Family Forever- H.S. (Teen Pr...

By 1Dstuffjustforfun

987K 8.3K 48.6K

"Management is gonna be so mad,"Camryn sobs pulling away from Harry's chest to look him in the eyes, "they're... More

MASTERLIST (How to read the kid's novellas)
The Early Years (2007-2009)
Pre-Kid Rendezvous: A Styles' Holiday (July 2009)
The Party That Started It All (July 2010)
You're pregnant? (August 2010)
Telling Their Parents (August 2010)
How Are We Going To Do This? (August 2010)
First Ultrasound Anxieties (September 2010)
It's Not a Secret Anymore (September 2010)
Morning Sickness (September 2010)
Birthdays and Morning Sickness (October 2010)
First Kicks (December 2010)
X Factor Finale (Decmeber 2010)
Pregnant at Christmas (December 2010)
Negative Press & Protecting His Girls (March 2011)
Late Nights at Anne's (April 2011)
Darcy's Birth (April 2011)
Postpartum Pains (April 2011)
Anne and Gemma Meet Darcy (April 2011)
Uncle Louis Has the Magic Touch (April 2011)
Introducing His Baby Girl to the World (April 30 2011)
Baby Darcy's First Time on Stage (May 2011)
Mastitis & Home Sickness (May 2011)
A Sickly Newborn & Teen Parents (June 2011)
Marriage Maybe? (June 2011)
Doctor Appointments and Shots (June 2011)
Please Don't Leave Us (July 2011)
The Engagement (August 2011)
Overwhelmed Teen Parents and Fights (August 2011)
Sick Days (December 2011)
Darcy's First Christmas (December 2011)
The Mum I Never Had (January 2012)
Camryn's 18th Birthday (March 28 2012)
Nostalgia & Home Videos (April 2012)
Darcy's First Steps (May 2012)
I Choose You Forever- WEDDING (June 19 2012)
Backstage Closets Make Everything More Fun (June 2012)
The Miscarried Baby (August 2012)
Miscarriage (October 2012)
Roadtrip with 1D (October 2012)
A Rainbow Baby (December 2012)
Protective Mumma (February 2013)
Finally Meeting her Father (May 2013)
The Fight (July 2013)
The Pains of Pregnancy (August 2013)
My Water Broke!...Just Kidding (August 8 2013)
Really Niall? (August 2013)
Lennon's Birth (August 2013)
Darcy Meets Her Little Brother (August 2013)
Loving on Lennon (August 2013)
This is Us Premiere (August 20 2013)
Learning How to Have Two Kids (August 2013)
The Story of My Life (August 31 2013)
Halloween with the Styles (October 2013)
Teething and No Sleep (November 2013)
You're Pregnant Again?! (November 2013)
The...Joys...of Touring with Kids (December 2013)
Christmas at Anne's (December 2013)
New Years with the Styles (December 31 2013)
The Not So Glamorous Parts of Teenage Parenting (January 2014)
When's Daddy Coming Home? (June 2014)
False Labor (July 2014)
Labor Squats (July 2014)
August's Birth (July 2014)
A Not So Welcomed Little Brother (July 2014)
Through the Dark (August 2014)
Nightmares and Monsters (September 2014)
You Guys Won't Even Look at Each Other (October 2014)
Period Accidents (March 2015)
Zayn Leaves the Band (March 2015)
Waterpark with 1D (May 2015)
Harry's Appendicitis & an Anniversary June 19th 2015
Broken Bones & Motorcycle Falls (September 2015)
Auggie's Stutter (January 2016)
Losing Auggie (January 2016)
Bowie's Birth Pt. 1 (February 2016)
Bowie's Birth Pt. 2 (February 2016)
I Never Want to Get Rid of You (February 2016)
Late Nights (April 2016)
Darcy's First Day of School (August 2016)
A True Mumma's Boy & Breastfeeding Galore (November 2016)
Jay's Death (December 2016)
Harry & Bowie's Combined Birthday (February 2017)
We're Having ANOTHER Baby?! (June 2017)
Robin's Death (June 2017)
You're Dating My Sister?! (July 2017)
Calum's Birth (January 2018)
Meeting Baby Calum (January 2018)
Misbehaving Kids During Interviews (April 2018)
An Anniversary on Tour (June 19 2018)
Sharpie Hearts & First Days (August 2018)
A New 1D Relationship (May 2019)
Another Baby Girl for the Styles
Appendicitis (November 2019)
Doctor and Dentist Appointments (March 15 2020)
Back Aches and Frisky Kisses (March 2020)
Bindi's Birth (March 2020)
Meeting Baby Bindi (March 21 2020)
We'll Sleep When We're Old (April 2020)
Dad Duty & 6 Sick Kids (September 2020)
Santa's Six Little Elves (December 2020)
Valentine's Day (February 2021)
I'll Be Your Protector (February 2021)
We Love You Bug (March 14 2021)
Bindi's 1st Birthday (March 20 2021)
Matilda- Harry's House (August 2021)
Love On Tour (November 20 2021)
"As It Was" Music Video (April 1 2022)
Coachella (April 22 2022)
Home Alone with Daddy (May 2022)
Auggie's 8th Birthday (July 7th 2022)
Terrible Twos & Panic Attacks (September 2022)
I Guess She Isn't So Little Anymore (May 2023)
A New Styles Cousin and ER Trips (August 2024)
Stood Up on Valentine's Day (February 2025)
When the Hate Becomes too Much (September 2026)
The Aftermath of Auggie's Attempt (October 2026)
Synched Up Periods (December 9 2026)
I'll Be Your Dad Forever (March 2029)
Pregnant on Her 18th Birthday (April 16 2029)
Kidney Stones & an Overdue Pregnant Darcy (September 2029)
Calum's Gay Awakening & Birthday (January 28 2030)
Getting Their Wisdom Teeth Out (October 2030)
I Don't Know a Thing About Periods (April 2033)
A Teenage Miscarriage (November 12 2033)
Lennon's 21st Birthday Camp Out (August 15 2034)
A Pregnancy Scare in their 40s (July 2036)
Grandpa Harry (December 2040)
A Christmas Cabin Full of Styles (December 2040)
Styles Family Photos (January 15 2047)
A Very Tired Christmas (December 25 2037)
The Final Chapter (March 2055)

Pregnancy Pranks & Rebellious Teenagers (April 1 2033)

5.8K 63 978
By 1Dstuffjustforfun

Harry: 39
Camryn: 39
Darcy: 21
Lennon: 19
Nora: 19
Auggie: 18
Bowie: 17
Morgan: 16
Calum: 15
Bindi: 13

Penny: 3

❤️thank you so much to elizabethxmonk   for requesting this chapter! I had so much fun writing it ❤️

"Hi,"Bowie greets, leaning his shoulder against the wall as he watches Morgan walk out of her Chemistry classroom.

"Oh hi baby,"Morgan greets in a bit of surprise, jumping a bit at the sound of his voice. Normally her teacher lets the class out a tad earlier than Bowie's does so she walks to Bowie's classroom, but he skipped his last period of the day, choosing to instead go to the art room and finish up on of the films he's currently working on, so today he's the one who gets to greet Morgan.

"How was class,"Bowie asks, shoving himself off of the wall with a big smirk as he wraps his arm around Morgan's waist, pulling her in close as he leans down to press a kiss to her lips.

"It was good,"Morgan shrugs, wrapping her arms around Bowie's neck as kids quickly shuffle out of the classroom door, bolting towards the front doors of the school to try and leave as quickly as possible. "I aced my test."

"Mmm, why am I not surprised?"Bowie chuckles softly, pressing another kiss down to Morgan's lips as she giggles against his, pressing her palm against his chest that's covered with a black t-shirt.

"Did Baker let you out early?"Morgan inquires, pulling away from Bowie and slinking her fingers through his as they begin to walk down the school hall towards the parking lot where Bowie's car is waiting for them.

"No, I skipped so I could finish editing my film,"Bowie snickers, stealing a glance over at Morgan as he squeezes her hand.

"Baby, you need to actually start going to Baker,"Morgan shakes her head with a laugh, resting her temple against Bowie's bicep. "I know you hate the class, but you need to graduate, I can't have my boyfriend still be in secondary while I'm at University."

"Fine,"Bowie jokingly groans, rolling his eyes down at Morgan as he pushes the school door open for Morgan as they both walk outside. "Did football get cancelled today?"

"No, coach just moved it back to six,"Morgan explains, swinging their interlocked hands between them as they continue to make the trek towards Bowie's car. "But I might skip, I dunno, I'd rather just hang out with you, especially since D and Penny are coming over for dinner."

"Yeah, you should skip practice,"Bowie winks at Morgan before pressing a kiss down to the top of Morgan's black hair. "We can go get 'milkshakes'."

"Mm, I do like 'milkshakes',"Morgan snickers, smirking up at Bowie and wiggling her eyebrows as they approach Bowie's car. He opens the door for Morgan, helping her slide into the car and closing the door before walking around the car to the driver's side.

