The Frost Giant & The Wolf

By TheZaraRoseSeries

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Your name is Nova Hemming and you've been a Stark Industries legal advisor since Tony Stark became Iron Man... More

Prologue: Storming The Palace
Chapter 1: Harrison or Hemming
Chapter 2: Not So Secret
Chapter 3: Meeting The Family
Chapter 5: Evil Returns To Midgard
Chapter 6: Visions
Chapter 7: The Aftermath
Chapter 8: Exercising Patience
Chapter 9: The Past
Chapter 10: I Need You To Come Back
Chapter 11: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 12: Control Of Your Mind
Chapter 13: Girls' Day Out
Chapter 14: Stick To The Plan
*Chapter 15: Catch And Release*
Chapter 16: The coordinates
Chapter 17: Folklore Or History?
Chapter 18: Raiding The HYDRA Base
Chapter 19: Going Home
Chapter 20: Not What We Seem
Chapter 21: Wicked Game
Chapter 22: Don't Test Me
*Chapter 23: Heritage*
*Chapter 24: Return To Asgard*
Chapter 25: Tension & Appearances
Chapter 26: Clarity
*Chapter 27: Walk Of Shame*
Chapter 28: Gálgviðr
Chapter 29: Þrymheimr
Chapter 30: The Lost Princess
Author's Note & Thanks!

*Chapter 4: What Is Going On In There?*

893 30 60
By TheZaraRoseSeries

*Warning: Sexual Content*

As the three of you walk out of the throne room, you hold onto Thor's arm as he leads you through the long hallway and to the garden. 

Loki follows a few steps behind but close enough to hear your conversation with Thor. Even though he doesn't want to be near you and Thor, he still wants to know what is being said, in case that the conversation should interest him after all. 

Thor stops and turns to face you.

"Have you any requests on how to spend the rest of the day, my Lady?"

"No, not really, I —."

"Why do you insist on calling her a lady when she's not even of noble birth. She's just a common girl, treat her as such." Loki interrupts. You didn't even hear him follow you but you aren't going to let him just walk all over you.

"Why do you insist on being so obnoxious?" You immediately snap back as you turn to him. Thor sniggers at your response as Loki's sly smile fades quickly.

"I beg your pardon?" Loki scoffs as his eyebrows raise in surprise of your bluntness towards him.

"Beg all you want, Loki, but you're still obnoxious."

"You know that that is not what I meant –"

"Do I?"

Loki lets out a scoff before laughing at you mockingly.

"I find your inadequate knowledge of your native language fascinating, dear mortal. But, I suppose a dense creature like yourself could not possibly grasp the masterful language skills of – let us say – Shakespeare. I recommend you take a trip to the Palace library and find yourself one of his works to educate yourself on the matter before you embarrass yourself any further."

"Does he always ramble on like this?" You turn back to Thor and completely ignore Loki's stab at you.

"He does! Quite irritating, is it not?" Thor plays along with your little game and smiles broadly as he watches Loki get more and more irritated.

"Very." You wink at Thor who now roars with laughter. Loki rolls his eyes and scoffs as he broods. He reluctantly follows to his chambers, while you and Thor continue to the library in search of a book to read tomorrow.


The next morning, you are in your chambers, sitting in the Victorian style chaise longue near the open window. The bright rays of the warm Asgardian sun illuminating the words of the book you are holding. The book? Loki's recommendation. 

On your adventure to the library yesterday, Thor picked up a rather thick book on Norse mythology. He seemed very interested when you mentioned that most books on Norse mythology claim that Loki has three children, of which he birthed one himself. 

You ended up settling for one of Shakespeare's books as a lot of the books in the library aren't even written in English.

Of course you know who Shakespeare was. Several centuries ago, you attended one of his plays and about a century later, you even attempted to read one of his works. Yet somehow you always felt too dull to understand the meaning behind his words. 

Still, when Loki spoke about it yesterday and mocked you with it, you felt like you should give it another shot as you are much older and wiser now. And, you wanted to prove him wrong since his comment had pissed you off.

