Tell me I'm your national ant...

By myalterego777

7.6K 191 108

Vivian McBride was one of the most famous actresses and socialites in the world when she found out her childh... More

Ch. 2


861 18 11
By myalterego777

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. I looked at the rest of the room to see that Tony's stuff was no longer there. At first I was confused, but when the reality hit me of what happened between Volodya and I last night... I became increasingly paranoid. Had Tony somehow found out about what happened and left??
I got up, put on my clothes and walked through the hall to my family's room, to see that they were empty as well. I kept walking and started to hear chatter and laughing in Volodyas main office. I walked through the door to be greeted by everyone sitting in the couches, and Vova  sitting behind his desk- warmly smiling and blushing in my arrival.

A cheerful Tony stood up and hugged me as I walked in.

"Hi........ baby."
I hugged Tony back reluctantly as I watched Volodya's reaction. I watched Vova's warm smile turn into a neutral blank stare as he cleared his throat.

Seeing Volodya react like that, really made me disappointed in myself. It's like I almost felt guilty of cheating on Volodya with Tony, rather than cheating on Tony with Volodya. I mean we kissed last night. The way he looked into my soul- all that passion- that moment. Even though it was an act of adultry- it was beautiful and it clearly meant something to the both of us.

"Good your awake, we've gotta dip out this place soon. We have our interview in Saint Petersburg in like 2 hours. Get your stuff we've got to hurry."
Tony explained.

I went to my room and packed up all my stuff into my suitcases. I met everyone outside infront of the car as we all said our goodbyes to Vova. When it was my turn for a hug, Vova just looked at me with a sentimental look. I knew exactly what he wanted to say to me but couldn't; it was like he was torn because of the connection clearly have together, and the unstoppable fate of me marrying Tony. If only Vova knew how I truly felt, and how Tony and I's relationship really was.

For the next week, I continued with the wedding planning and our family felt more United than ever before- after our visit to the kremlin. Everyone was finally getting along and had warmed up to Tony. He was making a real effort to be positive with everyone and change. It was clear that Tony had been more aggressive because of his suspicions of what kind of connection me and Volodya truly have. Tony getting along with Vova now, gave him a lot more peace and made him feel a lot more at ease. In Tony's  mind- he now truly believed that Vova was no more than a brother to me. Little did he know... I was carrying out and confirming the insecurities and suspicions he had all along. I felt deeply in my subconscious that I had to do something about this. I had to break up with Tony, I couldn't picture myself marrying him any longer at all. I wanted Volodya... and I had made up my mind.

On the Saturday morning of our bachelor and bachelorette parties, my bridesmaids flew in to Saint Petersburg from LA. And Tony's groomsmen flew in as well. We decided that my party would take place at a huge nightclub in Moscow, and Tony's party would obviously take place at Volodya's dacha.
Tony and I said our goodbyes to each other and went our separate ways. Me and my bridesmaids- and him and his groomsmen to our destinations.
My girls and I got ready in our hotel room for the party later on. My stomach continuing to turn worse and worse, thinking of how this grand celebration of a wedding everyone was counting on- was going to be canceled.

"Vivian are you okay? You've barely talked to us since we got here!"
Valerie (my good friend and bridesmaid) asked me as I silently and anxiously curled my hair.

"No... it's just a little pre party jitters- I'm okay....."
I replied as I swallowed the lump in my throat. I wanted to tell her so badly what was actually happening but I couldn't.
She examined my face and I could tell she could sense something more was going on with me.

"Are you guys ready to party?!"
I sharply shifted the mood to be light hearted. I just had to get through this night with out anyone questioning me or figuring out how nervous and overwhelmed I truly felt. Not to mention that Tony and his whole entourage of groomsmen that acted like drunk barbarians were going to spend their whole night with Volodya. That made me extremely nervous as I knew how Tony was prone to getting loud and aggressive while intoxicated. And Volodya is never one to back down from a fight. I could feel in my soul that this night was going to be unpredictable and possibly end badly.

The girls and I arrived at the nightclub and they didn't waste any time with getting us shots of liquor. We had our own VIP booth area away from the general public because of my status Ofcourse which was always a plus. The beginning of the night was so amazing and fun, we drank, danced and screamed along with the music at the top of our lungs. I was under so much stress that I felt my best solution, was to drink all of my anxiety and fear away. This plan worked until- I had one too many and became drunk off my ass. I could barely stand at this point and the sound in the club was muffled, my vision was blurred and my anxiety and nervous thoughts fled my brain to its maximum capacity. I sat down and drunkenly stared into space as I became engulfed in a giant ball of anxious and guilty thoughts.