"What takes Cal so long to get out here,"Bowie sighs impatiently, flinging his head back against the car seat as he reaches his hand over to interlock his fingers through Morgan's.

"It's cuz his class is on the other side of the school, give him a break,"Morgan chuckles, watching the door that teenagers are constantly spilling out of, but none of them are Calum. She looks over at Bowie with a cheeky and sly grin that should scare him, and maybe it does a little. "Quickie?"

"No way, you remember when we tried that a few weeks ago and he opened the door on us midway,"Bowie laughs, pressing his palm to his face and swiping it down as he rolls his eyes at Morgan. "We scarred him for life."

"At least us bribing him by buying him paint kept him from tattling on us to your mum and dad,"Morgan points out with a little laugh, tapping her thumb against Bowie's knuckles as she guides their interlocked hands towards her lap, resting them there as she begins to massage Bowie's fingers.

"There he is, finally,"Bowie sighs dramatically, spotting Calum walking out of the school with one of his friends, backpacks attached to them as they step down the front stairs of the school. "I just wanna nap."

"Maybe you should stop FaceTiming me until three am and you wouldn't need a nap,"Morgan teases, slapping her hand jokingly against Bowie's. "And you should stop staying on the phone after I've fallen asleep, it's creepy to wake up to you staring at me."

"It's just cuz you're so cute,"Bowie grins cheekily, trying to butter Morgan up as he leans towards her, pressing a kiss to her lips as she laughs against Bowie's lips.

"Stop trying to butter me up, I already agreed to give you 'milkshakes',"Morgan wittily replies, pulling away from Bowie and jokingly flipping him off.

"Could you walk any slower,"Bowie calls, rolling down his window and leaning out of it slightly as he looks right at his younger brother who rolls his eyes at Bowie's voice and purposely slows down to try and piss Bowie off further.

"Cal, c'mon I'm so tired,"Bowie groans, watching as his little brother slows his pace even further which makes him want to wring his neck once he finally gets close enough to reach.

"What? Sorry I couldn't hear you,"Calum playfully calls back, holding onto the straps of his backpack as he kicks a rock with his high top converse. "Do you and Morgan have your hands to yourselves? Or am I gonna walk in on you two f*cking like last week?"

"F*ck off and get in the car,"Bowie calls back with an eye roll, flicking Calum off as Calum flicks him off as well before walking to the back of the car and climbing in behind Morgan's seat.

"How're you doin' Cali?"Morgan asks, leaning her head back against the head rest as Bowie begins to pull out of the parking lot, the line of cars now died down a bit since Calum took so long to get to the car.

"Good, one of my pieces is getting featured in the art show that your film is featured in, Bow,"Calum informs Bowie, reaching for his backpack and unzipping it so that he can pull out his sketchbook.

"Oh really? That's dope,"Bowie responds with a little nod, looking over his shoulder before he switches lanes. "Then mum and dad can see both of our stuff."

"Yeah, it will be cool,"Calum agrees, looking up from his sketchbook to study Bowie and Morgan's interlocked hands that are resting on the center consul to use as a reference as he begins to sketch them. "Is D still coming over for dinner."

"Last I heard, yeah,"Bowie confirms, turning on his blinker to enter the motorway towards their house. "Nellie has a dance recital on Saturday that we're going to, D texted me during second period."

"Okay,"Calum nods, continuing to switch his gaze from his sketchbook to the hands and back down to the sketchbook. "Do you think she'll actually go on stage this time or is she gonna chicken out again?"

"Hey, stop being mean,"Morgan chastises, shooting a narrowed gaze at Bowie as he laughs at his little brother's remark. "You guys are evil, she's three and there were a lot of people there, I don't blame her for being scared."

"Sorry mum,"Calum jokingly responds with a little smirk, continuing to sketch, "oh, sorry, I mean, Mo."

"Ass,"Morgan whispers with an eye roll and a little smirk as she leans her head back against the headrest and squeezes Bowie's hand, still unaware that they're being drawn.


"HI,"Bindi yells as she hears the front door open, sitting at the kitchen table and sharing a bag of French fries and ketchup with Auggie who picked her up from school since Camryn and Harry were stuck in traffic from the meeting they had to go to earlier in the afternoon.

"Hey,"Calum greets back, dropping his backpack by the door as he walks down the hall and into the kitchen, a look of surprise crossing his face at the sight of his older brother. "Augs, what're you doing here?"

"Mum and d-d-dad got s-stuck in traffic s-so I had to p-p-pick Bind u-up,"Auggie responds, dipping another fry in ketchup before tossing it into his mouth.

"Mum and dad aren't home?"Bowie asks, peeking his head into the kitchen, not caring about any of the conversation except the "no parent part".

"No, t-t-they'll b-b-be home in l-like a-a-a half h-hour,"Auggie responds, slapping Bindi's hand teasingly as she reaches for a fry on his side of the napkin.

Bowie quickly turns around to look at Morgan, both of their eyes going wide as they share a quick nod. Bowie takes her hand as they race up the stairs and down the hall into Bowie's room, shutting the door quickly behind them.

"Thought you were tired,"Morgan whispers as Bowie presses her up against the closed door, his hands immediately going to the bottom of her lavender tank top to try and pull it over her head.

"Not anymore,"Bowie smirks, pressing his lips against Morgan's as she whimpers in delight, melting into Bowie as she grabs onto the front of his shirt, pulling him in closer as the tips of his fingers trail up and down Morgan's stomach that's beginning to breathe deeper. "I love you..."

"Mmm, I love you too,"Morgan breathlessly murmurs into Bowie's lips as she raises her fingers into Bowie's black hair, tugging on it slightly as she raises one of her legs up against Bowie's hip.

Bowie puts his hands on Morgan's thighs, helping her jump up onto him in one swift movement as she wraps her legs around his waist, her fingers digging into Bowie's black hair as she turns her head to deepen the kiss.

He walks her over to his bed that's still unmade from this morning, gently laying Morgan down on top of it before he climbs on top of her, their lips never parting as she continues to pull his head towards hers, her lips moving ravenously against his as if he's the only thing giving her air right now.

Bowie pulls Morgan's tank top over her head, leaving her in just her bralette before he slides his hand under her bralette, beginning to massage his hand against her breast as she bucks her hips up against his in response.

"Ohhh..."Morgan moans in complete bliss into Bowie's mouth, feeling Bowie go hard against her leg that's laying In between his.

"F*ck baby,"Bowie breathlessly whispers, pulling away slightly from Morgan as their chests heave against each other, their bleary brown eyes gazing at each other. "You're so beautiful."

"I love you so much,"Morgan pants, cupping the back of Bowie's head with both of her hands before pulling him back in to connect her lips with his again.


"Hey baby, thank you for getting Beenie,"Camryn grins, setting her purse on the counter as she walks over to Auggie who's still sitting at the kitchen table sharing fries with Bindi. She wraps her arms around Auggie, cupping the side of his head and pressing it into her stomach before she leans down to press a kiss to the top of Auggie's bleach blonde hair. "I've missed you, it's so nice to see you."

"I m-m-missed you t-t-too, mum,"Auggie grins, looking up at Camryn as she cups his cheek and pinches it gently before moving over to Bindi to press a kiss to the top of her head.

"Where're Calum and Bow?"Harry asks, walking into the kitchen and loosening his tie from around his neck as he walks towards the fridge to get a juice. "Have they gotten home yet?"

"Yeah t-t-they got home l-like t-t-twenty minutes a-a-ago,"Auggie replies motioning his hand upstairs. "C-C-Cal said he h-has homework so h-h-he's in h-h-his r-room and Bowie and M-Mo went u-up t-t-there too."

"Oh Mo's here?"Harry asks with a nod, walking over to the table to press a kiss to the top of Bindi's hazel hair. "I guess we'll be having all of the girlfriends over for dinner except yours..."

"S-She's w-w-working today,"Auggie replies honestly with a little blushed grin. He's been dating his girlfriend Emryn for almost two months now, and the Styles have still yet to meet her, although they want to very badly, and remind him of that every time they see him. "S-S-She'll c-c-come over soon."

"I still don't think she's real,"Bindi shrugs menacingly with an evil smirk over at Auggie as she munches down on more fries. "I've seen no proof of life."

"S-She's m-m-my screensaver, you s-s-saw her w-w-when you had to t-t-text mum back on m-m-my phone while I w-w-was d-d-driving,"Auggie rolls his eyes at his little sister before looking back over at his mum and dad who are chuckling softly, Harry's arm around Camryn's shoulders.

"Well we want to meet her whenever she's free to come over here,"Camryn grins lovingly, raising her hand up to interlock with Harry's. "She seems lovely from everything you've told us."

"S-She's g-great,"Auggie confirms with a dopey smile, completely in love which is very fun for the Styles to see since this is Auggie's first ever girlfriend and experience with love. He claims that it's too early on in the relationship for him to be in love with her and that he's only in "like" with her, but the Styles know he's just being modest. That boy is head over heels in love with her already.