Where does he even get off insulting you like that? Does he think he is better than anyone that comes from Midgard? Why? Because he is a so-called God here? 

You groan in frustration. The fact that he has managed to worm his way into your thoughts, infuriates you. You don't even understand why you care at all. 

Maybe the fact that over the last several centuries, the way men treat women hasn't changed. It's always the same act of male superiority, no matter the century. Though, Thor doesn't treat you this way. He has treated you with respect, no matter the time or place. Which is refreshing, to say the least.

You flip the cover open and carefully flip to the first page as the book you are holding, seems very fragile. It must be several centuries old. 

Upon reading the first paragraph, you are surprised that you are actually able to understand what is written. You smile and eagerly continue to the next paragraph.

Completely immersed in the story and flipping from one page to the next, you jolt in your seat when you suddenly hear a faint scream. Your brows furrow for a moment, thinking you had imagined it, so you continue reading. 

Until you hear another scream, this time louder and followed by muffled sounds.

Knowing for sure that you didn't imagine it, your eyes widen and your heartbeat starts racing. You swiftly place your book upside down, grabbing a nearby blanket to cover up the white vintage nightgown the maids had put you in the night before.

Heading out of your chambers and rushing into the enormous hallway, you stand still to listen for a moment. Another scream rings throughout the lengthy hallway and your heart feels like it could beat out of your chest.

Something must be terribly wrong.

You rub your sweaty palms over the blanket and adjust it. The screams seem to be coming from your right, so you carefully approach the sound, not knowing what you might find.

They were coming from the next room, you realize. You freeze in front of the door and stare at it in confusion. Noticing the servants pass by as they normally would, not even remotely startled by the screaming nor batting an eye as they pass, your confusion deepens.

Raising your eyebrow and in need of answers, you pull a nearby servant to the side. You hold your finger in front of your lips and the servant nods in acknowledgment.

"Can you hear screaming in there?" You whisper as you point to the nearby door. The servant nods.

"Then would you mind telling me what is going on in there?" You hiss.

"These are Prince Loki's chambers, my Lady." The servant replies simply.

"Prince Loki's chambers? What could he possibly be doing in there to cause such loud screaming?"

The young servant girl blushes and considers for a moment before answering.

"The Prince has ... nightly visitors, my Lady. What you are hearing is said visitor enjoying his ... company?"

"Oh ... OH! Say no more. Off you go then." You quickly wave the servant off as you once more stare at the door. Then, curiosity takes over.

Before you realize what you are doing, you knock on his door. The screaming rhythmically increases when you suddenly hear a voice.


Without thinking, you push open the door to reveal a big-breasted redhead eagerly bouncing up and down on the Prince's lap. His hands are holding onto her thighs as he throws his head back into his pillow, and Loki grunts several times as his fingers dig deep into her thighs, leaving solid red marks. He pants a few times before he finally speaks.

"Begone, wench." Seemingly done with his 'toy', he shoves the redhead off of him and she hits the ground hard.

Not batting an eye at the woman, he waves his hand across his body and uses his magic to quickly dress himself. Only then does his gaze meets yours. Your cheeks turn red as crimson and your jaw has hit the ground as you stand there, unmoving, not believing what you had just seen.

"Ah mortal, to what do I owe the 'pleasure'?" A cruel smirk appears on his face as he nears you and spots your reddened cheeks. You shake your head to break your stare.

"I would appreciate it if you would ensure that these chambers are soundproof next time you 'indulge' yourself." You finally manage to say.

"The old ergi did tell me to enjoy whatever little freedom I have before I am whisked away to the realm of detestable mortals. I was merely following his direct orders and I intend to do just that." Loki replies smugly while crossing his arms.

Noticing the scowl on your face as you roll your eyes, Loki loses his smile and drops his arms to his sides with an annoyed sigh.

"Did the noise disturb you, mortal?" He asks insincerely.

"Very much. I was reading Shakespeare — as you recommended, since I am such a dense creature according to you — and couldn't focus anymore since I thought someone was being murdered in here."