"Oh my are you okay?!?!"

"Is she okay?! What's wrong with her?!"

"Vivian! Talk to us what's wrong?!"

My friends started to shout at me as I sat there and blankly stared into space. Finally my nerves got the best of me and I threw up all over the floor.
My friends helped me up and dragged me into the bathroom. I drunkenly plopped down on the floor, hovering over the toilet and aggressively vomiting all of the alcohol out of my system. By this point I had no control over my actions... I was a full blown drunk train wreck.

"Vivian it's going to be okay-..."
Valerie gently muttered to me as she pulled my hair back while I hovered and gagged into the toilet.

"No! It's not okay!! NOTHING is okay!!!"
I shouted back at her.

"What do you mean?! What's bothering you vivi? Tell me right now!"
She exclaimed as she looked into my eyes. By this point I had no inhibitions, I drunkenly decided to spill everything.

"I'm inlove with Volodya okay?!, I'm not inlove with Tony anymore and I haven't been for a while! Tony is the shittiest person I've ever met and I can't marry him! He's so mean Valerie he hits me!!"
I shouted as I looked up at her from the toilet.

Valerie stood there speechless and in shock.

"I need Volodya!... I just need to be with... Volodya right now- I need to see him!"
I shouted as I drunkenly stood up and started to run out of the bathroom.

"Vivian!!! Stop Vivian come back!"
Valerie ran after me as she shouted.

"Fuck off!"
I shouted back at her as I ran out to the street and started to drunkenly call myself a cab as I stumbled in my heels.

"Vivian, please come back inside. Your so drunk off your ass right now you aren't in your right state of mind!! Vivian please don't go to his house right now. I don't know what's going on with you but plea-"
She exclaimed desperately as she tried to pull me by my arm back into the club.

"Leave me alone Valerie!! You don't know what the fuck I go through. I'm getting the fucking cab and I don't give a shit!  you can go back inside!"
I shouted back at her as I pushed her off of me aggressively. I was belligerent and was under so much stress that I had finally ticked. I was completely out of my mind and had reached my breaking point.

A cab pulled up and I plopped myself in the backseat and told him where to go. I was so inhebriated that I could barely even see. We pulled up to Volodya's dacha and I told the guards who I was. They called Volodya and told him it was me and the guards allowed me to go through the gate. I noticed the back side of the house was where all of the laughing and drunk commotion was echoing from. I drunkenly stumbled over the hill and made my way to the group of guys.

Tony drunkenly greeted me as everyone was extremely confused at my arrival.
All of the guys except for Vova were drunk at this point. None of them more drunk than me though.
All of the groomsmen stood there, drinking their beers with reddish and sweaty drunk faces. Volodya-sitting on top of an ice chest, just starring at my drunken appearance with an extremely angry and disappointed look in his eyes. He didn't even greet me he just sat there.

"Volodya!- I-"
I started to say as Tony grabbed me by my waist and started to heavily make out with me right in front of everyone.
I pushed him off of me and my high heel buckled from underneath me. I stumbled to the floor- not noticing my skin tight club dress had hiked itself up above my hips. Exposing my underwear to everyone.

"Get the fuck up!"
Tony aggressively pulled me up and pulled my dress down for me. I looked to the ice chest where Volodya sat and he was no longer anywhere to be found.

"Don't you see yourself?! You look like a drunk whore! Showing everyone your pussy like a fucking prostitute what's wrong with you?!"
Tony drunkenly screamed in my face as all of the groomsmen's drunk laughter grew silent. I stood there in shock before I heard a voice from behind me.

"Hey Tony?"
Volodya appeared behind us out of thin air and tapped Tony on the back of his shoulder.

Tony turned around to make eye contact with Volodya's fist as it punched straight through Tony's face. Still in shock, I stood there as Tony fell to the floor. Four of Vova's security men rushed to Handcuff Tony and his friends.

"Get these men out of here!"
Vova assertively shouted at the guards as he grabbed me by my arm and guided me inside. The security men, escorting the men out to the front gate.

"Vova! I- just listen to me!"
I desperately shouted as he brought me up the hill and too the back door.