"I gotta go tell Mo that her mum called me and said she needs to start answering her phone,"Harry laughs, pressing a kiss to Camryn's temple before walking out of the kitchen as he walks up the stairs towards Bowie's room.

Upon looking back, he supposes he should've been listening more intently, and he definitely should've knocked, but he does neither of those, sadly.

He opens up the door of Bowie's room nonchalantly, but he definitely strays away from the casual manner as soon as his eyes behold his son straddling his girlfriend's hips, that the whole family has known since she was two years old which just makes it even worse. The covers have fallen off of their bodies, so all he gets is a full face of Bowie's butt cheeks as he thrusts into Morgan, who is also completely naked, but luckily Harry doesn't catch any sight of her.

"You feel so good,"Bowie moans, burying his face into Morgan's neck, both of them too far along and focused on not losing it that they can't really kiss anymore.

The sound of Harry opening the door is completely lost on them, they're too captured by each other and inthralled in the pleasure, but Harry's "sorry!" right before the slam of a door definitely catches both of their attentions.

"F*CK!"Bowie shouts in surprise as he falls on top of Morgan as the door slams closed, a shriek leaving Morgan's throat from both the surprise of Harry walking in and Bowie collapsing on top of her.

"No, no, no,"Morgan whimpers in utter embarrassment, bringing her hands up to cover her face as her whole body begins to tremble. She's not only absolutely mortified that they've been caught in the act by Harry, she knows that the Styles have a very strict rule of no closed doors when significant others are over. That rule only got stricter after Darcy's teen pregnancy.

"F*cking sh*t, thanks for the warning Augs,"Bowie curses, pounding his fist against the bed as he pulls out of Morgan, kneeling on the bed as he rubs his hands up and down his face. "I gotta go talk to dad."

"I'll come with you,"Morgan offers, beginning to sit up slightly in the bed, the place between her legs still throbbing longingly and Bowie definitely still has a hard on.

"No no, it will be better if I just go, I don't want him to get pissed at you too,"Bowie responds, shaking his head as he climbs off of the bed and reaches for his discarded boxers, putting them on and walking towards the door before Morgan can suggest that he puts on a pair of basketball shorts as well since his hard on is still very visible.

"Dad, what the hell,"Bowie whispers as soon as he opens the door walking into the hallway and shutting the door as he finds Harry leaning back against the hallway wall with his hand nervously running through his curls.

"I should've knocked before walking in, that's my fault,"Harry owns up, looking at his son whose hair is completely disheveled, his lips bitten and red and a tad swollen, "but you also know you're not supposed to have the door closed when you're with Mo, for this reason exactly."

"It's not fair dad, Michael and D used to go into her room with the door closed,"Bowie tries to fight, uselessly motioning his hand down the hall towards Darcy's old room.

"Yeah, perfect example,"Harry chuckles in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't want another teen parent, Bow, I thought you'd be smarter after watching your sister have to go through all that she went through."

"You love Penny,"Bowie snappily responds, trying to turn the situation towards anything else other than the fact that Morgan and him were just having sex. Let's talk about Darcy and Penny, that sounds much better than talking about how he was just f*cking his girlfriend.

"I do, I love her more than anything, but I would rather not have another one of her until you're at least done with University,"Harry parents sternly, watching as Bowie rolls his eyes which doesn't help the situation at all.

"Lennon and Nora are allowed to have their door closed,"Bowie points out, cocking his dark brown eyebrows up at Harry.

"Because they're in University, once you're in University you can have your door closed too,"Harry says with a finality. He's usually pretty easygoing, but this is definitely something he's not easy going about. He's seen this situation far too many times in his own life, and he'd rather not relive it again. "Tell Morgan to get dressed and you get dressed as well and then I want you both downstairs for the whole night until she goes home. If you're not down in three minutes I'm coming back up to check on you so don't pull anything fast."

"This is so stupid,"Bowie whispers bitterly, turning away from his dad as he pushes open the bedroom door. "Try knocking next time."

"That just earned you an extra two days of being grounded,"Harry calls as Bowie slams the door. "Tell Morgan she's not allowed over her until you're ungrounded."

He's not stupid, he knows his kids have sex, he'd just rather not have to ever see them having sex.

He doesn't ask much of his kids, he doesn't even ask them to remain celibate because he knows that's not reasonable. All he asks is that it doesn't happen under his roof and that they always use protection as well as assure that their girlfriends are on birth control, so when he sees that blatant disrespect of rules that really shouldn't be that hard to follow, that's when he gets mad.


She's never felt more uncomfortable being in the Styles house than she does now. She's grown up here since she was two years old. Almost her whole life has been spent at this kitchen table, but it's different now. She knows it won't always be different, everything will be back to normal within the next few days. The only people who even know what happened are Harry and Camryn, so everyone else is completely normal, but she can't help but feel the disappointment radiating off of Bowie's parents who are also like her second parents.

"How's University going, Nor?"Darcy asks, completely oblivious to the tension between her parents and her younger brother and his girlfriend, looking over at Nora whose hand is interlocked with Lennon's, resting on his thigh.

"Super good, I've got this really interesting literature class this term,"Nora explains as she readjusts her big black glasses to fit her face more. "It's super interesting."

"She tried to read me one of the books she was reading last night and it literally put me to sleep,"Lennon laughs, looking over at Nora who blushes and giggles, sharing a little grin with Lennon.

"Lennie, I wan' more pwease,"Penny requests, sitting right next to her uncle, who also happens to be one of her favorite people on this earth, her hazel hair tied into two braids.

"You want more?"Lennon asks, reaching towards the big shared bowl of pasta as he scoops some more into Penny's bowl. "Is that enough?"

"Yeah,"Penny agrees, the red sauce smeared against her lips as she grins up at Lennon as he pops the pad of his finger against Penny's nose.

"Do you have football tonight, Morg?"Camryn asks quietly, looking over at Morgan who startles slightly at the question directed towards her, stiffening as she looks up at Camryn and shakes her head, swallowing thickly before she speaks.

"Uh no, no I skipped tonight so I could stay for dinner,"Morgan whispers, which does catch everyone's attention since she's normally not quiet at all.

Camryn nods and goes back to eating which Morgan does as well, shooting a little glance at Bowie who's chewing harshly and staring straight ahead, his body completely stiff as anger still boils up inside of him, doing everything in his power to not look towards his dad.


(A few days later)

"Who's are these?"Harry asks, pointing to a pile of folded t-shirts and jeans on the coffee table as Camryn sits on the couch, folding a t-shirt in her hand.

"Mmm those are Bowie's,"Camryn deciphers, looking at the pile of black clothing, pretty much the only color that Bowie wears. "Do you wanna set those on his bed?"

"Yeah,"Harry agrees, reaching down for one of the piles and picking them up into his arms as he walks out of the living room and up the stairs towards Bowie's room.

He enters into his room, setting the clothes on Bowie's unmade bed, his room a complete mess from the rushed morning he had a few hours previous when he slept through his alarm, leaving him with ten minutes to get up, get dressed, brush his teeth, and grab a protein bar for the road as Calum paced around nervously, thinking that he was going to be to school late for the first time ever.

Bowie, in his rush, was not the sharpest tool in the shed and left his drawer open. His drawer that's stuffed with packages of gum, like the one he picked this morning...but also filled with the unopened package of condoms that Harry gave him when him and Morgan started dating...almost a year ago. That's not even the part that makes Harry's stomach churn with sick, no, the part that does that is the pregnancy tests. Many of them, over twenty.

His heart is in his throat as he picks them up one by one, studying them to make sure there are none with two lines or the word pregnant written across them.

Luckily none of them do which allows his heart to disappear from his throat just slightly as he picks all of the tests up, holding them all in his two hands as he rushes down the hall and towards the living room, startling Camryn half to death.

"I'm gonna strangle him,"Harry proclaims immediately as he drops the pregnancy tests on the coffee table in front of Camryn.

"What?"Camryn startles confusedly, jumping in surprise at the sound of the pregnancy tests hitting against the wooden coffee table as she softly sets Bindi's shirt that's half folded down in her lap.

"Do you wanna be grandma again?"Harry asks, pointing his finger at the tests as he watches Camryn's eyes go wide, her face paling with horror. "I found all of those in Bowie's drawer."

"Bowie Robin,"Camryn curses under her breath, leaning forward to pick up the tests one by one to look at their results, "they're all negative, right?"

"Yeah,"Harry confirms, rubbing his hands up and down his face before dropping his arms by his sides, "and you wanna know the best part? The box of condoms we gave him...unopened! Untouched! They're both so stupid."

"Oh my gosh,"Camryn sighs in desperation as she bends over to rest her forehead on her knees. "What're we gonna have to do to get it in their brains that having sex is a serious thing."