"Ah, well, that was not the case as you can clearly see." His devious smirk appears on his face once more.

You look back at Loki and glare at him, your scowl widening even more at his irritating replies.

As the red-headed woman scurries out of Loki's chambers, the two of  you exchange a quick glance. She appears somewhat smug, not a shred of humility in sight. She must be used to the kind of exchange she had with Loki.  

"Does the lady not approve of my actions?" 

"You do what you want, I am not the boss of you. Just learn to do so more quietly please. Some of us enjoy a moment of peace and quiet while they're reading. This particular book doesn't contain smut so I do not need sound effects. If that happens to change, I will let you know." You scorn.

"Noted, mortal. My sincerest apologies." A small sarcastic smile creeps onto his lips as he walks past you and into the hallway, leaving you standing at his open door.

Without saying another word, you turn on your heels and head back to your chambers. Having forgotten you are in a nightgown, you pull the blanket to cover yourself up even more as it dawns upon you that you are severely underdressed to walk these royal halls.

You hurriedly enter your chambers and close the door behind you, putting your hand against it to make sure it is closed.

You walk back over to the chair longue where you were reading and sit back down with a sigh. Throwing your legs onto the couch and leaning into the arm of the chair, you grab the book to continue reading.

Finding where you left off, you start reading the sentence but your brain seems to not register any of it. How could you be so distracted? It's not like you've never had sex before. Granted, it has been a while, but you have been taking care of your own needs as any single woman would.

So you read the same sentence over ... And over ... And over again ...

A deep and frustrated sigh escapes your lips as you throw the book into your lap.

You can't stop thinking about what you saw in Loki's room. The sounds he had her make, now that caught your attention. To make a woman scream like that? You couldn't imagine. No man has ever made you scream like that. Most of your sexual encounters had left you ... dissatisfied.

You shake your head to release yourself from your thoughts. Instead of reading, you head into to the bathroom to draw yourself a bath. In contrast to the stone and tile floors throughout the entire Palace, the bathroom has wooden floors, making it feel similar to a sauna. Though with every step you take, the floor creaks.

Opening the tap, you run your fingers through the water to check the temperature. Happy with the current temperature, you allow the tub to fill.

Dropping the blanket from your shoulders, you slide the sleeves down your arms, allowing the nightgown to drop to the floor and reveal your naked body. As you head over to the cabinet, you sift through the bath salts, smelling each tub. Finally, you settle on a mix of lilies and roses of which you add a few scoops to the water.

Turning off the water, you step into the tub and let out a relaxed sigh as you lower yourself and fully submerge into the flower-scented water to wet your hair. You reach for the coconut scented soap and squirt some of it onto your fingers.

You rub your hands together before you work your fingers through your long raven locks, washing them thoroughly as you massage your scalp. You grab the bowl from the stand next to the tub and fill it with water. You lean back as you poor the water over your hair.

The wooden floor starts creaking as if someone is walking over it. Startled, you immediately jolt up and look around the entire bathroom, wondering who is near but you don't see anyone. It's just you.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"


Sure that you were just hearing things, you grab the wash cloth on the edge of the tub and lower it into the water. You gently rub the cloth up and down your arms, reaching the top of your shoulder and onto your neck. 

You sigh contently as the warm water relaxes your muscles. As the water trickles down, you start to feel somewhat drowsy, as if you are in a haze. As if your actions are not your own anymore.

You slide the wash cloth down your right breast. As the cloth kisses your nipple, a jolt of pleasure runs throughout your entire body, all the way down to your core. Slightly surprised at your sudden arousal, you bite your lower lip and run the wash cloth from your left shoulder down your left breast. Again, it sends another wave of pleasure down to your core.

You feel a warmth spreading between your thighs as you replay in your mind what you saw in Loki's room. His fingers digging into her thighs. The grunting and moaning as he finally got his release. You hadn't been fucked like that for a while and a slight pang of jealousy brews inside you.

