs.

"I'm coming," she said in a breath as one hand went back to plant on the headboard. Her head tipped forehead, catching his gaze that hadn't left her.

"Do it. Cum on my face like the dirty slut you are." His words were muffled by her.

As he continued to please her in all the right ways, she came with a gasping moan and unintentionally pulled at his hair. Her legs trembled and her breathing was ragged.

Fred held her thighs in place as he licked up her arousal, delighted by his work. As he did so, a wave of fatigue fell upon Oshun and she was quite irritated by it.

She had just napped and she was already tired. She internally cursed her sickness.

His head turned and he pressed multiple firm kisses on the stretch marks that were on the inside of her thighs before he patted her leg, gesturing that she could get up.

She removed her legs from either side of his head with a racing heart and pulled her skirt properly down. She zipped it up and sat on the mattress next to him.

She fell onto her back and panted heavily, forcing her eyes to stay open. She was actually really exhausted now.

But she quickly sat up when she saw him zipping up his own trousers as he leaned upon the headboard. "You don't want me to help you with that?" she asked bemusedly, looking at him with frowned brows.

"You're tired," he said softly with a warm expression. "Go to sleep again, if you want. I'll still be here."

"No, I'm not tired." Oshun shook her head and went to straddle his hips. "I can help you."

"I can clearly see it in your eyes that you're tired, Oshun," Fred said as his hands positioned on her waist. "It's okay. You don't need to do something in return just because I did something. I did it because I want to please you and I enjoy doing so."

"But I like pleasing you too," she insisted, her hands planted on either side of his neck.

"Alright," he allowed, nodding, "You can please me when you've recharged your energy. Deal?" He was being so patient and sweet with her.

She nodded. "Do you want to take a shower?"

"With you?" His head cocked to the right.

"No. With Dumbledore." Her eyes rolled at the stupid question. "Yes, with me."

It took Fred less than two minutes to rip off both their clothes before they were in the shower. She was letting the water fall onto her body as Fred examined her shampoo and conditioner after letting the water run down him.

"Can I wash your hair?" he asked gingerly, holding up the shampoo.

She opened her eyes and ran her hands back her head to sweep the water from her face. "Sure," she said with a smile of wonder.

Her curls were weighed down as they switched places, so he could wash her hair. He insisted on rinsing her hair and she let him.

Then it was her turn to wash his hair with her shampoo. Standing out of the water and facing her, Fred's head tipped forward for her to be able to comfortably wash his red locks.

His large hands rested gently on the curves of her waist, eyes closed. Her fingertips massaged his scalp and she felt he was fully relaxed.

"I missed you." Her soft words matched her hushed voice.

"You did?" He matched her hushed tone. Kept his eyes closed and head forward.

"A lot."

"I missed you more."




"There's something I want to tell you." His voice had lowered to a mere whisper.

As he tipped his head back up to look at her, she punished his soapy hair back to prevent soap from getting into his eyes. "What is it?" she asked with a frown.

"Being drugged by Vane made me think about something," he started, tentatively. "Something very important that happened to me and I think I'm ready to tell you."

"I'm listening." She nodded indulgently with a tender sheen in her eyes.

"So I told you about what happened with Hermione." He cleared his throat and a muscle in his jaw flexed visibly. "How she— how she raped me."

She nodded again.

"I told you how I coped and all that." When she nodded, he continued. He wasn't choosing his words carefully, but instead he sought to spit out the words at once. "I didn't tell you about the overdose."

"Overdose?" A frown weighed down her entire expression.

"I overdosed one time and George found me before it was too late." Fred licked his lips nervously and tore his eyes from her. He looked behind her before into her eyes. "I-I didn't overdose because I wanted to die, but because I didn't realize how much drugs I had done. I just didn't want— I didn't want to feel anymore... so I guess I lost track of what I took and how much."

The pain of her heart breaking inside of her made her chest ache. It seared so bad, she nearly winced.

"I just wanted to tell you." He offered a wan smile.

"Oh, Fred." She shook her head and hugged him tightly. She felt the way his hands had a tremor in them when he developed his arms around her. "I'm sorry. Gosh, you're so strong."

Against her crown, she felt his lips flicker into a small smile. "I'd like to think so."

"Thank you for telling me." She was glad he felt comfortable enough to share it with her.

"I trust you." He was bring absolutely raw and genuine. It made her heart swell.

They stayed like this for a moment. It was sweet and chaste and it made it feel like nothing else mattered in the world.

When their embrace ended, she was going to help him rinse his hair, but she got suds in his eye instead. So now, as he rinsed his hair and eye, she stood behind him.

Her fingertip chased the beads of water running down his muscled back. An idea flitted into her mind.

She stood straighter and licked her lips. Her fingertip started on the left side of his toned back and she traced the letter I onto his skin. Then a space before the letter L.

She traced the letters in slow, precise movements. Obvious, but subtle.

She ended off with the U and that was when she realized Fred was done rinsing his hair. He stood still, relaxed and loosened.

She couldn't see his face. Nerves simmered in her lower belly.

He turned around to face her, combing his wet hair back. A loving look on his face. "I love you, Oshun." The way the words exited his mouth so softly through a shy smile made her ease up.

The smile on her face said it all. It spoke volumes.

She closed the distance between them and kissed him. In her head, fireworks went off and cheers filled the air.

Now that they had discovered Romilda drugged Fred, Oshun wasn't going to let Romilda get away with drugging Fred.

Drugging someone was still bad and even though a lot of people get away with it, Oshun took it upon herself to punish Romilda for doing such things.

Oshun was going to die soon anyway, so she might as well just...

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