"I would've thought them having to watch Darcy struggle as a teen mum would've been enough, but apparently not,"Harry whispers bitterly, sitting down next to Camryn on the couch and sighing heavily as he rests back against the cushions, covering his face with both of his hands. "Why is he so stupid. Lennon and Nora couldn't keep their hands off of each other, but at least they were always extra cautious and took precautions."

"She's gonna get pregnant,"Camryn whimpers with dread, putting her face in her hands as she feels Harry's hand rest on her back. "We need to talk to them right when they get home and knock some sense into them."


"Bow?"Penny's head snaps up from resting back against Harry's chest as they sit on the couch and watch Tangled, her favorite movie.

"Yeah, that is Bow,"Harry confirms, widening his eyes over at Camryn and Darcy, the latter of who walked in with Penny during the whole pregnancy test fiasco between Camryn and Harry so she's well aware of what's about to go down.

"Before you kill me, Morgan's just here until practice since she wouldn't have a ride,"Bowie calls, stopping at the door to take off his black high top converse as Morgan and Calum pile through the door behind him. "I know I'm still grounded and she's not supposed to come over until I'm un-grounded, it's just one time."

"Come here mum and I need to talk to you two,"Harry calls, pressing a kiss to the top of Penny's hazel hair before handing her to Darcy so that she can try and distract her with a snack in the kitchen.

"Hi mumma,"Calum greets, walking into the living room with his backpack still attached to him. "Where's Beenie?"

"She's at her guitar lesson,"Camryn answers with a little smile, beckoning Calum forward with her hands as she cups his chin and presses a kiss to his soft cheek. "Go in the kitchen and get yourself a snack, okay? I bought the apples you like."

Calum nods and walks out of the living room as Bowie and Morgan warily walk into the living room, both of them terrified about what this "talk" is about to entail.

"Come and sit down you two,"Harry instructs, motioning his hand towards the other couch that him and Camryn aren't sitting on as they walk forward and do as their dad says.

"So I was putting some clothes away in your room and one of your drawers was opened,"Harry begins, glancing over at Camryn as he leans over beside the couch to pick up the plastic bag full of negative pregnancy tests. He holds it up and watches as both Bowie and Morgan pale, Morgan wavering in her seat as if she's about to pass out. "Do either of you want to explain all of these?"

"We just...we like to make sure,"Bowie explains, trying to think on his feet as he looks over at Morgan who is absolutely silent, staring straight forward over Harry's shoulder at the wall so that she doesn't have to make eye contact with him. Her fingers are nervously fiddling in her lap and she's being no help in helping Bowie lie. "Especially with Morgan's football because she gets hit in the stomach a lot with balls."

"Uh huh, right, it totally doesn't have to do with the fact that you guys don't use protection?"Harry asks accusingly, raising an eyebrow at his son who seems a little taken a back that he's been caught this deep in the lie.

"We use protection!"Bowie professes, lying straight through his teeth as he looks at his dad who practically bursts out laughing at his son, knowing completely that he's lying.

"Oh really? Because the box of condoms I gave you when you guys first started dating is untouched in that same drawer,"Harry hisses, raising his voice slightly. He tries not to get mad at his kids, but one thing that really gets on his nerves is lying. He values honesty so much and is always honest with his kids, which makes him even angrier when he knows for a fact that he's being lied to by one of his children.

"It's not as fun, okay,"Bowie yells, always quick to lose his temper. He's the Styles child that has the shortest fuse, and Morgan has just as short of a fuse, if not shorter, which makes their relationship...volatile at times. "There, it's not. So ya, we don't use condoms but I always pull out."

"Pulling out is sh*t Bowie,"Harry shouts back, watching as Bowie stands up and gets even more mad, his hands rubbing up and down his thighs just like they always do when his blood is beginning to boil. "Half of you kids were made from pulling out."

"NOTHING'S HAPPENED DAD!"Bowie shouts, making Morgan jump at his little outburst. She knows she's not confident enough to say anything in this situation, and she'd rather not get involved even though this is half about her, but she also knows that there's no way this situation is going to be helped by Bowie yelling. "AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN!"

"Stop, yelling,"Harry hisses, standing up as well as Camryn looks up at her boys who are both seething. "Calm down, Bowie."

"NO! I'm not gonna calm down, I'm so f*cking tired of this!"Bowie yells, throwing his arms out by his side with his chest heaving. "You're so much harder on me than you are on any of the other kids! So much harder! You've never yelled at Auggie or Darcy! Darcy got f*cking pregnant and you were still easier on her than you are on me!"

"That's not true at all, we were pissed at Darcy too, but at least we knew that she always took proper caution and that it was an accident,"Harry fights, watching as Bowie continues to clench and unclench his fists in anger. He can't fully explain to Bowie about why they weren't as mad at Darcy for getting pregnant as they would've been because the kids are all still unaware of how Penny was conceived, and it breaks his heart that Darcy, in the kitchen is having to hear her trauma be used as a ploy for Bowie, "this is just ignorance, Bowie. You are not ready to be a father, and you shouldn't have to be ready."

"I'm not gonna be a f*cking father, dad! If we haven't gotten pregnant by now we won't,"Bowie snappily replies. "Morgan's on birth control."

"That doesn't f*cking matter, Bowie, your sister was on birth control when she got pregnant," Harry points out, motioning his hand towards the kitchen where Darcy and Calum are actively trying to distract Penny from the yelling with a snack and coloring. "I give you the f*cking condoms, Bowie, why don't you use them? That's the least you could do! Mum and I are pretty chill about you kids being in a relationship and having sex, all we ask is that you use protection, why is that so f*cking hard?"

"Fine, you caught me, congrats,"Bowie rolls his eyes, holding his hands up in mock innocence as he shrugs. "Go love on your other better children. I know you love them more, you remind me of it daily."

"Bowie,"Harry calls in exasperation, watching as Bowie continues to walk straight towards the chair, not willing to listen to anymore that his dad is saying.

"Mo, c'mon,"Bowie whispers shakily, tears clogging his throat but he's too stubborn to let them fall in front of his dad. He stands on the bottom stair and stares right at Morgan who's slightly less stubborn than Morgan and lets her emotions show a bit more, a few lonely tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Mo, I think you should go home,"Harry whispers, looking over at his daughter as she nods tearfully and continues to avoid his eye, unable to look him in the eye anymore with the fight that she just witnessed, feeling guilty that she's one of the main causes of it. She swipes under her eyes with her palms and stands up from the couch, quickly straightening her shirt as she crosses her arms and begins to walk out of the living room.

"No!"Bowie stops Morgan, shaking his head and reaching out to catch her bicep gently with his hand, stopping her from making her b-line towards the front door. "Don't take this out on her, she's still got to go to football and she doesn't have a ride without me."

"I—,"Morgan chokes out, looking up at Bowie with teary brown eyes, a bit of her mascara collecting under her eye as he looks at her with a soft gaze, completely opposite of the one he's currently looking at his parents with, "I think I'm gonna go home." She sniffles before wiping at her tears once more, making eye contact with Bowie that practically begs him to remain civil about her departure. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Baby,"Bowie calls as Morgan gently tears her arm away, walking down the hall towards the front door before turning around, out of Harry and Camryn's sight, her eyes straight on Bowie.

"It's okay,"Morgan promises through a sniffle, shaking her head at Bowie and looking as if she can't exit the house fast enough which makes his heart drop. She wants to get away from the house, from her home. This place has been her home since she was two years old. And Bowie? He's been her home ever since then as well, and now, because of his parents, she feels uncomfortable being here and he's never felt anger like this.

Bowie sighs and nods, deciding to drop it as her turns back to face his parents who were silently watching the interaction, Camryn still sat on the couch with Harry standing near her, his eyes right on Bowie. "And now you just ruined my relationship! I f*cking hate you, dad!"


"Morgan, Morgan, honey,"Darcy calls, running out the front door with three year old Penny on her hip a few seconds after Morgan quietly exited the house.

"Yeah?"Morgan sniffles, turning back around as tears stroll down her cheeks, mascara streaming down as well as she keeps her arms tightly crossed against her chest.

"Can I drive you home? Or to practice?"Darcy offers, jogging up to Morgan as she reaches her hand out for Morgan whose lips begin to blubber, her head nodding as she completely breaks down into Darcy's arms, falling against her.

"Oh honey,"Darcy whispers, cupping the back of her little sister's head as she presses a kiss to the top of her head. "I've got you. It's okay, babe."

"They hate me!"Morgan sobs against Darcy's chest, feeling her older sister comb her fingers lovingly through her hair.

"Hey, no one hates you, lovey,"Darcy promises, pressing her cheek down to the top of Morgan's head as she continues to tremble, "we all love you, you're our MoMo."

"Mum and dad hate me,"Morgan miserably exclaims, feeling a tinnier hand, Penny's reach out and rest on her shoulder curiously, "they're so mad."