Closing your eyes and submitting to your sudden needs, you allow your fingers to drift down from your shoulder, to your breasts, over your nipples, and all the way down to your folds. You gently spread your lips, slowly running a finger over your already swollen clit and inhale sharply as you can feel how sensitive it has become. You gently rub little circles over your swollen nub and bite back a moan as you can already feel your arousal build.

Your breath shudders and your head starts spinning as you slide two fingers deep inside your entrance and pump your fingers in and out at a maddeningly slow pace. 

Your mind and actions don't seem to be in sync. As if your mind is your own but your actions are someone else's entirely, making you feel even more frustrated and helpless at how hot and bothered you feel. 

The image of Loki fucking that woman flows right back into your head. The screaming and the moans you heard her make as he pounded her harder and harder. You close your eyes and in your imagination, you replace the redhead's body with your own. 

Watching as Loki takes you hard and fast, shivers run up and down your body. Your breath catches as your moans grow louder and your head swims in pleasure. Close to the edge of your orgasm, you feels the fire pooling below your stomach. 

You are so damn close. Just a little longer.

"Ah, keep going." Imaginary you moans to Loki who digs his fingers into your thighs as he nears his own release.

Knock knock

You jolt upright in the bathtub, the water sloshing and splashing, spilling over the edges as you pull yourself upright. 

Suddenly, you feel as if you can finally think clearly again. You rub your hand over your forehead and then rub your eyes as if removing the last of the haze.

"W-What?" You blurt out, completely flustered and confused at what just happened.

The door opens and Thor and Loki walk inside, not even paying attention to the fact that you are in the bathtub.

"I didn't say enter!" You pull yourself against the side of the bathtub in an attempt to shield your naked body from their eyes. Even more water splashes over the edge and you are painfully aware that the clear water barely hides anything from the imagination.

"Pardon for the intrusion, my Lady. The Allfather has summoned us. I will send in the servants to help dress you."

A broad smirk appears on Loki's lips as he eyes your bare skin. Your eyes meet his and you can feel his gaze burning on your skin.

"Okay fine! GET OUT!" You yell.

When both of the men exit the bathroom, you pant nervously. 

What the hell just happened? 

Did they hear you moan? 

Thor seemed clueless as usual but Loki ... The look on his face told you that he had heard you. 

OH GOD, please don't let him have heard you!


Completely dressed and ready to leave, you exit your chambers and find Thor and Loki waiting outside your room. Thor is sitting on a nearby bench, Loki is leaning his shoulder against one of the columns, his arms crossed with an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Ah, ready to leave?" Thor asks as he rises from the bench.

"Yes, let's go." You nod, hoping neither of them will say anything about what they just saw.

"Took you long enough ..." Loki mutters but you don't say anything. You've already learned to just ignore his comments.

Thor walks ahead and you follow a few steps behind, though the distance between you and Thor grows longer. Thor walks way too fast for you to keep up with in the heels the maids put on your feet, and you're not about to run in them. That's just an accident waiting to happen on these slick floors and you're not about to become the laughing stock in all of Asgard for days to come. 

Loki quickly catches up to you and leans in towards your ear.

"You look tense ... Didn't get to finish the job?" He whispers, his breath sending chills up and down your spine. What is it about this man that makes you feel so confused, yet intrigued.

"Umm ... I have no idea what you are talking about." You stammer as a knowing smirk appears on his lips.

"Come on you two, keep up!" Thor warns.

"You seem absolutely flushed." Loki whispers in your ear once more.

"Oh stop it, Loki!" You hiss.

"Are you sure you don't want me to 'keep going'?" 

Your jaw drops and you inhale sharply.

You immediately stop in your tracks, your heart races as quick and shallow breaths escape your lips. 

Loki turns to face you and walks backwards, flashing his signature mischievous grin before turning away and increasing his strides to catch up to Thor. 

There is no way that Loki could have heard that. 

Unless you end up saying it out loud?

Did you say it out loud? 

No way. Not a chance. 

A moan might have escaped your lips but it has to be a coincidence!

"Lady Nova, keep up or we'll be late." Thor commands.

"I can't keep up in these heels! Could you slow down a bit?" You grumble.

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