He irritatedly replied as he stuck his other hand in my face while we continued to walk.

"I don't want to hear it."
He said as I got silent. He walked me into his kitchen and lifted my body up by my waist and onto the kitchen counter.

"Please don't be mad at me"
I drunkenly whined as I watched him aggressively gather his first aid kit and wet a wash cloth under the sink.

"How much did you have to drink tonight?"
He asked as he started to clean off my open cut on my knee, which I didn't even realize I had until he started to clean it.

"I just had like 12 shots..."
I muttered back as he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me directly into my eyes.

"Twelve shots?.... Why have you done this to yourself?"
He asked as he still had a clearly angry tone.

"Vova please don't be mad at me!"
I whined.

"Vivian I-!.."
He shouted as he let out a deep sigh brushed his hands over his face.

"I'm not mad at you- it's that I could have killed Tony back there for how he treated you."
He explained as his huge blue eyes deeply gazed into mine, speaking straight through my soul.

"I could have beat him unconscious and left him for dead right there on the floor because of what he said to you. It's hard for me to control myself- why have you chosen to marry this asshole?! And then you never stopped to even think about your decision in getting violently drunk and stumbling over here all by yourself with no one to protect you? What did you even come here for in the first place?!"
He exclaimed, refusing to break eye contact.

I had never seen Volodya raise his voice like this in my life, especially at me. And I had never seen him so heated and passionate. It scared me a little bit to experience this but I also knew he spoke from his heart and soul. He never ever raised his voice unless he truly felt strongly.

"Vova, I'm sorry, I don't know why I've made the decisions I've made or why I chose him. I came here because-.....I'm inlove with you!"
I shouted back at him as I started to cry.

"Vivian.... I don't understand you. You choose to marry this guy, and then on a whim you decide you want me now? I'm not just someone you can treat as a second option"
He said as he stood there with his arms folded.

"Vova I want you. I've always wanted you. I didn't think I would ever see you again. You have always been my first choice!... let's not forget that YOURE the one who left ME when you knew I loved you! And you just left me!"
I replied as I was practically sobered up at this point.

Volodya stared at the ground in silence as he clenched his jaw.

"I've ALWAYS loved you from the second I-"
I started to say before he interrupted me and passionately started to kiss me. Him leaning onto the counter inbetween my legs as he held the side of my cheek with his hand and passionately kissing me. The hormones started to take over as I started to kiss down his neck. My heart racing at the speed of light as he wraps both of his strong arms around my waist and hoisted me onto him, carrying me through the hallway as we continue to kiss into his bedroom. He gently sets me down onto my back- laying on his white bed covers as he hovers over my body sensually and slowly kissing my lips. I start to unbutton his shirt and take it off. Revealing his lean, yet full torso. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders and brushing against the muscle definition in his arms. He pulls my dress down and off my body and starts to grope and massage my breasts as he kisses me. He pulls off my underwear and passionately kisses my breasts and down my stomach. I start to moan and tremble as Volodya gave me passionate and sloppy head as he looked up at me, his beautiful blue eyes staring straight into my soul.
I start to moan and whimper as he sucks the soul out of me.
"Your pussy tastes so good..."
He whispers into my ear as he starts to slide his hard and veiny cock inside of me. We both start to moan uncontrollably as he thrusts himself in and out of me as he holds the back of my head with his hand and gazed deeply into my soul. My mind was blown as he had full control over me and my entire being. Taking deep care of every part of my body. He starts rubbing my clit as he thrusts- him breathing deeply- moaning and grunting loudly as you could feel the passion, lust, and carnal pleasure coming off of him. "I love you" he desperately whispers as he stares into my eyes like a vulnerable lion. His thrusts becoming faster and deeper as we start moaning louder and finally we both reach an orgasmic climax. Our two souls meeting as one in pure bliss and ecstasy. Him finishing inside of me as we both contract and quiver together. Our heavy breathing coming to calmer waters as we keep eye contact, we kiss passionately to end off the love making.
We roll onto the bed and lay there, his naked and warm body spooning mine.

"I'm so inlove with you vivian."
Volodya whispers into my ears with his soft and gentle voice. Sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm so inlove with you too Volodya"
I softly reply as I gently brush his arm, holding me tight.

Volodya turns me around to face him with a giant warm smile on his face. We continued to kiss in each other's arms until we both fell asleep.

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