"They're just nervous,"Darcy soothes, trying to be a voice of reason as she presses another kiss to the top of Morgan's head, "partially my fault, I kinda scarred them with the whole teen pregnancy thing."

"They're right, we need to be more careful,"Morgan concedes with a little sniffle, pulling away slightly from Darcy toad peeking up at her with teary brown eyes that are red rimmed.

"Yeah, you do, but you know that now,"Darcy agrees softly with a little smile, reaching her free hand up to swipe under her brown eyes, "luckily nothing's happened thus far, and now you two know."

"Bowie's so stubborn that he won't want to use something now just to spite mum and dad,"Morgan whimpers, rolling her eyes as Darcy chuckles softly and shakes her head.

"And that's just stupid and you need to tell him so, babe,"Darcy points out, reaching her hand down to squeeze Morgan's shoulder with a little grin, "just tell him you feel more comfortable using protection now, he'll understand."

"Okay,"Morgan sniffles, nodding her head in agreement as Darcy wraps her arm around Morgan's shoulders guiding her towards her car as she begins to buckle Penny into her carseat.

"MoMo,"Penny calls as she holds out her little arms while Darcy continues to try and buckle her little straps.

"Yeah Peaches?"Morgan sniffles, wiping at her tears and walking away from the passenger seat she was about to climb into.

"No sads,"Penny murmurs with a little frown. She's always been good with emotions and sensing people's emotions, just as Darcy is. She reaches her little hands up towards Morgan as Darcy moves out of the way to allow Morgan room to lean into the back seat closer to Penny.

"Thank you, peaches, I'm okay, I promise,"Morgan sniffles with a shaky smile to try and convince Penny, puckering her lips. "Kisses?"

Penny nods and cups the back of Morgan's neck with both of her tiny palms, pulling her inwards as she presses a little kiss to Morgan's lips.


"How much longer is Bow grounded?"Darcy asks, continuing to drive towards Morgan and her mum's apartment that's about fifteen minutes away from the Styles' house.

"He was supposed to get ungrounded on Friday, but I think mum and dad are pushing it back now,"Morgan explains, picking at the leather of the center consul as she sighs heavily. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Go for it,"Darcy allows with a little smirk, stopping at a red light as she looks over at her little sister who's gnawing on her lip as she tries to mull over in her mind the least offensive way to ask the question.

"Did the condom break when you and Michael got pregnant,"Morgan whispers, watching as Darcy visibly stiffens but tries to catch herself, not wanting to let on to too much. The only three people who know the truth about Penny's conception are Harry, Camryn and Lennon. She's refrained from telling others's just too hard and she doesn't like to think about how her precious little girl who is her entire life was conceived like that. She's too perfect to be conceived like that, and she'd rather her little girl never knew, but she knows eventually she'll get curious and ask to know when she gets older.

"Uh...yeah, yeah,"Darcy lies, swallowing thickly and nodding, cursing herself for not being a better liar as she looks over at her little sister with a tight smile.

"Mumma who Michael?"Penny pipes up, obviously listening to the conversation instead of playing with her baby doll as Darcy assumed she was.

Darcy closes her eyes and inhales deeply, her heart sinking to her stomach in a way it only has a few previous times, a thick and warm sweat settling all over her body. "No one, baby."s She looks behind her shoulder at Penny with a little smile as Penny looks at her with big curious blue eyes, her doll in her hands as she continues to comb her hair with a little plastic comb. "Just a guy mummy used to know before you were born."

Morgan bites her tongue and cringes, looking over at her older sister as she begins to drive down the road again, her heart frozen in her chest, "sorry, D."

"It's okay,"Darcy assures Morgan, looking over at her with a little smile. "She's still young enough for that response to be enough." 


(A week later)

"What're you all dressed up for?"Camryn smiles softly, looking over at Bowie as he walks into the kitchen in a nice pair of black skinny jeans and a dark grey long sleeved shirt as she leans down and checks the chicken that's currently baking in the oven.

"For the party tonight, I told you guys about it a few weeks ago, Mo and I are going,"Bowie explains, watching as Harry stops stirring the salad in front of him, looking over at his son before sharing a glance with Camryn.

"Honey, you're still grounded,"Camryn whispers confusedly, not understanding what Bowie doesn't understand about the act of "being grounded".

"But my grounding was supposed to end today,"Bowie whispers, his voice and mood both falling as a tension forms in the air. "I was going to go..."

"Bow, we added a week on because of the pregnancy tests, remember?"Camryn explains carefully, pulling off her oven mitts and setting them on the counter, continuing to look at her son whose face is dropping more and more by the second. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but you can't go."

"No, but mum-"Bowie tries to fight before he gets cut off by Camryn who shakes her head and holds up her hand to silence him.

"I'm sorry Bow,"Camryn sincerely apologizes, shaking her head and trying her best to stand her ground. She's never been the best at being the stern parent, and neither has Harry which has been one of their biggest struggles while parenting. They're huge pushovers when it comes to the kids and making them happy.

"But I promised Mo I'd go with her,"Bowie practically whines, dropping his hands by his waist as he looks at Camryn with the most distraught gaze, "she really wants to go."

"She can go with her friends, sorry Bow,"Camryn shakes her head, checking on the green beans that are currently cooking on the stove.

"Should've thought about this before you f*cked her,"Lennon calls with a devilish smirk from the kitchen table where he's sitting as Nora immediately narrows her eyes at him, turning towards her boyfriend and softly slapping him on the chest to warn him to shut up.

"Not needed,"Harry chastises, shaking his head at Lennon with a narrowed gaze that's enough to shut Lennon up who merely nods and bows his head in shame.

"F*ck you,"Bowie snappily responds, flipping his older brother off with a malicious look.

"Not needed either,"Harry chastises as well, looking at Bowie with the same gaze that he gave Lennon.

"F*ck you all!"Bindi adds in with a big proud grin, interlocking her hands on top of the kitchen table. 

"Bindi—"Harry gasps in utter confusion, furrowing his brows as he looks over at his little girl who's sitting at the head of the table with a proud smirk.

"Sorry, I wanted to join in, I'm done,"Bindi innocently responds, smiling widely at Harry and nodding her head as she quiets down again, almost as if the outburst was a twitch that she just couldn't not say.

"I really can't go?"Bowie asks, looking first at his mum who shakes her head and then over at his dad who also shakes his head.

"You really can't go,"Camryn clarifies, looking over at Bowie with a little frown, almost like it's paining her to see how disappointed it was. His expression is making her heart crumble completely.

"This is so f*cking stupid, mum!"Bowie shouts, his hands curling in fists by his sides as everything in him begins to boil up in him, threatening to spill out.

"It's not, Bowie, it's your punishment,"Camryn calmly explains, trying to keep her calm because she knows if she loses it this whole situation will just explode in front of them, "and lower your voice."

"You can't punish me forever,"Bowie shouts, completely disregarding Camryn's beg to keep his voice down.

"And we're not, it's two weeks, Bowie,"Harry joins in to help Camryn, leaning his hips against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares right at his son.

"I've been looking forward to this party for months,"Bowie tries again, willing to beg in every which way to try and get his parents to change their mind. He doesn't even want to think about telling Morgan that he's not allowed to go, that would literally break his heart since she's been gushing about how excited she is for weeks now. It would make it even harder since he isn't allowed to have his phone, so the only time he gets to communicate with Morgan is whenever he can convince Calum to spare him his phone for a few minutes sporadically throughout the day.

"I'm sorry, honey,"Camryn shakes her head, going back to stirring the green beans as Bowie's fists clench tighter at his sides.

"I hate you!"Bowie screams, watching as his mum immediately stiffens at the loud voice as well as the words. She's been a mum for 21 years now, and no matter how many times the kids have been mad at her, none of them have ever said anything even close to that. "F*ck you, mum!"

"GET OUT, GO TO YOUR ROOM,"Harry shouts, making everyone in the kitchen jump at the sound of his voice since it's never quite raised this much in his 21 years of being a father. He points his finger towards the staircase that leads to Bowie's room, his chest heaving with pure fury. "Don't you EVER speak to your mum like that again, do you hear me? GO NOW!"

Bowie may be spontaneous and terrible at holding his tongue and controlling his temper, but he gets this, at least. The gravity of what he just said to his mum in a spur of the moment and the sound of his dad's voice....he understands this, so he does run, right to his room.

"C'mere,"Harry whispers, rushing over to Camryn who has broken into silent tears, her hands raising to cover her face as she sobs into Harry's chest.

She's dedicated her entire life to being a good mum. She's done everything for her kids and would do anything for them, and to be treated like that by one of them? Few things have ever broken her more.

He remains quiet, he doesn't bother with words because he knows there are none, so instead he cups the back of her blonde head and cradles it to his chest, his other arm wrapping around his middle as he leans his head down to press his face into the top of Camryn's head as she trembles in his arms.

Bindi begins to stand to try and walk towards Camryn, but Lennon stops her, grabbing her wrist softly and shaking his head gently as soon as she looks over her shoulder curiously at him, halting her in her tracks. She seems to understand and sits back down in her chair solemnly, the silence of the room deafening, especially when the only quiet sounds are Camryn's quiet sobs and sniffles.

Harry hugs her tight, rocking their bodies side to side softly as he presses the most loving kisses to the top of her head, feeling his heart break further at the sound of Camryn's desperate and broken cries.

Bindi escapes Lennon's grasp, running towards her mum as Harry turns his head at the sound of her footsteps, smiling softly as he gently pulls away from Camryn which startles her a bit, causing her to look up in confusion with her red rimmed eyes and tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her confusion is cured as she feels two arms wrap around her middle, squeezing her tightly as Camryn hugs her little girl who is almost her height tightly as well, rocking their bodies side to side softly.

"I love you, mumma,"Bindi whispers, squeezing her mum tightly as Camryn crumbles into her, pressing her face to the top of Bindi's hazel head, soaking her hair with tears.

"Thank you, baby,"Camryn sniffles, hiccuping as she presses a kiss to the top of Bindi's head. "I love you. I love you so much."



A pebble hitting against his window is Morgan's little signal to him that she's there, standing out front of the Styles' house, grateful that Bowie's window is at the front of the house and not the backyard since that would've been much harder to sneak into.

He smiles to himself and pops up from laying on his back on his bed where he was flipping through a book, not really reading it since that's never been his thing, but at this point it's his only form of entertainment since he has been banned from all technology and communication with Morgan and his friends for another month because of his outburst against Camryn.

He knows that if he gets caught doing this it will only heighten his punishment, but at this point he's so pissed off that he doesn't even care and...he just misses Morgan. He misses getting to spend time with her and love on her. The only time he gets to even see her is in between classes during their passing periods and at their forty-five minute lunch. It's a drastic change from the hours upon hours that they normally spend together every day.

He opens his window, finding a little figure standing in the lawn, and she raises her head at the sign of the opening widow, smiling into the darkness and waving at the window even though it's too dark for them to see each other.

Bowie quietly climbs out of the window, landing on the roof as he reaches to slide the window closed, carefully crawling his way towards the edge of the roof. Camryn and Harry really should've thought deeper about where the kids' bedrooms would be when they moved from their original house to this one in 2015, but at the point of them moving in Camryn was only a few weeks pregnant with Bowie, so they never could've known that Bowie would be the absolute last child they'd like to have by a window. Because if there's one child that would climb out of the window to sneak out, it's definitely Bowie.

He's skilled at sneaking out, he shows that fact as he grips onto one of the pillars connecting the roof to the cement porch, sliding down it like a fireman's pole expertly as he lands onto the ground with a little huff, swiping the dust off of his shirt and jeans before running towards Morgan and practically tackling her in a hug as she stumbles backwards with a quiet giggle.

"Hi baby,"Morgan greets quietly, lifting her chin up to press her lips against Bowie's as he continues to hug his arms tightly around Morgan's upper shoulders, squeezing her as if she's going to disappear. "I missed you."

"I missed you so much,"Bowie whispers, resting his forehead against Morgan's as his chest heaves slightly, still out of breath, "let's go, let's go. Where's Devon?"

"He parked down the streets so his headlights wouldn't draw attention,"Morgan explains, interlocking her ringed fingers through Bowie's as they rush down the grass and towards the sidewalk, their arms swinging.

"Oh babe you look so hot,"Bowie practically gapes as they pass under a street lamp, getting a sight of Morgan for the first time, her waist length straight black hair sashaying behind them.

"Thanks, I had to pick it out last minute because I wasn't going to go without you,"Morgan grins, squeezing Bowie's hand as she rests her temple against Bowie's bicep. "I'm so glad you're coming, but if you get caught mum and dad will literally kill you."

"I haven't seen you for more than an hour for the past week and that's gonna continue for another month, I'll take the risk,"Bowie smirks, unlocking his hand from Morgan's and wrapping his arm around Morgan's shoulders, squeezing her tightly to his side as he presses a kiss to the top of her head. "You smell so good."

"I actually opened the box of condoms and brought one so we can have safe fun tonight,"Bowie snickers, adding a mocking tone to the word "safe".

"That will be very good even though I know you hate it,"Morgan laughs, Devon's car coming into view as they Rond the corner of the neighborhood. "At least it will give mum and dad one less reason to kill us if they find us."

"They won't,"Bowie promises, picking up the speed as they approach Devon's car, the cold breeze beginning to get to him as he opens up the backseat door for Morgan.


"What'd you do to get an extra month?"Morgan whimpers with a pout, sitting on Bowie's lap, her legs straddling his hips as she holds a red cup in her hand, her other arm resting lazily around Bowie's neck.

"I told my mum I hated her,"Bowie sighs regretfully, blowing a raspberry with his lips as he keeps his arms wrapped around Morgan's waist, resting his head back against the cushions of the couch as the music rattles in their ears. "And 'f*ck you'."

"Bowie Robin,"Morgan chastises quietly, rolling her eyes at Bowie and whimpering as she collapses her forehead down to rest against his.

"I know, it was stupid, you know how I get when I get in arguments,"Bowie whispers, feeling Morgan's free hand rest against the back of his neck as she combs her fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck.

"You're stupid and don't know how to bite your tongue, yes I know very well, baby,"Morgan groans, offering Bowie a sip of her drink before she downs the rest of it setting the empty cup on the table beside them. "Baby, what're we going to do? You have to apologize and see if maybe they'll give you a few less days at least."

"I will I will, I just gotta let everything cool down first,"Bowie explains, squeezing his hands against Morgan's hips as her lips hover in front of his, their hot breath falling against each other's faces. "And I wanna enjoy you while I have you."

"You have me,"Morgan snickers, leaning her warm lips against his, practically collapsing into each other as she turns her head to deepen the kiss, both of them tasting like longing and want and need.

But most importantly rebellion, and that's a taste they both very like very much.


"I need to go talk to him,"Harry decides, walking out of the bathroom into the connected bedroom as he looks at Camryn who's sitting in the bed with her back against the headboard, a book in her hands with her feet planted on the bed and her knees bent.

"Just let him rest,"Camryn shakes her head with a quiet voice, peeking over at Harry who's leaning against the doorway of the bathroom while he continues to floss his teeth. "We can talk to him about it in the morning, it's late."

"No, I'm not gonna be able to sleep if I don't talk to him about it,"Harry responds, pulling the floss out of his teeth and throwing it into the trash bin before walking towards Camryn and sitting on the edge of the bed, pressing his hand against her feet that are covered by blankets. "I'm so pissed at him, Camryn."

"He didn't mean what he said,"Camryn tries to stick up for Bowie, even though it's at the cost of herself. It's her mum instinct, she'd side with her babies no matter what they do. "He was just angry, and you know Bowie, he's terrible with his emotions, we've been trying to work with him for years."

"What he said was unacceptable, bug, I know you're trying to stick up for him, but at some point we've gotta hold him accountable,"Harry points out, watching as Camryn sighs with a little frown and closes her book.

"Just don't go too hard on him, okay?"Camryn whispers, looking up at Harry with a teary expression as he nods and stands up, leaning to press a kiss to her lips before walking out of the bedroom and down the hall towards Bowie's room.

"Bow,"Harry asks, tapping his knuckles gently against Bowie's white door as he leans his shoulder against the door. "Bowie? Can I come in? Are you awake?"

He doesn't get an answer, so he assumes either Bowie is purposely ignoring him or asleep. He carefully opens the door up just a sliver so that he won't wake Bowie if he is actually asleep, peeking his head through the crack and surveying the room.

He didn't even try to make it look like he was still in bed with pillows forming his body, and one would think that he would try a little harder since he's a near expert about sneaking out and not getting caught, but alas, he was so anxious to leave the house and so mad still about everything that he didn't think about it.

"Bowie Robin,"Harry curses under his breath as he shakes his head with a defeated sigh, closing the door before rushing back down the hall towards him and Camryn's bedroom. He's not stupid, he knows exactly where he is.

"Is he asle—"

"He's at the party, he snuck out,"Harry cuts off Camryn with an exasperated eye roll, reaching for his phone that's on his nightstand, watching as Camryn's eyes go wide with surprise, but knowing Bowie as well as she does she really shouldn't be surprised. "I'm gonna call Morgan."


"Did you bring a f*cking vibrator,"Bowie pants as he pulls away from Morgan, feeling something vibrate against his thigh, her body laying on top of him on a bed inside of a random room upstairs that was unoccupied, both of them still fully clothed since they were just getting started and in no rush.

"It's my phone you idiot,"Morgan replies back breathlessly, pressing one more kiss to Bowie's lips as she sits up from him, her back straightening as she continues to straddle Bowie's hips, reaching into her front pocket to pull out her phone as Bowie rubs his hands up and down her thighs, looking up at her.

"Oh sh*t..."Morgan whispers, her heart sinking to her stomach as her face pales, peeking up at Bowie with the most terrified expression as his heart jumps into his throat.

"What?"Bowie asks, his hands stopping midway against Morgan's thighs as she gulps and flips her phone around for Bowie to see.

Dad is written across the top of her phone, a picture of Harry and her from when she was just five years old lighting up the phone. It's from her and Bowie's little reception graduation that their teacher threw on the last day of school. She's in a mini cap and gown, the tassel hanging in front of her face as she sits on Harry's lap, his hands intertwined against Morgan's stomach as he rests his chin on her shoulder, both of them smiling widely.

"F*ck,"Bowie whines, throwing his head back against the pillow as he raises his hands from Morgan's thighs to cover his face.

"Do I answer?"Morgan hisses, looking at Bowie with a desperate expression.

"Yeah, it will be worse if you don't,"Bowie sighs with a little whimper, letting his hands dramatically fall off of his face, spreading his arms out wide on either side of his body.

"Hi dad,"Morgan shakily whispers, holding the phone to her ear as her hand visibly trembles.

"Morgan is he with you?"Harry jumps straight to the point, pacing around his room with Camryn standing a few feet away from him, both of them anxious to know not only where Bowie is but that he's okay.

"Yeah,"Morgan squeaks out, nodding her head and bowing it solemnly as Bowie sighs and rests his hands back against his face.

"Where are you? What's the address?"Harry immediately asks, looking over at Camryn and nodding as she nods back, beginning to rush around the room to gather up a sweatshirt for each of them as well as their shoes.

"I'll text it to you,"Morgan promises, resting her hand down against Bowie's stomach and giving it a soothing rub as he continues to lay back against the bed in despair. "Okay...yeah, I'll tell him...okay...okay...I know...okay bye."

"He said to tell you that you're in major trouble,"Morgan whispers, dropping her phone onto the mattress and laying back down against Bowie's chest, snuggling her cheek in as she wraps her arms around his middle.

"Welp, this month grounding just turned into at least two months,"Bowie sighs, raising one of his hands up to comb through the hair by Morgan's ear. "F*cking sucks."


"Get in the car,"Harry commands, sitting in the driver's seat with the window rolled down as he watches Bowie walk towards the car after giving Morgan a kiss goodbye in the house after she promised that she'd get home safe and that Devon would be her ride.

Bowie silently slides into the passenger seat, slumping down in it as he looks out the window so that he won't have to look at his dad, resting one elbow on the rim of the car door, putting his forehead in his hand.

"You just added another two weeks to your grounding,"Harry informs Bowie with a stoic voice and expression as he begins to drive down the road. "And you better have a d*mn good apology for your mum in the morning."

Bowie remains silent, slumping down in the seat further as he feels Harry glance over at him, his cheeks covered with a bit of scruff, only in a sweatshirt and his pair of plaid pajama pants.

"I don't know what's gotten into you but you better snap the hell out of it, do you hear me?"Harry strictly commands, stealing one last glance at his son who is staring straight ahead with a stoic face, not daring to show any emotion till he's alone.


(A month later, March 31)

"Look at you! You've stayed un-grounded for five days now, I'm so proud of you,"Lennon mockingly grins as Bowie opens the door for him and Nora, letting them walk into the house where all of the Styles children have gathered for their weekly get together.

They found it really hard to be apart from each other constantly once Darcy and Penny moved into their own place and Lennon and Auggie both went off to University, so they made a vow to get together as siblings at the house at least once a week which also allows Camryn and Harry with the perfect excuse to have a weekly date night.

"Piss off,"Bowie snickers with an eye roll as he hears a screech from Penny alert the entire house that Lennon, her favorite person, has arrived.

"Wennie!"Penny squeals, running down the hallway in her Cinderella princess dress that she begged Darcy to allow her to wear, almost tripping over the material that's just a tad too long for her tiny stature.

"It's my little lady!"Lennon exclaims, holding his hands up above his head in complete excitement despite the fact that he saw Penny less than two days ago. "C'mere, c'mere, lemme see you, look at your dress."

"It a pincess dess,"Penny explains, running up to her uncle who's squatting down in front of her as he puts his hands on her little hips, smiling at her as she grins at him with the cutest little dimpled smile, her hair messily tied up into a little ponytail that's practically all fallen out by now from her running around with Bindi.

"It is a princess dress, look at you,"Lennon gushes, nuzzling a few kisses to Penny's squishy and dimpled cheek as he pulls her in for a tight squeeze. "You look so beautiful. Are you my beautiful girl?"

"Yeah,"Penny cheekily blushes, dropping her cheek to her shoulder shyly as she bats her eyelashes at Lennon, looking at him with the sweetest gaze.

"Yeah you are, princess,"Lennon chuckles, picking Penny up in his arms and throwing her up to the air before catching her again and settling her on his hip. "I love you, is everyone here?"

"Yeah, Gussy here!"Penny excitedly bubbles, snuggling her cheek down to Lennon's shoulder as she reaches her little palm out to wave in Nora's direction.

"Hi sweet girl,"Nora greets, taking Penny's hand and pressing a kiss to her palm.

"Just tell us what she's like, Augs,"Darcy dramatically whines, laying down on the couch with her head in her little brother's lap, teasingly reaching her hands up towards his phone as he holds it just out of her grasp so that she can't read his texts between him and Emryn.

"S-She's g-great, you d-d-done now?"Auggie laughs, swatting Darcy's hands away as he keeps his phone raised above both of their hands.

"What's she like? Is she funny? Is she nice? I'm sure she's nice, huh? Is she shy?"Darcy rambles on, continuing to reach up towards her little brother's phone.

"Alsolutely n-not,"Auggie laughs loudly, shaking his head adamantly as he looks down at his big sister and widens his eyes. "She's t-t-the least shy p-p-person I've e-e-ever m-met."

"Okay, okay, that's good, you guys balance each other out, eh?"Darcy nods, settling her hands back down against her stomach now that she's finally getting information out of her little brother. "When do we get to meet her? I wanna meet her."

"Y-You'll m-m-meet her s-s-soon, w-w-whenever she feels c-c-comfortable e-e-enough to come o-over,"Auggie promises, resting his hand lazily at the top of Darcy's hand. "W-We've only been d-d-dating for a m-month and a h-h-half, g-g-give her some t-t-time."

"Fine..."Darcy sighs, pouting her lip out dramatically before an evil smirk appears on her lips. "Do you love her? Do you have mushy gushy feelings about her, bubba?"

"S-Shut up, it's b-b-been a m-month,"Auggie sighs, rolling his eyes despite his cheeks blush slightly, tinging them.

Darcy catches the blush in her little brother's cheeks, her heart bursting out of her chest at the sight of how happy her little brother looks. "My Gussy baby's in love!"

"Gussy's in love?"Lennon bellows in a loud voice as he walks into the living room. "Our Gussy is in love?!"

"He's in love love,"Bindi bubbles, nodding her head wildly as she sits on the floor of the living room, painting her nails each a different color with her eyebrows pinched in concentration.

"He's down bad,"Calum snickers, laying on the opposite couch of Auggie and Darcy, slouched down and scrolling through his phone as he rests his feet in Morgan's lap as she sits at the other side of the couch, snuggling into Bowie.

"Okay, okay, as much as I love teasing Auggie about his love life just like the rest of you, now that we're all gathered here Mo and I have something to tell you all..."Bowie begins looking around at all of his siblings whose heads all pop up from what they were doing, their eyes growing wide with curiosity, and a bit of fear, as they look over at their brother who has a devilish smirk across his face that he almost always wears. "We're pregnant."

"What?"Darcy chokes out, raising her head from Auggie's lap and sitting up quickly, looking first at Bowie and then at Morgan, trying to read their expressions to tell if this is a joke or not. "Bowie're not."

"Oh my gosh,"Nora whispers, looking over at Bowie in awe as he smiles and nods, his arm still around Morgan who's desperately trying to not make eye contact with any of the siblings.

"We're pregnant,"Bowie repeats again, having a bit of pride in the looks of complete horror that are on all of his siblings faces. "We found out yesterday, mum and dad don't know yet, but we took three tests and they were all positive."

"Oh Mo, oh babe,"Darcy whispers, scrambling off of the couch and rushing over to the couch that Morgan's sitting on, kneeling down in front of his little sister. She knows the second she found out she was pregnant she was terrified and the only thing that made it semi better was how the people she loved the most reacted. For example, Liam found out as she did and immediately hugged her. And, upon telling her parents, her mum immediately hugged her as well because she knows that's what she needed when she found out she was pregnant with Darcy. A hug. An "I see you and it's going to be okay."

So, that's what she gives to Morgan as she wraps her arms around her, squeezing her as tight as possible as Morgan hugs her back weakly, resting her cheek on Darcy's shoulder as she looks at Bowie with a crumpled up expression.

"Alright, alright, I can't do this anymore, this is so mean, I can't,"Morgan breaks the act, pulling away from Darcy and keeping her hands holding her older sister's elbows who looks completely confused at Morgan's reaction. "I'm not pregnant, it was a joke, I promise, I'm not."

"Oh thank goodness,"Darcy sighs in relief, exhaling a breath she didn't know she was holding as she bows her head, feeling a maternal relief over her little brother and sister.

"Gosh, you're too nice D, I couldn't keep doing that to you, you were so sweet,"Morgan giggles, hugging Darcy tightly again and pressing her cheek to the top of Darcy's head.

"Oh my gosh, thank goodness, that child would've been doomed,"Lennon sighs in relief, sitting on the couch next to Auggie with Nora next to him and Penny on his lap. "Imagine Bowie being your dad."

"Hey!"Bowie snaps, looking over at his older brother with a narrowed gaze.

"Would've been a demon child,"Calum grumbles with a little grin as Bowie reaches over to slap his leg that's still resting on Morgan's lap.

"Okay, now that we've got our practice down, we can do it to mum and dad,"Bowie chuckles with a satisfied grin. "Are you all ready to help us pull this off tomorrow? This is gonna be the best April Fools ever."


April 1st

"What did you need to talk to us about?"Camryn asks, sitting on the opposite side of the couch from Bowie and Morgan with her hand interlocked in Harry's and resting on her lap. The younger couple is mirroring the older as they nervously look at them, both of their hands fidgeting as they interlock.

"Um, just um something,"Bowie whispers, glancing over at Morgan who's staring straight at her thighs that are bouncing up and down anxiously, her hand tightening in Bowie's grabs.

"Are you guys okay?"Harry asks, looking over at his two kids as they just deepen in their anxiety which makes Harry's heart begin to raise to his throat. He has a gut feeling about what's going on here and he literally feels sick to think about it. "Guys don't tell me it's what I think it is..."

Bowie inhales sharply and looks over at Morgan, both of them sharing a glance before Bowie looks over at his parents. "Morgan's pregnant."

"D*mmit,"Harry mutters, nodding his head, exactly what he was expecting as he collapses his face into his hands.

"Oh babes..."Camryn whispers, her hand over her heart as she stands up shakily from her side of the couch, quickly walking over to Morgan and immediately hugging her tight in a hug as Morgan breaks into tears which pleasantly surprises Bowie. He didn't know she was that good of an actor and he has to control his face to make sure it doesn't show any surprise.

"It's okay, it's okay, I've got you,"Camryn soothes Morgan, rubbing her hand up and down her trembling back as she presses little kisses to Morgan's temple. "I know it's terrifying, I do, but it's okay. It will be okay."

"We uh, we took a test,"Bowie sniffles, realizing that he needs to start being as good of an actor as Morgan as his eyes begin to water, reaching into his back pocket to pull out the positive pregnancy test that Darcy kept in a scrapbook from when she was pregnant with Penny.

"Oh Bow,"Harry whispers in complete disbelief, his biggest fear coming true as he stands up from the couch and walks towards where Camryn is still hugging Morgan, sitting beside Bowie and taking the pregnancy test out of Bowie's hand, inspecting it to make sure it's actually positive. And it is. He can't deny it. Those are two dark lines that make bile raise in his throat.

"I'm really sorry,"Bowie chokes out with a hiccup as he feels his dad's arm wrap around him, hugging him tightly to his side as he rests his chin on top of Bowie's head, thinking back to 21 years ago when he was in Bowie's exact spot which offers him a bit of clarity and sympathy for Bowie. He knows exactly what he's going through and the thoughts that are running through his brain endlessly, and he wishes his son wasn't having to go through any of this.

Darcy is the best thing that could've ever happened to Camryn and him. Without her everything about their lives would be completely different, but he desperately wished that none of his kids would have to go through what he did. He was just a kid raising a kid, and he didn't want any of that for his children. But now it's happened. To two of his children.

"C'mere, c'mere,"Camryn whispers, pulling away slightly from Morgan and cupping her cheeks in her hands, softly brushing away the tears that are dripping down her cheeks as Morgan's lips continue to wobble. "I know it's overwhelming right now, I know it is, and it will be for a while, but we're going to be with you the whole way, okay?"

"I'm so scared,"Morgan admits through a shaky and thick voice with wobbly lips, so believable in her despair that Bowie actually starts to believe it himself. Is she pregnant? No no, she's not.

"I know, I know you are,"Camryn whispers calmly, tucking a strand of Morgan's black hair behind her ear. "I was terrified too. It's all going to be okay. Do you two know what you're going to do yet? Have you made a decision?"

"We're keeping it,"Bowie responds through a thick voice, clearing his throat as he reaches in his back pocket for an ultrasound that was also Darcy's when she was pregnant with Penny. "We had an ultrasound with Darcy yesterday to confirm everything, they've got a little heartbeat and everything."

"Oh look at them,"Camryn coos with a little grin, trying to make Morgan feel better as she, cradles the side of Morgan's head and presses her head against her chest combing her fingers through Morgan's hair. "They're gorgeous, and so little. That's incredible, huh?"

"How far along are you?"Harry asks, looking over at Morgan who's still sniffling with tears streaming down her cheeks as he offers her a little reassuring smile.

"Eight weeks,"Morgan hiccups, feeling Camryn's hands continue to massage up and down her back.

"Bowie Robin,"Harry whispers, his eyebrows furrowing as he reaches for the ultrasound picture, ripping it out of his son's hand as he inspects it closer. "Oh my little b*stard."

"What?"Camryn asks confusedly, looking over at her husband who's looking right at Bowie who's trying his best to not crack a smile, a little chuckle bubbling at his lips.

"This is one of Darcy's ultrasounds with Penny,"Harry sighs in exasperation and relief, holding the ultrasound up for Camryn to see as Morgan breaks into a little smile, still resting her head against her chest. "Look at the name, Darcy Anne Styles."

"You two, are the worst,"Harry proclaims, throwing the ultrasound at Bowie who spurts out a loud laugh, collapsing back against his couch with his hands covering his face, his chest heaving up and down as he gasps for breath.

"Happy April Fools,"Morgan giggles, pulling away from Camryn who's looking at her with the most confused gaze as Morgan smiles at her and cups her cheeks in her hands. "I'm not pregnant, I promise, we took a test last night just to make sure because that would be the worst turn of events if this backfired and I actually was."

"Oh my gosh you two,"Camryn sighs in relief, her eyes falling closed as Morgan laughs and hugs her tightly in apology. "Oh my gosh I almost had a heart attack."

"C'mon, that was funny wasn't it,"Bowie laughs, reaching his hand over to rest against Harry's shoulder, shaking it teasingly as he leans forward to wrap his arms around his dad who is still trying to calm his heart down. "Wasn't it?"

"It was bullsh*t,"Harry responds with a little smirk, clapping Bowie on the back as he rolls his eyes. "You got us, you little b*stard."

"You are a scarily good actor, MoMo,"Harry laughs, looking over at Morgan who's still hugging Camryn tightly and apologizing for scaring her so bad.

"I know, when she started crying, I was like 'wait is she actually pregnant?'"Bowie laughs, looking over at Morgan with a proud smirk.

"You two are the worst and I don't want anymore grandchildren anytime soon, you hear me?"Harry laughs, switching his gaze between Morgan and Bowie who both nod in agreement with big smiles, Bowie saluting him. "And your big sister is in so much trouble for being in on this."

"You kids are gonna be the death of me,"Camryn shakes her head with a little smile as she pushes Bowie's knee. "You two are impossible."

"You don't love the little baby? Your little grandchild?"Bowie asks, putting his hand against Morgan's empty and flat stomach as she giggles and rests her cheek against Bowie's shoulder. "I think we're going to name them Shay."

"All I'm saying is you two better use those f*cking condoms now,"Harry laughs, ruffling his hand through Bowie's hair.


Okay I literally have not had this much fun writing a chapter in so long, I LOVEEEE writing the kids as teenagers it's just so so fun!!! I hope you all enjoyed it!!

My cousin who lives in LA pranked me by calling me and saying she met Harry Styles and I totally believed her and freaked out cuz I forgot it was April Fools Day and that was just so sad. I hate April Fools 😂



I love you all so infinitely much!




FOR MORGAN'S INSTAGRAM POST THAT GOES ALONG WITH THIS CHAPTER HEAD OVER TO MY OTHER STORY "Family Forever Instagram" AND READ "April 1 2033 (Goes with Pregnancy Pranks & Rebellious Teenagers)".

For more of the Styles kids in their future lives (including Styles grandkids), check out their spin off books! There's a chapter in this book titled "Masterlist (how to read the kid's novellas) that will give you a list of the order you should read the chapters in!

If you guys have any requests for chapters you'd like to see PLEASE message me! I'd love to write whatever you guys want!

Also, I have a lot of requests right now from people so I'm sorry if I don't get to yours right away, I promise I haven't forgotten about you! I will get to all of them! 💕

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